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convenio almeria INGLES.qxp 16/05/2007 9:10 PÆgina 4
El VI Acuerdo de Concertación Social, firmado el 25 de enero de 2005, por la Junta de Andalucía, la Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía y las Organizaciones Sindicales, Unión General de Trabajadores de Andalucía y Comisiones Obreras de Andalucía, estable- ció, dentro del objetivo común de Perfeccionar y desarrollar los contenidos de la negociación colectiva, el de Impulsar a través de la negociación colectiva la igualdad de tratamiento de los colectivos más desfavorecidos. Con el propósito de desarrollar este objetivo, se deter- minaba la constitución, en el seno del Consejo Andaluz de Relaciones Laborales, del “Grupo de Trabajo de Inmigración”.
Constituido este Grupo de Trabajo como Comisión de Inmigración, integrada por las organizaciones sindicales y empresariales anteriormente citadas, así como por represen- tantes de la Administración laboral Andaluza, aprobó, en su reunión de 26 xx xxxx de 2006, llevar a cabo la iniciativa de acercar a la población trabajadora inmigrante en Andalucía, en su propia lengua, los textos de los Convenios Colectivos de aquellos secto- res de actividad en los que existe una mayor presencia de estos trabajadores y trabajado- ras. Fruto de esta iniciativa, se acomete la presente publicación bilingüe, conscientes de la importancia que los Convenios Colectivos tienen en una correcta articulación de las rela- ciones laborales.
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxx y Xxxxx-Xxxxxx
Presidenta del Consejo Andaluz de Relaciones Laborales
The VI Social Agreement, signed on the 25th January 2005 by the Autonomous Government of Andalusia, the Andalusia Employers Confederation and the Andalusia Workers' Commissions established, as part of the common objective of Perfecting and developing the content of collective negotiation the fostering, by means of collective nego- tiation, equality of treatment for the most disadvantaged groups. With the aim of advan- cing this objective, the constitution of the "Immigration Working Group" was established, at the headquarters of the Andalusia Employment Relations Council.
This working group, constituted as an Immigration Commission, consisting of the above mentioned trade union organisations together with employers' organisations and repre- sentatives of Andalusia Employment Administration, agreed in its meeting of 26th May 2006 to implement an initiative consisting of familiarising the immigrant working population in Andalusia with the texts of the Collective Agreements, in their own language, in those sec- tors of activity in which there is a significant presence of such workers. As a result of this initiative we undertook the production of this bilingual publication, conscious of the importance that collective agreements have in the satisfactory functioning of labour rela- tions.
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxx y Xxxxx-Xxxxxx President of the Andalusia Labour Relations Council.
Convenio Colectivo de Manipulado y Envasado de Frutas, Hortalizas y Flores de la Provincia de Almería. 9
Revisión Salarial año 2007. 21
Collective Work Agreement for Fruits and Vegetables 27
Wage Revision Fruits and Vegetables. 53
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Administración Xxxxxxxxxx
Consejería de Empleo – Servicio de Admón. Laboral
Delegación Provincial de Almería
VISTO el Texto del Convenio Colectivo Provincial de Trabajo para el periodo compren- dido entre el 1 de septiembre de 2005 al 31 xx xxxxxx de 2007 del Sector MANIPULADO Y ENVASADO DE FRUTAS, HORTALIZAS Y
FLORES DE ALMERÍA, expediente 0054, código 0400485, suscrito con fecha 22 de noviembre de 2005, de una parte en representación de las empresas por las asociaciones empresariales COEXPHAL, ECOHAL y ASEMPAL-AGRICUL-
TURA, y de otra, por los sindicatos Comisiones Obreras y Unión General de Trabajadores, en representación de los trabajadores; de confor- midad con el Art. 90 del Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1995, de 24 xx xxxxx, por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, el Real Decreto 1040/1981, de 22 xx xxxx, sobre registro y depósito de Convenios Colectivos de Trabajo, y en relación conel Art. 17.2 del Estatuto deAutonomía deAndalucía y Decreto 203/2004, de 11 xx xxxx, por el que se establece la estructura orgánica de la Consejería de Empleo; esta Delegación Provincial de Empleo.
A C U E R D A:
PRIMERO.- Ordenar su inscripción en el Registro de Convenios Colectivos de Trabajo de esta Delegación Provincial, con noti- ficación a las partes integrantes de la Comisión Negociadora.
SEGUNDO.- Remitir el texto de mismo al Centro de Mediación, Arbitraje y Conciliación para su depósito.
TERCERO.- Disponer su publica- ción en el Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Almería.
Almería, 28 de noviembre de 2005.
El presente Xxxxxxxx obligará a las empresas y a sus trabajadores, en aquellos centros de tra- bajo que se dedicana la manipulación y envasa- do de frutas, hortalizas y flores, excepto a aque- llos trabajadores a los que se refieren los artí- culos 1º párrafo 3 y 2º del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, y a los menores de 16 años, cuya contratación queda prohibida.
Este Convenio afectará a las mencionadas empresas y trabajadores dentro del límite natu- ral de la provincia de Almería.
Este Convenio entrará en vigor el día 1 de sep- tiembre de 2005 y su duración será hasta el 31 xx xxxxxx del 2007, prorrogándose por años naturales si no mediara denuncia de las partes manifestada con 30 días de antelación.
Los atrasos por los incrementos salariales correspondientes a los periodos vencidos desde 1 de septiembre de 2005, serán satisfe-
Convenio Colectivo de Manipulado y Envasado de frutas, hortalizas y flores de Almería
chos por las empresas obligadas en el plazo máximo de 2 meses contados a partir de su entrada en vigor.
De esta obligación quedarán exentas las empre- sas que ya hayan satisfecho los incrementos salariales pactados en este convenio con carác- ter de a cuenta de dichos incrementos.
Las remuneraciones de carácter extra-convenio que, a título particular, puedan percibir determi- nados trabajadores afectos al mismo, no podrán ser absorbidas ni compensadas por las mejoras salariales que, anualmente y con carácter gene- ral, se pacten para las distintas categorías profe- sionales.
Se respetarán a título individual o colectivo, las condiciones económicas y de otra índole que sean mas beneficiosasa las establecidas en el presente Convenio, consideradas en su conjun- to y en cómputo anual.
Se establece una jornada ordinaria de trabajo de 40 horas semanales, en computo anual de 1.826 horas, pactándose una distribución irre- gular de la misma motivada por las especiales condiciones del sector.
Debido al carácter discontinuo de la actividad del mismo, la jornada se determinará conforme al cumplimiento de la actividad normal de la empresa, computándose al trabajador las horas efectivamente trabajadas en el día.
Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, y atendiendo a la conveniencia de realizar una distribución irregu- lar de la jornada, se establece que ningún traba- jador podrá ser obligado a realizar más de 9 horas diarias de trabajo, ni más de 50 horas ordinarias semanales.
La jornada ordinaria de trabajo será de lunes a sábado, coincidiendo el descanso semanal con la tarde xxx xxxxxx desde las 15:00 horas y el domingo, salvo pacto individual, ó colectivo de empresa, en contrario. En caso de los menores de edad, el descanso será de 2 días ininterrum- pidos.
La empresa garantizará a los trabajadores, cada día que sean llamado a trabajar, un mínimo de tres horas. Si la jornada efectiva trabajada fuera inferior a esas tres horas tendrá que abonarse el salario correspondiente a las mismas. Podrán pactarse, a nivel de cada empresa, jornadas de trabajo de ciclo inferior, calculándose su dura- ción máxima en proporción a la ya determina- da.
Los trabajadores fijos que desarrollen su traba- jo en jornada continuada, tendrán derecho a 20 minutos diarios de descanso retribuidos, así como los fijos discontinuos y eventuales cuando hayan realizado una jornada de 5 horas o más consecutivas. Este descanso no se computará para la determinación de la jornada ordinaria de trabajo.
En caso de necesitarse jornadas de turnos con- tinuos, se implantarán por turnos rotativos equitativos semanales, respetándose los descan- sos entre jornadas legalmente establecidos. El descanso semanal para los trabajadores a tur- nos será de día y medio, si bien el medio día xxx xxxxxx será acumulable cada dos semanas, des- cansando una semana sólo el domingo, y la siguiente dos días completos (la tarde xxx xxxx- do, el domingo y la mañana del lunes).
Para estos trabajadores a turnos, la jornada ordinaria de trabajo xxx xxxxxx concluirá como máximo a las 22.00 horas.
Los trabajadores podrán permutar su turno de trabajo con otros de su misma categoría y pues- to de trabajo, comunicándolo por escrito a la empresa, salvo que existan graves inconvenien- tes para ello, que deberán comunicar a los Delegados de Personal o miembros del Comité de Empresa.
Ambas partes, en cada empresa, se obligan a negociar la distribución del trabajo en épocas de baja campaña.También será obligatorio nego- ciar en cada empresa la situación de los trabaja- dores eventuales en épocas de ausencia inespe- rada de trabajo en el almacén. En cualquier caso se señala que, salvo pacto colectivo de empresa en contrario, ningún trabajador eventual realiza- rá una jornada de trabajo superior a la de un fijo discontinuo de su misma categoría profesional; y en caso de inobservancia de este precepto, el trabajador fijo discontinuo tendrá derecho a reclamar hasta 35 horas xx xxxxxxx semanales, descontando las ya percibidas.
Las horas de presencia impuestas por la empre- sa, serán abonadas al mismo salario que las de trabajo efectivo.
El personal que no esté ligado directamente a la actividad de manipulado, trabajará preferente- mente en jornada partida, excepto entre el 0 xx xxxxx x xx 00 xx xxxxxxxxxx, que lo harán prefe- rentemente en jornada continuada.
Las empresas se obligan a entregar a cada tra- bajador un listado de las horas efectivamente trabajadas durante el mes.
Sin perjuicio de lo establecido en el párrafo segundo de este mismo articulo, y como com- plemento al mismo, las empresas vienen obliga- das a garantizar a sus trabajadores una jornada mensual media de trabajo de:
A) 140 horas mensuales de trabajo efectivo de promedio en cómputo de la duración total de su contrato de trabajo o del período en que el trabajador permanezca en alta en la empresa durante la campaña, y no cada mes aisladamen-
te considerado.
B) 130 horas mensuales de trabajo efectivo de promedio en cómputo cuatrimestral, para los trabajadores fijos discontinuos y los temporales que presten sus servicios toda la campaña hor- tofrutícola.A tal efecto, se entiende que la cam- paña comienza en los meses de septiembre/octubre y termina en mayo/junio- julio del siguiente año.
Para el cómputo cuatrimestral se atenderá a los dos siguientes períodos:
a) Octubre, noviembre, diciembre y enero.
b) Febrero, xxxxx, xxxxx y mayo.
La garantía prevista en la letra B) no regirá para las empresas que no contraten trabajadores temporales.
En todo caso, ambas garantías sólo se aplicarán a los trabajadores que no tengan reducida su jornada voluntariamente ó por contrato y que no hayan faltado al trabajo de manera injustifi- cada. A estos efectos, las ausencias justificadas y los días en I.T. se contabilizarán según las horas trabajadas por los compañeros.
Todos los trabajadores afectados por este Convenio tendrán derecho a unas vacaciones anuales de 30 días naturales, retribuidas al sala- rio base más antigüedad. El disfrute de dicho periodo de vacaciones se hará preferentemente en los meses de julio, agosto y septiembre.
A petición del trabajador, la empresa anticipará la mensualidad correspondiente a las vacacio- nes, abonándola el día antes del inicio de las mismas.
Los trabajadores por horas llevan prorrateado el importe de estos 30 días de vacaciones en el
Convenio Colectivo de Manipulado y Envasado de frutas, hortalizas y flores de Almería
salario hora que figura en la tabla anexa a este Convenio.
Así mismo, para quien lo solicite, la empresa entregará un justificante de encontrarse el tra- bajador de vacaciones.
Los trabajadores fijos y fijos discontinuos, avi- xxxxx con la posible antelación y justificándolo adecuadamente, podrán faltar o ausentarse del trabajo por motivos que a continuación se señalan y con el derecho a remuneración durante los tiempos de ausencia.
-16 días naturales en caso de matrimonio.
- 4 días naturales, mas otros dos en caso de des- plazamiento, por nacimiento de hijo, adopción o acogimiento.
- 3 días naturales, mas otros dos en caso de des- plazamiento, por enfermedad grave, hospitaliza- ción o fallecimiento de los padres, hijos, herma- no o cónyuge, o afines en igual grado.
