Examples of Statistical table in a sentence
On the contrary, having a baccalaureate is considered as normal to be in intermediary occupations, whereas a bachelor’s degree in these occupations is synonym to being overeducated, according to this table.Chapter 1: Overeducation among descendants of immigrants in France and the United States Table 1.4. Statistical table of correspondence of education and occupation Diplomas Source: Trajectoires et Origines, 2008.
All the tests in this research were performed set- ting the time frames at 15 minutes and considering the last Table 3: Statistical table for determining the values of breakpoints 15 days in the past.
Number of Program Attendees Number of Programs Presented Month Yr. to Date Month Yr. to DateStaff33 *Statistical table is being redesigned to include staff training for all 37 libraries.
Swiss statistics on tutorship for 1997 concerning old and new measures for the protection of children (Statistical table No. 5 annexed).
But the inter-institutional agreements (Measure 4) and the large number of project applications within Measure 5 indicate a strong interest in and potential for cooperation.For example the University of Ljubljana in the Statistical table enumerates 86 mobilities of which 56 are student mobilities with a study/training agreement signed.
Nearly 70% of the respondents to the survey believed that corruption concerned the EU institutions.A 2013 study,12 reported that in 2010, European governments spent €2 046 billion, which amounts to around 20% of EU Gross Domestic Product (GDP), on public works, goods and services.
Medical history will be presented by SOC & PT by treatment group (Statistical table 14.1.14).Previous medications will be presented by ATC code and Preferred Name by treatment group (Statistical table 14.1.15)Medical history for each subject will be reported in Listings
For each of these endpoints treatment groups will be compared using the Cochran-Mantel-Aenszel general association test available in the SAS Freq procedure, adjusting for the Stratum effect (Statistical table to
Statistical table of underground reservoirs built in coastal areas of China.Tabla 1.
Table 1 Statistical table of basic information of sample urban remnant mountains (URMs).