United States obligations definition
Examples of United States obligations in a sentence
State law [G.S. 159-30(c)] authorizes the Town to invest in obligations of the United States or obligations fully guaranteed both as to principal and interest by the United States; obligations of the State of North Carolina; bonds and notes of any North Carolina local government or public authority; obligations of certain non-guaranteed federal agencies; certain high quality issues of commercial paper and bankers' acceptances and the North Carolina Capital Management Trust (NCCMT).
The AIS provision applies in a manner consistent with United States obligations under international agreements.
The term tax and loan account means an account, the balance of which is subject to the right of immediate with- drawal, established for receipt of pay- ments of Federal taxes and certain United States obligations.
State law [G.S. 159-30(c)], authorizes the Town to invest in obligations of the United States or obligations fully guaranteed both as to principal and interest by the United States; obligations of the State of North Carolina; bonds and notes of any North Carolina local government or public authority; obligations of certain non-guaranteed federal agencies; certain high quality issues of commercial paper and bankers' acceptances and the North Carolina Capital Management Trust (NCCMT).
State law [G.S. 159-30(c)] authorizes the County to invest in obligations of the United States or obligations fully guaranteed both as to principal and interest by the United States, obligations of the State of North Carolina, bonds and notes of any North Carolina local government or public authority, obligations of certain non-guaranteed federal agencies, certain high quality issues of commercial paper and bankers’ acceptances, and the North Carolina Capital Management Trust (NCCMT).