Contrato de arrendamiento de vivienda urbana forma minerva
Contrato de arrendamiento de vivienda urbana forma xxxxxxx
Contrato de arrendamiento de vivienda urbana forma xxxxxxx pdf. Convent place gibraltar. Xxxxxxx passage gibraltar. Un contrato de alquiler residencial es un acuerdo en el que una persona natural o jurídica otorga a otra el uso de un inmueble como vivienda a cambio de un precio mensual. El contrato estipula las condiciones del arrendamiento, incluyendo el tipo de propiedad, la duración del arriendo y el costo mensual. Existen diferentes tipos de contratos de alquiler, incluyendo los de vivienda y comerciales. Los contratos de vivienda se refieren a aquellos en que el inmueble se destina para residir una o varias personas, mientras que los contratos comerciales se enfocan en la realización de actividades económicas o comerciales. Entre los tipos de contratos de alquiler destacados se encuentran el contrato de arrendamiento de vivienda urbana, que se refiere a la arrienda de un apartamento, casa o habitación para residir allí; el contrato de arrendamiento de habitación, que se enfoca en la arrienda de una parte del inmueble con servicios adicionales; y el contrato de arrendamiento de local comercial, que se refiere a la arrienda de un espacio desocupado para establecer un negocio. Aunque no es obligatorio tener un contrato por escrito, contar con uno puede evitar confusiones sobre las obligaciones de cada parte. Las reparaciones necesarias son responsabilidad del arrendador y se enfocan en conservar el inmueble en buen estado, mientras que las locativas son responsabilidad del arrendatario y se refieren a aspectos estéticos o funcionales que no impiden el uso del inmueble. Un codeudor es una persona que asume las mismas obligaciones que el arrendatario sin tener derecho a ocupar o usar el inmueble. Sirven como garantía para el arrendador de que el arrendatario cumplirá con sus obligaciones. Guarantee of payment for the lessee's obligations: for example, if the lessee fails to pay the rent, these amounts can be collected from the guarantor. What is not allowed in a residential urban lease agreement? The residential urban lease agreement is fully regulated in Colombia and there are several restrictions. In this contract, it is prohibited: Requesting cash deposits as collateral: that is, sums of money that the landlord receives as collateral in case of non-payment by the lessee. Instead, guarantors can be sought, which means people who guarantee the lessee's obligations. Terminating the contract unilaterally and without prior notice: in any case of contract termination, the other party must be notified at least three months in advance. If the landlord wishes to terminate the contract, they must also pay the lessee an indemnification equivalent to three months' rent. Who can sign a residential urban lease agreement? Any individual aged 18 or older and fully capable can sign a residential urban lease agreement. Additionally, legal entities can be part of the lease agreement as long as the property's destination is not commercial. For example, if they rent an apartment for one of their employees' residence, it will be considered a residential urban lease. How long can a residential urban lease agreement last? The residential urban lease agreement has no minimum or maximum duration limits, however, if a non-independent part of the property is rented and equipped with additional services or goods, it will be considered a room or boarding house rental contract. What to do after executing the residential urban lease agreement? After the document is executed, two identical copies must be printed and signed, with each party retaining one copy. If guarantors are involved, they must also sign the document. This document does not require authentication for its validity, but parties can do so for greater security. What documents should be attached to the residential urban lease agreement? At the time of property delivery to the lessee, a Delivery Act for immovable property may be signed, which records the general state of the property. Similarly, if the property is delivered furnished or with additional goods, an Inventory for immovable property can be annexed to the contract, recording the goods and their delivery state. Does the residential urban lease agreement need to be authenticated in a notary office? The residential urban lease agreement does not require authentication for its validity, however, parties may do so for greater security. The general practice is to authenticate the contract when dealing with high-value rentals or involving guarantors, in order to guarantee their identities and the guarantee itself. When a contract is fulfilled, costs to authenticate the document are usually low, and it's common for parties to split them evenly. But what should a residential urban rental contract contain? To be valid, a residential urban rental contract must include at least: * Identification of the property being rented: including city, address, and additional information such as apartment or house number. * Rent payment value: the monthly amount that should be paid for the rental. * Payment method: whether through bank transfer, cash, check, or another agreed-upon method by the parties. * Payment date: the moment in the month when the rent should be paid. * Rental duration: either months or years. Additionally, it's essential to specify who is responsible for paying public services (water, energy, gas, and sewage). The residential urban rental contract is regulated by Law 820 of 2003. By normative reference, the definitions of necessary repairs (non-local) and local repairs are contained in the Civil Code, articles 1993 and 1998. To modify the model, complete a form. The document will be drafted before your eyes, based on your answers. Once you finish, you'll receive it in Word and PDF formats, allowing you to modify and reuse it. When drafting a rental agreement in Colombia, it's essential to include certain clauses that protect both the landlord and tenant. These may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the rental. If you're considering renting out a residential or commercial property in Colombia, understanding the legal parameters is crucial. A simple rental agreement template is vital for protecting your interests as both the landlord and tenant. A well-crafted rental agreement should consider several fundamental aspects. Don't forget that a written contract backed by law supports your investment in a Colombian rental property. The agreement establishes a relationship between two parties: the landlord (arrendador) and the tenant (arrendatario). This document is essential for legally binding the lease of a residential or commercial property, outlining usage terms, payments, and conditions set by the landlord. When creating a rental agreement template, consider the type of property. The contract must identify who it's between – typically the property owner(s) and/or their agent, and the tenant(s). All adult tenants (18+ years old) should be listed in the agreement.
