Examples of TransNet Extension Ordinance in a sentence
Nationality ………………………………… Country of origin ……………………………… Citizenship details ……………………………………………………………………………… Part 2 (b) Partnership Given details of partners as follows: Name Nationality Citizenship Details Shares 1 2 3 4 Part 2 (c ) – Registered Company Private or Public ……………………………………………………………………………… State the nominal and issued capital of company- Nominal Kshs.
For TDA-funded projects: The Grantee agrees to have financial and compliance audits performed as SANDAG may require consistent with Public Utilities Code Section 99245, for TDA funds; and consistent with the TransNet Extension Ordinance for TransNet funds.
We reviewed the TransNet Ordinance and Expenditure Plan, TransNet Extension Ordinance, and SANDAG Board Policy No. 031.
Congestion ReliefThe TransNet Extension Ordinance envisioned the investment of billions of dollars of local, state, and federal funds to support numerous transportation improvements—including alternate modes of transportation such as bike and transit—to relieve congestion in the San Diego region.
The TransNet Extension Ordinance calls for an evaluation of program performance every 10 years.
For the expenditures selected, we identified the MPO ID that the expenditures are charged against and determined if the MPO ID is included in the RTIP (see procedure 2 above) and the expenditures are an eligible cost per the TransNet and TransNet Extension Ordinance and Expenditure Plan requirements.
Each project or program in excess of $250,000 funded in whole or in part by revenues from the TransNet Extension Ordinance shall be clearly designated during its construction or implementation as being provided by such revenues.
Prioritize alternatives while planning for long-term system integration – The Consultant will screen potential urban design scenarios and other economic and transportation recommendations that will optimize public benefits around the HSR station.
Each capital project in excess of $250,000 funded in whole or in part by revenues from the TransNet Extension Ordinance shall be clearly designated during its construction or implementation as being provided by revenues from the TransNet Extension Ordinance.
NOTICE REGARDING PREVAILING WAGES SANDAG’s EMP Land Management Grant Program projects are funded with TransNet revenues consistent with the TransNet Extension Ordinance adopted by the voters in November 2004 (SANDAG Ordinance 04-01).