Examples of Term Loan D in a sentence
In September 2022, in connection with the establishment of Term Loan D, noted below, Term Loan C repayment terms were revised.
Additionally, INV implemented the borrowing of Term Loan (D) (amount borrowed: JPY 4,000 million; interest rate: one‐month JPY TIBOR plus 0.40% and 0.60%) from Development Bank of Japan Inc.
Institutional term loans (Term Loan B, Term Loan C and Term Loan D).
In the same way, devotional objects acquired during our investigations materialised the demands and expectations of the faithful.In such an attempt to “take the public on a journey” in situ—and to give them the opportunity to see, touch and feel—the challenge that remains, obviously, is to find the best balance between emission (by the curator) and reception (by the public).
He was too ―hard‖ they said, and other counselors encouraged him to become more understanding with inmates.