Each tenant's address must also be included. Additionally, include the names of all children under 18 years old residing with them. The contract should be signed by all adult tenants and confirm who has the legal right to occupy the property. This also allows for collecting late rent payments from any signatory. While not mandatory, it's recommended to perform a background check on adult tenants. The agreement must include: 1. Property name (if applicable) 2. Complete postal address: House number, Street name, Apartment number, City, State, ZIP code Rental duration: Include exact dates and avoid general terms like "valid for six months." The rental agreement is valid for one year. It must include the exact dates (day, month, and year) when the contract begins and ends. Many annual rentals automatically convert to month-to-month after the original rental period expires. Rental amount and payment date The contract must specify how much rent the tenant should pay and when it's due. It's essential to include the total amount of rent owed during the entire contract period, broken down by monthly amounts. The effective date is when the rental starts, and the termination date is when it ends. You may want to include a standard clause in your rental agreement stating that the contract will automatically renew unless the landlord or tenant notifies otherwise. The agreed-upon rental amount must be included in the contract, along with the payment due date. If rent is due on the first day of each month, indicate if there's a grace period after which the payment deadline passes and calculate any late fees accordingly. Security deposit conditions The rental agreement must include a security deposit clause. This should cover: Deposit amount charged Date the deposit was charged Bank or institution name and address where the deposit is held Interest rate Reasons why deductions can be made from the deposit Procedures for returning the deposit You may charge a security deposit; however, it's recommended to specify exactly how much deposit will be charged, what it can be used for at the end of the rental period, and what it cannot be used for by the tenant (e.g., the tenant cannot use the deposit as payment for rent in the final month if they're vacating). If a dispute arises between the landlord and tenant at the end of the contract, this usually begins here. The rates will include any additional sums paid by the tenant, such as cleaning or pet fees. Always indicate if these rates are refundable. Ensure that this section on security deposit and rates complies with your state's laws. Tenant responsibilities This clause describes the tenant's obligations. Tenants have specific responsibilities under landlord-tenant law to maintain rental property. They must keep their property free from sanitary hazards or safety risks. They should not cause damage to the rental and follow all construction and housing codes. The specific tenant responsibilities listed in your state's landlord-tenant laws must be included here. Cláusula de Arrendamiento: Importante para Propietarios e Inquilinos La firma del contrato de arrendamiento es fundamental para que sea válido. Ambos el propietario y el inquilino deben firmar y fechar el acuerdo, reconociendo que han acordado seguir los términos del contrato. El administrador de la propiedad o el agente del propietario también debe firmar y fechar el contrato. Es importante que todos los inquilinos mayores de 18 años firman y fechen el contrato, y que sean nombrados en la cláusula de "partes" del acuerdo. Debe mantener una copia firmada del contrato para sus registros y proporcionarle al inquilino una copia igualmente firmada. Un contrato de arrendamiento es un acuerdo entre usted y su inquilino, que establece los términos y condiciones necesarias para que el arreglo sea ejecutable. Los arrendamientos de bienes raíces por más de un año se rigen por ciertas normas legales adoptadas por todos los estados. En cuanto a las reparaciones y mantenimiento, si requiere que su inquilino pague ciertas cantidades en dólares, asegúrese de ser específico en el contrato. Asegúrese también de que esta sección cumpla con las leyes de su estado. El derecho de entrada del arrendador a la propiedad es otro aspecto importante. Su inquilino tiene derecho a la privacidad en su hogar, y si necesita ingresar a la propiedad por cualquier motivo, debe obtener el permiso del inquilino, excepto bajo ciertas circunstancias que deben especificarse en el contrato. Las restricciones de inquilinos también son fundamentales. Si tiene usos restrictivos de la propiedad, asegúrese de incluir tales restricciones en el contrato para evitar confusión con respecto a lo que su inquilino puede hacer en la propiedad durante su arrendamiento. Finalmente, hay un tipo especial de contrato de arrendamiento llamado Xxxxxxx, utilizado