UNA PARTE: La Autoridad de Electrica de Puerto Rico (Autoridad), una corporation publica y entidad del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, creada por la Ley Num. 83 del 2 xx xxxx segun representada en este acto por su Director Ejecutivo, senor Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx mayor de edad, casado, ingeniero y vecino de Guaynabo, Puerto
LA OTRA PARTE: Oriental Bank (Contratista), una institution bancaria con oficinas ejecutivas en Rey, organizada y existente bajo las del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, autorizada a hacer negocios en Puerto Rico, representada en este acto por su Vicepresidente Ejecutivo, senor Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, mayor de edad, casado, ejecutivo y vecino de Guaynabo, Puerto Rico y por su Vicepresidente Senior, sefiora Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, mayor de edad, casada, ejecutiva y vecina de Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, en virtud de la Certification de Resolution Corporativa del de noviembre de
Contratista ofrece su servicio para procesar de forma electronica una plataforma para estos fines, los pagos de los clientes que se reciben a traves de los siguientes canales: 1) Centra de Servicio al Cliente de la Autoridad (Representante de Servicio al Cliente), 2) Pagina WEB de la Autoridad (Internet), 3) Debito Recurrente (Pagos Preautorizados), 4) Pago automatizado por telefono a traves del (Interactive Voice Response) por el de telefono (000) 000-0000 o cualquier otro que la Autoridad asigne. Por su parte la Autoridad interesa y acepta el bajo los siguientes:
1. Obligaciones de Autoridad
—La Autoridad una cuenta corriente con el Contratista sujeta a los terminos y condiciones que regulan las Copia de dichos terminos y condiciones, TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR CORPORATE ACCOUNTS AND
SERVICES, se incluyen y se hacen parte de este Contrato Anejo
Centra de Cobras y la Section de Conciliaciones Bancarias de la Autoridad atendera
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina 2
cualquier asunto sobre las transacciones que efectuen los clientes de la Autoridad a traves de los servicios de este
—Si el Contratista refiere a la Autoridad alguna discrepancia o queja de clientes relacionada con estos servicios, la Autoridad investigara y notificara al Contratista el resultado de la investigation dentro del xx xxxx a partir de la fecha de
—La Autoridad le enviara al Contratista un archivo con la information de los balances pendientes de los clientes para actualizar la information del automatizado de pagos por telefono (IVR) segun el Anejo B Para Record de
2. Obligaciones del Contratista
Contratista, a de la Autoridad, procesara la solicitud del cliente a traves de su sistema automatizado o de su plataforma WEB para generar una transaccion electronica de pago que efectuara un debito Automated Clearing House o un cargo a una tarjeta de credito o debito (que no requiere un codigo secreto "pin" para procesar una transaccion) por la cantidad que el cliente autorice, contra la cuenta de deposito o cuenta de tarjeta de credito o debito (que no requiere un codigo secreto ("pin") para procesar la transaccion) que en una institution o un de tarjetas de credito o debito. Esta operation se efectuara las veinticuatro (24) horas del dfa. Los pagos acreditados a la cuenta de la Autoridad estan sujetos a la disponibilidad de fondos en la cuenta del cliente en transacciones
Contratista disenara y todos los procesos de los diferentes canales de pago de acuerdo con las Reglas de Negocio para la Aceptacion de Pagos Establecida por la Autoridad (Anejo
Contratista con las disposiciones de la NACHA (National Automated Clearing
House Association) para transacciones
Contratista acreditara el pago de los clientes, todos los dias laborables en la cuenta de la Autoridad Num. Ademas, el laborable siguiente a la transaccion le
a la Autoridad la cantidad que deposito en dicha
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina 3
—Si ocurriese algun error o algun evento que por negligencia crasa del Contratista altere o retrase la acreditacion de los pagos y conlleve gastos adicionales a la Autoridad, el Contratista sera responsable del pago de los
—La aplicacion que provea el Contratista le al supervisor o que la Autoridad autorice, anadir, e identificar los usuarios del sistema. Ademas, le proveera acceso para ver los informes de las transacciones en y poder revertir transacciones antes del cierre del
Contratista proveera en su plataforma WEB para que los canales de pagos, tales pero sin a: 1) Pagina WEB de la Autoridad (Internet), 2) Sistema automatizado por telefono (IVR), 3) Representante de servicios por telefono, genere un
numero de referencia y se al
caso de pagos por Internet, el cliente hara la transaccion en la pagina WEB de la Autoridad. Si la transaccion es denegada, se le enviara un mensaje al cliente de que la
no se pudo
Contratista proveera un numero unico por archivo de pago,
que indica que el pago se realizo el sistema de pago automatizado el 21 de noviembre de De igual forma se proveeran numeros para las otras alternativas o canales de pago, tales como: Internet, debito recurrente o pagos a traves de un representante de servicio por
Contratista proveera un informe de los depositos que se realicen a traves de cada uno de los de pago, como: Internet, debito recurrente o pagos a traves de un representante de servicio por telefono. Estos pueden ser descritos por merchant number o cualquier otro y con la capacidad de tener un detalle del
Cada uno de los depositos tiene que identificarse con un numero unico de la institucion bancaria (numero de
los rechazos de pagos identificados con el numero unico del archivo de pagos,
tienen que incluir el del archivo que se creo cuando se aplico el pago, ejemplo:
Contratista proveera un informe donde todos los depositos que se realicen tengan el numero de archivo de pago que se le
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina 4
Contratista validara el numero American Banking Association (ABA), en las transacciones de pago ACH en real. Ademas, verificara y autorizara los pagos con tarjetas de credito en tiempo
Contratista cuadrara los depositos diarios con el total de pagos que aparezcan en el archivo electronico de los distintos canales de
Contratista procesara a diario el cierre de las transacciones del dfa a las a.m. y enviara los archivos para que la Autoridad los procese no mas tarde de las 5:00 a.m. de ese
Contratista designara un oficina o persona encargada de atender cualquier asunto relacionado con los depositos o ajustes que se realicen a la cuenta bancaria de la Autoridad o pagos que efectuen los clientes de la Autoridad en virtud de este
Contratista tendra que disponer de un sistema de transferencia de pagos y depositos y ajustes en mismo se utilizara para el proceso de conciliation
Contratista proveera el equipo, y apoyo tecnico necesario para procesar los pagos que el cliente de la Autoridad autorice mediante cualesquiera de los siguientes metodos de pago: debito directo, ACH, tarjeta de credito VISA, MasterCard o American Express y tarjeta de debito (que no requiere un codigo secreto ("pin") para procesar una transaccion). Contratista tendra la de proveer apoyo tecnico los sesenta y (365) del veinticuatro (24) horas al
Contratista realizara en dfa los y
con previa notification a la Autoridad de la naturaleza de los trabajos. Estos mantenimientos a la a.m. (Central Standard Time) y no mas tarde de las 7:00 a.m. (Central Standard Time). Contratista entregara un itinerario detallado por en el que se las fechas y las horas de los mantenimientos. De igual forma, el Contratista notificara a la Autoridad cualquier mantenimiento no
con al 24 horas de anticipation. Si los trabajos conllevan alguna actualization por parte de la Autoridad, el Contratista se notificara al menos con dos semanas de
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina 5
Contratista adiestrara al personal de la Autoridad en el uso y del sistema de procesos de
Contratista a la Autoridad los archivos electronicos de los datos de los pagos procesados, segun se indica en el Anejo D para Records de Pagos).—
—En caso de devolucion del pago por fondos insuficientes o por cualquier otra razon, el Contratista efectuara un debito contra la cuenta de la Autoridad por la cantidad del pago. Ademas, el Contratista entregara a la Autoridad los archivos electronicos con los datos, segun el Anejo E (Formato Rechazos, Oficina de Information, Rev.