En aquellos supuestos en que se trate de una enfermedad crónica, se disfrutará solamente una vez.
- 2 días por traslado de domicilio.
- 1 día por matrimonio de un familiar en primer grado de consanguinidad.
- Por el tiempo indispensable para el cumpli- miento de un deber inexcusable de carácter público o judicial.
- La trabajadora embarazada, previa certifica- ción médica de su estado de embarazo, y en caso de desarrollar un trabajo penoso o peli- groso, tendrá derecho a:
a)- Preferencia para ocupar un puesto sin ries- go para el embarazo.
b) - Podrá permutar su puesto a través de una solicitud, manteniendo su categoría y salario hasta que se produzca la baja maternal.
c) - Optar por el turno que le resulte mas con- veniente.
- Solamente un cónyuge podrá optar a la reduc- ción de su jornada laboral entre un tercio de su duración y hasta un máximo de media jornada, si tiene a su cuidado directo algún menor de 8 años ó minusválidos físicos o psíquicos, con la disminu- ción proporcional no retribuida.
- Los trabajadores con hijos menores de 8 años podrán cambiar el turno que les corresponde con algún compañero o compañera, exigiéndo- se solamente la conformidad de ambos y que tengan la misma categoría y similar puesto de trabajo.
Se concederá de inmediato, salvo en aquellos casos menos urgentes, en que la empresa dis- pondrá de 48 horas para concederlos.
- Las trabajadoras con hijos menores de 9 meses tendrán derecho a una pausa de 1 hora por lactancia, que podrán utilizar al inicio o final de la jornada de trabajo. Este derecho será de 3 horas, en caso de residir fuera del municipio.
- Los trabajadores fijos y fijos-discontinuos podrán solicitar permisos especiales no remu- nerados para ausentarse del trabajo por moti- vos personales. Su duración no será inferior a 15 días, ni superior a 3 meses, y se concederá siempre que no se encuentre en la misma situa- ción el 10% de cada categoría profesional, excepto en aquellas en que debido al escaso personal que integre la categoría de que se trate, resulte imposible a la empresa conceder este permiso sin sufrir un gran perjuicio en la organización del trabajo.
El salario base que percibirán los trabajadores acogidos a este Convenio desde el 1 de sep- tiembre de 2005 hasta el 31 xx xxxxxx del 2006, será el que figura en la tabla salarial anexa.
Los trabajadores no fijos - fijos-discontinuos, por obra ó servicio determinado y eventuales- percibirán durante el mismo periodo de tiempo el salario hora que también se especifica en el anexo, y que incluye la parte proporcional de vacaciones, pagas extras, paga de beneficios, domingos y festivos.
A partir de 1 de septiembre de 2006, y con vigencia hasta el 00 xx xxxxxx xx 0000, xxx xxxxxx salariales se revisaran, incrementándolas en lo que haya aumentado el Indice de Precios al Consumo en el periodo de los 12 meses inme- diatamente anteriores (desde 1 de septiembre de 2005 hasta 31 xx xxxxxx de 2006), más medio punto porcentual, salvo para Personal de Manipulado y Envasado cuyo salario será revisa- do con el citado IPC más 1,20 puntos.
Los trabajadores fijos y fijos-discontinuos, perci- birán por este concepto las cantidades que resulten en aplicación de la siguiente escala:
1er trienio – 2% sobre el salario base. 2º trienio – 2% sobre el salario base. 3º trienio – 3% sobre el salario base. 4º trienio – 3% sobre el salario base. 5º trienio – 5% sobre el salario base.
En consecuencia, con efectos de 1º de octubre de
2004, el complemento por el tiempo de servicios prestados a la misma empresa quedó fijado en cinco trienios, como máximo, esto es, hasta totalizar un máximo del 15 % sobre el salario base.
Los trabajadores fijos discontinuos, para la consolida- ción de un trienio, necesitarán haber trabajado para la empresa tres campañas completas o, en su caso, 27 meses en alta.
Xxxxxx trabajador percibirá un porcentaje superior al 15% de complemento de antigüe- dad.
Los trabajadores que estuviesen percibiendo, a la entrada en vigor de este convenio, el porcen- taje del 15%, y estuviese en trance de adquirir el 20%, mantendrá este derecho, consolidando en su momento el porcentaje del 20 %.
Aquellas personas que viniesen percibiendo un porcentaje superior a los anteriores, conservan este derecho percibiendo este porcentaje como derecho adquirido.
El porcentaje de antigüedad solo se aplicará a los conceptos salariales, expresamente señala- dos en este convenio.
Para el cómputo de los trienios solo se conta- bilizará el tiempo trabajado a partir del momen- to en que el trabajador adquiera el reconoci- miento de su condición de fijo o fijo disconti- nuo por cualquier medio, sin que pueda retro- traerse en ningún caso al comienzo de la rela- ción laboral.
Se dividirán en 3 grupos:
a)- De fuerza mayor: serán las que se realicen para prevenir o evitar sinietros u otros daños extraordinarios y urgentes. Su prestación será obligatoria.
b)- Estructurales: serán las que se realicen para evitar las pérdidas de materias primas por acu-
Convenio Colectivo de Manipulado y Envasado de frutas, hortalizas y flores de Almería
mulación de productos en épocas puntas de producción, por ausencia imprevista de perso- nal, cierres imprevistos de fronteras, etc. Su prestación será obligatoria.
c)- Habituales: serán aquéllas que, no incluidas en ninguno de los apartados anteriores, se rea- licen por encima de la jornada ordinaria de tra- bajo. Su prestación será voluntaria por el traba- jador.
Con carácter general las horas extraordinarias se abonarán al mismo precio que las horas ordi- narias de trabajo.
No obstante lo anterior, salvo pacto colectivo de empresa en contrario, desde 0 xx xxxxxxx- xxx xx 0000, xxx xxxxx que excedan de la jorna- da ordinaria diaria de 9 horas, así como las que excedan del computo de 50 horas ordinarias semanales, se considerarán extraordinarias, y se abonaran al valor unitario fijado en las tablas anexas.
Las horas de trabajo que se deban realizar en xxxxxxx x xxxx festivos por causas de fuerza mayor o para prevenir pérdidas de materias pri- mas, por cierres imprevistos de fronteras, acu- mulación de productos en épocas puntas de producción, factores atmosféricos u otras cau- sas no previsibles ni imputables en medida algu- na al empresario, serán obligatorias y se retri- buirán con el incremento del 75% sobre el importe xxx xxxxxxx hora individual. Las restan- tes serán voluntarias y el recargo será del 100%.
Los trabajadores tendrán derecho a 2 pagas extraordinarias correspondientes a 30 xxxx xx xxxxxxx mas antigüedad, cantidad que para los no fijos irá prorrateada en el salario hora indivi- dual.
Asimismo, tendrán derecho a una paga, denomi- nada de beneficios, equivalente al 5% de los sala- xxxx devengados durante el año, cuyo importe
irá prorrateado para los fijos-discontinuos y eventuales en el salario hora individual.
Al personal que se le confiera misión de servi- cio fuera de la empresa (lugar habitual del cen- tro de trabajo) tendrá derecho a que se le abo- nen los gastos que hubiere efectuado, previa presentación de los justificantes. Percibirán ade- más 18,93 euros por día completo y 9,45 euros por medio día.
El medio de transporte que ha de ser preferen- temente proporcionado por la empresa, será el adecuado para el transporte de personas, que- dando excluidos los camiones u otros vehículos que no reúnan las condiciones mínimas para la seguridad y dignidad de los trabajadores.
Si la empresa no facilita el transporte, abonará por cada día de asistencia al trabajo 1 Euro a todos aquellos trabajadores para los que el cen- tro de trabajo diste 5 ó más kilómetros conta- dos desde el límite xxx xxxxx urbano de su domicilio, a partir de 1 de septiembre de 2003.
Cualquier conflicto que pudiera suscitarse en la interpretación y/o aplicación de este precepto, deberá someterse, con carácter previo a la vía judicial, a la Comisión Paritaria de Vigilancia e Interpretación del presente Convenio.
Los trabajadores afectos al presente Convenio tendrán derecho a jubilarse parcialmente, con- forme a lo dispuesto en la legislación vigente sobre la materia: artículo 166 del Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1994, de 20 xx xxxxx, por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley General de la Seguridad Social; artículo 12.6 del Real
Decreto Legislativo 1/1995,
de 24 xx xxxxx, por el que se aprueba el Texto
Refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los Trabajadores; y artículos 8 a 17 del Real Decreto 144/1999, de 29 de enero, por el que se desa-rrolla, en materia de acción protectora de la Seguridad Social, el Real Decreto-Ley 15/1998, de 27 de noviembre, de medidas urgentes para la mejora del xxxxxxx xx xxxxx- jo en relación con el trabajo a tiempo parcial y el fomento de su estabilidad.
El trabajador deberá comunicar su decisión a la empresa, indicando la fecha en que tenga previs- to el cese en el trabajo a jornada completa y concertar con la misma una reducción xx xxxxx- da y salario, entre un mínimo del 25% y un máximo del 85%, mediante la realización de un contrato a tiempo parcial.
Podrá acceder a la jubilación parcial el trabaja- dor que:
a) Reúna todas las condiciones precisas para causar la pensión de jubilación, con excepción de la edad, que habrá de ser inferior a 5 años como máximo a la ordinaria de jubilación del correspondiente régimen. En este caso, la empresa debe celebrar simultáneamente un contrato de relevo con un trabajador que susti- tuya la jornada de trabajo dejada vacante por el trabajador que se jubila parcialmente.
b) Reúna todas las condiciones para causar la pensión de jubilación y haya cumplido la edad ordinaria de jubilación. No es necesario cele- brar simultáneamente un contrato de relevo.
El jubilado parcial tiene la consideración de pen- sionista a efectos de reconocimiento y percep- ción de las prestaciones sanitarias, tanto médi- cas como farmacéuticas, así como de las presta- ciones de servicios sociales.
La cuantía de la jubilación a tiempo parcial equi- vale a aplicar el porcentaje en que haya reduci- do su jornada a la pensión de jubilación ordina- ria que pudiera corresponderle de acuerdo con
los años de cotización que acredite el trabaja- dor en el momento de la solicitud.
La pensión de jubilación parcial es compatible:
1).- Con el trabajo a tiempo parcial en la empresa y en su caso, con otros trabajos a tiem- po parcial anteriores a la situación de jubilación parcial siempre que no se aumente la duración de su jornada. De aumentarse la duración de su jornada, la pensión de jubilación parcial quedará en suspenso.
2).- Con los trabajos a tiempo parcial concerta- dos con posterioridad a la situación de jubila- ción parcial, si ha cesado en los trabajos que se venían desempeñando con anterioridad en otras empresas, siempre que no supongan un aumento en la duración de la jornada realizada hasta entoces. De aumentarse la duración de su jornada, la pensión de jubilación parcial quedará en suspenso.
El trabajador que acceda a la jubilación parcial, siempre que la reduciendo de jornada sea de, al menos, el cincuenta por ciento, tendrá derecho a percibir de la empresa el importe equivalente al líquido a percibir de dos mensualidades ordi- narias, con el objetivo de indemnizarle la pérdi- da xx xxxxxxx que padece por la diferencia tem- poral existente entre el momento del cese par- cial en su empleo y el cobro de la primera nómina de tal pensión.
Dentro del mes siguiente a la publicación del presente Convenio, las empresas encuadradas en su ámbito de aplicación, deberán suscribir una póliza de seguros que cubra los siguientes riesgos para todo el personal de la empresa:
a)- Nueve mil quince euros (9.015 €) en caso de muerte o incapacidad absoluta por causas accidentales ocurridas durante las 24 horas.
b)- Tres con sesenta euros (3,60 €) por incapa-
Convenio Colectivo de Manipulado y Envasado de frutas, hortalizas y flores de Almería
cidad temporal a consecuencia de accidente, desde el primer día.
c)- Tres con sesenta euros (3,60 €) por hospita- lización, desde el primer día y durante todo el tiempo que dure esta.
d)- Tres con sesenta euros (3,60 €) en caso de hospitalización por parto, desde el primer día.
Las empresas que no suscriban esta póliza, deberán responder directamente ante los tra- bajadores de los riesgos y por las cantidades señaladas.