en algunos países de América Latina. Este contrato se caracteriza porque el propietario del inmueble arrendado se compromete a realizar ciertas mejoras o reparaciones en el inmueble durante el período de arrendamiento, a cambio de una renta más alta. As a tenant, it's crucial to fulfill your obligations of paying rent on time and using the property responsibly. It's essential to consider that the Minerva rental contract can vary from one country to another, and there might be differences in the parties' rights and duties depending on the location where the contract is signed. It's recommended to seek legal advice when drafting or reviewing a Minerva rental contract. Renting an apartment can be a complex process filled with doubts and uncertainties. However, with the right information and a simple rental agreement, this process can be much simpler and safer. In this article, we'll guide you step by step through everything you need to know about rental agreements: from their definition and characteristics to how to draft one and the legal requirements you must meet. Characteristics of a simple rental agreement: * Clear and concise: It should be easy for both parties to understand. * Complete: It should include all relevant information about the rental. * Fair: It should protect the rights and interests of both parties. * Flexible: It should adapt to the specific needs of each case. How to draft a simple rental agreement? 1. Basic data: * Identification of the parties: Names, ID documents, and addresses. * Description of the property: Location, surface area, characteristics, and condition. * Contract duration: Start and end dates of the lease. 2. Rent and security deposit: * Monthly rent amount: Specify whether it includes VAT or not. * Payment method: Due date and payment method. * Security deposit: Amount and conditions for its return. 3. Expenses: * Community expenses: Who is responsible for paying them? * Other expenses: Taxes, utilities, etc. 4. Rights and obligations: * Property use: Permission to make renovations or sublet. * Maintenance and repairs: Who is responsible for what? * Contract termination: Conditions for terminating the contract. 5. Signatures: * Both parties must sign all pages of the contract. Tips for drafting a rental agreement: * Use clear and simple language. * Avoid using legal jargon. * Consult with a lawyer if you're unsure. * Ensure both parties agree to the contract conditions. * As of [current date], the renter (Arrendatario) residing in [city], with a marital status of [single, married, etc.], identified by their Cédula de Ciudadanía number [insert number] from [country/city], hereby declares that they have decided to enter into a residential property lease agreement (Contrato) governed by the following clauses: Firstly – Object: The landlord (Arrendador) grants the renter the right to occupy and use a specific immovable property (Inmueble) for residential purposes, described as [insert location, boundaries, and registration number]. Secondly – Rent: The monthly rent is set at [amount in letters and numbers] payable by the renter to the landlord or their designated representative within the first [number] days of each month. Every 12 months, the rent will be adjusted according to [agreed-upon ratio], not exceeding the maximum reajuste limit established by law. Paragraph 1: If the maximum reajuste limit for the rent changes due to any subsequent legal provision after the contract's signing date, the parties agree that the rent adjustment percentage will be capped at the maximum allowed by law on the date of rent adjustment. Paragraph 2: The landlord's tolerance in accepting late rent payments does not imply an intention to modify the established payment term. The tenant will be responsible for any damages caused to the property by themselves or their dependents and will cover the costs of repairs in full. Additionally, the tenant is obligated to comply with articles 2029 and 2030 of the Civil Code. Paragraph: The tenant must not make any improvements to the property without prior written permission from the landlord. Any improvements made to the property belong to the landlord and there can be no recognition of price, cost, or indemnification to the tenant for the improvements made. The improvements cannot be removed except upon written request by the landlord, which the tenant will immediately comply with at their own expense, leaving the property in the same good condition as it was received from the landlord, excluding natural deterioration due to legitimate use. Sixth – Public Services: The tenant will pay promptly and in full for public services related to the property from the start of the rental period until the return of the property. If the tenant fails to pay their share of public services, the landlord may do so to avoid suspension of services.