Contratista representa y garantiza a la Autoridad que la information contenida en los archivos electronicos de datos, que se establece en este 2, sera correcta a la fecha de su produccion y que reflejara con exactitud los datos sobre la devolucion de pagos que se en el archivo electronico del Contratista, disponiendose, sin embargo, que el Contratista no asume responsabilidad alguna con relacion al cobro de pagos
Contratista entregara estos archivos en un termino que no excedera de cinco (5) dias laborables desde la fecha en que se proceso el
—En el caso de pagos recurrentes, la Autoridad enviara al Contratista un archivo de debito
el siguiente de la fecha de de la factura de cada cliente. Contratista debitara a la cuenta de banco de cada cliente el total del debito que se indique en el archivo de la Autoridad. Es responsabilidad del Contratista con los protocolos de seguridad y al retener la information bancaria de los clientes de la
Contratista notificara a la Autoridad dentro de un termino de cinco (5) a
la fecha de notification del cliente, de cualquier asunto o reclamation de este en relacion con el proceso de pagos o al (000) 000-0000 de pagos
—La Autoridad referira al Contratista, para investigation, o queja de clientes en relacion con el proceso de pagos que preste el Contratista, y este investigara y notificara el resultado de la investigation a la Autoridad dentro de un termino de cinco (5) dias, a partir de la fecha de
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina 6
Contratista mantendra en sistema un record historico de los pagos, devoluciones y transacciones que se realicen en la plataforma mediante todos los metodos de pagos, por un de cinco (5) anos para el de la Autoridad. Para el sistema automatizado de pagos por telefono (IVR) a traves del (000) 000-0000, el Contratista
a. Mantendra la capacidad necesaria xx xxxxxxx de comunicacion para atender la de telefonicas y que no haya mas del punto cero
uno por ciento (.01 %) de llamadas sin atender y dara para
si es necesario anadir o canales de comunicacion de acuerdo con el de llamadas recibidas. A la solicitud de la Autoridad, el Contratista le
proveera un informe a la Autoridad del del requisito establecido en esta subsection
b. La Autoridad le proveera al Contratista los archivos de y el de o las al mismo que acuerden las partes. Cada vez que se realicen al diagrama de flujo, el Contratista las en el sistema de
pagos (000) 000-0000 (Anejo
Contratista proveera un ambiente de pruebas "Sandbox" de la plataforma de pagos para el uso de la Autoridad en los procesos de desarrollo, validation y control de calidad. Este proveera la capacidad minima necesaria para validar pruebas de funcionalidad y nuevos desarrollos. ambiente de pruebas tiene que con las
de la plataforma de pagos que esta en production, incluyendo certificados y tipo de conexion. La Autoridad solicitara dicho ambiente con no menos de 14 laborables de anticipation y estara disponible por el tiempo que acuerden las partes. — Articulo 3. Terminos de Pago
Contratista enviara por correo electronico a la Autoridad un estado o Merchant
Statement mensual en el que desglosara y detallara los servicios y volumenes de transacciones que proceso durante el previo a la fecha xxx Xxxxxxxx Statement. Dicho estado proveera a la Autoridad un desglose de los tipos de transacciones que se procesen por servicio, incluyendo la tarifa aplicable a cada uno de estos y su que se para proveer la cantidad o total. Estas tarifas se describen en el
Contrato Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina 7
Anejo G de Precios). Toda factura enviada a la Autoridad por el Contratista debe incluir la siguiente Certification para poder proceder con el pago de la Aquella factura que no contenga la Certification, no se procesara para
Certification de de Interes:
Bajo pena de nulidad absoluta, certifico que ningun funcionario o director de la Autoridad de Energfa Electrica es parte o tiene algun interes en las ganancias o producto del Contrato objeto de esta factura y de ser parte o tener interes en las ganancias o beneficios producto del Contrato medio una dispensa previa. Certifico, ademas, que la unica consideration para los servicios objeto del Contrato es el pago acordado con el representante autorizado de la Autoridad de Energfa Electrica.
de esta factura es justo y correcto. Los servicios se prestaron y no han sido pagados.
del Representante de la
Contratista enviara una factura a la Autoridad por por facturas cobradas, segun descrito anteriormente. Despues de emitirse la factura y haberse entregado a la la Autoridad dispondra de treinta (30) calendario para validar la misma. De no existir algun y/o presentada por la Autoridad al Contratista por escrito dentro del termino de treinta (30) la factura se entendera debidamente validada por la Autoridad. Si la Autoridad presenta una reclamacion y/o una discrepancia de la factura al Contratista por escrito en el termino anteriormente, los representantes autorizados de la Autoridad y del Contratista ran diez dfas calendarios a partir del de la notification de la reclamacion y/o discrepancia de la factura al Contratista para reunirse y dicha reclamacion y/o discrepancia. Las partes de buena fe para a un acuerdo sobre la reclamacion y/o discrepancia en un termino que no excedera de cinco (5) dfas laborables.
La Autoridad le pagara al Contratista el total de la factura dentro de un termino de sesenta (60) dfas calendario a partir de la fecha de la entrega de la factura (Termino de Vencimiento de Pago). De no haberse recibido el pago cinco (5) dfas antes del Termino de Vencimiento del Pago, el Contratista le notificara a la Autoridad que realizara el debito del importe total de la cuenta Num. la la
Autoridad con el Contratista a los cinco (5) dfas a partir de dicha notification.