Las primas a pagar por esta póliza serán satisfe- xxxx por empresa y trabajador de acuerdo con los siguientes límites:
a)- Empresa: Cada empresa, por trabajador y año, pagará cinco veces el salario hora individual señalado para las manipuladoras en el Convenio.
b)- Trabajador: Solo pagará la diferencia entre la aportación empresarial y el coste de la prima trabajador/año.
Complemento a la incapacidad temporal. En los supuestos de incapacidad temporal derivada de accidente de trabajo, el trabajador tendrá dere- cho a que se complete hasta el 100% xxx xxxxxxx medio ordinario de los tres meses anteriores a la baja, por cada día que permanezca en dicha situación, deducida la cantidad que el trabajador haya de recibir por la cobertura de la póliza de accidente (art. 15.6 de este convenio), mientras permanezca de alta en la empresa.
Se abonará un plus consistente en el 25% xxx xxxxxxx base más antigüedad, cuando se realicen trabajos nocturnos (realizados entre las 22 y las 6 horas) o bien trabajos que entrañen riesgos de peligrosidad o penosidad.
El plus de nocturnidad se aplicará para los tra- bajos realizados en las horas señaladas, salvo que el trabajo en la empresa se encuentre orga- nizado por turnos, en cuyo caso la nocturnidad no se aplicará.
Todo personal que lleve trabajando al servicio de la empresa diez años, en caso de los fijos, o 2200 días en alta, en el de los trabajadores fijos- discontinuos, percibirán con carácter único y por una sola vez, un premio igual a una mensua- lidad de su salario real. Para el personal fijo dis- continuo el premio será como mínimo de 225 horas.
Las empresas facilitarán a sus trabajadores al inicio de la campaña, y por una sola vez, la siguiente ropa de trabajo:
- Mujeres: 2 batas, 2 pares de guantes de tela y calzado adecuado.
- Hombres: 2 monos de 2 piezas, 2 pares de guantes de tela y calzado adecuado.
Este material les será reemplazado por otro nuevo cuando lo precise el trabajador por des- gaste o extravío del anterior.
Los trabajadores tendrán derecho, previa solici- tud, a recibir anticipos a cuenta de hasta el 90% xxx xxxxxxx devengado hasta el momento de la petición, debiendo cada empresa hacerlo efecti- vo en el día de la semana que previamente hayan señalado, siempre que se haya solicitado al menos 48 horas antes.
a)- Fijos: Son aquellos trabajadores que prestan sus servicios en la empresa de una forma continuada y permanente.
b )- Fijos discontinuos: Son aquellos trabajadores que realizan trabajos normales y propios de la temporada con la intermitencia característica de la actividad dis- continua de
cada campaña.
c) - Eventuales: Son aquellos que, sin tener relación permanente con la empresa, son llamados al trabajo por circunstancias xx xxxxxxx, acumulación xx xxxxx- jo, exceso de pedidos o razones de temporada, aún tratándose de la actividad normal de la empresa. La duración máxima de estos contratos será de 9 meses en un periodo de 12 meses, contados a partir del momento en que se inicie la relación laboral.
d)- Interinos: Son aquellos trabajadores que son admi- tidos para sustituir a los trabajadores fijos y fijos-dis- continuos,afectándoles el horario y la clasificación pro- fesional, así como el desempeño de trabajo que el sus- tituido realizara. Caso de que el trabajador sustituido no se reincorporar a el trabajo,aquel ocuparía su plaza con preferencia a cualquier otro trabajador.
e)- Obra o servicio determinado:Con el objeto de no sobredimensionar la plantilla de fijos discontinuos en las empresas,a los que no se podría garantizar la pres- tación de servicios durante toda la campaña,las partes acuerdan que se puedan realizar contratos de obra ó servicio determinado para la realización de las tareas propias de la campaña. No podrá realizarse este tipo de contratos a más del 50% de la plantilla.
A efectos de lo prevenido en este artículo,se denomi- na como campaña hortofrutícola a la actividad comer- cializadora de temporada que se desarrolla en las empresas del sector,y que abarca múltiples productos. Generalmente y dependiendo de las zonas de la pro-
vincia, esta campaña se inicia en Septiembre/ Octubre de cada año y finaliza en Junio/Julio del siguiente, regis- trándose una menor actividad tanto al principio como al final de la misma, y con un importante descenso también en el centro (Marzo/Abril).
Todo ello depende mucho de las condiciones climato- lógicas, que pueden cambiar cada año.
No obstante esto,también es notorio que existen dos subcampañas dentro de la campaña,con una predomi- nancia de unos productos sobre otros:
a) Campaña otoño/invierno: calabacín, pepino, toma- te,berenjena, pimiento.
b) Campaña primavera, con predominancia de melón y sandía sobre el resto de los productos.
Cada una de estas subcampañas poseen autonomía y sustantividad propia dentro de la actividad de la empresa, y tiene una duración incierta; aunque debido a la programación de cultivos y a la necesidad de que no se interrumpa el proceso productivo,pueden suce- derse en el tiempo sin solución de continuidad.
Por ello, las partes acuerdan que puedan realizarse contratos de obra o servicio determinado para la rea- lización de las tareas propias de cada una de estas sub- campañas.
La clasificación de las categorías según la función reali- zada, viene determinada en el anexo II del texto de este Convenio, todo ello de acuerdo con las categorí- as existentes y los trabajos a realizar por cada uno de los trabajadores.
Los trabajadores sólo estarán obligados a realizar tra- bajos propios de su categoría profesional, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en la legislación vigente sobre desem- peño de funciones de otras categorías.
Las empresas se dotarán de personal idóneo para la limpie- za de servicios y duchas.
convenio almeria INGLES.qxp 16/05/2007 9:10 PÆgina 20
Convenio Colectivo de Manipulado y Envasado de frutas, hortalizas y flores de Almería
Administración Autonómica 8341/06
Consejería de Empleo - Servicio de Admón. Laboral
Delegación Provincial de Almería
VISTO el Texto del Acuerdo de la Comisión Paritaria del Convenio Colectivo Provincial de Trabajo del Sector MANIPULADOY ENVASA- DO DE FRUTAS, HORTALIZAS Y
FLORES DE ALMERÍA, sobre la aplicación del Incremento Económico para el período 01/09/2006 a 31/08/2007, expediente 0054, código 0400485, suscrito con fecha 22 de sep- tiembre de 2006, de una parte en representa- ción de las empresas del sector por las Asociaciones Empresariales COEXPAL, ECO- HAL y ASEMPAL-AGRICULTURA, y de otra
por las Centrales Sindicales CC.OO y U.G.T., en representación de los trabajadores, de con- formidad con el Art. 90 del Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1995, de 24 xx xxxxx, por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, Real Decreto 1040/1981, de 22 xx xxxx, sobre registro y depósito de Convenios Colectivos de Trabajo, y en relación con el Art. 17.2 del Estatuto de Autonomía de Andalucía y Decreto 203/2004, de 11 xx xxxx, por el que se establece la estructura orgánica de la Consejería de Empleo; esta Delegación Provincial de Empleo.
A C U E R D A:
PRIMERO.- Ordenar su inscripción en el Registro de Convenios Colectivos de Trabajo de esta Delegación Provincial, con notificación a las partes integrantes de la Comisión Negociadora.
SEGUNDO.- Remitir el texto del mismo al Centro de Mediación, Arbitraje y Conciliación para su depósito.
TERCERO.- Disponer su publicación en el Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Almería.
Almería, 11 de octubre de 2006.
Son partes firmantes del presente Acuerdo los miembros de la Comisión Paritaria de Vigilancia e Interpretación del Convenio Colectivo Provincial de Trabajo de
Manipulado y Envasado de Frutas, Hortalizas y Flores de Almería, designados, de una parte, por los sindicatos U.G.T y CC.OO., como repre- sentación laboral, y, de otra parte, por COEX- PHAL, ECOHAL y ASEMPAL-
AGRICULTURA,en representación empresa- rial.
Ambas partes se reconocen mutuamente legiti- mación para formalizar el presente Acuerdo, de conformidad a lo establecido en el artículo 58 del citado Convenio.
El presente Acuerdo entrará en vigor al día siguiente de su publicación en el Boletín Oficial de la Provincia, si bien los conceptos económi- cos se aplicarán retroactivamente desde el pri- mero de septiembre de 2006.
De conformidad a lo establecido en el artículo 8º, a partir de 1 de septiembre de 2006 y con vigencia hasta el 00 xx xxxxxx xx 0000, xx xxxxx salarial se ha revisado, incrementándose en lo que ha aumentado el IPC en el período de los
12 meses inmediatamente anteriores (3,7%) más 1,20 puntos para el personal de manipula- do y envasado (4,9%), y medio punto para el resto del personal (4,2%), resultando la tabla salarial que se une como anexo al presente Acuerdo.
El régimen salarial establecido en el presente Convenio no será de necesaria y obligada apli- cación para aquellas empresas cuya estabilidad económica pudiera verse dañada como conse- cuencia de tal aplicación.
Para valorar esta situación, se atenderán los datos que resulten de la contabilidad de las empresas, de sus
balances y de sus cuentas de resultados.
Las empresas en las que, a su juicio, concurran las circunstancias expresadas, comunicarán a los repre-
sentantes de los trabajadores su deseo de aco- gerse al procedimiento regulado en esta cláusu- la, en el plazo de un mes a contar de la fecha de publicación de este Con-
venio en el B.O.P.. En la misma forma será obli- gatoria su comunicación a la Comisión Paritaria del Convenio.
En el plazo de veinte días naturales siguientes a contar de esta comunicación, la empresa facili- tará a los representantes de los trabajadores la documentación a que se ha hecho referencia en el párrafo segundo, y dentro de los siguientes diez días las partes acordarán la procedencia o improcedencia de la aplicación de esta cláusula.
El resultado de esta negociación será comunica- do a la Comisión Paritaria del Convenio en el plazo de los cinco días siguientes a haberse pro- ducido el acuerdo o desacuerdo, procediéndose de la forma siguiente:
a) En caso de acuerdo, la empresa y los repre- sentantes de los trabajadores negociarán la determinación de
las nuevas condiciones salariales.
b) De no existir acuerdo, la discrepancia será solventada por la Comisión Paritaria, a cuyo efecto examinará los datos puestos a su dispo- sición, pudiendo recabar la documentación complementaria que estime pertinente para una mejor o más completa información y oirá a las partes.
La Comisión Paritaria dispondrá de un plazo no superior a un mes, a partir de que las partes le den traslado del desacuerdo, para pronunciarse sobre si en la empresa solicitante concurren o no las circunstancias exigidas en el párrafo pri- mero de esta cláusula.
Los plazos establecidos en esta cláusula serán de caducidad a todos los efectos.
En todo caso, debe entenderse que lo estableci- do en los párrafos anteriores sólo afectará a la determinación de las nuevas condiciones sala- riales, hallándose obligadas las empresas afecta- das por el contenido del resto de lo pactado en este Convenio.
Los representantes de los trabajadores, así como los miembros de la Comisión Paritaria, en su caso, están obligados a tratar y mantener en la mayor reserva la información recibida y los datos a que hayan tenido acceso como conse- cuencia de lo establecido en los párrafos anteriores, observando, por consiguiente, res- pecto de todo ello, sigilo profesional.
Convenio Colectivo de Manipulado y Envasado de frutas, hortalizas y flores de Almería
Los atrasos por los incrementos salariales correspondientes a los periodos vencidos desde 1 de septiembre de 2006, serán satisfe- chos por las empresas obligadas en el plazo máximo de 2 meses contados a partir de su entrada en vigor. De esta obligación quedarán exentas las empresas que ya hayan satisfecho los incrementos salariales pactados en este convenio con carácter de a cuenta de dichos incrementos.
AL 31.08.07
Grupo I.- Personal Técnico Titulado:
Grupo V.- Personal Subalterno:
Vigilante-Sereno 717,13
Personal de limpieza 697,72
Aprendiz 17 años S.M.I.
Aprendiz 16 años S.M.I.
