Examples of Support Obligations in a sentence
Without limiting the foregoing, Credit Support Obligations include the deposit of funds by a Majority Owned Subsidiary or a wholly-owned subsidiary thereof in a credit arrangement with a banking facility whereby such funds are available to the banking facility as collateral for overdraft obligations of other Majority Owned Subsidiaries or their subsidiaries also participating in the credit arrangement with such banking facility.
Are you required to pay any Domestic Support Obligations as defined by 11U.S.C § 101(14A)?Yes No m.
The Child Support Guidelines form will set forth the combined income available to the family unit, the basic child support obligation as determined from the Schedule of Basic Child Support Obligations (Appendix to Rule 32), and adjustments to the basic obligation for work-related child care expenses and health insurance premiums.
All Applicants are required to review the Cook County Affidavit of Child Support Obligations attached to this EDS (EDS-5) and complete the Affidavit, based on the instructions in the Affidavit.
The Schedule of Basic Child Support Obligations was developed through research sponsored by the National Center for State Courts and is based on extensive economic research on the cost of supporting children at various income levels.