Parcel means an identifiable unit of land that is treated as separate for valuation or zoning purposes.
Tax area means a geographic area created by the overlapping boundaries of one or more taxing entities.
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number means the 9-digit number assigned by Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. (D&B) to identify unique business entities.
Winning Numbers means the game results selected during a Drawing which shall be used to determine winning Plays contained on game ticket or ticketless transaction.
Data Universal Numbering System +4 (DUNS+4) number means the DUNS number assigned by D&B plus a 4- character suffix that may be assigned by a business concern. (D&B has no affiliation with this 4-character suffix.) This 4-character suffix may be assigned at the discretion of the business concern to establish additional SAM records for identifying alternative Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) accounts for the same parent concern.
Data Universal Numbering System+4 (DUNS+4) number means the DUNS number means the number assigned by D&B plus a 4-character suffix that may be assigned by a business concern. (D&B has no affiliation with this 4-character suffix.) This 4- character suffix may be assigned at the discretion of the business concern to establish additional SAM records for identifying alternative Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) accounts (see the FAR at Subpart 32.11) for the same concern.
Water surface elevation means the height, in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, or other datum, where specified, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.
adjacent land means all land that borders a property and all land that would have bordered a property, if they were not separated by a river, road, railway line, power transmission line, pipeline, or a similar feature;
Building site means a plot of land held for building purposes, whether any building is actually erected thereupon or not, and includes the open ground or courtyard enclosed by, or adjacent to, any building erected thereupon;
Water Surface Elevation (WSE means the height, in relation to NAVD 1988, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.
Parking Garage means a building or portion of a building, other than a private garage, that is used for the temporary parking of motor vehicles;
Reciprocal state means a state other than this state in which section 507C.18, subsection 1, sections 507C.52 and 507C.53 and sections 507C.55 through 507C.57 are in force, and in which provisions are in force requiring that the commissioner or equivalent official be the receiver of a delinquent insurer, and in which some provision exists for the avoidance of fraudulent conveyances and preferential transfers.
Building Drain means that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the building sewer, beginning five (5) feet (1.5 meters) outside the inner face of the building wall.
Parking Structure means a Building, or any part thereof, principally used for the parking of motor vehicles;
Adjacent means either immediately contiguous to or abutting a neighboring property, lot or walkway, and excludes property, lots, or walkways across the street from, or diagonally opposite across an intersection from the subject property, lot, or walkway.
Building Square Footage or "BSF" means the square footage of assessable internal living space of a Unit, exclusive of any carports, walkways, garages, overhangs, patios, enclosed patios, detached accessory structure, other structures not used as living space, or any other square footage excluded under Government Code Section 65995 as determined by reference to the Building Permit for such Unit.
Built-Up Area and/or “Covered Area” in relation to a Flat shall mean the floor area of that Flat including the area of balconies and terraces, if any attached thereto, and also the thickness of the walls (external or internal) and the columns and pillars therein Provided That if any wall, column or pillar be common between two Flats, then one-half of the area under such wall column or pillar shall be included in the built-up area of each such Flat.
Common Area means all areas and facilities within the Project that are not designated by Landlord for the exclusive use of Tenant or any other lessee or other occupant of the Project, including the parking areas, access and perimeter roads, pedestrian sidewalks, landscaped areas, trash enclosures, recreation areas and the like.
Building Common Areas means with respect to the Tower, the areas, facilities and amenities specified in Schedule [E] which are to be used and enjoyed in common with all the other Apartment Acquirers of the Units in the Building; and
Building sewer means the extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other place of disposal.
Adjacent area means the area outside the affected area or permit area where air, surface or ground water, fish, wildlife, vegetation or other resources protected by Chapter 1513. of the Revised Code, determined according to the context in which "adjacent area" is used, are or reasonably could be expected to be adversely affected by proposed coal mining and reclamation operations including probable impacts from underground workings. With respect to underground mining operations, "adjacent area" shall include, at a minimum, the surface areas above full coal recovery areas.
Building Project means the aggregate combined parcel of land on a portion of which are the improvements of which the Premises form a part, with all the improvements thereon, said improvements being a part of the block and lot for tax purposes which are applicable to the aforesaid land.
ILUA Area means the geographical area in relation to which the Framework ILUA applies, as specified in Schedule 2 of the Framework ILUA;
Driveway means a vehicle access route between the carriageway of a road and a use on a parcel;
Buildings means , and BHK Apartments having One Block of Apartments a total of apartments of different types in G+ storied Block including such other constructions and/or structures, as may be constructed on the Premises by the Builder from time to time.