(Obra o servicio-Eventuales)
Grupo I.- Personal Técnico no Titulado:
Encargado xx xxxxxxx 6,75
Jefe de línea 6,31
Personal de oficio de primera ( Mecánicos, Electricistas, Carpinteros) 6,31
Especialistas 6,13
Grupo II.- Personal Actividades Auxiliares:
Mozos, Peones y Flejadores manuales 5,95 Personal de Manipulado y Envasado 5,65
Titulado grado superior | 1.453,56 | Grupo III.- Personal Subalterno: | |
Titulado grado medio | 1.317,91 | Vigilante-Sereno | 5,70 |
Ayudantes técnicos titulados | 1.065,99 | Personal de limpieza | 5,62 |
Trabajadores de 17 años | S.M.I. | ||
Grupo II.- Personal Técnico no Directores generales | Xxxxxxxx: Trabajadores de 16 años S.M.I. 1.453,56 | ||
Jefe xx xxxxxxx | 1.317,91 | ||
Jefe comercial | 1.356,67 | ||
Ayudante comercial | 1.104,72 | ||
Intérpretes | 1.065,99 |
Grupo III.- Personal Administrativo:
Jefe administrativo | 1.317,77 |
Contables | 1.162,88 |
Operadores | 1.065,99 |
Oficiales administrativos | 1.065,99 |
Auxiliar administrativo, Perforistas y | |
Secretarios | 872,12 |
Telefonista | 717,41 |
Aspirante administrativo | 646,04 |
Grupo IV.- Personal Actividades Auxiliares: | |
Conductor-Repartidor | 949,70 |
Especialistas | 794,6 |
Mozos | 736,49 |
24 |
convenio almeria INGLES.qxp 16/05/2007 9:10 PÆgina 26
Convenio Colectivo de Manipulado y Envasado de frutas, hortalizas y flores de Almería
Autonomous Administration 000/00
Department of Employment - Labour Service
Provincial Delegation of Almería
Having studied the text of the Provincial Collective Work Agreement for the period between 1 September 2005 and 31 August 2007 of the HANDLING AND PACKAGING OF FRUIT, VEGETABLES AND FLOW- ERS IN ALMERIA, file 0054, code 0400485,
signed on 22 November 2005, one party, acting in representation of the companies through the business associations, COEXPHAL, ECOHAL AND ASEMPAL-AGRICULTURA, and another party, representing the workers through the Workers’ Commissions and General Workers’ Trade Union in accordance with Art. 90 of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1995 of 24 March which approves the Revised Text of the Workers' Statute, Royal Decree 1040/1981 of
22 May on the registry and inscription of Collective Work Agreements, and in relation to Art. 17.2 of the Autonomous Statute of Andalusia and Decree 203/2004 of 11 May which establishes the organisational structure of the Department of Employment; this Provincial Employment Delegation
ONE.- Arrange entry in the Collective Work Agreements Register of this Provincial Delegation, notifying the integral parts of the Bargaining Committee.
TWO.- Submit the text to the Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation Centre.
THREE.- Publish the text in the Provincial Official Gazette of Almeria.
Almeria, 28 November 2005
VICE, Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx. 28
This Agreement affects companies and their workers in workplaces involved in the handling and packaging of fruit, vegetables and flowers, excluding employees referred to in Article 1, paragraph 3 and 2 of the Workers' Statute, and to persons of under 16 years of age, who may not legally be employed.
This Agreement affects the abovementioned companies and employees within the natural boundaries of the province of Almería.
This Agreement will enter into effect on 1 September 2005 and will be valid until 31 August 2007. It can be extended by calendar years in the case that there is no objection by the parties, giving 30 days notification.
Any delays in pay rises corresponding to the periods expired from 1 September 2005 will be obligatorily met by the companies within a max- imum period of 2 months from the time that they come into effect. Companies which have paid on account the pay rises agreed in this agreement are excluded from this obligation.
Salaries agreed outside the Agreement in a pri- vate capacity which affect specific employees may not be offset by the annual general pay rises which are agreed for the various profes- sional categories.
Financial and other conditions which, individual- ly or collectively, considered as a whole and on a year-to-year basis, are more beneficial than those established in this Agreement, will be upheld.
An ordinary working day of 40 hours per week is established, on a year-to-year basis of 1,826 hours, agreeing an irregular distribution of this day in accordance with the special conditions of the sector.
Due to the discontinuous character of this sec- tor, the working day will be determined in accordance with the fulfilment of the normal activity of the company, tallying the actual hours worked by the employee per day.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, and depending on the convenience of carrying out an irregular- ly distributed working day, no employee can be obliged to work more than 9 hours per work- ing day, or 50 ordinary hours per week.
The ordinary working day will be from Monday to Saturday. The weekly rest period includes Saturday from 15.00 and all of Sunday, except in the case of individual agreement or a Company agreement stating otherwise. In the case of minors, the rest period will be two consecutive days.
The company will ensure that every day that an employee is called upon to work, then the working day shall consist of a minimum of three hours. If the working day is inferior to these
three hours, the employee will be given the cor- responding pay for these hours.
At company level, shorter working days can be agreed, calculating their maximum duration in proportion to the duration already determined. Employees with permanent contracts will be entitled to a 20 minute paid break per day; fixed discontinuous and temporary workers will have the same right when they work a full working day of 5 or more consecutive hours.This break is not included when determining the number of hours worked.
In cases where it is necessary to carry out con- tinuous work shifts, an equal weekly rota shift system will be used, respecting the legally estab- lished rest periods. Employees carrying out shift work will be entitled to a weekly rest period of one and a half days.The half day on Saturday can be accumulated every two weeks, thereby hav- ing a rest period of all day Sunday one week and resting two full days the following week (Saturday afternoon, all day Sunday and Monday morning).
For employees carrying out shift work, the ordi- nary working day on Saturday will end at a max- imum time of 22.00.
Employees can swap shifts with other employ- ees within the same category and work post, notifying the Company of this in writing, except in the case that this causes great inconvenience, which should be communicated to the Staff Delegates or members of the Company Committee.
Both parties in each Company are obliged to negotiate the work distribution during low peri- ods of productivity. It is also obligatory to nego- tiate in each company the situation for tempo- rary employees during periods where there is an unexpected shortage of work in the ware- house. In any case, it should be pointed out that except in the case of a company collective agreement to the contrary, no temporary employee will carry out a working day superior
Convenio Colectivo de Manipulado y Envasado de frutas, hortalizas y flores de Almería
to that of an employee with a fixed discontinu- ous contract with the same professional catego- ry; in the case that this rule is not observed, the employee with the fixed discontinuous contract will have the right to claim up to 35 paid hours per week, deducting those already received.
The employee shall be paid the same salary for hours during which they must be present on the premises as for the actual working hours carried out.
Staff who are not directly involved in the han- dling activity will preferably work a split work- ing day, except between 1 July and 15 September when they will preferably work a continuous working day.
The companies are obliged to give each employee a list of hours effectively worked dur- ing the month.
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 of this article, and by way of complementing it, the companies are obliged to guarantee average monthly working hours of:
A) An average of 140 actual working hours, cal- culated by taking the total duration of their work contract or the period in which the employee is registered as an employee in the company during the period of productivity, and not on an individual monthly basis.
B) An average of 130 actual working hours per month calculated every four months for employees with fixed discontinuous and tempo- rary contracts, who provide their services throughout the whole horticultural period of productivity. For the purpose of this, the pro- duction period begins in September/October and ends the following May/June-July.
For the four months calculation, the following periods will be considered:
October, November, December and January February, March, April and May.
This work guarantee set out in B) will not be 30
applicable to those companies not employing temporary workers.
In any case, these guarantees are only applicable to employees who have not reduced their working day voluntarily or by means of a con- tract and have not had unjustified absences from work. To this effect, justified absences and days on sick leave will be counted according to the hours worked by workmates.
All of the workers affected by this Agreement will have the right to annual holidays of 30 cal- endar days, paid in accordance with the basic pay and the length of service in the company. Workers will preferably take their holidays in the months of July, August and September.
At the request of the worker, the company will pay in advance the monthly payment which cor- responds to these holidays.This payment will be made on the day before the holidays.
For employees who are paid per hour, the amount of these 30 days holidays is included in the hourly salary outlined in the table in the appendix of the Agreement.
The company will provide an acknowledgment stating that the employee is on holidays for any person who requests this.
Workers with permanent contracts or fixed discontinuous contracts, providing possible notice and adequate justification, may take paid leave from work in the following cases.
-16 consecutive days for marriage leave.
- 4 consecutive days, plus an extra 2 days for temporary transfer, paternity leave, adoption or fostering.
- 3 consecutive days, plus an extra 2 days for temporary transfer, serious illness, hospitalisa- tion or death of parents, children, siblings or partners, or other close relatives.
In the case that this is a chronic illness, the leave will only be granted once.
- 2 days’ leave for moving house.
- 1 day's leave for marriage of close blood rela- tives.
- The time required to fulfil an obligatory public or legal duty.
- In the case where a pregnant worker, provid- ing a medical certificate, carries out a dangerous or difficult job, they will have the right to:
a – Preference to have a work post which does not pose a risk to the pregnancy.
b – Change their work post by means of a request, maintaining their category and salary until the time that they take maternity leave.
c – Choose a more convenient work shift.
- Only one partner may request a reduction in their working day of between a third and half of the duration of the working day, if this person is directly responsible for the care of a child of less than 8 years old or persons with a physical or mental handicap, with the corresponding proportional reduction in pay.
- Workers with children under the age of eight years old may change shifts with a workmate, who has the same category and similar work post, by merely requesting their agreement.
This will be granted immediately, except in less urgent cases in which the company will have 48 hours to grant it.
-Workers with children under the age of 9 months old shall have the right to a one hour lactation break, which can be used at the begin- ning or end of the working day.This right will be increased to 3 hours if the breastfeeding moth- er lives outside the municipality.
- Workers with permanent and fixed-discontin- uous contracts may request special unpaid leave
from work for personal reasons.This leave shall exceed 15 days, but be no more than 3 months and will be granted provided that less than 10% of each professional category is in the same sit- uation. However, in cases where, due to the low number of staff who make up this category, this leave would imply great disruption to work organisation, then it will not be granted.
The basic pay received by the workers to whom this Agreement applies, from 1 September to 31 August 2006, is outlined in the pay scale tariffs given in the appendix.
Workers who do not have a permanent con- tract – fixed-discontinuous, temporary con- tracts and contracts for work and services pro- vided- will be paid, for the same period of time, the hourly salary also specified in the Appendix, which includes the proportional part for holi- days, bonuses, profit-related pay, Sundays and public holidays.
From 1 September 2006, with effect until 31 August 2007, the pay scale tariffs are revised, increasing these in accordance with the Consumer Price Index for the period of the 12 previous months (from 1 September 2005 until 31 August 2006) plus 0.5%, except for Handling and Packaging Staff whose salary will be revised with the CPI (and 1.20 points).
Workers with permanent and fixed-discontinu- ous contracts are entitled to the following amounts for length of service:
First three-year-period – 2% of basic pay. Second three-year-period – 2% of basic pay. Third three-year-period – 3% of basic pay. Fourth three-year-period – 3% of basic pay. Fifth three-year-period – 5% of basic pay.
As a result, with effect from 1 October 2004, this corresponds to time for services provided to the same company fixed at a maximum of
Colective work agreement for handling and packaging of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Almeria
five three-year-periods until reaching a maxi- mum of 15% of the basic pay.
In order for fixed-discontinuous workers to ful- fil a three-year-period, they must have worked three full work seasons, or 27 months regis- tered with the Social Security as a worker of the company.
No worker will be entitled to a percentage of over 15% for length of service.
Workers who are receiving 15% at the time that this Agreement comes into effect, and who were going to receive 20% will maintain this right.
Persons who are receiving a percentage higher than that mentioned above will maintain the right to receive this percentage, as an acquired right.
The percentage for length of service is only applied to concepts for salaries, to which express mention is given in this agreement.
In order to calculate the three-year-periods, time worked is counted from the date that the worker is given a permanent or fixed-discontin- uous contract. It is not possible to backdate this to the date that the worker began work in that company.
Divided into three types:
a - Force majeure: overtime to prevent or avoid losses or other extraordinary and urgent dam- ages. Obligatory.
b – Structural: carried out to avoid losses in raw materials due to an accumulation of products in key production periods, due to an unforeseen lack of personnel, unforeseen closures of bor- ders, etc. Obligatory.
c – Normal: overtime, not included in the afore- mentioned types, carried out in addition to the normal working day.Voluntary.
In general, overtime hours shall be paid at the same rate as ordinary working hours.
Notwithstanding the above, where there is no collective company agreement to the contrary, from 1 September 2003, hours which are worked in addition to the ordinary working day of 9 hours (or an excess of 50 normal weekly hours) will be paid at the unit price set in the tables in the appendix.
The work hours which must be carried out on Sundays or public holidays due to force majeure or to prevent losses of raw materials, as a result of unforeseen border closures, accumulation of products in key production periods, atmospher- ic factors or other unforeseen factors which cannot be attributed to the business, will be obligatory and paid with an increase of 75% on the individual salary per hour. The remainder will be voluntary and be paid at 100%.
