Vehicle front definition

Vehicle front means the plane perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle and touching its foremost point, disregarding the projection of devices for indirect vision and any part of the vehicle greater than 2.0 m above the ground.

Examples of Vehicle front in a sentence

  • The Vehicle front end which consists of aggregates such as steering, suspension, tires, axles is modeled in ADAMS.

  • Vehicle front and rear suspension ride height shall be electronically controlled by automatic precision ride height sensors and have an operating life cycle of at a minimum 10 million cycles.

  • Vehicle front, with and without pedestrian leg impact protection: positioning of low-speed energy absorption system in relation to key components For styling reasons, the vehicle cannot simply be elongated, by putting the pedestrian foam in front of the low-speed energy absorption system.

  • Vol.36, April 2012, p.233–242.[2] CHEN, H.- YANG, Y.- WANG, L.: Vehicle front structure energy absorbing optimization in frontal impact.

  • Organiser supplied service vehicle plates shall be placed on the top left hand corner of the Service Vehicle front windscreen before admittance to the Service Park.

  • Vehicle front bumper passes over each checkpoint in DARPA MDF in the correct lane and the correct sequence.

  • Vehicle front seats)là ghế ở hàng trên cùng của xe, không có bất kỳ hàng ghế nào ở phía trước của ghế này.

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