Examples of Td vaccine in a sentence
It is determined that it has been longer than ten years since his last Td vaccine.
Students entering school (Kindergarten or 1st Grade depending on the school district’s entering grade) 3 doses of DTaP, DTP, DT, or Td vaccine, one given on or after the 4th birthday 3 doses of Polio vaccine 3 doses of pediatric Hepatitis B vaccine or 2 doses of adolescent vaccine if student is 11-15 years of age.
The Td vaccine protects against tetanus and diphtheria, but not pertussis.
Must be within last 10 years and take you through the entire semester for compliancy.-If you cannot show proof of vaccination, you must get another Td vaccine.
Any individual who has a deep wound injury during storm clean-up will need to have a Td vaccine provided by public health.
Tdap can be administered regardless of the interval since the last Td vaccine was given.o Td or Tdap: Tdap is a requirement for grades 7–12.o Hepatitis B Series (3 shots)o Hib: Number of doses of Hib varies according to age and the type of vaccine received.o Varicella (one shot or signed proof of disease): Varicella must have been given on or after child’s first birthday.
The Department of Public Health has listings of all required immunizations for entrance into school.Scholars entering grade 6 need to have a booster dose of the Tdap vaccine if at least five years have passed since they last received a DTP, DTap, DT, or Td vaccine.
After establishing the proposed facilities, the installation capacity will be increased from 85.00 Million doses to 130.00 Million doses of DPT group of vaccine i.e. DPT- 60 Mld; TT –55 Mld; DT- 15Mld is as follows: Name of the vaccineExisting installedcapacityInstalled capacity(per annum)Operational capacity(per annum) (in lakh doses)DPT400.00600.00480.00TT*300.00550.00440.00DT*150.00150.00120.00 * A proposal for converting TT and DT vaccines into Td vaccine was submitted to the Ministry and approval.
Therefore, the further distribution by a registered blood establishment of Td vaccine and rabies vaccines is prohibited by § 203.20.(Comment 4) One comment stated that as biotechnology advances, additional, partial substitutes for human blood are expected to become available.
Any individual who has a deep wound injury during storm clean-up will need to have a Td vaccine provided by public health No prophylactic use of Td vaccine is necessary.