Water quality criteria definition
Water quality criteria means levels of parameters or stream conditions that are required to be maintained by these regulations. Criteria may be expressed as a constituent concentration, levels, or narrative statement, representing a quality of water that supports a designated use or uses.
Water quality criteria means elements of State water quality standards, expressed as constituent concentrations, levels, or narrative statements, representing a quality of water that supports the present and future most beneficial uses.
Water quality criteria means the elements of standards which are expressed as concentrations, levels, or narrative statements and represent the quality of water that is necessary to protect a beneficial use.
Examples of Water quality criteria in a sentence
Water quality criteria describe the quality of water that will support a designated use.
Water quality criteria can be expressed as numeric limits or as a narrative statement.
Water quality criteria for bacterial indicators protect human health by limiting pathogens in waters designated for recreational uses, thereby reducing the risk of illness resulting from exposure to pathogenic organisms in recreational waters.
Water quality criteria consist of components describing acceptable magnitude, duration, and frequency.
Researchers later created various forms of the organophosphate and applied the chemicals as insecticides (Szinicz, 2005:173).
More Definitions of Water quality criteria
Water quality criteria. ’ means criteria for water
Water quality criteria means the lower of the human health or aquatic life criteria contained in Table 3 of the Water Quality Standards.
Water quality criteria means sci- entific data and guidance developed and periodically updated by EPA under section 304(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act, which are applicable to marine waters.
Water quality criteria means the numeric threshold or narrative description of a water quality parameter that would be expected to support and protect a particular designated use.
Water quality criteria means elements of the State water quality standards, expressed as constituent concentrations, levels, or narrative statements, representing a quality of water that supports a particular use.
Water quality criteria means a designated concentration of a constituent that, when not exceeded, will protect an organism, an organismic community or a prescribed water use or quality.
Water quality criteria means specific levels of water quality which, if reached, are expected to render a body of water suitable for its beneficial use.