Workers will be entitled to 2 bonuses corre- sponding to 30 days salary plus length of serv- ice, an amount which will be calculated on the individual hourly salary for non permanent workers.
Likewise, they will be entitled to a payment (called ‘benefits’) equivalent to 5% of the salaries paid throughout the year. This amount will be calculated on the individual hourly salary for workers with fixed-discontinuous and tem- porary contracts.
Staff who must carry out their work in a place other than the company (normal place of work) will be entitled to payment for expenses (proof of which will be given by receipts). In addition, they will receive 18.93 euros for a full day and
9.45 euros for a half day.
The means of transport which is preferably pro- vided by the company will be adequate for the transport of persons, excluding lorries and
other vehicles which do not meet the minimum health and safety requirements of the workers. If the company does not provide the transport, it will pay one euro per day to workers who live over 5 kilometres from the workplace (calculat- ed from the boundary of their municipality) from 1 September 2003.
Any conflict which may arise from the interpre- tation and/or application of this concept should be submitted to the Joint Committee for the Supervision and Interpretation of the Agreement, prior to any legal proceedings.
Workers who are affected by this Agreement will be entitled to partial retirement in accor- dance with the provisions of the legislation on the matter: Article 166 of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1994 of 20 June which approves the Revised Text of the General Social Security Act; Article 12.6 of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1995 of 24 March which approves the Revised Text of the Workers’ Statute Law; and Articles 8 to 17 of the Royal Decree 144/1999 of 29 January, which establishes, as a protective meas- ure of the Social Security, Royal Decree-Law 15/1998 of 27 November, urgent measures for improvement in the labour market, related to part-time work and the promotion of its stabil- ity.
The worker must notify the company of their decision, indicating the date on which they will cease working a full day and begin working part- time with the corresponding reduction in salary, between a minimum of 25% and a maximum of 85%, by means of a part-time contract.
Workers who fulfil the following requirements are entitled to partial retirement:
a) Fulfils all of the specific conditions for entitle- ment to a pension, with the exception of age, which must be below a minimum of 5 years compared to the normal pension. In this case, the company must simultaneously have a hand- over contract with a worker who replaces the
work day left vacant by the worker who partial- ly retires.
b) Xxxxxxx all of the conditions for entitlement to a pension, having reached the normal age of retirement. It is not necessary to simultaneous- ly have a hand-over contract.
A person with partial retirement is considered a pensioner for identification purposes and entitlement to the medical and pharmaceutical health provisions in addition to social services provisions.
The amount for partial retirement will be the equivalent of the application of the percentage of the reduction in the working day to the nor- mal retirement pension, corresponding to the number of years paying social security contribu- tions, proven by the worker at the time of the request.
The partial retirement pension is compatible with:
1.- Part-time work in the company and in its case, with other part-time work carried out prior to the situation of partial retirement, which does not increase the duration of the day. In increasing the duration of the day, the partial retirement pension would be suspended.
2.- With part-time work arranged subsequent to the situation of partial retirement, if the worker has ceased works which were being carried out subsequently in other companies, provided that there is no increase in the dura- tion of the day carried out up until then. In increasing the duration of the working day, pay- ment of the partial retirement pension will be suspended.
The worker who takes partial retirement, in cases where the reduction in the working day is at least fifty per cent, will be entitled to receive from the company the equivalent of the net amount of two ordinary months, in order to indemnify the period of salary which is lacking due to the time difference between the date of
Colective work agreement for handling and packaging of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Almeria
partial cessation in the employment and collec- tion of the first payment of that pension.
Within the month following the publication of this Agreement, the companies categorised in the area of application must underwrite an insurance policy which covers the following risks for all staff in the company:
a – Nine thousand and fifteen euros (9,015) in the case of death or total permanent disability due to accidents which took place over 24 hours.
b – Three euros and sixty cents (3.60) due to temporary disability as a result of an accident, paid from the first day of the accident.
c – Three euros and sixty cents (3.60) for hos- pitalisation, from the first day to the end of the hospitalisation period.
d – Three euros and sixty cents (3.60) for hos- pitalisation as a result of delivery of baby, from the first day.
The companies which do not have this policy underwritten are directly liable for the risks and amounts outlined with respect to the workers. The premiums of this policy will be paid by the employer and employee in accordance with the following limits:
a – Employer: Each employer, per employee and year, will pay five times the hourly salary set for handlers in the Agreement.
b – Employee: Will only pay the difference between the company contribution and the cost of the employee/year premium.
Supplement to temporary disability. In cases of temporary disability as a result of a work-relat- ed accident, the worker will be entitled to up to
100% of the average normal salary of the three months before taking sick leave for each day that they are in this situation. The amount that the worker receives will be deducted from the policy cover for the accident (Art. 15.6 of this Agreement) while they are registered with the Social Security as working in this company.
A bonus of 25% of the basic pay plus length of service will be given when night work (between
22.00 and 6.00) or dangerous or difficult work is carried out.
The bonus for night work is applied to work carried out within the hours specified, except in the case that the work in the company is organ- ised into shifts; in this case, a bonus for night work does not apply.
All workers who have been in the company for ten years (with permanent contracts) or 2200 days (in the case of fixed-discontinuous work- ers) will receive a one-off payment equivalent to a month of actual salary. For fixed-discontin- uous workers, the bonus will be a minimum of 225 hours.
Companies will provide their workers on one occasion with the following work clothing: Women: 2 protective gowns, 2 pairs of cloth gloves and adequate footwear.
Men: 2 sets of two-piece overalls, 2 pairs of cloth gloves and adequate footwear.
This material will be replaced by new material when required by the worker due to wear and tear or loss of the material.
Upon request, workers will be entitled to receive advances paid on account of up to 90% of the salary earned at the time of the request. Each company should make this payment in advance on the day previously mentioned, pro- vided that it has been requested 48 hours pre- viously.
a – Permanent: Workers who provide their services in the company on a continuous, per- manent basis.
b - Fixed-discontinuous:Workers who carry out normal work corresponding to the season with the intermittent characteristic of the discontin- uous activity of each work period of productiv- ity.
c – Temporary:Workers who do not have a per- manent position in the company, and are called upon to work due to factors related to the market, accumulation of work, excess orders or reasons related to the season, still continuing with the normal activity of the company. The maximum duration of these contracts will be nine months out of a period of 12 months, counted from the date that labour relations begin.
d – Casual (substitution): Workers who are employed by the company to substitute fixed or fixed-discontinuous workers. These workers will have the same timetable, occupational clas- sification and tasks as the person who they are replacing. In the case that the substituted work- er does not return to work, the substitute worker will have preference to the work post over any other worker.
e – Specific works or services provided: In
order to avoid having an excess of fixed-discon- tinuous workers in the companies, to whom the provision of services can not be guaranteed throughout the whole period of productivity, the parties agree that contracts for specific works and services provided to carry out tasks related to the period of productivity can be established.These types of contracts can not be given to more than 50% of the workforce.
For the purposes of the provisions of this arti- cle, the horticultural marketing year is the pro- duction period in which activity is carried out in the companies in the sector, and takes in numerous products. In general and depending on the areas of the province, this period of pro- ductivity begins in September/October of each year and ends in June/July of the following year, recording a lower activity for both the begin- ning and end of the year, and also a significant decrease in the middle (March/April).
This all greatly depends on the weather condi- tions which can change every year.
However, there are also two sub-periods of productivity within each period, with a predom- inance of products over others:
a) Autumn/winter period: courgette, cucumber, tomato, aubergine, pepper.
b) Spring period: predominance of melon and watermelon.
Each of these sub-periods of productivity is sep- arate from the others within the company’s activity and has an indefinite period; although due to the programming of harvesting and the need to maintain an uninterrupted productive process, they can occur over time without a continuity solution.
For this purpose, the parties agree to establish contracts for specific works and services pro- vided in order to carry out the tasks of each of these sub-periods.
Colective work agreement for handling and packaging of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Almeria
The classification of categories according to function performed is determined in appendix II of the text of this Agreement, all of this in accordance with the present categories and the work to be carried out by each of the workers. The workers are only obliged to carry out work within their occupational category, with- out affecting the provision of the current legis- lation on the carrying out function of other cat- egories.
The companies will have the correct personnel to carry of cleaning of toilets and showers.
Contracting fixed-discontinuous, temporary, casual (substitution) staff and employees with contracts for the provision of specific work and services will be formalised by the companies in accordance with current legislation, in writing (three copies). One copy must be given to the worker and the other to the Employment Office.
The temporary workers who have provided their services to a company for two consecu- tive periods will be given a fixed-discontinuous contract for the third period. In the case that the worker is not employed for the third peri- od of productivity, they can claim in proceedings challenging dismissal.
Under no circumstances will contracts which may be considered illegal be made through tem- porary work agencies. In order to resort to this type of contract, the company must have firstly reassigned their fixed and fixed-discontinuous workers.
The fixed and fixed-discontinuous workers who decide to request voluntary leave in the compa- ny must notify the employee with fifteen days notice before the date of leaving. Failure to noti-
fy the employer will lead to the obligation of the employee to pay indemnity equivalent to the corresponding salary for the days in which this period is breached.
At the beginning and end of the production period, the fixed-discontinuous workers will be called up to work in the usual way, respecting the length of service within each category and notifying the members of the Company Committee or Staff Delegates. The fixed-dis- continuous workers who do not attend work without justified cause, having notified them of the request for their services by post or by telegraph, will lose their length of service for future calls made by the company.This is consid- ered as resigning from one’s work post and thus the worker is no longer an employee of the company.
During the production period, the call for staff is carried out day by day in accordance with the customs and organisation of each company.
Leave of absence can be voluntarily or obligato- ry. Obligatory leave, which gives the worker entitlement to maintain their work post within the company and their length of service, will be granted by the designation or the selection for a public office which makes it impossible to attend work.
Workers who are on leave of absence may request to return to work within the month fol- lowing the end of the public office.
A worker with at least one year’s length of service in the company is entitled to voluntary leave of absence for a period of no fewer than two years or greater than five, specifying the exact duration at the moment of requesting it.
Workers will be entitled to a period of leave of absence no greater than three years to take care of each child (natural or adopted). In cases of fostering children, this period will be calculat-
ed from the date of birth of this child or if nec- xxxxxx, of the judicial or administrative order. In the case that a new cause gives entitlement to a new period of leave of absence, the beginning of this will constitute the end of the other, where applicable.
In the case that the worker who requested vol- untary leave of absence requests re-incorpora- tion into the work post, the company must re- incorporate this worker under the same condi- tions as before the leave of absence. In the case that there are no vacancies for their profession- al category for the period of productivity requested, they must be incorporated in the fol- lowing year, preserving the length of service which they had before taking the leave of absence.
For cases for which no provision is made, Article 46 of the Workers’ Statute will be appli- cable.
It is expressly agreed that the period for rein- corporation into the company following the completion of the voluntary leave is three days after this date.
The companies with more than 50 workers will be obliged to employ a minimum of disabled workers constituting no less than 2% of the workforce.
Contractual clauses and individual agreements in addition to the unilateral decisions of the companies which discriminate against disabled persons in the workplace in terms of salary, timetable and work conditions will be consid- ered as having no effect.
In selection trials organised by the company, dis- abled persons will be admitted under the same conditions as others.
The companies will maintain the salary and pro- fessional level of physically disabled persons who, following a work-related or non-work- related accident or illness, become disabled,
occurring after incorporation in the company. Under these circumstances, the companies will be obliged to adapt the work post to the new physical conditions of the worker, without mar- ginalising this person from the other workers (by separating them from their workmates in special workshops or departments). These workers will not be included within the 2% mentioned in the previous paragraph of this article.
With regard to the Funds for the Protection of Work, companies will be responsible for manag- ing (together with the worker) the necessary subsidies for eliminating architectural barriers in the workplace, and facilitating the normal development of the worker’s functions.
The worker will be entitled to:
a – The required leave to attend examinations, in addition to a preference to choose their work shift, where this is established in the com- pany, in order to carry out studies to obtain an academic or vocational qualification.
b – The adaptation of the normal working day for attendance on vocational training courses or the granting of the leave required for voca- tional training or training to improve profes- sional category, reserving the work post.
c – With respect to individual leave for the development of training activities, the provi- sions in the Provisions which approve the cor- responding course.
