State nonmember bank definition
Examples of State nonmember bank in a sentence
Each insured State nonmember bank must maintain ade- quate control and subsidiary records of its standby letters of credit comparable to the records maintained in connec- tion with the bank’s direct loans so that at all times the bank’s potential liability thereunder and the bank’s compliance with this section may be readily determined.
In addition, an insured State nonmember bank may submit to the Registry some or all of the information required by paragraphs (d)(1) and (e)(2) of this section for multiple employees in bulk through batch processing in a format to be specified by the Registry, to the extent such batch processing is made available by the Registry.
Aninsured State nonmember bank may identify one or more employees of the bank who may submit the information required by paragraph (d)(1) of this section to the Registry on behalf of the bank’s employees provided that this individual, and any employee delegated such authority, does not act as a mortgage loan originator, consistent with paragraph (e)(1)(i)(F) of this section.
An insured State nonmember bank that employs one or more individuals who act as a residential mortgage loan originator must require each such employee to register with the Registry, maintain this registration, and obtain a unique identifier in accordance with the requirements of this subpart.(ii) Prohibition.
Each employee of an insured State nonmember bank who acts as a mortgage loan originator must register with the Registry, obtain a unique identifier, and maintain this registration in accordance with the requirements of this subpart.
This section 81 provides optional transition provisions for a State nonmember bank that is required for financial and regulatory reporting purposes, as a result of its implementation of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 167, Amendments to FASB Interpretation No. 46(R) (FAS 167), to consolidate certain variable interest entities (VIEs) as defined under GAAP.
This section contains the procedures to be followed by a State nonmember bank or State savings as- sociation that seeks to obtain the FDIC’s prior written consent to exer- cise trust powers.
An employee of an insured State nonmember bank who is amortgage loan originator must complete an initial registration with the Registry pursuant to this subpart within 180 days from the date that the FDIC provides in a public notice that the Registry is accepting registrations.
Except as provided below, no covered employee shall, di- rectly or indirectly, accept or become obligated on a loan or extension of credit, whether current or contingent, from any FDIC-insured State non- member bank or its subsidiary or from an officer, director, or employee, of any FDIC-insured State nonmember bank or its subsidiary.(2) Exceptions: (i) Credit cards.
The procedures contained in this section are to be followed by an insured State nonmember bank to seek the prior approval of the FDIC to reduce the amount or retire any part of its common or preferred stock, or to retire any part of its capital notes or debentures pursuant to section 18(i)(1) of the FDI Act (12 U.S.C. 1828(i)(1)).(2) Insured State savings associations.