Examples of The New York Federal Reserve in a sentence
Current Issues in Economics and Finance, The New York Federal Reserve, https://www.newyorkfed.org/medialibrary/media/research/current_issues/ci6-14.pdf; Green Energy Guide, Energy Savings, https://www.energysavings.com/green-energy-guide.html.
The New York Federal Reserve (or a successor), as administrator of SOFR, may make methodological or other changes that could change the value of SOFR, including changes related to the method by which SOFR is calculated, eligibility criteria applicable to the transactions used to calculate SOFR, or timing related to the publication of SOFR.
The New York Federal Reserve delivers the checks to the paying banks, including Bank A, by ground carriers.
The New York Federal Reserve notes on its publication page for the Secured Overnight Financing Rate that use of the Secured Overnight Financing Rate is subject to important limitations and disclaimers, including that the New York Federal Reserve may alter the methods of calculation, publication schedule, rate revision practices or availability of the Secured Overnight Financing Rate at any time without notice.
The New York Federal Reserve has also begun publishing historical indicative Secured Overnight Financing Rates going back to 2014.
The New York Federal Reserve notes that it obtains information from DTCC Solutions LLC, an affiliate of The Depository Trust Company.
Security dealers not affiliated with a bank shall be required to be classified as reporting dealers affiliated with The New York Federal Reserve Bank, as primary dealers.
The New York Federal Reserve has worked for several years with industry participants to reduce backlogs of unconfirmed trades in credit swaps.
The New York Federal Reserve Bank, however, could notprovide that liquidity support as its stocks of free gold had fallen too low for it to distribute additional cash and credit to member banks.
The New York Federal Reserve was in favor of bringing central counterparty clearing to the CDS market because it would27 Darrell Duffie, DARK MARKETS: ASSET PRICING AND INFORMATION TRANSMISSION INOVER-THE-COUNTER MARKETS, at 5 (Princeton Univ.