Absence from work due to arrest of the work- er for criminal or trade-union reasons, if in these two cases this is subsequently resolved without any penalty for the worker.
Colective work agreement for handling and packaging of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Almeria
In both cases, the days on which the worker is absent from work are considered unpaid leave.
Justification for all cases where the worker is absent must be presented by the worker with- in a maximum of two working days from the date that it is requested by the company.
The companies will provide, at the request of any worker, a photocopy of the report of regis- tration with the Social Security within a period of 10 days, duly acknowledged by the National Institute of Social Security.
The main functions of the representatives of the workers who are legally recognised will be as follows:
a – Access to the list of fixed-discontinuous workers, stating their initial length of service, provided by the company.
b – Detailed information in cases that files are opened for serious or very serious breaches.
c – The company must provide information in advance in the following cases:
1. Opening of files for the restructuring of the workforce and total or partial, permanent or temporary cessations of employment. 2.Vocational training plans of the company.
0.Xxxxx or partial transfer of the installations.
d - Provide knowledge of the employment con- tract models which are used in the company in addition to documentation related to the termi- nation of the employment (settlements, letters
of dismissal).
For this purpose, the settlement model which appears in the appendix of this Agreement is used.
x - Xx informed of the situations of possible absences from work, intervening in proceedings for temporary incapacity.
These functions do no affect those established in current legislation.
Article 31 Guarantees
The members of the company committee and the staff delegates, as legal representatives of the workers, will have the following guarantees:
a – Opening of the investigation report explain- ing the grounds for dismissal in the case of breaches for serious or very serious breaches, in which the Company Committee or other staff delegates and the party involved will give their view.
b – Priority to remain in the company or work- place over other workers, in cases of suspen- sion or termination of employment due to financial or technological reasons.
c – Not be dismissed or penalised while carry- ing out their functions or within the following year of end of their task, except in cases where this comes about due to renewal or dismissal, provided that the dismissal or breach is based on the worker’s actions as a member of said committee. However, this does not affect the provisions of Article 54 of the Workers' Statute. Furthermore, they can not be discriminated in their professional or financial progression as a result of carrying out their representation.
d – Express opinions freely, jointly in the case of Committees, on matters related to their repre- sentation, being able to publish and distribute the social or labour publications, communicat- ing this to the company, without disrupting the normal execution of their tasks.
e – Each of the members of the Company Committee or Staff Delegates in each work- place should receive a monthly payment for hours worked, in accordance with the scale established in Article 68 of the Workers’ Statute.
f – Attend meetings arranged by the company accompanied by advisors.
The Staff Delegates and members of the Company Committees can accumulate trade union hours in favour of one or more of these persons, without any limit.
In companies or workplaces, whenever charac- teristics allow it, adequate premises will be pro- vided to the Staff Delegates or Company Committee so that they can carry out their activities and contact the workers. All of these will have one or more notice boards, according to the number of workers. Possible discrepan- cies can be resolved by the labour authorities with prior Work Inspection report.
At the request of the workers in the Trade Union, the companies will deduct the amount of the corresponding trade union dues from the monthly salary.
The trade union delegate or representative, with written authorisation by the employees in this operation, will send correspondence to the company clearly requesting the amount of the dues, the form of deducting it, the trade union to which the employee belongs and also the current or savings account number to which the corresponding amount must be transferred.
In companies in which there are no Staff
Delegates, the workers interested in becoming part of a trade union can individually request it, in writing stating the above details.
The companies recognise the right of their workers to freely join a trade union and can not discriminate against workers due to sex, marital status, age within that stated in the Workers' Statute, race, status, political or religious views, membership or non-membership of a trade union, and language within Spain.
At the beginning and end of the production period, the Company Committees or Staff Delegates will be represented by 1 or 2 mem- bers, with the possibility of accumulating trade union hours acknowledged. These workers will be registered with the Social Security and will be paid for the trade union hours.They will only carry out functions related to their position, except in the case that due to their length of service, they are already incorporated in the job.
1.Within the company or workplace, the work- ers who are members of a trade union can:
a – Constitute Workplace Branches of Trade Unions in accordance with the provisions of the Trade Union Statutes.
b – Hold meetings giving prior notification to the company, collect fees and distribute trade union information outside work hours and without disrupting normal activity of the com- pany.
c – Receive information sent by the trade union.
2. The Workplace Branches of the most repre- sented Trade Unions and those with represen- tation in the Company Committees and in the representative bodies which are established in the Public Administration or which have Staff Delegates, without affecting the provisions of the Collective Agreement, will have the follow- ing rights:
Colective work agreement for handling and packaging of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Almeria
a – With the aim of diffusing notices which could be of interest to the members of the trade union and the workers in general, the company will provide a notice board, located in the workplace, which can be easily accessed by the workers.
b – Collective bargaining, in the terms estab- lished in the specific legislation.
c – Use of adequate premises in order to carry out their activities in companies or workplaces with more than 250 workers.
d – Receive pay for legally established hours; one or various members may accumulate these hours without any limit.
e – Attend meetings with the company, accom- panied by advisors.
Companies which have two or more work- places in the same province or surrounding municipalities can establish Multi-Plan Workers' Committees whose members are chosen from the representatives of the various Workplace Committees.
1.- These disciplinary regulations aim to main- tain labour discipline, a fundamental aspect for normal coexistence, technical ordinance and organisation of the company, in addition to the guarantee and defence of the legitimate rights and interests of workers and employers.
In cases that breaches constitute a breach of contract by the worker, the worker can be penalised by Company Management in accor- dance with the scale established in this Section.
Breaches committed by workers affected by this Agreement are classified, according to their importance, and where appropriate, re-occur- rence as minor, serious or very serious in accordance with the provisions of the following articles.
The breach, regardless of its classification, requires written communication by the compa- ny to the worker.
The implementation of penalties due to very serious breaches will be notified to the work- er's legal representatives (if any).
The members of the Company Committee and the Staff Delegates, as legal representatives of the workers will have the right to open an investigation report explaining the grounds of the penalty, in which the party implicated, the Company Committee and the other Staff Delegates can give their view.
The following are considered minor breaches: a.- Unjustified lack of punctuality up to three times in one month at the beginning and end of the work day constituting a total time of under 20 minutes.
b.- Unjustified absence from work for one day in a month.
c.- No due prior notice of absence from work for a justified reason, except as a result of the impossibility to provide notification.
d.- Leaving the work post for short periods of time, whenever this does not put the integrity of persons or things at risk. In the case that it places persons or objects at risk, then it would be considered a serious or very serious breach.
e.- Poor customer care when this does not serious damage the company's image.
f.- Poor conservation of material for which the worker is responsible and to which minor dete- rioration has been caused.
g – Occasional inebriation at the workplace.
The following are considered serious breaches:
a.- Unjustified lack of punctuality up to three times in one month at the beginning and end of the work day constituting a total time of under 60 minutes.
b.- Unjustified absence from work for two to four days a month.
c.- Hampering, malicious omission and falsifica- tion of data which make have an effect on the Social Security.
d.- Feigning Temporary Incapacity to obtain sick leave; this does not affect letter d) of Article 43.
e.- Impersonating another worker, altering the records and control for entry to and exit from the workplace.
f.- Disobeying work orders and instructions, including those relating to health and safety standards, negligence in the workplace, exclud- ing cases which lead to serious losses for the company, cause breakdowns in the installations, machinery and in general to the company’s assets or lead to safety risks for staff. In these cases, the breach will be considered as very serious.
g.- Non-notification to the company of the defects found in tools, vehicles and works under their responsibility, when this defect could lead to a serious loss for the company.
x.- Xxxxxxxx out work not related to the com- pany without permission during the working day, in addition to using tools, machinery, vehi- cles and in general, company assets without
authorisation and for purposes other than the task assigned to the worker, including outside working hours.
i.- Violation of confidentiality which does not cause serious damage to the company.
j.- Repeated inebriation at the workplace.
k.- Lack of personal hygiene when this affects the productive process or provision of services, provided that the company has given prior noti- fication of this matter to the worker.
l.- Poor execution of the tasks for which the worker is responsible, provided that this does not place persons or objects at a serious risk. m.- Reduction in the normal work performance in an unrepeated manner.
x.- Xxxxxx insults or acts against persons within the workplace, when these are of a serious mat- ter.
o-. Re-occurrence in the committee of five minor breaches, even if there are of a different nature and provided that there has been a penalty other than a verbal warning, within one quarter.
The following are considered serious breaches:
a.- Unjustified lack of punctuality at the begin- ning or the end of the working day, up to ten times within a six month period or twenty in a year when duly warned.
b.- Unjustified absence from work on three consecutive or five alternate days within a one month period.
c.- Fraud, disloyalty or abuse of confidence in entrusted management duties or the appropria- tion, larceny or theft of property belonging to the company, colleagues or any other person within the company's premises.
d.- Feigning sickness or accident or long term
Colective work agreement for handling and packaging of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Almeria
sick leave due to sickness or an accident in order to carry out freelance work or work for other people.
e.- Infringement or violation of confidentiality resulting in serious damage to the company.
f.- Repeated inebriation or drug abuse which has negative repercussions on the employee’s work. However, if the worker enters a detoxifi- cation and rehabilitation programme, they shall be entitled to retain their post (leave of absence). They must request to be reinstated within the one month period following their recovery.
g.- Carrying out activities which may implicate the company in unfair competition.
h.- Voluntary and continuous reduction in the normal or agreed work performance.
i.- Failure to observe maintenance services in the case of a strike.
x.- Xxxxx of authority by those in positions of authority.
k -Sexual harassment.
l. - Repeated non-use of protective clothing for safety or hygiene reasons, when duly warned.
ll.- Those arising from section d) of article 41 and sections l) and m) of article 42.
m.- Re-occurrence of serious breaches during a one year period in which the worker has previ- ously been penalised two or more times for serious breaches, even if they are of a different nature.
The company Management may penalise any work breaches outlined in the previous articles committed by their workers by imposing the following maximum penalties:
For minor breaches: verbal or written warning 42
and suspension without pay for up to two days. For serious breaches: suspension without pay for between three and fourteen days.
For serious breaches: suspension without pay for between fourteen days and a month, trans- fer to a different location for a one year period and disciplinary dismissal.
Minor breaches shall expire within ten days, serious breaches within twenty and very seri- ous breaches within sixty days of the company discovering the breach and within six months of the breach having been committed for all cases. Any entries in the employee files which may show the employee in an unfavourable light as a result of the imposed penalties shall be removed after two, four or eight months, depending on whether it is a minor, serious or very serious breach.
The aim of the Health and Safety Committee, as a joint and collective body, is to perform regu- lar and periodical consultations on the company’s activities regarding risk prevention. It shall have the following responsibilities:
a) Participate in drafting, implementing and assessing plans and programmes aimed at pre- venting risks within the company. For this pur- pose, its members shall discuss projects aimed at planning or organising work and the imple- mentation of new technologies, the organisa- tion and development of protective or preven- tative activities, and the scheduling and organi- sation of training related to prevention before they are put into practice and always regarding its role in preventing risks.
b) Promote initiatives on methods and proce- dures for the effective prevention of risks, pro- posing the improvement of conditions or cor- rection of existing shortcomings to the compa-
Promote the cooperation of the workers in implementing regulations regarding the preven-
In carrying out their responsibilities, the Health and Safety Committee is authorised to:
Have direct knowledge of the situation relating to the prevention of risks within the workplace, carrying out for such purposes, any visits which it deems appropriate.
Access as many documents and reports relating to work conditions that is necessary to carry out its duties, as well as those regarding the activity of the prevention service, if applicable.
Examine and assess damage to workers' health or physical state, with the aim of finding the causes and proposing the appropriate preventative measures.
Examine and contribute to the annual report and scheduling of prevention services.
Employers shall advise workers’ representa- tives, with due notice, of the adoption of deci- sions regarding the organisation and develop- ment of activities for the protection of health and the prevention of occupational risks within the company, including the appointment of workers responsible for said activities or the use of an external prevention service.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 36 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Risk Prevention Delegates shall have the following responsibilities and powers:
Responsibilities of the Risk Prevention Delegates:
Collaborate with the company management in improving preventative measures.
tion of occupational risks.
Be consulted by the employer, prior to their execution, regarding decisions relating to article 33 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Supervise and control compliance with regula- tions for the prevention of occupational risks.
In companies which, in accordance with the provisions of section 2 of article 38 of the said Act, do not have a Health and Safety Committee as a result of failure to meet the minimum number of workers established for this purpose, the responsibilities of this body shall be undertaken by the Risk Prevention Delegates.
