25 de septiembre de 2018
(18-5938) Página: 1/3
Comité de Contratación Pública Original: inglés
La siguiente comunicación, de fecha 20 de septiembre de 2018, se distribuye a petición de la delegación del Japón.
1. De conformidad con el párrafo 1 del artículo XIX del Acuerdo sobre Contratación Pública modificado por el Protocolo por el que se modifica el Acuerdo sobre Contratación Pública (denominado en adelante el "Acuerdo revisado"), el Gobierno del Japón notifica por la presente al Comité de Contratación Pública la siguiente modificación en relación con su Anexo 3 del Apéndice I del Acuerdo revisado:
• Sustitúyase "2.44. National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention" por "2.44. National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience" en "2 GROUP B" de la lista de entidades.
2. Esta modificación obedece a lo siguiente:
• El 1º xx xxxxx de 2016, el "National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention" ("Instituto Nacional de Investigación sobre Ciencias de la Tierra y Prevención de Desastres") pasó a llamarse "National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience" ("Instituto Nacional de Investigación sobre Ciencias de la Tierra y Resiliencia ante los Desastres").
3. La modificación que propone el Japón no reduce la cobertura mutuamente convenida prevista en el Acuerdo revisado.
4. En el suplemento A del presente documento se muestra (en negrita, tachado y subrayado) la modificación de la página correspondiente (página 3/4) del Anexo 3 del Apéndice I propuesta por el Japón. En el suplemento B se indica cómo quedaría dicha página una vez introducida la modificación propuesta.2
1 El párrafo 1 del artículo XIX del Acuerdo revisado dice lo siguiente: Notificación de propuestas de modificación Toda Parte notificará al Comité las rectificaciones propuestas, las transferencias de una entidad de un Anexo a otro, el retiro de una entidad, u otras modificaciones de sus Anexos del Apéndice I (las que se denominan en adelante "modificación"). La Parte que proponga la modificación (denominada en adelante "Parte modificante") incluirá en la notificación: a) en caso de que proponga el retiro de una entidad de sus Anexos del Apéndice I, en ejercicio de sus derechos, por haberse eliminado efectivamente el control o la influencia del gobierno sobre las contrataciones abarcadas que realice esa entidad, las pruebas de esa eliminación; o b) en caso de que proponga cualquier otra modificación, información sobre las probables consecuencias del cambio en la cobertura mutuamente convenida prevista en el presente Acuerdo.
2 Los suplementos A y B están en inglés solamente.
APPENDIX I | JAPAN | ANNEX 3 | Page 3/4 |
2.19. National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology;
2.20. National Center for Global Health and Medicine;
2.21. National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training;
2.22. National Center for University Entrance Examinations;
2.23. National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry;
2.24. National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center;
2.25. National Hospital Organization;
2.26. National Institute for Environmental Studies;
2.27. National Institute for Materials Science;
2.28. National Institute for School Teachers and Staff Development;
2.29. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology;
2.30. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology;
2.31. National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology;
2.32. National Institute of Special Needs Education;
2.33. National Institute of Technology;
2.34. National Institute of Technology and Evaluation;
2.35. National Institutes for Cultural Heritage;
2.36. National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology;
2.37. National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition (Note 3.h.);
2.38. National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education;
2.39. National Institution for Youth Education;
2.40. National Livestock Breeding Center;
2.41. National Museum of Art;
2.42. National Museum of Nature and Science;
2.43. National Printing Bureau;
2.44. National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention Resilience;
2.45. National Research Institute of Brewing;
2.46. National Statistics Center;
2.47. National University Corporation;
2.48. National Women's Education Center;
2.49. Nippon Export and Investment Insurance;
2.50. Public Works Research Institute;
2.51. Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry.
1. This Agreement does not cover contracts to be awarded to co-operatives or associations in accordance with laws and regulations existing at the time of the entry into force of this Agreement for Japan.
2. This Agreement does not cover contracts which the entities in Group A award for purposes of their daily profit-making activities which are exposed to competitive forces in markets. This note shall not be used in a manner which circumvents the provisions of this Agreement.
3. Notes to specific entities:
a. Procurement related to operational safety of transportation is not covered.
b. Procurement which could lead to the disclosure of information incompatible with the purpose of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons or with international agreements on intellectual property rights is not covered. Procurement for safety-related activities aiming at utilization and management of radioactive materials and responding to emergencies of nuclear installation is not covered.
c. Procurement related to geological and geophysical survey is not covered.
20 May 2017 (WT/Let/1264)
APPENDIX I | JAPAN | ANNEX 3 | Page 3/4 |
2.19. National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology;
2.20. National Center for Global Health and Medicine;
2.21. National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training;
2.22. National Center for University Entrance Examinations;
2.23. National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry;
2.24. National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center;
2.25. National Hospital Organization;
2.26. National Institute for Environmental Studies;
2.27. National Institute for Materials Science;
2.28. National Institute for School Teachers and Staff Development;
2.29. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology;
2.30. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology;
2.31. National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology;
2.32. National Institute of Special Needs Education;
2.33. National Institute of Technology;
2.34. National Institute of Technology and Evaluation;
2.35. National Institutes for Cultural Heritage;
2.36. National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology;
2.37. National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition (Note 3.h.);
2.38. National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education;
2.39. National Institution for Youth Education;
2.40. National Livestock Breeding Center;
2.41. National Museum of Art;
2.42. National Museum of Nature and Science;
2.43. National Printing Bureau;
2.44. National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience;
2.45. National Research Institute of Brewing;
2.46. National Statistics Center;
2.47. National University Corporation;
2.48. National Women's Education Center;
2.49. Nippon Export and Investment Insurance;
2.50. Public Works Research Institute;
2.51. Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry.
1. This Agreement does not cover contracts to be awarded to co-operatives or associations in accordance with laws and regulations existing at the time of the entry into force of this Agreement for Japan.
2. This Agreement does not cover contracts which the entities in Group A award for purposes of their daily profit-making activities which are exposed to competitive forces in markets. This note shall not be used in a manner which circumvents the provisions of this Agreement.
3. Notes to specific entities:
a. Procurement related to operational safety of transportation is not covered.
b. Procurement which could lead to the disclosure of information incompatible with the purpose of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons or with international agreements on intellectual property rights is not covered. Procurement for safety-related activities aiming at utilization and management of radioactive materials and responding to emergencies of nuclear installation is not covered.
c. Procurement related to geological and geophysical survey is not covered.
… 2018 (WT/Let/…)