Examples of Transitional Constitution in a sentence
The exclusion of persons who have not attained 18 years of age from military activity is further codified in Article 17 of the Transitional Constitution (2011) and Section 22 of the SPLA Act (2009).
The Transitional Constitution of South Sudan, 2011 (Amendment) Act, 2013: The mandate and tenure of the Commission is hereby extended for a period beginning from 10th January, 2013 to 31st December, 2014.
The Transitional Constitution of South Sudan, 2011 (Amendment) Act, 2013: The President, within three months of receiving the Draft Constitutional Text and Explanatory Note from the National Constitutional Review Commission shall present the same to the Constitutional Conference as established below for deliberation.
The Transitional Constitution of South Sudan, 2011 (Amendment) Act, 2013: The Commission shall adopt and present the Draft Constitutional Text and an Explanatory Note to the President within a period not extending beyond 31st December, 2014.
Petroleum operations are managed on behalf of the people of South Sudan and the responsibilities and obligations of the MoP are enshrined in the Transitional Constitution and guided by the Petroleum Act 2012.The MoP is dedicated to forming an institutional structure and establishing business relationships in an open and transparent manner.
Crisis Group interviews, Juba, June 2011.67 Chapter Ten, Section I.2 of the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan notes: “The Sudan People’s Lib- eration Army shall be transformed into the South Sudan Armed Forces, and shall be non-partisan, national in character, patriot- ic, regular, professional, disciplined, productive and subordi- nate to the civilian authority as established under this Constitu- tion and the law”.
As stipulated in Article 1 of the Transitional Constitution, Puntland is a part of an anticipated Federal State of Somalia.
The 2005 Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan provision on health policy states that “all levels of government in Southern Sudan shall promote public health, establish, rehabilitate and develop basic medical and diagnostic institutions as well as provide free primary health care and emergency services for all citizens.” The Health Policy is aligned to the Republic of South Sudan Transitional Constitution, which came into effect July 9th 2011.
Such cases of arbitrary detention are in violation of the State’s obligations under international human rights law as well as provisions of national law, including provisions of the Transitional Constitution of South Sudan.
Secondly, the recently-adopted Transitional Constitution of South Sudan increased the share of reve- nue allocated to producing states from 2 per cent to 5 per cent.198 A delegation from Bentiu successfully lobbied the 195 This calculation is based on an exchange rate of 2.65:1 (the average rate between January and May 2011 set by the Central Bank of Sudan in Khartoum) and figures from the Central Bank, www.cbos.gov.sd.