In exercising the responsibilities attributed to the Risk Prevention Delegates, these are autho- rised to:
Accompany technicians when evaluating, for preventative purposes, the work environment, as well as, in accordance with the terms estab- lished in article 40 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Work and Social Security Inspectors when visiting and inspecting work- places in order to check compliance with regu- lations for the prevention of occupational risks, and presenting them with any observations they deem appropriate.
Have access, in accordance with the limitations established in section 4 of article 22 of the aforementioned Act, to any information and documentation regarding the work conditions necessary to carry out their duties and, in par- ticular, in accordance with the provisions of articles 18 and 23 of the same. When informa- tion is subject to the aforementioned limita- tions, they may only be supplied in a way that guarantees that confidentiality will be respect- ed.
To be informed by the company of any damage to workers’ health, once the company is made
Colective work agreement for handling and packaging of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Almeria
aware of such, with the authority to visit, even if it is outside working hours, the place in which the damage took place in order to examine the circumstances surrounding the incident.
Receive from the company any information obtained by the same concerning individuals or bodies responsible for protection and preven- tion activities within the company, as well as the competent bodies for the workers health and safety, without prejudice to the provisions of article 40 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act in terms of collaborating with Work and Social Security Inspections.
Visit workplaces in order to supervise and con- trol work conditions, being able to, for such purposes, access any area within the same and communicate with workers throughout the day, in a way that does not interfere with the nor- mal development of the productive process.
Gather information concerning the adoption of preventative measures and measures for the improvement of workers' health and safety from the company, having the authority for such purposes of making suggestions to the compa- ny, as well as the Health and Safety Committee for discussion by the same body.
Propose to the workers' representatives the adoption of the agreement on the interruption of activities outlined in section 3 of article 21 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
The reports which the Risk Prevention Delegates must issue in accordance with the provisions of letter c) in section 1 of this article should be drafted within fifteen days, or in the time required when they concern the adoption of measures directed at preventing imminent risks. If at the end of the time period, the report has not been issued, the company may put into practice its decision.
Any negative decision on behalf of the company concerning measures proposed by the Risk Prevention Delegation in accordance with the
provision of letter f) in section 2 of this article must be well justified.
As established in article 19 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the employer must guar- antee that each worker shall receive the ade- quate preventative theoretical and practical training, focussing specifically on the work place or duties of each worker, and adapting to the evolution of risks and the apparition of new ones. Training should be carried out periodical- ly, if necessary.
Training should be given, whenever possible, during the working day or, if this is not possible, outside working hours however the worker must be compensated with time in lieu.
The time used by Risk Prevention Delegates to perform their duties shall be considered as the exercising of representation duties in accor- dance with the use of monthly paid time-off rights established in letter e) of the aforemen- tioned article 68 of the Workers Statute.
Notwithstanding the above, the time corre- sponding to Health and Safety Committee meetings shall in all cases be considered as actu- al working hours, and shall not be included in the said time-off rights. It is also applicable to the time used in other activities arranged by the company in relation to the prevention of risks, such as the visits outlined in letters a) and c) of number 2 in article 36 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Before incorporating minors under the age of eighteen and prior to any large-scale changes to their working conditions, the employer shall
assess the work posts which they will occupy, with the aim of determining the nature, severi- ty and time of exposure in any activity likely to present a specific risk, agents, processes or working conditions which may pose a risk to the health or safety of these workers.
The employer shall specifically guarantee the protection of workers who are particularly sen- sitive to occupational risks.
The workers shall not be employed in positions in which, due to personal reasons, biological condition, or their duly recognised physical, psy- chological or sensorial disabilities, place them or other workers or individuals connected to the company at risk or, in general, be placed in manifestly temporary conditions or situations that do not meet the psychological and physical requirements associated with the respective jobs.
The employer shall guarantee workers a service of periodical health examinations in accordance with the inherent occupational risks.
Such examinations may only be carried out under the worker's consent. This voluntary nature is liable to exception, with prior notifica- tion of the workers’ representatives, in cases where examinations are indispensable to the assessment of the effects of working conditions on the worker’s health or to check whether the worker’s state of health may pose a risk to him- self, other workers or any other individuals connected to the company or in cases where this has been established in a legal agreement regarding protection against specific risks or particularly dangerous activities.
In all cases the employer shall opt for those examinations or tests which will cause least dis-
comfort for the worker and which are propor- tionate to the risk posed.
Information corresponding to the monitoring of workers' health shall not be used to discrimi- xxxx nor prejudice the worker.
Article 55.- Protective equipment and measures.
The employer shall provide workers with their own protective equipment which is suitable for their duties and ensure that the said equipment is used correctly when, due to the nature of work carried out, their use is required.
Individual protective equipment should be used when the risks can not be avoided or sufficient- ly limited by technical measures for collective protection, or through measures, methods or procedures for work organisation.
The following are entitled to participate in the bargaining body of the agreement: trade unions and federations or confederations of trade unions which have a minimum of 10% of its members on the Committee or Staff Delegates and who fall within the geographical boundaries within which this Agreement is to be imple- mented as well as Employers’ Associations con- sisting of 10% of the employers affected by the Agreement.
The constitution of the Bargaining Body shall be deemed valid when, the Trade Unions, Federations or Confederations of Trade Unions and the Employers Associations mentioned in the previous section represent (as a minimum) the absolute majority of the members of the Company Committee and Staff Delegates, if applicable, and the majority of employers affect- ed by the Agreement.
Colective work agreement for handling and packaging of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Almeria
Members representing the workers within the Agreement's Bargaining Body will be allocated paid time within work hours in order to attend negotiation sessions until this process has been finalised.
This license will be granted to a maximum of five permanent and two supporting members, regardless of whether they are members of Company Committee or Staff Delegates or not.
Both parties agree to establish a Supervisory Committee which will interpret, supervise, mediate and control compliance with the Agreement.This body will be nominated by the Bargaining Body of the Present Provincial Agreement.
The Supervisory Committee will be balanced between three company and three employee representatives, from whom a secretary will be appointed. Disputes between both parties con- cerning discussion topics will be submitted for arbitration by an impartial individual whose nomination shall be mutually agreed upon by both parties.
If deemed convenient, the said Committee may make use of the permanent or temporary serv- ices of an advisor, in reference to subjects with- in their realm of competence. Said advisors shall be designated by the parties and must be recog- nised trade union members.
There will be only one Supervisory Committee acting for the whole province and it shall have access to the appropriate facilities during paid trade union hours, as with the Staff Delegates within each company.
The Supervisory Committee will be responsible for the following:
a- Interpreting the Agreement.
b- Supervising compliance with the Agreement. c- Mediating in cases of labour disputes.
d- Studying the settlement, during the present Agreement’s validity period, of the various exceptional situations which may arise and whose character may have an affect on good relations between employers and employees. For this purpose the Supervisory Committee should carry out a study of the following:
1. Periods of inactivity within the workplace due to unforeseen interruption to the company's activity for reasons not attributable to the com- pany, such as power cuts, etc.
2. Company productivity and performance, thereby creating the corresponding productivi- ty tables.
3. Organisation of work during periods of low productivity.
4. Supervision of how terms relating to con- tracting are implemented, in particular the con- version of temporary contracts into fixed dis- continuous contracts.With regards to contract- ing, both parties hereby agree to present before the Joint Committee established within this agreement for the settlement of any disputes originating from the implementation of terms regarding contracting.This action must be taken prior to any judicial action, ensuring that the report drafted by both parties belonging to the Joint Committee is submitted three days fol- lowing the committee's meeting, so that it may then be passed on for judicial action. Failure to submit the report, in cases where the meeting has taken place, does not impede judicial action
on the part of whoever is requesting the inter- pretation or settlement of the dispute.
And any other matters considered of interest for maintaining good working relations within the sector.
Each party will supply its respective representa- tives with any questions which may arise regarding the articles contained within this Agreement.
Said questions will then be passed on to the other parties, who will immediately agree on and provide a response within a maximum peri- od of three days, indicating the date, time and place in which the Supervisory Committee met.
If no agreement has been reached after all the procedures established by the Joint Committee have been exhausted, those outlined within the S.E.R.C.L.A (The Andalusian System for the Out-of-Court Settlement of Collective Labour Disputes) should be followed, in accordance with the terms of the Acuerdo Interprofesional (Multi-industry agreement) in which its creation was agreed on the 3rd April 1996 and the Reglamento de Desarrollo (Development Regulations).
Disputes concerning the interpretation and implementation of the collective agreement or any other matter which may affect the workers or companies to whom the implementation of the present agreement applies shall be submit- xxx to the S.E.R.C.L.A.
The implementation of payment schemes estab- lished within the present Agreement may not be necessary nor obligatory for those companies whose economic stability may be affected as a consequence of such implementation.
In order to assess this situation, the company’s accounts, balance sheets and profit and loss statements shall be studied.
Companies who believe that they may be eligi- ble for this clause, should advise the workers' representatives of their wish to make use of the procedures outlined within this clause within one month from the date of publication of this Agreement in the B.O.P (Provincial Official Gazette). The company is also obliged to notify the Agreement’s Joint Committee.
The company must provide the workers’ repre- sentatives with the documents referenced in the second paragraph within twenty consecu- tive calendar days of this notification and the parties will agree to proceed with the imple- mentation of this clause or not within the fol- lowing ten days.
The result of this negotiation process will be communicated to the Agreement’s Joint Committee within five days of approval or rejection of the application, to be proceeded in the following way:
In the case of approval, the company and the workers representatives shall negotiate the new payment conditions.
If the application is rejected, the dispute shall be settled by the Joint Committee, for which pur- pose they shall examine the information avail- able, by gathering any complementary docu- mentation required to substantiate the already
Colective work agreement for handling and packaging of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Almeria
available information. They shall also hear both parties.
The Joint Committee will have a maximum peri- od of one month, from the parties’ communica- tion of the dispute, to deliver a verdict on whether the company meet the requirements set out in the first paragraph or not.
For all intents and purposes the time periods set out in this clause are not subject to change. In all cases, it must be understood that the terms set out in the previous paragraphs will only affect the determination of the new pay- ment conditions and that the affected compa- nies are bound by the remaining terms within this Agreement.
The workers representatives as well as mem- bers of the Joint Committee, if applicable, are obliged to treat and store the information received and data to which they have had access as a result of what has been established within the previous paragraphs as sensitive and in accordance with professional secrecy.
All workers affected by this Agreement shall be entitled to 1 paid hour within working hours in which the content of the same shall be explained by workers belonging to the Bargaining Body.
This interruption to the working day will always occur within the last working hour of the day.
The objective of this Agreement's parties is to harmonise pay between PORTERS and HAN- DLING STAFF. For this purpose the beginning of a gradual harmonisation process has been agreed for the 06/07 production period. Through this process the salary of all categories shall be increased in accordance with the CPI of the previous 12 month period plus 0.5%, except for the category of handling and packaging staff whose pay will increase by an extra 0.7% for harmonisation purposes.
The parties are obliged to continue with the 48
said harmonisation process in the following negotiations.
Since the agreed conditions are binding in their entirety, the present Agreement shall be null and void on annulment or invalidation of any of its terms by a competent jurisdiction. If this does occur, the parties signing this Agreement agree to meet within the ten working days fol- lowing the settlement in question, with the aim of solve the dispute. If, following a period of 45 working days from the date in which the ques- tion was settled, the signing parties have not reached an agreement, they undertake to schedule a series of meetings to renegotiate the Agreement in its entirety.
