Examples of Watts per square foot in a sentence
Customer’s total electricity consumption shall at no time exceed the maximum cooling density of ninety-two point nine Watts per square foot (92.90W/per square foot) (“ Maximum Cooling Density”), unless otherwise stated in the Contract Overview.
Quizzer and Reviewer on Transportation Laws and Public Service Act.
Seven other matched building types show the 1989 edition having lighting power allowances 0.20 to 0.80 Watts per square foot higher than in the 1999 edition.
Within the two building types representing the largest percentage of building floor area in the commercial sector (office and retail) the reductions with the 1999 edition are 0.40 Watts per square foot for office and 0.60 Watts per square foot for retail buildings.
For four of the building types, where there is a reasonable match between 1989 and 1999 editions, the 1999 allowance is higher by 0.06 to 0.64 Watts per square foot.
Książęca 4, entered in the register of businesses kept by the District Court of the Capital City of Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under file number KRS 0000321809, share capital of PLN 44,805,000 (fully paid-up), NIP no.
The overall power required shall not exceed 2 Watts per square foot for single sided signs, and 4 Watts per square foot for double sided signs.
The power density was presented in terms of Watts per square foot of raised-floor.
MEDICATIONSAll medications (over-the-counter or prescription; short-term or long-term) must be administered in the health office.
However, there is a decrease in allowable wattage for all exits (five Watts per lineal foot), and for high traffic canopied entrances (seven Watts per square foot), and for light traffic canopied entrances (one Watt per square foot).