Examples of Saline waters in a sentence
Saline waters prepared with hypersaline brine and deionized water may also be used as dilution water.
Saline waters from Chaunoy, Champotran and La Torche have the highest Sr contents and Sr isotopic ratios of around 0.710-0.711.
The computed salinity (TDS, Figure 4-12) was not homogeneously distributed and the calculated TDS can reach values up to 20 g/L in locations affected by upconing of Deep Saline waters under an advancing and aretreating warm-based ice sheet.
Saline waters are often characterized by low concentration of dissolved oxygen (< 2 ml O2/L, hypoxic condition).
Saline waters from these boreholes are piped sometimes many kilometres to shallow lakes (either existing, or artificial) known as disposal basins, from which the water evaporates.
Natural waters are often low in Cl-, and 10 mL is a suitable aliquot in most cases.2. Saline waters may be high in Cl-and 5 mL (or even less than 5 mL) may then be more appropriate aliquots.
Saline waters are present beneath the subsurface of the TOT Project Site and are too saline for any agricultural, stock waters or potable water uses.
Saline waters in taliks are known as basal cryopegs (formed in lateral taliks that are located in inland sedimentary basins) and marine cryopegs (formed in coastal environments).
Saline waters are also present at higher levels towards the Fortescue River in the south and towards the Fortescue Marsh to the west.
As Saline waters mixed with the fresh river water during opening of the estuary it affected brick making, which was a thriving business in the Eighties.