Failure by the tenant to pay public services on time will be considered a breach of contract and the tenant must immediately cancel all outstanding payments to the landlord upon presentation of invoices. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the landlord may choose not to pay public services owed by the tenant without incurring responsibility. Paragraph 1: The tenant acknowledges that they received the property's installations for public services in perfect working condition and will refrain from modifying them without prior written permission from the landlord and will be liable for any damages or violations of regulations related to public service providers. Paragraph 2: The tenant recognizes that the landlord is not responsible under any circumstances for interruptions or deficiencies in the provision of any public services related to the property. In the event of deficient or suspended public services, the tenant will directly contact the service provider and not the landlord. Seventh – Purpose: During the term of this contract, the tenant will use the property solely and exclusively for their residence and that of their family. Under no circumstances may the tenant sublet or assign all or part of this lease, upon penalty of the landlord being able to terminate the contract immediately without indemnification in favor of the tenant and demanding the return of the property without need for any further notice. The lessor requires prior consent for occupancy. Similarly, the lessee shall refrain from keeping or allowing livestock, domestic animals, flammable, toxic, unhealthy, explosive, or damaging elements within the property, which may compromise its conservation, hygiene, security, and aesthetics, as well as the health and well-being of permanent or temporary occupants. Paragraph: The lessor explicitly prohibits the lessee from using the property for purposes contemplated in Article 34 of Law 30 of 1986, particularly for hiding people, storing weapons or explosives, and money for terrorist groups. The lessee shall not use the property to produce, store, or sell hallucinogenic substances such as marijuana, hashish, cocaine, metacualone, and similar drugs. The lessee grants the lessor the authority to visit the property directly or through their authorized representatives in writing to verify compliance with the lessee's obligations. Eighth - Restitution: Upon termination of this agreement in accordance with the terms established here and the law, the lessee shall restore the property to the lessor in the same good condition as received, except for natural deterioration caused by legitimate use. The lessee shall deliver the original copies of public service invoices related to the property for the last three months, duly canceled by the lessee, to the lessor's domicile with a two-day advance notice prior to the material restitution date. Paragraph 1: Notwithstanding the foregoing, the lessor may refuse to accept the property if, in their judgment, there are pending obligations owed by the lessee that have not been properly satisfied, in which case the rent shall continue until the lessee fulfills their obligations.
Paragraph 2: The lessee's responsibility shall persist even after restitution has been made, until the lessor delivers a peace and quiet letter to the lessee. Ninth - Renunciation: The lessee declares that (i) they have not had nor do they have possession of the property and (ii) renounce in favor of the lessor or their assignee any right to hold them in default for non-compliance with their obligations arising from this Agreement. Tenth - Assignment: The lessee grants the lessor the authority to partially or fully assign this Agreement, and declares that the assignee shall be free of any liability resulting from such assignment. Eleventh - Breach: Any breach by the lessee of its legal or contractual obligations shall entitle the lessor to exercise the following actions, simultaneously or in the order deemed appropriate. Termination of the Contract: The lessor may declare termination and seek return of the property judicially or extrajudicially. Similarly, the lessee may be pursued through any means for the amount of damages resulting from non- compliance, including the agreed-upon penalty. Unilateral Termination: The contract can be terminated by either party unilaterally if one of the causes specified in articles 22 and 23 of law 820 of 2003 occurs. Alternatively, both parties may agree to terminate the contract at any time. Amendment: The present contract supersedes all previous agreements regarding the same property and may only be modified in writing signed by both parties. Telecommunications: The lessee is responsible for paying the costs of local and long-distance calls, as well as access to other telecommunications networks. The lessee must also obtain prior written approval from the lessor before installing any additional or different telephone lines. Mercejo Ejecutivo: The lessee acknowledges that this contract has a merito ejecutivo clause, which allows the lessor to demand payment of unpaid rent, penalties, and sums owed by the lessee for services, administrative fees, and other amounts. This can be done solely by the lessor's statement of non- compliance, which can only be challenged by the lessee with proof of payment. Authentic Copies: Both parties agree that authenticated copies of this contract before a notary have the same value as the original for judicial and extrajudicial purposes. Costs: The lessee is responsible for any costs incurred in connection with the execution or renewal of this contract, including stamp duty. Pre-Notice: The lessor may terminate the present contract in accordance with articles 22 and 23 of chapter VII of law 820 of 2003. Penalty Clause: In the event that either party fails to comply with their obligations under the law or this contract, the non-compliant party must pay a penalty equivalent to [Indicate number] rent payments. En caso de incumplimiento, la parte responsable debe pagar el daño causado, siempre y cuando este exceda el monto previsto como pena. La parte incumplida también autoriza a la otra parte y a cualquier cesionario del contrato a consultar información sobre su comportamiento financiero y crediticio o reportar cualquier incumplimiento en bases de datos nacionales. Además, si el inmueble permanece abandonado por más de dos meses, el arrendador puede ingresar al inmueble con la presencia de testigos para evitar daños o desmantelamiento. El arrendatario también debe presentar facturas de servicios públicos para verificar su pago. Si alguna factura no ha sido pagada, el arrendador puede terminar el contrato y demandar el pago de cualquier suma adeudada. Finalmente, el arrendatario tiene a dos coarrendatarios que garantizan el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones hacia el arrendador. Estos coarrendatarios obran en nombre propio y se comprometen solidariamente con el arrendatario durante la duración del contrato. Coarrendatarios [Name, ID, and signature] [Name, ID, and signature] Testigos: [Name, ID, and signature of two witnesses] Here's an example of how to fill out a residential lease agreement: Identification of the parties: In this section, include the complete names and addresses of both parties, as well as the identification number of the landlord and tenant. Description of the property: This section should include a detailed description of the rented property, including its location, size, characteristics, and any services or amenities included in the rental. Duration of the contract: Specify the length of the contract, whether it's for a fixed period or an indefinite time. Rent amount and payment method: Indicate the rent amount and how it will be paid, including the frequency and deadline for payments. Improvements and repairs: List any improvements or repairs that the landlord agrees to make during the rental period, along with the deadline for completion. Tenant responsibilities: Include the tenant's responsibilities regarding the use and maintenance of the rented property, as well as any other obligations they may have. Landlord responsibilities: Outline the landlord's responsibilities regarding the maintenance and repair of the rented property. Termination clause: Establish a clause that outlines the conditions under which the contract can be terminated by either party. Please note that this is only a general guide, and it may be necessary to include additional clauses depending on the specific circumstances of the rental. It's recommended to seek legal advice when drafting or reviewing a residential lease agreement. To obtain a lease comparable to a similar bank loan. Leases vary greatly, but there are some common ones in the real estate sector. A lease's structure is influenced by the landlord's preferences and current market trends. Some leases place the burden on the tenant, while others assign it entirely to the property owner. That's not all; there are many different types in between. These are the most common forms of lease agreements. Net Absolute Lease In a net absolute lease, the tenant takes full responsibility for all charges, including insurance, taxes, and maintenance. This type of contract is common where transactions occur with a single tenant, who builds different units to meet their needs. The landlord delivers the unit finished to the tenant for a specific period. Tenants, in this case, usually include large companies that understand the terms of the contract and are ready to assume expenses. However, since most of the burden falls on the tenant, landlords often accept lower monthly rates. Net Triple Lease The net triple lease comes with three categories of associated costs: insurance, maintenance, and property taxes. These costs are also known as operational or transfer costs because the landlord passes them all to the tenant in the form of excess rent. In some cases, these excesses are referred to as taxes, insurance, and common areas. Often referred to as NNN, triple-net leases are the norm for single-tenant units, as well as those with multiple tenants. In a single-tenant lease contract, the tenant exercises control over exterior and garden maintenance. In summary, the tenant decides how the property looks while the lease is in effect. A multi-tenant agreement gives the property owner total control over the appearance of a property. This way, no tenant can ruin the general appearance of a building. Additionally, a multiple- tenant lease requires the tenant to pay a regular proration of operational costs. For this reason, tenants obtain the right to audit the building's operational costs. A net triple lease makes