What is not set out in this agreement is subject to the Workers' Statute and other legal provi- sions and current regulations.
a) University Graduates: Personnel with a university degree recognised by the Ministry of Education and Science who permanently carry out and are directly responsible for functions related to their profession.
b)Vocational Training Graduates: Personnel with a vocational training certificate recognised by the Ministry of Education and Science or incorporated by obligation of the law, who car- ries out functions related to their profession or are recognised by their function as a position of responsibility within the company.
c) Qualified Technical Assistants: Personnel who have an academic qualifications recognised by the Ministry of Education and Science or incorporated by obligation of the law who car- ries out functions related to the qualifications
recognised by the company.
a – Directors or Managers: Personnel who, to the order of the company and contributing to the creation of company policies, manage, coordinate and are responsible for the manage- rial activities under his responsibility.
b - Warehouse Manager: Manages the ware- house and is responsible for replacing, receiving, storing and labelling of goods. He is also respon- sible for registering their arrival and departure, their distribution to other departments and branches, meeting orders, etc.They also manage all warehouse personnel and are authorised to introduce regulations to improve the organisa- tion and distribution of work, which they will supervise, as well as granting permission and proposing sanctions.
c.-Sales Manager: Personnel who are respon- sible for managing and supervising all sales operations within the company, as well as deter- mining company guidelines or outlining criteria according to which these should be established. d – Sales Assistant: Those personnel who, working under the Sales Manager (or technical personnel assuming this role within the compa- ny), carries out administrative functions or other tasks within the sales department.
e – Interpreters: Personnel with knowledge of two or more foreign languages who carry out sales, administrative or management within his specific role.
a – Administration Manager: Personnel, whether authorised or not, assumes with full powers the management and supervision of all administrative activities within a company which is organised or divided into several sections. Such tasks are carried out regardless of whether some administrative functions are per- formed by other personnel or departments and without prejudice to administrative controls.
b – Accountant: Personnel who, whether aca- demically qualified or not, carries out adminis- trative accounting functions, independently of administrative control functions.
c – Operators: Personnel whose main activity is to operate programming equipment, comput- ers or similar machinery for transferring data by performing determined keypunching sequences or similar in cards or files for this purpose, inde- pendently of carrying out administrative con- trols.
d – Administrators: Personnel with the nec- xxxxxx business technical knowledge and expe- rience who have worked within the company for a minimum of two years. They perform activities which require initiative, such as writing correspondence, drafting contracts, processing statistics, managing reports and drafting accounts documents, etc; independently of car- rying out purely administrative tasks.
e– Administrative assistants, Secretaries and key punchers:
Personnel with a general knowledge of adminis- trative activities who assist section or depart- ment managers with activities relating to this category. For example, drafting correspon- dence, creating invoices, controlling income and expenditure as well as all activities strictly relat- ed to administrative control.
f – Switchboard Operator: Personnel whose main function is to operate a switchboard, establishing internal and external contact, mak- ing note of and passing on any messages they may receive.
g – Office Juniors: Personnel who enter the company in administrative posts, carrying out activities such as office errands, collecting and delivering correspondence and banking docu- ments, as well as carrying out some simple administrative control activities.
a – Qualified and Experienced Personnel (Xxxxxxxxx, Electrician, Mechanics,…): Personnel who perform tasks relating to a trade.They are able to take initiative and full responsibility for their work as well as taking a high level of care in what they do.They carry
Colective work agreement for handling and packaging of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Almeria
out extremely delicate work within their spe- cialization.
b – Line Manager: Personnel who, under the orders of their superiors, are responsible for the normal operation of goods handling areas, ensuring that the work is carried out by opera- tors under their responsibility and to the quali- ty standards demanded.
01.09.05 TO 31.08.06
Monthly Gross Salary
c – Porters: Personnel who transport the goods, distribute the products among the differ- ent work areas, collect and classify treated products or any other manual activity.
d – Specialists: Personnel who carry out very
Permanent Staff 01/09/04 to
Group I.- Technically Qualified Staff:
to 31/08/06
specific jobs that may not necessarily constitute a trade however do require a certain skill.These activities may include packaging, palletising products, weighing finished products or goods when they are received, driving and maintain forklift trucks and platform trucks. They may also load products into lorries, make cardboard boxes, sample and control, etc..
e - Manipulation and Packing Personnel:
University Graduates 1,337.46 1394.97
Vocational Training Graduates 1,212.65 1264.79
Qualified Technical Assistants 980.84 1023.02
Group II.- Non-qualified Technical Staff
General Managers 1,337.46 1394.97
Personnel responsible for packaging, making | Warehouse Manager | 1,212.65 | 1264.79 |
cardboard boxes, labelling boxes, whether this | Sales Manager | 1,248.31 | 1301.99 |
be by hand or mechanically. They are also responsible for their own and different func- tions, according to the requirements of the companies, without prejudice to activities relat- ed to maintaining and cleaning installations.
Sales Assistant 1,016.48 1060.19
Interpreters 980.84 1023.02
Monthly Gross Salary
a – Security Guards or Night Watchmen: Those responsible for protecting the both inside and outside the premises by day and night.
b – Cleaning Personnel: Personnel who main activity is the cleaning of toilets, offices and sec- tions within the workplace.
Permanent Staff 01/09/04 to 31/08/05
to 31/08/06
Group III.- Administrative Staff
Administration Manager 1,212.51 1264.65
Accountants 1,070.00 1116.01
(Works or services provided-occasional)
Gross Salary per hour
Operators 980.84 1023.02
Administrators 980.84 1023.02
01/09/04 to
to 31/08/06
Administrative Assistants, Key Punchers and Secretaries
802.46 836.97
Group I.- Non-qualified
Switchboard Operators 660.11 688.49
Office Junior 594.44 620.00
Technical Staff
Warehouse Xxxxxxx | 6.21 | 6.48 |
Line Manager | 5.81 | 6.06 |
Group IV.- Auxiliary Staff
Specialists | 731.15 | 762.59 | Electricians, Carpenters) | ||
Porters | 677.66 | 706.80 | Specialists | 5.64 | 5.88 |
Group V.- Ancillary Staff: Security Guard-Night | 659.85 | 688.22 | Group II.-Auxiliary staff: |
Driver-Distributor 873.84 911.42
Qualified and Experience Tradesmen (Mechanics,
5.81 6.06
Cleaning staff 641.99 669.60
Xxxxxxx, Labourers and staff
5.47 5.71
Apprentice (Aged 17) National Minimum Wage
Apprentice (Aged 16) National Minimum Wage
National Minimum Wage National Minimum Wage
who manually secure goods
Packaging Staff 5.17 5.39
Group III.-Ancillary Staff
Security Guard Watchman | - Night | 5.24 | 5.47 |
Cleaning Staff | 5.17 | 5.39 | |
Workers aged 17 | National Minimum Wage | National Minimum Wage | |
Workers aged 16 | National Minimum Wage | National Minimum Wage |
convenio almeria INGLES.qxp 16/05/2007 9:10 PÆgina 52
Colective work agreement for handling and packaging of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Almeria
Autonomous Administration 8341/06
Department of Employment – Labour Service Provincial Delegation of Almería
Having studied the text of the Agreement of the Joint Committee of the Provincial Collective Work Agreement for the HANDLING AND PACKAGING OF FRUIT, VEGETABLES
AND FLOWERS, for the implementation of pay increases for the period between 01/09/2006 and 31/08/2007, file 0054, code
0400485, signed on 22 September 2006, one party, representing the sector’s companies through the employers’ associations, COEX- PHAL, ECOHAL AND ASEMPAL-AGRICUL-
TURA, and another party, representing the workers through the Trade Union Confederations CC.OO and U.G.T, in accor- dance with Article 90 of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1995, of 24 March, approving the Revised Text of the Workers' Statute Law, Royal
Decree 1040/1981, of 22 May, on the registry and inscription of Collective Work Agreements, and in relation to Article 17.2 of the Autonomous Statute of Andalusia and Decree 203/2004, of 11 May, establishing the organisa- tional structure of the Department of Employment; this Provincial Employment Delegation
ONE.- Arrange entry in the Collective Work Agreements Register of this Provincial Delegation, notifying the integral parts of the Bargaining Body.
TWO.- Submit the text to the Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation Centre.
THREE.-Publish the text in the Provincial Official Gazette of Almeria.
Almería. 11 October 2006.
VICE, Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx.
One. – Signing Parties.
The signing parties of the present Agreement are the members of the Joint Committee for the Supervision and Interpretation of the Provincial Collective Agreement for the Handling and Packaging of Fruit, Vegetables and Flowers in Almería, designated by the Trade Unions U.G.T and CC.OO and representing the workers. The other party, representing the companies, are COEXPHAL, ECOHAL and ASEMPAL-AGRICULTURA.
Both parties are recognised as mutually autho- rised to enter into this Agreement, in accor- dance with the provisions of article 58 of the aforementioned Agreement.
Second.- Validity.
The present Agreement will enter into effect the day following its publication in the Provincial Official Gazette, however the economic con- cepts shall be applied retroactively from 1 September.
In accordance with the provisions of article 8,
from 1 September 2006, with effect until 31 August 2007, the pay scale tariffs are revised and increased in accordance with the CPI for the immediately preceding 12 month period (3.7%) plus 1.2 points for handling and packag- ing staff (4.9%), and half a point for any remain- ing staff (4.2%), thus resulting in the pay scale tariffs attached in the appendices of the present Agreement.
Four.- Reduction in pay clause.
Implementation of the payment schemes estab- lished within the present Agreement may not be
necessary nor obligatory for companies whose economic stability may be affected as a conse- quence of such implementation.
In order to assess this situation, the company’s accounts, balance sheets and profit and loss statements shall be studied.
Companies who believe that they meet such requirements, should advise the workers' repre- sentatives of their wish to make use of the pro- cedures outlined in this clause within one month from the publication of this Agreement in the B.O.P (Provincial Official Gazette). The company is also obliged to notify the Agreement Joint Committee.
The company must provide the workers’ repre- sentatives with the documents referenced in the second paragraph within twenty consecu- tive calendar days of this notification and the parties shall agree to proceed with the imple- mentation of this clause or not within the fol- lowing ten days.
The result of this negotiation process shall be communicated to the Agreement’s Joint Committee within five days of the application’s approval or rejection, to be proceeded as fol- lows:
In the case of approval, the company and the workers representatives shall negotiate the new payment conditions.
If the application is rejected, the dispute shall be settled by the Joint Committee. For this pur- pose the Joint Committee shall examine the available information, and gather any comple- mentary documentation required to substanti- ate that which is already available. They shall also hear both parties.
The Joint Committee shall have a maximum period of one month, from the parties’ commu- nication of the dispute, to deliver a verdict on whether the company meets the requirements set out in the first paragraph or not.
For all intents and purposes the time periods set out in this clause are not subject to change. In all cases, it must be understood that the terms set out in the previous paragraphs will only affect the determination of the new pay- ment conditions and that the affected compa- nies are bound by the remaining terms within
this Agreement.
The workers representatives as well as mem- bers of the Joint Committee, if applicable, are obliged to treat and store the information received and data to which they have had access as a result of what has been established within the previous paragraphs as sensitive and in accordance with professional secrecy.
Five.-Payment of arrears.
Any delays in pay increases corresponding to periods expired from 1 September 2006, shall be settled by the obliged party within a maxi- mum period of 2 months from the Agreement entering into effect. Companies which have paid on account the pay rises agreed in this Agreement shall remain exempt from the above obligation.
Colective work agreement for handling and packaging of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Almeria
Group I.-Technically Qualified Staff: University Graduates 1,453.56 Vocational Training
Graduates 1,317.91 Qualified Technical
Assistants 1,065.99
Group II.-Non-Qualified Technical Staff:
Group I.-Non-qualified Technical Staff:
Warehouse Xxxxxxx 6.75
Line Manager 6.31
Qualified and Fully Trained Tradesmen (Mechanics,
Electricians, Carpenters) 6.31
Specialist 6.13
Group III.-Auxiliary Staff:
Xxxxxxx, Labourers and
Strapping Technician (Manual) 5.95
Handling and Packaging Staff 5.65
General Managers | 1,453.56 | Group III.-Ancillary Staff: | |
Warehouse Manager | 1,317.91 | Security Guard – | |
Sales Manager | 1,356.67 | Nightwatch man | 5.70 |
Sales Assistant | 1,104.72 | Cleaning staff | 5.62 |
Interpreters | 1,065.99 | Workers (Aged 17) | N.M.W. |
Workers (Aged 16) | N.M.W. | ||
Group III.-Administrative Staff: | |||
Administration Manager | 1,317.77 | ||
Accountant | 1,162.88 | ||
Operators | 1,065.99 | ||
Administrators | 1,065.99 | ||
Administrative assistants, Key | Punchers | and | |
Secretaries 872.12 | |||
Switchboard Operators | 717.41 | ||
Office Junior | 646.04 | ||
Group IV.-Auxiliary Staff: | |||
Driver-Distributor | 949.70 | ||
Specialists | 794.62 | ||
Porters Group V.-Ancilliary Staff: | 736.49 | ||
Security Guard-Nightwatch man Cleaning staff | 717.13 697.72 | ||
Apprentice (Aged 17) | N.M.W. | ||
Apprentice (Aged 16) | N.M.W. |
(Works or services provided-occasional) Gross Hourly Salary