Tidal waters means any water that alternately rises and falls in a predictable and measurable rhythm or cycle due to the gravitational attraction of the moon and sun and is under the regulatory authority of 7 Del.C. Ch. 72.
Tidal waters means all waters seaward of mean high water.
Tidal waters means those waters that rise and fall in a predictable and measurable rhythm or cycle due to the gravitational pulls of the moon and sun. Tidal waters end where the rise and fall of the water surface can no longer be practically measured in a predictable rhythm due to masking by hydrologic, wind, or other effects.
Examples of Tidal waters in a sentence
Tidal waters end where the rise and fall of the water surface can no longer be practically measured in a predictable rhythm due to masking by other waters, wind, or other effects.
Tidal waters and waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide end where the rise and fall of the water surface can no longer be practically measured in a predictable rhythm due to masking by hydrologic, wind, or other effects.
Tidal waters can become polluted and beaches can be eroded when pipes or culverts discharge directly onto the beach.
Tidal waters should preserve as much ground as possible and can be non-monotonic.
Tidal waters enter the system through one inlet in each of the three systems.
More Definitions of Tidal waters
Tidal waters means fresh or saline waters under tidal influence, up to the head of the tide.
Tidal waters means waters of the State extending from mean high water to the seaward limit of three (3) miles.
Tidal waters means that part of any inland waters which, owing to the influence of the sea, becomes saline at any time or the level of which rises at any time owing to the influence of the sea;
Tidal waters means Queensland waters that are within the ebb and flow of the tide at spring tides.
Tidal waters. ’ means that part of any inland waters which, owing to the 40
Tidal waters means any waters affected by tide.
Tidal waters means those waters where the tide regularly rises and falls.