Examples of Streambank in a sentence
AHG documents include “Integrated Streambank Protection Guidelines”, 2002; “Land Use Planning for Salmon, Steelhead and Trout: A land use planner’s guide to salmonid habitat protection and recovery”, 2009”, “Protecting Nearshore Habitat and Functions in Puget Sound”, 2010; “Stream Habitat Restoration Guidelines”, 2012; “Water Crossing Design Guidelines”, 2013; and “Marine Shoreline Design Guidelines”, 2014.
Streambank erosion is directly related to morphological and physical geographic features that affect lateral stream channel movement.
Streambank erosion is a primary concern, particularly during heavy rain events or during the spring melt.
Also refer to the Word documents under the Streambank and Shoreline Erosion folder titled “Bank Erosion Potential Index Evaluation” and “Streambank Erosion”.SCORING PointsEvaluation strategy is detailed, comprehensive, and appropriate for proposed project.3-4 pointsEvaluation strategy lacks sufficient detail and/or is not appropriate for proposed project.0-2 points J2.
Land enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program, or other similar programs, is eligible, if this practice is not an allowable practice under that program.12.72(8) Streambank and shoreline protection.
Specific criteria can be found in the Omaha District’s “Generic Prohibitions Regarding the Use of Certain Materials as Fill in Waters of the United States” and MT Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) “Specifications for use of Concrete Riprap for Streambank Stabilization,” which apply to proposed work in jurisdictional waters.
Streambank and instream habitat erosion along with elevated turbidity and increased concentrations of pollutants are making it difficult to protect sustainable aquatic populations.
ReportSourceQuarterly Renewable Dispatch Down (Constraint& Curtailment)EirGrid / SONI websites and SEMOWebsiteAnnual Renewable Dispatch Down (Constraint &EirGrid / SONI Websites and SEMO Curtailment)WebsiteQuarterly Constraint Cost OutturnEirGrid Website and SEMO WebsiteAnnual All-Island Transmission SystemPerformance ReportEirGrid / SONI Websites and SEMOWebsiteScheduling and Dispatch Policy Parameter Performance ReportN/A: To be developed after a period of operation of the new market.
Hilco Streambank provides sound advice on value maximization strategies and liquidity options.
Streambank erosion is a primary concern, particularly during heavy rain events or during the spring melt.• Owasco Lake is a major Finger Lake located entirely within Cayuga County.