Examples of Tax Inspectorate in a sentence
The State Tax Inspectorate of the Republic of Lithuania will provide you with latest information about taxes related to investment funds.
By implementing the latter provision, the State Tax Inspectorate may be committed to provide an expert conclusion or information on the sources of property acquisitions and the receipt of proceeds, as well as their substantiation, and to furnish data on the sources of property acquisitions and the receipt of proceeds and their substantiation, but not to substantiate them itself.
In the process of investigating cases of illegal proceeds, specialists of the State Tax Inspectorate and the FCIS present their conclusions.
Prove absence of debt obligations (Certificate from the Tax Inspectorate or bank).
Generally, confiscated property is transferred to the State Tax Inspectorate which evaluates such property and arranges it for sale according to the procedure laid down by the Government.
Disclosing and investigating these, as well as illicit enrichment cases, is done in cooperation with the State Tax Inspectorate performing tax inspections in line with the Law on Tax Administration.
Lithuanian residents holding shares of Common Stock acquired under the Plan outside Lithuania (in the securities accounts open with the non-Lithuanian brokers, credit institutions or similar) have to declare their foreign accounts where such securities are held to State Tax Inspectorate of the Republic of Lithuania (“STI”).Tax Reporting Requirements.
Except in the case referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the payment of VAT is controlled by the State Tax Inspectorate.
The State Tax Inspectorate conducts calculations and levies taxes and other fees to the state.
While taking decisions, pre-trial investigation institutions, the prosecutor, the State Tax Inspectorate, as well as general competence and higher instance courts participate in the policies on the application of measures focusing on proceeds and asset recovery.