Examples of Type of Organization in a sentence
Type of Organization: (Public Company (‘Limited’), Private Company (‘(Pty) Ltd’), Close Corporations (‘cc’)) 4.
Include (1) Legal Name of Individual or Organization Submitting Letter of Interest, (2) Address, (3) Telephone Number and E-mail, (4) Contact Person, (5) Contact Person’s E-mail Address, (6) Type of Organization, if applicable, (7) Date of Submission, (8) Federal Tax ID, and (9) Funding requested.
Addendum No. Dated Addendum No. Dated Addendum No. Dated Addendum No. Dated Addendum No. Dated Addendum No. Dated Type of Organization (please check one) INDIVIDUAL PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION JOINT VENTURE ( )( )( )( )Firm Name Telephone FaxAs Addenda are considered binding as if contained in the original specifications, it is critical that the Consultant acknowledge receipt of same.
Organization Name: Address: Contact Person: Phone #: Fax #: Email address: Employer Tax ID: DUNS# (If applicable) Type of Organization: ( ) Private for Profit ( ) Private Non-Profit( ) Public Government ( ) Other (specify) The Certification Statement below must be signed by an official authorized to bind the Offeror in a sublease/contract.
Name of Organization: Address: City: State: Zip Code: County: Telephone: Changes in Number/Type of Licensed Beds: Type of Organization (non-profit, for profit, etc.