State Agency Fiscal Director definition
Examples of State Agency Fiscal Director in a sentence
The STL is assigned per Cardholder at the discretion of the State Agency Fiscal Director.
State Agencies may request an exception from this paragraph using a P-Card Rule Exception Request eForm in Edison initiated by the State Agency Name’s P-Card Program Coordinator and approved by the State Agency Fiscal Director and the Central Procurement Office.
The State Agency Fiscal Director should also determine the total maximum per Cycle Limit for each Cardholder based on the individual’s position and unique purchasing needs, and the State Agency’s budget to ensure payment in full monthly.
State Agencies may request an exception from this paragraph through the use of a P-Card Rule Exception Request eForm in Edison initiated by the State Agency P-Card Program Coordinator and approved by the State Agency Fiscal Director and the Central Procurement Office.
Each State Agency Fiscal Director may also establish one (1) designated State Agency Central Fiscal Office P-Card with a STL of up to the fifty thousand dollar ($50,000) maximum.
The State Agency Fiscal Director is responsible for developing and reviewing this Policy, the State Agency’s internal P-Card Procedures, as applicable, and ensuring that sound accounting practices and internal policies are in place and enforced.
The State Agency Fiscal Director may establish a Single Transaction Limit (STL) of up to the ten thousand dollar ($10,000) maximum for Cardholders as he or she determines appropriate taking into account the State Agency’s overall needs.
Each State Agency Fiscal Director may also establish up to two (2) alternate designated State Agency Central Fiscal Office P-Cards with a STL of up to the fifty thousand dollar ($50,000) maximum.
Increases or decreases to monthly spending limits may be made by the State Agency Fiscal Director as needed for Cardholder Cycle Limits, a single transaction limit of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for a Cardholder and up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for a Central Fiscal Office P-Card.
Neither the State Agency Fiscal Director nor the State Agency P-Card Program Coordinator shall be Cardholders.