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina 8
En el caso de la tasa de descuento de tarjetas de credito Visa/MasterCard el mismo se debitara de la cuenta corriente que la Autoridad con el Contratista. Articulo 4. Vigencia
—Este Contrato estara vigente desde la fecha de su al 30 xx xxxxx de o hasta que se otorgue un nuevo contrato producto del proceso de RFP y la Autoridad le haya notificado con cinco (5) de anterioridad al Contratista que la migration a un nuevo sistema ha que ocurra
Articulo 5. Fuerza Mayor
—Las partes contratantes se excusaran del de sus obligaciones contractuales y no seran responsables por danos y perjuicios ni por cualquier otro concepto, en la en que su se deba a un evento de fuerza mayor. Para de este Contrato, fuerza significa cualquier causa no atribuible a la culpa o y que quede fuera del control, de la parte que reclame la
del evento de fuerza mayor. Fuerza mayor puede pero sin limitarse a lo siguiente: disturbios industriales, actos del enemigo publico, guerras, bloqueos, boicots, motines,
disturbios civiles, cierres patronales, fuegos, explosiones, interruption de servicios debido a acciones u de cualquier autoridad publica; se dispone que estos eventos, o cualquiera otro
que se reclame como de fuerza mayor, o sus efectos, esten fuera del control y no sean de la culpa o negligencia de la parte que la ocurrencia del evento
de fuerza mayor, y que dicha parte, dentro del termino xx xxxx dfas a partir de la ocurrencia de la alegada fuerza mayor, notifique la misma por escrito a la otra parte describiendo los pormenores del evento y su duration peso de la prueba, en cuanto a si ocurrio un evento de fuerza mayor o no, sera de la parte que reclame que el mismo
caso de que ocurran cualesquiera de estos eventos, la responsabilidad del Contratista se a reanudar la prestation de los servicios tan pronto como sea posible y a proveer un medio de comunicacion adecuado y seguro para orientar y darle a la Autoridad sobre el a seguir el servicio
todo esto de las
Contrato Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina 9
Articulo 6. Terminacion
—No obstante lo dispuesto en este Contrato, en cuanto a la vigencia o duration del mismo, la Autoridad o el Contratista podra, en cancelarlo o acelerar su vencimiento, mediante notification escrita al Contratista o a la Autoridad, segun sea el caso, hecha con, por lo menos, noventa (90) de anticipacion, cuando
a juicio de la Autoridad o el Contratista, responda a sus
del derecho de cancelar o resolver este Contrato, no se entendera que constituye una renuncia de la Autoridad o el Contratista a cualesquiera
provistos por este Contrato o por la ley para casos de o en las contractuales del Contratista o la
Articulo 7. Terminacion por Incumplimiento
partes podran acelerar el vencimiento de este Contrato al cualesquiera de los siguientes
A. La de cualquier o involuntario bajo la Ley de Quiebras Federal o cualquier otra disposition x xxx de quiebra,
o insolvencia local;
B. incumplimiento de cualesquiera de las de este Contrato o conducta de las partes, constituira causa para terminar
el mismo, sin necesidad de una notification
Articulo 8. Notificaciones
notification que deban hacerse las partes contratantes, en conformidad con el Contrato, se enviara por escrito y se entendera que la misma es efectiva, desde el momento de su entrega personal o por correo a las siguientes
A la Autoridad: Autoridad de Energfa Electrica de Xxxxxx Xxxx
XX Xxx 000000
Xxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxx 00936-4267
Atencion: Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx Director Ejecutivo
Contratista: Xxxxxxxx Xxxx
XX Xxx 000000
Xxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxx 00936-4745
Atencion: Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Vicepresidente Ejecutivo
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina
Xxx. Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Vicepresidente Senior
Articulo 9. Separabilidad
—Si algun tribunal con jurisdiccion competente declara alguna de las clausulas de este Contrato o invalida, no afectara la validez y eficacia de las restantes clausulas del mismo y las partes contratantes se a sus obligaciones bajo las clausulas que no se afecten por la determination judicial de nulidad o
Articulo Derecho Aplicable y Tribunales
—Este Contrato estara sujeto a, y se interpretara bajo las del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. Ademas, las partes contratantes acuerdan que los tribunales del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico seran unicamente los tribunales con jurisdiccion competente y exclusiva para resolver las controversias que surjan entre ellas en relacion con este Contrato y que requieran de la intervention de la autoridad judicial para su
Articulo 11. Certificaciones
Previo a la firma del Contrato, el Contratista entregara los siguientes documentos o
Certification de No Deuda expedida por el de Hacienda donde indique que el Contratista no adeuda al Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico; o se acogio a un plan de pagos, con cuyos terminos y condiciones
2. Certification de de Planilla, expedida por el Departamento de Hacienda, en la conste que el Contratista rindio la misma durante los cinco (5) anos previos a la formalization del
3. Certification expedida por el Centra de Recaudacion de Ingresos
en la cual conste que el Contratista no adeuda contribuciones a esa dependencia
4. Certification expedida por el Departamento del Trabajo y Recursos de Puerto Rico, en la cual conste que el Contratista pago las contribuciones de seguro por de incapacidad temporal y de seguro social para choferes (la que aplique); o se acogio a un plan de pagos, con cuyos terminos y condiciones cumple.
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina
5. Certification de Estado de de la Administration de Sustento de (ASUME) donde el Contratista que, al momento de suscribir este Contrato, se encuentra en cumplimiento con las ordenes a su como
patrono para retener de sus para pagos de pension
6. Certificado de Cumplimiento del Departamento de Estado.
7. Certification de de Planillas del sobre Ventas y Uso - -
8. Certification de Deuda del Impuesto sobre Ventas y
9. Copia del Certificado de Registro de
Declaration jurada en la que el Contratista (tanto la persona natural como la
informe si alguno de sus oficiales, directores, accionistas, afiliadas, subsidiarias o alter ego de la misma, ha sido convicto o se ha culpable de cualesquiera de los delitos que la Ley 458-2000, segun o si se encuentra bajo investigation en cualquier judicial o
Contratista expresamente reconoce que la conviction o culpabilidad por cualesquiera de los delitos que enumere la Ley 458, supra, ya sea por parte del Contratista o de cualesquiera de sus oficiales, directores, accionistas, socios, afiliadas, subsidiarias o alter ego, sera causa para que la Autoridad deje sin efecto el Contrato. En cuyo caso el Contratista tendra que reintegrar a la Autoridad toda cantidad de dinero recibida en este
—En aquellos casos en que se autorice la de alguno de los servicios objeto del Contrato, el Contratista sera responsable de requerir que los subcontratistas cumplan con las certificaciones anteriores y notificara de a la
—Si cualesquiera de las Certificaciones anteriores una deuda, y el Contratista hubiese radicado una petition para revisar o ajustar dicha deuda, lo certificara al momento de otorgarse el Contrato. Si la petition de revision o ajuste es denegada por sentencia final y firme, el Contratista proveera evidencia del pago de dicha deuda a la Autoridad; de otro acuerda que se cancele la misma de los pagos a efectuarse en este Contrato, mediante la retencion en el origen de la cantidad correspondiente, la Autoridad efectuara dicha
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina 12
se reconoce que la entrega de las Certificaciones y documentos anteriores es una condition de este Contrato, y de no ser correctas en todo o en parte, sera causa para que la Autoridad pueda dejar sin efecto el mismo, y el Contratista tendra que reintegrar a la Autoridad toda cantidad de dinero en este
—Los documentos anteriores se hacen parte del Contrato como anejos.