it difficult for the landlord to hire a janitor. Each tenant helps contribute to interior cleaning and maintenance costs. Modified Gross Lease The modified gross lease transfers all the burden to the property owner. According to the terms, the landlord pays for insurance, property taxes, and common area maintenance. On the other hand, the tenant assumes costs for cleaning, public services, and interior maintenance. The lease agreement also stipulates that the tenant is responsible for the roof... As the building's structural aspects are the owner's responsibility, a significant portion of the rental costs are absorbed by the landlord. This results in higher monthly rates compared to other types. The modified leasing arrangement is advantageous for the tenant as the landlord assumes associated risks, including operational costs. Tenants' monthly fees remain relatively stable throughout the year, and they have no involvement with property matters. Unfortunately, the owner can decide to charge an additional premium each month to cover building administration costs. Full-Service Leasing As its name suggests, full-service leasing takes on most of a building's operational expenses. However, there are exceptions like data and phone costs. The rest of the cost, including common area maintenance, taxes, interior design, insurance, public services, and cleaning fees, falls to the owner. As a result, the monthly rate is slightly higher, making this arrangement common in large multi-unit buildings where dividing the building into smaller spaces is impractical. This setup benefits tenants as there are no additional costs beyond the regular monthly fee. The drawback is that the owner may decide to charge a small premium to cover leasing costs. Most owners prefer full-service leases because they allow for complete control over the building's overall appearance. There are various types of leasing arrangements, but the most common include net absolute, net triple, modified gross, and full-service leases. Tenants and owners must fully understand these before signing a lease agreement. Similarly, there is a significant benefit for both parties when hiring real estate experts to facilitate these agreements. Experts can provide valuable advice on renting a property. A residential lease agreement is the most important document before moving into a new space, regardless of the duration of stay. The contract must include all relevant data and information as an agreement between the tenant and landlord. In some cases, it's necessary to rely on a full-service real estate company to handle legal procedures correctly, especially in Colombia, where more people are finding themselves in tenant situations. For this reason, companies like B&R Realty in Bogotá are recommended. Some clauses cannot be omitted when signing a lease agreement Ya que este documento establece los términos entre el propietario o arrendador y el inquilino, considerando que la propiedad requiere cuidados específicos para mantener el disfrute del espacio. Aunque los contratos pueden hacerse verbalmente, es recomendable que sean escritos y notariados para evitar conflictos futuros. Una forma sencilla de obtener un contrato claro es solicitar la propiedad a través de un servicio legal de inmobiliaria. En los últimos 5 años, se ha visto un aumento en el número de personas extranjeras que se quedan temporalmente como inquilinos, y el tiempo de permanencia es una cláusula importante en este documento. Un contrato de arrendamiento es obligatorio en Colombia para evitar invasiones o deterioro del inmueble. Las inmobiliarias actúan como intermediarias entre las partes involucradas, informando a ambos sobre sus derechos y responsabilidades durante el período de arrendamiento. Aunque algunos arrendatarios subestiman la importancia de este documento, muchos han sufrido daños costosos en sus propiedades por no realizar el procedimiento legal adecuado. Los abogados son profesionales clave en el negocio inmobiliario, ya que logran ventas y alquileres de viviendas mientras garantizan la satisfacción del cliente. Las inmobiliarias pueden ahorrar procesos administrativos complejos para los arrendatarios, lo que disminuye desacuerdos y malentendidos. El objetivo principal de estas empresas es evitar situaciones incómodas entre el propietario y el inquilino. It is possible to safeguard the integrity and security of the lessee and their family members with the help of a real estate agency, as long as the agreements between them are not exposed and, if necessary, with the assistance of the prepared register by the lawyers of the real estate agency. Each party involved benefits when establishing a contract: the lessee avoids property deterioration while the tenant avoids being evicted prematurely. Irreversible clauses that should not be lacking, aside from correct data for each party, are the duration of the tenant's stay in the property and information about the site to be rented, including address, square meters, etc. Furniture or other items can also be incorporated into the site, so if any of these are damaged or worn out, they will know they must replace or cancel said object. Another important aspect that a rental contract should have is the date on which it is being signed, as this will determine the time period for the tenant's stay in the property.
