Title: Apoyo técnico para el desarrollo del Manejo Forestal Sostenible Comunitario en Colombia
Procurement procedure: Open procedure
EFI procurement reference number: 6‐15.2‐2020‐XXXX Value: EUR 175.000 or less
Date for publishing: 22.07.2020
En apoyo a la Mesa Tecnica Nacional para la foresteria communitaria en Colombia, ese contrato busca realizar estudios y analisis tecnicos e financieros, con y para las partes interesadas del sector forestal. Eso permitira informar la dicha mesa tecnica y el Ministerio del Ambiente de los cambios politicos y legales necesarios para cumplir con los objetivos nacionales del sector forestal, pero tambien los objetivos climaticos y de reduccion de la deforestacion.
Invitation to tender and Tender Specifications
The Invitation to tender and the full Tender Specifications for this procurement process are available at the EFI website at xxxx:// and are also provided from EFI upon request made to .
Submission of tender
Tenders shall be sent by email to the following email address only: The tender shall arrive 25.08.2020 17:00 UTC+2 at the latest.
Questions regarding the tender
Questions regarding the tender may be sent to .
EFI is not bound to reply to questions received later than 07.08.2020.
Questions and answers for this tendering process will be published at xxxxx:// on 13.08.2020.
Individual questions will not be replied to separately.
Tenderers are advised to visit xxxxx:// regularly before the deadline for the submission of tenders for any updates or modifications regarding this tendering process.
Rules governing EFI procurements
In addition to the terms and conditions as stated in the Invitation to tender, EFI applies the EFI Procurement Rules which have been made available at xxxxx://