Articulo 12. Intereses
—Las partes contratantes hacen constar que ningun publico tiene interes pecuniario, directo o indirecto, en el presente Contrato. Contratista certifica que
tener contratos de servicios con otras publicas y de Puerto Rico, y que ninguno de representa conflictos de interes para el
Articulo 13. Cesion del Contrato
Contratista no subcontratara ni cedera los derechos u obligaciones contraidas bajo este Contrato, excepto en el caso en que la Autoridad lo autorice por escrito.
dispone, sin embargo, que dicha autorizacion no sera necesaria en el caso de cesion
o de subcontratacion con una subsidiaria o afiliada del Contratista. Esta limitation no aplica a la subcontratacion de los servicios o recursos tecnicos que el Contratista necesite para poder prestar los servicios
Articulo 14. Novacion
—La Autoridad y el Contratista acuerdan expresamente que ninguna u orden de que se efectue en este Contrato, durante su se entendera como una novacion contractual, a menos que partes pacten espetificamente lo contrario por escrito. La anterior disposition sera aplicable en aquellos casos en que la Autoridad le conceda al Contratista una prorroga para el cumplimiento de alguna de sus obligaciones contraidas en este Contrato o dispense el o de alguno de
sus creditos o derechos en el
Articulo 15. Seguros
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina
Contratista obtendra y mantendra en vigor, durante la vigencia de este Contrato, y polizas de seguro que cubran todas sus actividades contractuales,
con aseguradoras en Puerto Rico, y proveera certificados de seguro en
original como
A. Seguro de Responsabilidad Profesional - Contratista mantendra un Seguro de Responsabilidad Profesional con un por reclamacion de
y de
Fianza de Fidelidad Bond) - Contratista proveera una Fianza de Fidelidad por un diez por ciento del costo del Contrato para cubrir cualquier acto de deshonestidad en que pueda incurrir cualesquiera de sus
Contratista proveera un certificado de seguros y fianza en original, refrendados en Puerto Rico y por un representante de una de seguros autorizada a realizar negocios en Puerto
Articulo 16. Relevo de Responsabilidad
—Cada una de las partes asume la responsabilidad, y se obliga a y a relevar de responsabilidad a la otra parte, por cualquier reclamacion, costo, honorarios, perdida o gasto de cualquier naturaleza a la que esta pueda estar sujeta directa o por: (a) el incumplimiento de las o de cualquier disposition de
este Contrato y (b) errores o actuaciones negligentes o intencionales de dicha parte, sus empleados, agentes y
Contratista sera cuidadoso y diligente en la de los servicios. Sin embargo, no sera responsable de a la Autoridad por algun daho, gasto, costo o perdida de cualquier naturaleza que pueda sufrir como consecuencia directa o indirecta de la prestation de los servicios, excepto cuando los actos intencionales o de negligencia crasa del Contratista ocasionen danos directos a la Autoridad. En dicho caso, la responsabilidad de este estara a: (a) la cantidad en controversia de las transacciones procesadas, y (b) en la medida en que los danos resultantes se pudieron evitar o mediante una verification razonable de la Autoridad de la information provista por el Contratista, segun las de este Contrato. En ningun caso el
Contrato Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina 14
Contratista sera responsable ante la Autoridad por danos indirectos,
especiales o punitivos, aunque este haya sido avisado sobre la posibilidad de la ocurrencia de los
Contratista no sera responsable, ni quedara obligado de alguna forma, con terceras personas (incluyendo, sin limitation, cualquier socio, director, agente, cliente o proveedor de la Autoridad), por prestar a la Autoridad el servicio de
con los terminos y condiciones de este
—Ademas de las a la responsabilidad contenidas bajo los terminos y condiciones de este Contrato o el Contrato de Cuentas de Deposito, y excepto segun se disponga por ley, el Contratista no sera responsable y no incurrira en obligation alguna por: (a) cualquier interruption en los servicios que resulte de restriction
de o de (b) cualquier actuation, de actuation, la insolvencia o notificacion de insolvencia al Contratista de la NACHA
Clearing House Association) y cualesquiera de sus o de cualquier otra institucion o (c) cualquier error, falta de precision en la information contenida en cualquier notificacion o comunicacion que reciba el Contratista de otra institucion financiera, operador de de compensation o Contratista de la Reserva
Articulo 17. Contratista Independiente
Contratista no se considerara socio o agente de la Autoridad. Este Contrato no autoriza al Contratista a querellas contra la Autoridad, ajustar cuentas con los clientes, aceptar solicitudes de servicio o depositos por servicios de energfa electrica por parte de los clientes. No se entendera que la Autoridad delego al Contratista alguna de sus obligaciones con los clientes. Cualquier reclamacion o de los clientes se atendera y considerara en la Autoridad, en las que opera a traves de
toda la
Contratista se considerara como un contratista independiente, a todos los fines en este Contrato, las personas que contrate para el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones se consideraran como empleados o agentes del Contratista y no como empleados o agentes de la Autoridad. Contratista, como sus empleados o agentes, por su
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina
condition de contratista independiente, no tendran derecho a licencias por
beneficios por la Corporation del Fondo del Seguro del Estado, vacaciones, sistema de retiro, ni disfrutara de ningun marginal que concede la Autoridad a sus empleados en virtud de las
de una orden de embargo o cualquier otro recurso analogo contra la cuenta que la Autoridad mantenga con el Contratista no afectara las obligaciones contractuales de las partes segun se establecen en este
Articulo 18. Codigo de Etica
Contratista se a con las de la Ley 84-2002, segun
mediante | la cual se establece el | Codigo | de Etica para Contratistas, | |
Suplidores y | de Incentivos | de las | Ejecutivas del Estado |
Libre Asociado de Puerto
Articulo 19. Registro del Contrato
prestation o objeto de este Contrato podra exigirse hasta tanto el mismo se presente para registro en la Oficina del Contralor de Puerto Rico a tenor con lo dispuesto en la Ley Num. 18 de 30 de octubre de 1975, segun enmendada. (Ley
Articulo 20. en el Derecho Aplicable
—Durante la de este Contrato, cualquier cambio en el
aplicable, incluyendo, pero sin a aquellos de naturaleza contributiva que provoque un en los costos del Contratista al suplir los o servicios que adquirira la Autoridad, sera responsabilidad del Contratista, sin que la Autoridad venga obligada a hacer pagos adicionales ni a pagar cantidades adicionales al precio o canon pactado
