Appellate authority 1Appellate authority means the State Government or the authority specified by the State Government under sub-section (8) of section 56 or an officer, senior in rank to
Assessing Officer 1Assessing Officer means a gazetted officer of a State Government appointed by the State Government for assessment of Cess under the Code;
authority 1authority means the State Government or the authority specified by the State Government under sub-section (3) of section 72;
Autoriteti Kontraktor 1Autoriteti Kontraktor do xx xxxxx Autoriteti Kontraktor që është pjesë e kësaj kontrate dhe sipas dispozitave të kësaj kontrate blen Xxxxxxx. Ky term kudo qe përdoret ka kuptim të njëjtë me ate te perkufizuar ne ligj.
career centre (Central) 1career centre (Central) means that career centre as notified by the Central Government;
career centre (Regional) 1career centre (Regional) , means that Career Centre as notified by the State Government;
cess collector 1cess collector means an officer appointed by the State Government for collection of cess under the Code;
chairperson 1chairperson means the Chairperson of the Himachal Pradesh Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Board or Himachal Pradesh Building and other Construction Workers Welfare Board;
chartered engineer 1chartered engineer means a person having an engineering degree and the corporate membership of Institute of Engineers India;
Code 1Code means the Code on Social Security, 2020 (36 of 2020);
electronically 1electronically means any information submitted by email or uploading on the designated portal or digital payment in any mode for the purpose of Code;
Establishment in private sector 1Establishment in private sector means an establishment which is not an establishment in public sector with ordinarily 20 or more employees or such number of employees as may be notified by the State Government.
excluded vacancies 1excluded vacancies means those vacancies which have been excluded from the purview of the section 139 as per the provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 140;
form 1form means a form appended to these rules;
fund 1fund means the Social Security Fund;
Government Securities 1Government Securities means Government Securities as defined in the Government Securities Act, 2006 (38 of 2006);
Incoterms 1Incoterms do xx xxxxx termat ndërkombëtare tregtare që përbëjnë rregullat e interpretimit të termave tregtare që përcaktojnë shpërndarjen e funksioneve, kostot, dhe rrisqet e lidhura me transferimin e Mallrave nga Kontraktuesi tek Autoriteti Kontraktor.
Kontraktues 1Kontraktues do xx xxxxx personi fizik ose juridik që është palë e kësaj kontrate dhe sipas dispozitave të kësaj kontrate xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx.
Mallrat 1Mallrat do xx xxxxx materialet e papërpunuara, produktet, makineritë dhe pajisjet, objektet në formë të ngurtë, të lëngshme ose të gazshme.
movable property 1movable property means property of every description except immovable property;