The contract should specify the signing date, the amount of time expressed in months, days, or years during which the tenant will be staying and the expiration date of the contract, which must match the predetermined durability days. Additionally, the contract should specify the clauses where the contract can be canceled or terminated due to delays in payments, property damage, or poor behavior towards the community or neighbors if necessary. Not anyone can create a rental contract; it is necessary for this document to be notarized and signed by a lawyer specializing in real estate matters, authorized professionals who are certified as those found at B&R Real Estate Agency in Bogotá. In this case, the rental contract should include the following aspects in detail and clarity: Personal data and location It refers to the names and identification data of the parties involved, as well as their addresses or place of residence. Guarantor Also known as co-lessee, it must specify its personal data and address, who backs up the lessee's debt in case any inconvenience arises. Property location Location of the property described precisely, considering streets, blocks, or any other necessary reference. Property description This should be done with precision, omitting no detail, since it may be of great importance. Condition or state of the property Indicates how the property is at the time when it is desired to rent it out. That data is vital, and it can avoid future problems, so it must be very clear in the contract. Available services El contrato de arrendamiento debe establecer claramente los términos y condiciones entre la propiedad y el inquilino. Esto incluye el pago del alquiler, las sanciones por incumplimiento y la duración del contrato. Debe especificarse también el día en que se realizará el pago y las sanciones por incumplimiento, como el cese del contrato o daños al inmueble. Es importante estipular que las cuotas de arrendamiento pueden aumentar y establecer un preaviso para ambas partes. El contrato debe contemplar también la cantidad que debe pagar el inquilino como garantía, que puede ser devuelta si se cumplen con los criterios del contrato. Además, es necesario especificar la ubicación y dirección del inmueble, así como la extensión del terreno donde se encuentra. Si se trata de una vivienda compartida, debe establecerse las partes de la propiedad que se están arrendando y los reglamentos para el uso de las mismas. Es crucial dejar en claro las normas que establece el condominio, como las reuniones sociales, el volumen de la música y zonas de estacionamiento. El contrato de arrendamiento es un acuerdo importante que puede afectar negativamente a ambas partes si no se establecen claramente los términos y condiciones. To ensure harmonious coexistence and avoid any party being unfairly impacted, it's essential to verify which clauses should be included in the rental contract. Rental contracts are documents that authenticate the tenant or lessee and allow them to enjoy the benefits of an immovable property owned by a landlord or lessor. The contract outlines certain rules that the tenant commits to abide by in order to use the rented property or commercial premises. The contract also stipulates how the coexistence between the landlord and tenant will be managed, including any payment obligations. This legal document provides protection for both parties in case of non-compliance with initial agreements or misinterpretation of each other's words. To ensure the contract is valid, it must be written and signed by all parties involved. The contract should include various items to cover every aspect for both the landlord and tenant. First, a detailed description of the property being rented should be provided, including its physical state at the time of lease commencement. Additionally, the contract should specify the duration of the rental agreement, including the start date and end date. This allows for renewal or early termination options to be considered by both parties. Another crucial aspect is the rent payment terms, including the amount, frequency (daily, weekly, quarterly, monthly, annually), and any interest or price increase in case of late payment or extension. Finally, it's essential to outline the relationships between the landlord and tenant during the rental period. When considering a rental agreement and the rules that must be followed by one who wants to make such an arrangement, it is essential to establish what obligations will be binding. These can include delivering the rented property, maintaining it, and meeting specific needs or requirements of the landlord regarding the property. The fulfillment of these obligations enables both parties involved in the rental agreement to maintain a cordial relationship. Among these obligations are payment of the agreed-upon rent, conservation of the rented property, and compliance with property regulations. Additionally, there may be provisions for improving the property. These clauses are crucial as they allow the establishment of rules or guidelines for the use of the rented property, while also enabling the parties involved to conclude the contract in case of non-compliance. Regarding restrictions on usage, the landlord can specify what they do not want to occur regarding the property being rented, allowing the tenant to establish norms for the landlord as well. Rental agreement clauses can be quite diverse and depend entirely on whether the property is movable or immovable, but it is essential to remember that a verbal and written rental agreement contract must be celebrated. The importance of this written contract should be stressed, as it must be executed under the laws of the relevant jurisdiction, with each party having a copy. This ensures that all aspects are covered correctly and both parties have a clear understanding of the different points to discuss or implement regarding the rented property. According to Xxxxxxxxxx' annual real estate report