por dichos productos o
Articulo 21. Confidencialidad
Contratista acuerda no divulgar, revelar, transferir, duplicar, o de alguna reproducir, ni a terceros, sus agentes, empleados o subcontratistas y sus respectivos agentes o empleados, la information sobre el funcionamiento ya sea de naturaleza tecnica u operacional de la Autoridad que obtenga, produzca o genere como resultado de esta relacion contractual, salvo que la Autoridad lo o
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina 16
expresamente por escrito. La anterior prohibicion tambien se extendera a cualquier informacion de los clientes de la Autoridad a la que pueda tener acceso el Contratista por razon de los servicios que ofrecera mediante este Contrato. Contratista tiene la obligacion de divulgar el alcance de esta prohibicion a todos sus empleados y agentes que intervendran en la prestation de los servicios a la Autoridad y hara saber que estan sujetos a esta prohibicion. Contratista acuerda seguir los y para la regulados por las y
Federates y locales para la bancaria para mantener la confidencialidad que hace referenda en este Articulo. Todo trabajo que produzca el Contratista en virtud de las tareas que se le asignen al amparo de este Contrato (que produzca el Contratista como resultado), pertenecera a la
partes contratantes acuerdan que toda informacion obtenida por el Contratista en este Contrato se considerara informacion confidencial y que la misma no podra revelarse a terceros sin el previo consentimiento por escrito de la Autoridad, tanto la vigencia del Contrato como una vez finalice el
Articulo 22. Pago de los Servicios
que realice la Autoridad, a base de las de este Contrato, se pagaran de la cuenta de acuerdo con los servicios prestados. Articulo 23. Retencion en el Origen
—La Autoridad retendra al Contratista el al siete por (7%) de todo pago por servicios prestados que se efectue en este Contrato, en con el Codigo xx Xxxxxx para un Nuevo Puerto Rico, Ley section 1062.03, segun enmendada. No obstante, se dispone que la retencion a efectuarse por la Autoridad bajo las disposiciones de esta clausula a un veinte por ciento (20%) en caso que el Contratista fuera un individuo no residente y de los Estados en conformidad con el Codigo xx Xxxxxx Internas para un Nuevo Puerto Rico de section o un veintinueve por ciento (29%) en caso que el Contratista fuera un individuo no residente y no ciudadano de los Estados Unidos; o una corporation o
extranjera no dedicada a industria o negocio en Puerto Rico, en conformidad con el Codigo xx Xxxxxx Internas para un Nuevo Puerto Rico de section
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina 17
—Si el Departamento de Hacienda un Certificado de Relevo a favor del Contratista, es responsabilidad de este enviar copia del relevo a la Autoridad para cada ano natural, de lo contrario, los pagos seguiran sujetos a la retencion en el origen. Toda factura debe detallarse por conceptos (servicios, equipo, etc.) para identificar las
sujetas a retencion y evitar descuentos
Articulo 24. Responsabilidad
—Las partes acuerdan que sus respectivas responsabilidades por danos y perjuicios en este Contrato seran segun establece el Codigo Civil de Puerto Rico y la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo de Puerto
Articulo 25. Cesion de Fondos
durante la vigencia del Contrato el Contratista interesa ceder la cantidad vencida o a pagar a que tiene derecho bajo el mismo, notificara dicha cesion de fondos a la Autoridad, en conformidad con las disposiciones de la Ley 21-2012. Dicha notificacion tendra que indicar entre otras cosas, los derechos cedidos (contrato bajo el cual se hace la cesion de fondos, cuantia de los fondos cedidos y los datos y del cesionario (nombre completo de la persona natural o circunstancias personales o corporativas, direction y cualquier otra informacion de
Contratista reconoce y acepta que la Autoridad descontara de los pagos, cedidos o no, objeto de este Contrato cualquier cantidad que este le adeude y, ademas, tendra derecho a retener los mismos si el Contratista no cumple con sus obligaciones y responsabilidades bajo el presente Contrato, o existe alguna reclamacion por o defectos en los bienes suplidos o los servicios
Contratista reconoce y acepta que la obligacion de pago de la Autoridad, bajo cualquier cesion de fondos, cesara cuando pague las cantidades pendientes al amparo del Contrato o se con los pagos de la cesion de fondos, que nunca excederan la cuantia a que tiene derecho el Contratista en el presente
Contratista, con la notificacion de la cesion de fondos, a la Autoridad el pago de doscientos dolares ($200) mediante cheque de gerente o giro postal a nombre de la Autoridad de Energfa Electrica por gastos para el de la
Contrato de Servicio para de Pagos Electronicos Pagina
Articulo 26. Acuerdo Completo
—Este Contrato constituye el acuerdo completo entre las partes y en consecuencia todas las propuestas o acuerdos previos relacionados con el
objeto de este
Articulo 27. Modificaciones o Alteraciones
Este Contrato se podra o alterar por las partes, de acuerdo, y cuando dichas modificaciones o alteraciones se realicen por escrito y se
partes. Ningun cambio acordado sera
Articulo 28. Cesion de la Linea de Telefono
Dentro del termino de 30 a partir de la notificacion de la terminacion de este Contrato por cualquiera de las condiciones establecidas en el mismo, el Contratista acuerda cederle a la Autoridad la telefonica numero (000) 000-0000, utilizado para los pagos
segun se establece en este
POR TODO LO CUAL, los comparecientes en este acto estan de acuerdo con todo lo antes expuesto, y por encontrarlo lo aceptan en todas sus partes sin reparo alguno y proceden a en San Xxxx, Puerto Rico, hoy de de
Autoridad de Electrica Oriental Bank
Vicepresidente Senior
Introduction II. Deposit, Payments, Transfer and Withdrawal Services
to Oriental Bank ("ORIENTAL"). We are pleased that you have decided to maintain a banking relationship with Oriental. This booklet, together with the accompanying enclosures, contains the general rules, regulations, terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") and other disclosures for the accounts and services that you may select and constitutes an agreement between you and Oriental. References to "you" or "your" in these Terms and Conditions means the corporation, partnership, agency, association, bank, municipality, organization or other entity to whom accounts and services are being provided by Oriental. By signing an account application or signature cards, or by using or continuing to use these accounts and services, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.
