DECLARATION OF ACCELERATED MATURITY OF THE FINANCE. Following occurrence of any of the Accelerated Maturity Circumstances (which shall be understood to have occurred if the breach remains in place following expiry of any corresponding period granted for rectification), SEPI shall serve notice on the Fund of the occurrence of an Accelerated Maturity Circumstance, in order for the Fund to decide, at its sole discretion, whether to apply accelerated maturity of the Finance. To this end, the Fund may issue a resolution ordering the immediate repayment of the amounts owed under the Finance, having first conducted the relevant procedure pursuant to Act 39/2015, or the conversion of the Profit-sharing Loan into share capital, in accordance with the provisions of Clause 7. For the collection of the amounts owed, in accordance with their status as public-law monetary income, the terms of General Budgetary Act 47/2003, of 26 November 2003, shall apply. Following occurrence of an Accelerated Maturity Circumstance, consideration shall above all be given to the impact that this would or foreseeably could have on the capacity of the Group as a whole to fulfil the Viability Plan, or for the repayment of the Finance.