Examples of Vehicle miles in a sentence
Vehicle miles traveled exceeding an applicable threshold of significance may indicate a significant impact.
Vehicle miles information must use or must be converted to units of whole miles.
Vehicle miles traveled provisions of section 182(d)(1) of the CAA.
Often a result of extrapolating the input or output data. Single occupant vehicle (SOV) trips reduced Parking spots saved Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) reduced Greenhouse gases reducedCost Effectiveness MeasuresAssociates a dollar amount with each input or output activity and each outcome measure to show the level of effort associated with each action.
Vehicle miles of travel (VMT) were estimated from the travel demand model by multiplying link volumes by link distances.
Vehicle miles of travel (VMT) – the sum of the distance that each vehicle travels during a specified period (day, year, etc.) – is the most typical measure of the level of travel in an area.
Examples of monitoring metrics: • Vehicle miles traveled; • Congested travel; • Travel by auto, transit, bicycling or walking (mode split); • Transit passenger boardings.
Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) are expected to increase through 2040.▪ Potential impacts of global climate change.
Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) provisions of section 182(d)(1) of the CAA.
Recommendation 34/1 noted with appreciation Afghanistan’s efforts to collect and submit data in accordance with decision XVI/18, and urged the Party to continue those efforts and submit the data to the Secretariat.