These Terms and Conditions may be supplemented by existing or future written acknowledgments, terms and conditions and notices, including but not limited to, agreements or acknowledgments regarding specific type of accounts maintained with Oriental, or specialized services offered by Oriental as described herein or which by their terms are subject to these Terms and Conditions.
Any term of any such agreements, acknowledgments, terms and conditions or notices which is inconsistent with a provision of these Terms and Conditions shall supersede such provision of these Terms and Conditions for purposes of the particular account or service which is subject thereof. These Terms and Conditions supersede and replace any other Terms and Conditions or Account Conditions previously sent to you.
Please contact your Oriental Representative if you need any additional information.
I. The Account
You requested Oriental to open and service a demand deposit account for you (your "'Account') and Oriental agrees to open and service the Account subject to following terms and conditions and to the Disclosure Related to the Availability of Funds Deposited in CorporateTransaction Accounts (Regulation CC). Oriental will assign a number to your Account for identification purposes, whose number will be used by you in all transactions related with your Account.
The types of credits that can be made to your Account include, but are not limited to, deposits in the form of: i) checks, (including Depository Transfer Checks and Preauthorized Checks), drafts, notes, acceptance or other instruments ("Items"); ii) cash; iii) transfers of funds from other accounts at Oriental, other financial institutions or other parties; and iv) credits of the proceeds from the sale, redemption or payment of securities.
All funds received for credit to your Account will be credited in the same type of funds that Oriental receives unless Oriental notifies you to the contrary. Oriental reserves the right to refuse or to limit any deposit or credit,
Oriental reserves the right to charge any of your accounts for any credit if final payment is not received by us. Such charges will be made as of the date that Oriental is charged with respect to the item.
A. Deposits
You can make deposits in person, by mail, or by any other method provided by Oriental, such as automated teller (ATM). Oriental does not assume responsibility for deposits made by mail or through any deposit box not controlled by the Bank, until such deposit is acknowledged. If Oriental receives a deposit during a weekend (Saturday/Sunday), holiday or after the banking hours for receiving deposits during a regular business day; said deposit be considered as received the next business day. The schedule of business days and banking hours will be posted at the branches' premises and will be subject to changes, from time to time, at Oriental's discretion.
All amounts to be deposited to this Account, shall be made by means of personalized deposit slips or deposits slips accepted by Oriental, to facilitate prompt crediting to your Account. Oriental will credit deposits that comply with the terms conditions of this Agreement.
Oriental may refuse to credit a deposit when the information is incomplete, inconsistent with the information given in or illegible. In said event, Oriental is obliged to return the deposit made to you.
At the time the deposit is made to your Account, the will only verify the cash, except rolled coins. Checks
and other items will be verified not later than the following business day after the deposit is received. Any discrepancy or omission will be notified to the Depositor by mail. Oriental's determination to this effect shall be deemed correct.
In the event that Oriental determines that the cash deposited was counterfeit currency or that the checks or other items deposited were issued or negotiated unduly or fraudulently, Oriental will debit the corresponding amount from your Account. You will be notified by mail of any such adjustment.
Oriental may selectively ignore information on checks and other deposited items, other than the signature, the drawee bank and drawer's identification, amount, endorsements, and other encoded information, according to the standard practice.
Upon receipt of checks and other items for deposit or collection, Oriental acts as a collection agent on your behalf, registering items subject to final settlement. this case, Oriental's responsibility is limited to exercising ordinary care. Upon final settlement the item is considered collected. If final settlement is not possible, or the cash item must be reversed, Oriental is expressly authorized to debit, without prior notification, any of your accounts. Oriental shall not assume responsibility for any action, omission or due negligence from correspondent xxxxx, agents or subagents, whom the of the items deposited was contracted to.
Oriental shall not be responsible for items lost in transit.
Oriental reserves the right to accept or limit any deposit, and to require the withdrawal of a deposit when it deems convenient. Any deposit made to a closed account shall be revoked for the same reason the following business day after the deposit is received.
The types of debits that can be made to your account include, but are not limited to: i) payment of checks or other instruments drawn on your account; ii) withdrawals of cash; iii) transfers of funds to other accounts at Oriental, other financial institutions or other parties; iv) debits to cover the purchase of securities, charges, fees, commissions and other expenses of any nature; and v) all account and service charges and fees; ("Debit ltem(s)")
Your account maybe debited on the day a Debit Item is presented, certified or accepted, or at such earlier time as notification is received by Oriental by electronic or other means a Debit ltem(s) drawn on your account has been deposited for collection in another financial institution. Oriental's obligation to process any Debit ltem(s) involving a debit to your Account(s) is subject to the limitation that the aggregate dollar of ltem(s) having that same settlement date shall
not be in excess of an amount to be agreed upon by the Customer and Oriental. Oriental shall pay checks and other items drawn on your Account in the order determined by Oriental, even though the payment of a particular check may cause insufficiency of funds in the Account to pay other items, that otherwise, said items may have been paid. If there are sufficient available funds to cover some, but not all the payment orders against your Account, Oriental, at its sole option, may decide which items to honor.
Further, Oriental may refrain from processing any Debit ltem(s) if Oriental reasonably and in its sole discretion determines that it is excessive in relation to the Customer's financial condition. Oriental shall provide the Customer with prompt notice of such determination. A determination of your account balance for purposes of making a decision to dishonor a Debit Item(s) for insufficiency of available funds may be made at any time between receipt of such presentment or notice and the time of return of the Debit ltem(s), and no more than one such determination need be made.
Should any overdraft result from the payment of any Debit ltem(s), you will repay the amount of such overdraft upon demand, together with interest thereon in accordance with Oriental's customary practices, provided that Oriental will have no obligation to effect the payment of any Debit ltem(s) if such payment will exceed the available funds in the account designated to be debited.
If, for any reason, Oriental is unable to use the payment system you request or if you fail to specify a payment system, Oriental may use any means selected by us to effect payment without prior notification to you. In the event Oriental erroneously returns a payment order, Oriental will be liable to you only for the direct damages resulting from said error, and its liability will be limited to the actual damages that are clearly and conclusively proved by the Depositor. Damages to the reputation, business or activities of the Depositor will not be presumed.
