Examples of Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset in a sentence
Regardless of how the other Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset(s) perform, if the worst performing Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset fails to meet a relevant threshold or barrier, the value of and return on the Underlying Preference Share and, in turn, the Securities may be reduced and you could lose some or all of your investment.
If the Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset(s) performs in such a way so that the Final Performance of the Worst Performing Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset is less than its Knock-in Barrier Percentage on such specified date, the value of and return on the Underlying Preference Share and, in turn, the Securities may be dramatically less that if the level of the Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset(s) had reached or crossed the 'barrier'.
If the Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset(s) performs in such a way so that the Final Valuation Price of the Worst Performing Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset is less than its Knock-in Barrier Price on such specified date, the value of and return on the Underlying Preference Share and, in turn, the Securities may be dramatically less that if the level of the Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset(s) had reached or crossed the 'barrier'.
If the terms of the Underlying Preference Share(s) reference a basket of Underlying Preference Share Reference Assets, you will be exposed to the performance of each Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset in the basket.
A 'potential adjustment event' is an event which has a diluting or concentrating effect on the theoretical value of an Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset.
The Determination Agent may determine that the markets have been affected in a manner that prevents it from properly determining the value of an Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset on a scheduled valuation date.
In addition, mainstream support services need training in Māori issues and access to on-going support from appropriate kaumātua or Māori advisors.
If the terms of the Underlying Preference Share(s) provide that the 'underlying performance type' of the Underlying Preference Share(s) is 'worst-of' you will be exposed to the performance of each Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset and, in particular, to the Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset which has the worst performance.
These may include an Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset.
The 'performance' of an Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset is calculated by dividing the Final Valuation Price of such Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset by its Initial Price.