Ultimate Parent means a Company, which owns not less than fifty-one percent (51%) equity either directly or indirectly in the Parent and Affiliates.
Ultimate Parent means a Company, which owns more than 50% (Fifty Percent) voting rights and paid up share capital, either directly or indirectly in the Parent and Affiliates;
Ultimate Parent means a company, which owns at least more than fifty percent (51%) equity either directly or indirectly in the Parent and Affiliates.
Examples of Ultimate Parent in a sentence
Provided that, in case the Lead Member or Bidding Company is holding equity through Affiliate/s, Ultimate Parent Company or Parent Company, such restriction as specified above shall apply to such entities.
If any such shareholding entity, qualifying as an Affiliate / Parent Company / Ultimate Parent Company, is likely to cease to meet the criteria to qualify as an Affiliate / Parent Company / Ultimate Parent Company, the shares held by such entity shall be transferred to another Affiliate / Parent Company / Ultimate Parent Company of the Selected Bidder.
More Definitions of Ultimate Parent
Ultimate Parent means the parent corporation (or if there is more than one parent corporation, the ultimate parent corporation) that, following a transaction, directly or indirectly beneficially owns a majority of the voting power of the outstanding securities entitled to vote with respect to the election of the board of directors of the Company (or its successor).
Ultimate Parent means a Person which Controls, either directly or indirectly the Parent Company, Group Company, or Affiliates of the Resolution Applicant.
Ultimate Parent means, if there is a Parent Corporation, the Person with Beneficial Ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the Surviving Corporation and of any other Parent Corporation.
Ultimate Parent means a company, which owns not less than fifty-one percent (51%) equity either directly or indirectly in the Parent and Affiliates. (It is to clarify here that the ultimate parent / parent / affiliate of the company can be a foreign company)
Ultimate Parent means a company, which owns at least twenty six percent (26%) of paid up share capital either directly or indirectly in the Parent and Affiliates.
Ultimate Parent in respect of a Bidder means a Person which Controls, either directly or indirectly the Parent Company, Group Company, or Affiliates of the Bidder and includes an ultimate beneficial owner.
Ultimate Parent means the parent corporation (or if there is more than one parent corporation, the ultimate parent corporation) that, following a transaction, directly or indirectly beneficially owns a majority of the voting power of the outstanding securities entitled to vote with respect to the election of the board of directors of Conseco (or its successor).