On the terms set forth herein, Oriental is authorized to debit your Account and honor and pay checks and transfer funds without limitation of amount and without inquiry as to the circumstances of issue, negotiation or as to the disposition of the proceeds thereof, even if drawn, endorsed or payable to cash, bearer or to the individual order of any signing officer, agent or other authorized signatory or tendered in payment of that individual's obligations.
Oriental may, at Oriental's option, use any means of verifying instructions in addition to any authentication methods otherwise required and upon notice to you we also may, at our option, decline to execute any instruction.
Requests to reverse, amend or revoke instructions other than requests to stop payment on checks will be honored by Oriental, only with Oriental's consent and that of all other necessary parties. Stop Payment orders will be honored in accordance with Section 20 of these
Oriental requests that you provide us with your Account number and all appropriate information about your transaction so that we may properly execute your instructions.
you elect to confirm your instructions in writing we shall not be responsible for notifying you of any discrepancies between your original instructions and your written and in the event of any discrepancies your original instructions shall govern.
In order to induce Oriental to honor any request, direction or instruction regarding your Account of these services provided by Oriental to you, including, but not limited to services enumerated in these Terms and Conditions, you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Oriental, it subsidiaries and affiliates and its successors, assigns, correspondents, directors, officers and employees from and against any claims, damages, lawsuits, judgments, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses including attorneys' fees resulting directly indirectly from Oriental's alleged acceptance or execution of any request, direction or instruction, on the part of any individual listed as a person authorized to act on your behalf in any document provided by you to Oriental.
Oriental is but is not to honor and pay all written instructions regarding your Account including, but not limited to Items (checks, notes, drafts, bills of exchange, acceptances, undertakings, authorizations, letters, or other orders or Items), whether preauthorized. signed by hand or by facsimile {including , but not limited to, a computer generated signature) if the instructions bear or purport to bear the signature of a person authorized to sign checks or of a person otherwise authorized to deliver such instructions to us.
In the case of facsimile signatures (including, but not limited to a computer generated signature) Oriental is authorized, but not obliged, to honor and pay Items that bear or purport to bear the facsimile signature of any person authorized to sign Items or deliver such instructions to in such a manner, regardless of by whom or by what means the actual or purported facsimile signature may have been affixed to the Items or the instructions, if such a facsimile signature resembles the facsimile signature specimen on file with Oriental.
Oriental also may, but obliged to, honor any instructions received by telecopier (facsimile) transmission if the transmitted instructions bear or purport to bear the signature of any person authorized to deliver such instructions to us regardless of by whom the actual or purported instructions were transmitted or by what means the signature may have been affixed to the instructions if the transmitted signature resembles the signature specimen on file with Oriental.
Oriental may but is not obliged to, honor all oral instructions regarding your account if the instructions arc given, or purport to be given, by any person authorized to give such instructions to us.
Oriental may. but is not obliged to, honor other instructions regarding your account whether communicated by telecopier (facsimile), computer, wire service, electronic transmission, tape or any other method of initiating transactions that you may use when delivered to any of our locations prepared to accept such instructions.
Also, Oriental may, but is not obliged to, honor instructions received by computer, telecopier (facsimile) or other electronic transmissions if Oriental reasonably believes such instructions to be
genuine or if such instructions are received in accordance with any security procedures agreed upon by you and Oriental or in accordance with any other agreements Oriental may have with you regarding the acceptance of such instructions.
Oriental is authorized to rely upon any document provided by you to Oriental, which indicates the persons authorized to act on your behalf until the authority for such person is withdrawn in writing. By using any service provided by Oriental, you represent and warrant that the execution, delivery and performance by you of any agreement or acknowledgment covering such service have been duly authorized by necessary action and do not and will not violate any provision of law or your charter or by-laws, or result in the breach of or constitute a default under any other agreement or instrument by which you are bound or affected.
You will be advised of any specific methods of authentication required to accompany specific types of instructions that you give us. The use of such authentication methods shall be governed by any applicable laws or regulations and by the terms and conditions applicable tothose methods.
u must safeguard any test keys, identification codes or other security devices and any facsimiles and make them available only to persons who are authorized to give instructions using them. Unauthorized use of any such security devices or of any facsimiles shall be your sole responsibility.
You must provide prompt written notice of any changes in persons authorized to give instructions regarding your account to each of our offices with which you maintain an account or which provides you with products and/or services affected by the change. Oriental may continue to act on the instructions of persons previously authorized until Oriental has received such notice and has had a reasonable opportunity to act upon it. You may, from time to time, request changes in authentication methods. Oriental shall continue to rely on existing authentication methods until Oriental has consented in writing to such changes and has had a reasonable opportunity to implement such changes.
Oriental has established deadlines for receipt of instructions regarding your Account that will be made available to you upon request. If Oriental receives instructions after our established deadlines, Oriental will endeavor to execute them for the day requested. However, if the instructions are not executed on the day requested, they shall be executed on the next business day following receipt of instructions.
Oriental chooses the method of obtaining final payment of Items and may use other xxxxx in the process. Oriental is not responsible for actions taken by other xxxxx, nor for the loss or destruction of any Item in the possession of other xxxxx or in transit. Oriental is not responsible for any act or failure to act that is reasonable under the circumstances or that is taken or omitted pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.
Oriental also may agree with other xxxxx to vary procedures regarding the collection or return of Items, and deadlines in order to expedite the collection process to the extent permitted by applicable law.
As CJ paying bank, and as bank of first deposit, Oriental is required by federal regulation to place its endorsement stamp in prescribed and restricted positions on the back of a check. Due to these prescribed and restricted endorsement positions, you shall avoid endorsement locations reserved for Oriental and shall further place your endorsement on the back of the check in the area from 0.0 to inches from the trailing edge of the check. The trailing edge of the check is defined as the side of the check looking at it from the front. You assume all responsibility and liability for any claim or loss that you or Oriental may suffer as a result of your: i) issuance of a check in such a manner that information, marks or bands on the back of the check obscure endorsement; or ii) placement of an endorsement on the back of a check which obscures other endorsements, and which thereby causes a delay in the forward processing and/or return processing of the check. Oriental retains the right to refuse to accept a check for deposit when the back of the check is unreasonably obscured.
