Taxable County Property definition

Taxable County Property means Assessor’s Parcel numbers 065-281-02 and 065-091-
Taxable County Property means Assessor’s Parcel numbers 1-02 and 065-091-
Taxable County Property. ’ means Assessor’s Parcel numbers 065-281-02 and 04.

Examples of Taxable County Property in a sentence

  • In addition, no Special Tax will be levied on Public Property other than Taxable State Property, Taxable County Property, Taxable City Property, Taxable Fire District Property and Taxable School Property.

  • In addition, no Special Tax will be levied on Public Property other than Taxable StateProperly, Taxable County Property, Taxable City Property, Taxable Fire District Property and Taxable School Property.

  • The Special Tax shall be levied each Fiscal Year Proportionatelyon each Assessor’s Parcel Taxable Developed Property, Taxable State Property, Taxable County Property, Taxable City Property, Taxable Fire District Property and Taxable School District Property at up to 100% of the applicable Maximum Special Tax.

  • Each Fiscal Year, all Taxable Property within CFD No. 1 shall be classified as Taxable Developed Property, Taxable County Property, Taxable School Property, Taxable City Property, Taxable Fire District Property, and Taxable State Property, and shall be subject to Special Taxes in accordancewith the rate and method of apportionment determinedpursuant to Sections C and D below, however, all Association Properties will be assigned to Land Use Class 1.

  • The Special Tax shall be levied each Fiscal Year Proportionatelyon each Assessor’s Parcel TaxableDeveloped Property, Taxable State Property, Taxable County Property, Taxable City Property, Taxable Fire District Property and Taxable School District Property at up to 100% of the applicable Maximum Special Tax.

  • The Special Taxes for Taxable State Property, Taxable County Property, Taxable City Property, Taxable Fire 63 property Taxable School Property will be directlybilled by No.collected at the same time as ordinaryad property taxes; provided,may directlybill the Special Tax, may collect Special Taxes at a different a different manner if necessary to meet its financial obligations, and mayforeclose and may actually foreclose on delinquent Assessor’s Parcels as permitted Act.

  • It has been in place for many years and it wasn’t until Mr. Tucker was hired that staff realized that the Town’s policy does not mirror the state policy.

  • In addition, no Special Tax will be levied on Public Property other than TaxableStateProperty, Taxable County Property, Taxable City Property, Taxable Fire District Property and Taxable School Property.

  • The Special Tax shall be levied each Page 463 Proportionatelyon each Assessor’s Parcel Taxable Developed property, Taxable County Property, Taxable City Property, TaxableProperty Taxable School District Property at up to 100% of the applicable Special Tax.

Related to Taxable County Property

  • County Property Taxes means any property tax obligation on the County's secured or unsecured roll; except for tax obligations on the secured roll with respect to property held by a Contractor in a trust or fiduciary capacity or otherwise not beneficially owned by the Contractor.

  • Taxable Property means all Assessor’s Parcels which are not Exempt Property.

  • City Property means all Property owned or leased directly by the City. City Property includes both City-furnished and Contractor-Acquired Property. City Property includes Material, Equipment, vehicles, special tooling, special test Equipment, and real Property. City Property includes logos, trademarks and service marks owned or controlled by the City.

  • University property means premises owned, controlled or occupied by the University in the UK which are made available for use by the Supplier or its sub-contractors for provision of the Services (or any of them) on the terms set out in this Contract or any separate agreement or licence.

  • Historic property means any prehistoric or historic site, district, building, object, or other real or personal property of historical, architectural, or archaeological value, and folklife resources. These properties or resources may include, but are not limited to, monuments, memorials, Indian habitations, ceremonial sites, abandoned settlements, sunken or abandoned ships, engineering works, treasure trove, artifacts, or other objects with intrinsic historical or archaeological value, or any part thereof, relating to the history, government, and culture of Florida.

  • Taxable Public Property means all Assessor’s Parcels of Public Property that are not exempt pursuant to Section E below.

  • Personal Property Taxes All personal property taxes imposed on the furniture, furnishings or other items of personal property located on, and used in connection with, the operation of the Leased Improvements as a hotel (other than Inventory and other personal property owned by Lessee), together with all replacement, modifications, alterations and additions thereto.

  • Community property means that property of a husband and wife

  • Operating Property means any property owned, leased, or operated by the Party in question or by any of its Subsidiaries or in which such Party or Subsidiary holds a security interest or other interest (including an interest in a fiduciary capacity), and, where required by the context, includes the owner or operator of such property, but only with respect to such property.

  • Commercial real estate means real estate or an interest in real estate that is not any of the following:

  • Seller’s Taxes shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.4(a) hereof.

  • Real Estate Business means homebuilding, housing construction, real estate development or construction and related real estate activities, including the provision of mortgage financing or title insurance.

