Examples of wild plant in a sentence
Wild plant and animal species are also a critical source of food security and nutrition, especially among people living in low-income countries or in remote areas.
Wild plant and animal species shall be used in a manner and by means guaranteeing the sustainable development of the populations therein in the natural surroundings therein.
Four catego- ries of certification schemes have been identified to be of relevance for MAPs products:• Wild plant collection operations certification (e.g. FairWild).• Forest management certification (e.g. Forest Stewardship Council – FSC)• Social certification (e.g. Fair Trade Federation – FTF)• Organic certification (e.g. International Federation of Organic Agriculture – IFOAM).• Product quality certification.
Wild plant foods at Khaleseh are less well-represented, and the only taxa interpreted as having a dietary role at the site is almond.
Wild plant management authority is responsible for taking measures to protect and rehabilitate wild plants habitats.