Examples of Vehicle miles in a sentence
Vehicle miles traveled exceeding an applicable threshold of significance may indicate a significant impact.
Often a result of extrapolating the input or output data. Single occupant vehicle (SOV) trips reduced Parking spots saved Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) reduced Greenhouse gases reducedCost Effectiveness MeasuresAssociates a dollar amount with each input or output activity and each outcome measure to show the level of effort associated with each action.
Often a result of extrapolating the input or output data.• Single occupant vehicle (SOV) trips reduced• Parking spots saved• Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) reduced• Greenhouse gases reducedCost Effectiveness MeasuresAssociates a dollar amount with each input or output activity and each outcome measure to show the level of effort associated with each action.
Vehicle miles of travel (VMT) – the sum of the distance that each vehicle travels during a specified period (day, year, etc.) – is the most typical measure of the level of travel in an area.
Vehicle miles traveled expresses vehicle activ- ity and is used with emission factors.
These are the most basic descriptors of TNC activity.• Trip requests• Completed trips• Incomplete trip requests• Vehicle miles traveled (VMT)• Driver days• Driver hours TOTAL TRIP REQUESTSThe total number of trip requests is a measure of TNC demand.
As e-commerce becomes a larger share of retail sales and goods delivery becomes more popular, cities may want to work on programs and strategies that encourage efficiency, such as combined deliveries,or charge a road usage charge, parking, or curb charge that reflects the cost to access the right-of-way and/or to manage demand.• Vehicle miles traveled.
Vehicle miles driven, on the other hand, have increased by a factor of five in the same period.
Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and other experimental ideas should be developed to meet the nation’s long-term needs.
Vehicle miles traveled by roadway types were obtained from the NAMPO’s travel demand models.