  • Joint Property means property that is owned by 2 or more persons with rights of survivorship, and includes a tenancy by the entireties in real property, a tenancy in personal property as provided in section 1 of 1927 PA 212, MCL 557.151, a joint tenancy, a joint tenancy with rights of survivorship, and a joint life estate with contingent remainder in fee. For purposes of this part, joint property is considered to consist of a present interest and a future interest. The future interest is the right of survivorship.

  • Partnership Property means any property, real, personal or mixed, or any interest therein or appurtenant thereto which may be owned or acquired by the Partnership.

  • Real Property Tax As used herein, the term "real property tax" shall include any form of real estate tax or assessment, general, special, ordinary or extraordinary, and any license fee, commercial rental tax, improvement bond or bonds, levy or tax (other than inheritance, personal income or estate taxes) imposed on the Premises by any authority having the direct or indirect power to tax, including any city, state or federal government, or any school, agricultural, sanitary, fire, street, drainage or other improvement district thereof, as against any legal or equitable interest of Lessor in the Premises or in the real property of which the Premises are a part, as against Lessor's right to rent or other income therefrom, and as against Lessor's business of leasing the Premises. The term "real property tax" shall also include any tax, fee, levy, assessment or charge (i) in substitution of, partially or totally, any tax, fee, levy, assessment or charge hereinabove included within the definition of "real property tax," or (ii) the nature of which was hereinbefore included within the definition of "real property tax," or (iii) which is imposed for a service or right not charged prior to June 1, 1978, or, if previously charged, has been increased since June 1, 1978, or (iv) which is imposed as a result of a transfer, either partial or total, of Lessor's interest in the Premises or which is added to a tax or charge hereinbefore included within the definition of real property tax by reason of such transfer, or (v) which is imposed by reason of this transaction, any modifications or changes hereto, or any transfers hereof.

  • Tax and Insurance Escrow Fund shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.2 hereof.

  • Qualifying Property means a primary residence that a qualified applicant owned and occupied

  • Trust business means the business of acting as trustee, executor or administrator;

  • Taxable REIT Subsidiary means, as to Host REIT and with regard to Host REIT’s taxable years commencing after December 31, 2000, any of Fernwood, Rockledge or any other TRS of Host REIT, and, as to any Subsidiary REIT, any TRS of such Subsidiary REIT.

  • Condominium Property means the lands, leaseholds, and personal property that are subjected to condominium ownership, whether or not contiguous, and all improvements thereon and all easements and rights appurtenant thereto intended for use in connection with the condominium.

  • Real Estate Taxes means the ad valorem real estate taxes levied against the Property (and the improvements and fixtures located thereon), betterment assessments, special benefit taxes and special assessments levied or imposed against the Property, taxes levied or assessed on gross rentals payable by Tenant to the extent charged, assessed or imposed upon tenants in general which are based upon the rents payable under this Lease, any impact fees levied or assessed, whether or not billed by the taxing authority as a special benefit tax or a special assessment, all taxes levied or assessed on the Property that are in addition to or in lieu of taxes that are currently so assessed, and penalties and interest related to Real Estate Taxes if the applicable Real Estate Tax bills have been forwarded to Tenant in a timely manner; provided, however, that Real Estate Taxes shall not include any Excluded Taxes. “Excluded Taxes” shall mean, without limitation, Landlord’s income taxes, gift taxes, excess profit taxes, excise taxes, franchise taxes, estate, succession, inheritance and realty transfer taxes resulting from the transfer of any direct or indirect interest in the Property by Landlord unless such taxes replace Real Estate Taxes in the future (except as expressly set forth in the last sentence of this Section 4(a)), and any interest or penalty charges resulting solely from Landlord’s failure to promptly deliver the Real Estate Tax bills to Tenant if the applicable taxing authority has forwarded the tax xxxx to Landlord rather than Tenant. All special benefit taxes and special assessments shall be amortized over the longest time permitted under ordinance and Tenant’s liability for installments of such special benefit taxes and special assessments not yet due shall be paid in full prior to the expiration or termination of this Lease; provided, that the useful life of any such improvements do not extend beyond the expiration of the Term. Tenant shall also pay, directly to the applicable Governmental Authority (as hereinafter defined), any storm water charges, fees and taxes and use and occupancy tax in connection with the Property or any improvements thereon (or in the event Landlord is required by law to collect such tax, Tenant shall pay such use and occupancy tax to Landlord as Rent within thirty (30) days of written demand and Landlord shall remit any amounts so paid to Landlord to the appropriate Governmental Authority in a timely fashion) and deliver evidence of such payment to Tenant within ten (10) days of making such payment or within ten (10) days of receipt of Tenant’s request for such evidence of payment.

  • Gross receipts tax means any gross receipts, sales, use, excise, value added or any similar tax.

  • railway property means any railway belonging to Network Rail and—

  • MUNICIPAL TAXABLE INCOME means the following:

  • Gross estate means the gross estate, for federal estate tax purposes.