Xxxxxxxx Field definition
Examples of Xxxxxxxx Field in a sentence
The Employer and Agency recognizes the IAFF Local 3340 as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all members of the Xxxxxxxx Field Fire Department exclusive of management, confidential, temporary and clerical personnel as certified by the Employment Relations Board.
Within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the Official Grievance Form, Xxxxxxxx Field management will issue a written response.
A Safety Committee shall be maintained at the Xxxxxxxx Field Airbase consistent with statute.
Disciplinary action may be imposed by the Agency on any employee covered by this Agreement who fails to fulfill his/her responsibilities as a Xxxxxxxx Field Fire Department employee.
Included: All nonprofessional permanent employees and temporary employees with appointments exceeding 90 days employed by the Defense Commissary Agency, located at Fort Xxxxxxxx, Brooklyn, New York and Xxxxxxxx Field, Garden City, New York.
Children must be enrolled in CDC, FCC or YC programs on Xxxxxxxx Field for discount to apply.
An employee must have four (4) years at Xxxxxxxx Field Fire Department to qualify for classification C5556 and six (6) years at Xxxxxxxx Field Fire Department to qualify for classification C5557.
For the safety of the children and the staff, and per Xxxxxxxx Field Hurricane policies, the SAC will be opened until instructed by the Wing Commander to close.
The program will not accept children into care who are exhibiting signs of illness in accordance with the Xxxxxxxx Field Family Member Program Medical Exclusion/Inclusion policy.
All civil service employees of the Eglin AFB complex, to include Xxxxxxxx Field, professional and non-professional employees, including tenant organizations serviced by the Eglin AFB Civilian Personnel Office.