Examples of Treatment room in a sentence
Treatment room entrances shall be provided with warning lights in readily observable positions near the outside of all access doors or other entrances to indicate when the useful beam is on.
Treatment room entrances shall be provided with warning lights in a readily observable position near the outside of all access doors, which will indicate when the useful beam is "ON" and when it is "OFF".
Physician/practitioner services, including doctor's office visits† Covered services include: • Medically necessary medical care or surgery services furnished in a primary care physician's office or Nurse Treatment room.
Treatment room charges are a substitute for those room charges and not an additional line item.
High Risk • Renalin / Puristeril Store• Treatment room (Dressing Room)• Dirty utility roomHighly ImportantThe outcomes must be maintained by frequent scheduled cleaning and a capacity to spot clean.It is essential that areas adjoining high risk functional areasalso receive the same level of cleaning.
NURSE T’SAPHL LISIMS Treatment room community health, public health and home care nurses.
Treatment room must contain work surfaces and a clinical basin with a liquid soap and paper towel dispenser, as well as a pharmaceutical supplies storage facility, procedure cart, sterile supply trolley, a suitable container for the disposal of sharps, fridge, instrument trolleys and examination couch\beds.
Anesthesia Equipment: Treatment room, console, anesthesia and recovery room must have anesthesia and monitoring equipment installed.
Treatment room charges should normally be limited to no more than two hours, and usually less.
Treatment room for the sick animals is situated at the eastern side of the park.