for 2019, out of 100 properties designated for housing, 34% were occupied by a third party through a rental agreement. This situation became more evident in regions like Bogotá, Risaralda, Quindío, and Meta. Understanding rental agreements and their implications is crucial for both residential and commercial properties. In this context, it's essential to comprehend the types of contracts and the various ways in which they can be breached by either party involved. Here, we'll delve deeper into rentals and the factors that come with them. Regarding urban housing and commerce rentals, Law 820 of 2003 is the governing norm, outlining the rights and obligations of the parties involved, as well as the corresponding sanctions for different breaches. According to this law, any of the following reasons can be considered a breach and grounds for unilateral termination: 1. Delayed payment for public services of any kind, leading to disconnection. 2. Failure to pay administrative fees in the case of a horizontal property that requires it. 3. Absence of rent payment and corresponding adjustments within the time frame specified in the contract. 4. Unauthorized modifications to the property, regardless of whether this involves a simple repair or addition/subtraction. 5. Destination of the property for administration or illegal activities. 6. Subletting or partial subletting of the property without prior authorization from the landlord. 7. Breach of regulations governing horizontal property ownership. Either party can unilaterally terminate the contract outside of the agreed-upon period or during any subsequent extensions, provided that three months' written notice is given through authorized postal services. In this case, an indemnification payment equivalent to three months' rent is required. The suspension of public services to the property due to premeditated action by the landlord or delinquency in payments owed to them also constitutes a breach. Note: The above-mentioned reasons must be properly documented and notified to apply the corresponding sanctions, terminate the contract unilaterally, and exercise the norm. Considering the current economic and health contingency that developed from mid-March 2020, what are the grounds for unilateral termination of a rental agreement established by the government in Colombia? In the case of urban housing rentals, Considerando la situación actual y los parámetros establecidos en el decreto 579 del 15 xx xxxxx de 2020, durante el período de emergencia y contingencia, no se podrán aplicar sanciones, intereses xx xxxx o desalojos por incumplimiento de pago. En lugar de eso, solo se podrá dar fin al contrato mediante acuerdo mutuo.
Aunque la contingencia no exime a los arrendatarios de sus obligaciones, sanciones e intereses corrientes en caso de incumplimiento al finalizar el tiempo de emergencia. El gobierno promueve el diálogo y negociación entre las partes involucradas para una resolución y arreglo que beneficie a ambas. De acuerdo con el decreto 772, emitido en junio de 2020, algunas empresas o sectores afectados por la crisis podrán terminar unilateralmente los contratos de arrendamiento de locales o puntos comerciales siempre y cuando se alcance un acuerdo mutuo y considerando una penalidad máxima de la tercera parte de lo originalmente pactado. Las empresas o sectores que pueden cancelar contratos de arriendo son: bares, discotecas, billares, casinos, bingos y terminales de juegos de video; gimnasios, piscinas, spa, sauna, turco, balnearios, parques de atracciones mecánicas y parques infantiles; cines y teatros; servicios religiosos que impliquen aglomeraciones; alojamiento y servicios de comida; eventos de carácter público o privado que impliquen aglomeración de personas. Se requiere la siguiente información para el contrato de arrendamiento: 1.- El nombre completo del arrendador o arrendadora, incluyendo si se trata de una persona jurídica y su representante legal. 2.- La nacionalidad, estado civil, domicilio y documento de identidad del arrendador o arrendadora. 3.- El nombre completo del arrendatario, incluyendo si se trata de una persona jurídica y su representante legal. 4.- La nacionalidad, estado civil, domicilio y documento de identidad del arrendatario. 5.- El objeto del contrato, bien inmueble o mueble, especificando si se trata de un apartamento, casa, terreno, local comercial, según corresponda. 6.- Los linderos si se trata de un bien inmueble o las características si se trata de un bien mueble. 7.- El uso para el cual será el bien. 8.- The registration data and the regime governing the property's use must be specified. 9.- The rental amount in letters and numbers should be indicated. 10.- The payment frequency (weekly, biweekly or monthly) should be stated, along with whether it will be paid in advance or upon expiration. 11.- The form of payment (cash or other methods such as deposits or bank transfers) should be established. 12.- A timeframe for adjusting the rent should be set. 13.- It may be agreed that the rent adjustment is unilateral and requires written notification to the tenant, if applicable. 14.- The contract's duration and any potential consequences for non-renewal should be specified. If commercial property is involved, a disclaimer regarding the right of renewal must be included, as per Article 518 of the Commercial Code. 15.- The start date of the rental agreement should be indicated. 16.- It may be stipulated that the contract will not be renewed and a new one must be signed instead. 17.- The tenant is aware of any applicable regulations governing Horizontal Property ownership. 18.- A provision for canceling outstanding service charges to prevent suspension, in the event of non-payment by the tenant, can be established. 19.- Notes related to payment of repairs and improvements to the property should be included. 20.- The monetary amount or percentage for these purposes should be specified, with both letter and numerical representations provided.