AREA OF INFLUENCE Cláusulas de Ejemplo

AREA OF INFLUENCE. The parties agree that any mining concession or rights attached to any mining concession, or any rights derived from any application for a mining concession, owned by the Vendor or by any representative of the Vendor as of the date hereof or subsequent to such date, having an area located within ten (10) kilometers from the outer perimeter of the Mining Concessions, shall automatically and without the requirement for additional consent or action, form part of the Mining Concessions and therefore shall be subject to this Agreement. FIRS RIGHT OF REFUSAL.- The Vendor hereby represents to be the owner of 100% title to the mining concessions title no. 220149 (mining lot “El Camuchin”) and 220148 (mining lot “La Paloma”) geographically adjacent to the Mining Concessions subject matter hereof. The Vendor hereby grants to the Purchaser, and the Purchaser acquires from the Vendor, the first right of refusal to acquire, in first priority, 100% or any lesser portion of title to the referenced mining concessions. In the event of an offer to purchase any portion of the mining Página 8 de 10 -