Examples of Water Pipes in a sentence
Paper HolderDo -14.3CP Towel RingDo -14.4CP Soap Dish HolderDo -14.5CP Bottle Trap with CP wall connection PipeDo -14.6CP Robe HooksDo -14.7CP "Two-way" Bib cockDo -14.8CP Shower RoseDo -15Rigid PVC (Concealed) Waste pipe, [Schdl.-40], (as per ASTM D .1785)- (concealed or exposed)Supreme / Oriplast or equivalent as approved by WBSEDCL16Rain Water Pipes :- PVC' - "SWR" class, ' as per (IS: 13592)NECO'/'HEPCO'/'KAPILANSH DHATU UDYOG (P)Ltd.
Paper HolderDo -14.3CP Towel RingDo -14.4CP Soap Dish HolderDo -14.5CP Bottle Trap with CP wall connection PipeDo -14.6CP Robe HooksDo -14.7CP "Two-way" Bib cockDo -14.8CP Shower RoseDo -15Rigid PVC (Concealed) Waste pipe, [Schdl.-40], (as per ASTM D .1785)- (concealed or exposed)Supreme / Oriplast or equivalent as approved by WBSEDCL16Rain Water Pipes :- PVC' - "SWR" class, ' as per (IS: 13592)NECO'/'HEPCO'/'KAPILANSH DHATU UDYOG (P) Ltd.
A.C. Rain Water Pipes The pipes shall be of standard quality conforming to IS 1628.
I also confirm that if any further site investigation is needed and carried out, I will be required to submit an additional Risk Assessment for Water Pipes with the relevant supporting information.
Storm, Sewer, Water Pipes, and Manholes shall pass pressure and purity tests as required in the City of Bellevue Utilities Department Engineering Standards.
Drug Paraphernalia items include but are not limited to: Xxxxx clips, Rolling Papers, Amyl Nitrate (Rush, Locker Room, Jock), Butyl Nitrate (Bullet, Toilet Water), Hypodermic Syringes, Cocaine Spoons, Water Pipes, Marijuana Pipes, Crack Pipes, Drug Conversion Kits, Medicine Dropper, and Razor Blade.
Geo Environmental Report.Pre or Post-remediation Site Investigation Report.Quantitative Risk Assessment, Remediation Strategy and verification report in accordance with Water UK/HBF Guidance for the selection of Water Pipes to be used in Brownfield Sites and the Contaminated Land Assessment Guidance.
Cigarettes, Cigars, Electronic Cigarettes (e-cigarettes), Chewing Tobacco, Smokeless Tobacco, Snuf, Snus, Pipes, Water Pipes (Hookahs), Bidis and Kreteks are prohibited on campus effective August 24, 2015.
Paper HolderDo -14.3CP Towel RingDo -14.4CP Soap Dish HolderDo -14.5CP Bottle Trap with CP wall connection PipeDo -14.6CP Robe HooksDo -14.7CP "Two-way" Bib cockDo -14.8CP Shower RoseDo -Office15Rigid PVC (Concealed) Waste pipe, [Schdl.-40], (as per ASTM D .1785)- (concealed or exposed)Supreme / Oriplast or equivalent as approved by WBSEDCL16Rain Water Pipes :- PVC' - "SWR" class, ' as per (IS: 13592)NECO'/'HEPCO'/'KAPILANSH DHATU UDYOG (P)Ltd.
Mineralogical Evidence of Galvanic Corrosion in Domestic Drinking Water Pipes.