You shall not date an Item later than the day it is written. Oriental shall not be liable for: i) returning a postdated Item unpaid; ii) certifying or paying a postdated Item before its date; or iii) dishonoring and returning other Items drawn, accepted or made by you as a consequence of Oriental having certified or paid a post dated Item. Under present law, Oriental is not obligated to pay any Item presented for payment six (6) months or more after the date of the item.
of improper deposit or cashing of any Item deposited or cashed by you, Oriental is authorized to charge any of your accounts in the amount of the claim or any portion thereof and hold such amount in a separate miscellaneous account resolution of claim. In the event that Oriental determines to charge any of your accounts, shall in a timely manner, notify you of such
charges. Oriental may exchange information with other person or entities concerning any claim of unauthorized, improper, or missing endorsement or alteration on any Item that is deposited or cashed by you.
You agree that all Items used in connection with your Account shall be produced in accordance with Oriental's check printing specifications and industry standards. Oriental shall not be responsible for damages or losses due to any delay or failure in processing, collecting or paying Items not conforming to such specifications or standards. Oriental is authorized to debit your account, without further notice to you, for any damages, or expenses (including attorneys' fees) that Oriental may incur as a result of the handling of Items not produced in accordance with such specifications or standards. Should you request Oriental to provide checks, deposit slips or other documents required to effect a transaction, you agree to incur all costs related to the same.
riental accepts Items for deposit from you which you or your agent have encoded with encoding, Oriental may rely upon the accuracy and completeness of such encoding in processing the Items for collection or payment. You shall be solely responsible for any encoding errors or defects, including without limitation, amount errors, and shall indemnify and hold Oriental harmless from and against any and claims, damages, lawsuits, judgments, liabilities, losses, settlements and expenses (including attorneys' fees) resulting directly or indirectly from such encoding.
Oriental shall not be responsible for complying with conditions, restrictions or legends, preprinted or otherwise, on Items drawn on your account.
In the event that Oriental receives a notice concerning any claim of unauthorized, improper, or missing endorsement, or drawer's signature, or of alteration or of any other claim
You may issue payment orders orally, electronically or in writing, as arranged, against your accounts with Oriental, subject to Oriental's acceptance. Payment orders will be received and processed only on Oriental's funds transfer business days, and within established cut-off hours. Oriental shall debit your account for the amount of each payment order and applicable commissions accepted by Oriental. No restrictions upon the acceptance of payment orders by Oriental or upon the accounts, which Oriental may debit, shall be binding unless agreed by Oriental in writing. Oriental shall review that all funds transfers issued by you comply with the of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).
Instructions requesting cancellation or amendment of a payment order must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. San Xxxx time or prior to execution of payment order. In the event the payment order has been completed, amendments and cancellations shall be subject to Compensation Guide/Rules.
payment orders, and communications requesting cancellation or amendment of payment orders, issued in your name, are subject to verification by Oriental pursuant to a mutually agreed security procedure. Unless otherwise agreed, Oriental may furnish confidential security procedure material to any person authorized on your account with Oriental or to any other person Oriental reasonably believes to be authorized to receive the information. You must safeguard any test keys, passwords, identification codes, mnemonics or other security or authentication measures and make them available only to persons who are authorized to give instructions using such measures.
In accepting a payment order issued in your name for payment outside the U.S. in a currency other than U.S. dollars, Oriental shall debit your Accounts for the U.S. dollars equivalent of the amount of the foreign currencytransferred at Oriental's then prevailing rate of exchange or as otherwise agreed. In processing your funds transfers, other xxxxx may deduct their fees from the
payment orders issued to them. If the beneficiary's bank is instructed to pay in a currency other than its local payment may be made by the beneficiary's
bank at its rate of exchange on the date of its payment. In connection with each funds transfer, you shall be responsible for complying with all local currency restrictions and any other local law governing the transaction.
In accepting a payment order issued in your name, Oriental may rely upon the identifying number (such as Fed wire routing number or account number) of the beneficiary, the beneficiary's bank or any intermediary bank, as instructed.
Also, the beneficiary's bank in the payment order may make payment on the basis of the identifying number even though it identifies a person different from the named beneficiary. Accordingly, you shall be responsible for the consequences of any inconsistency between the name and the identifying number, as instructed, of any party in such a payment order.
Oriental may from time to time provide you with procedures or instructions regarding its funds transfer services with which you agree to comply.
From time to time Oriental receives Items generated by third parties for payment against your account that do not ' ear your signature. You may authorize the transfer of funds by Automated Clearing House ("ACH") debits or by use Transfer Checks ("DTC (s)"), preauthorized drafts or Preauthorized Checks. ACH debits and DTCs do not require your signature. DTCs and Preauthorized Checks may contain your name printed on the Item. These Terms and Conditions authorize Oriental to pay such Items if presented for payment against your account. In addition, Oriental's charging of this type of Item to your account, without your timely objection pursuant to Part 3, Section 1 of these Terms and conditions, shall constitute authorization by you to charge against your account any subsequent Items generated by the same third party. If you no longer wish such subsequent Items to be debited from such account, you must close that account with Oriental but may open another account. Oriental makes no warranty and is not liable for the accuracy, genuineness or authenticity of ACH debits, DTCs, preauthorized drafts or Preauthorized Checks.
All entries foryour Account(s) will be
by Oriental subject to the rules of the National Automated Clearing House Association and any applicable ACH rules. You agree to be bound to such rules. Any credit given by Oriental to you for an ACH entry shall be provisional until Oriental receives the final settlement. If Oriental does not receive the final settlement, Oriental may revoke the provisional credit and charge back the amount from your account or obtain~ a refund from you, in which case the originator of the credit entry shall not be deemed to have paid you the amount of such entry. Under the operating rules of the National Automated Clearing House
which are applicable to ACH transactions involving your Account, Oriental is not required to give next day notice to you of receipt of an ACH item and Oriental will not do so. However, Oriental will continue to notify you of the receipt of payments in the periodic statements we provide to you.
Oriental may refuse to allow withdrawals from any Account(s) in certain cases including, but not limited to, cases where: i) there is a dispute about the account (unless a court or other competent authority has ordered Oriental to process the withdrawal); ii) a legal garnishment or attachment is including, but not limited to, x xxxx, restraining notice or court order; iii) the account is being used as collateral to secure a debt; iv) any required documentation has not been presented; or v) you fail to repay Oriental loan or other debt or obligation to Oriental on time.
Generally, you may request Oriental to stop payment on an Item or ACH debit entry that you have issued or authorized. In order for you to give Oriental a valid stop payment order on an or ACH debit, you must provide Oriental with a reasonable opportunity to act upon such a stop payment order. A stop payment order must be given in writing by a person authorized on your account and must specify: i) the account number; ii) payee; iii) date; iv) precise amount; and v) Item number or similar identifying information for an ACH debit. A stop payment order will not be effective on an Item that has been certified, issued or paid by Oriental. Where permitted by law, Oriental may, in its sole discretion, stop payment on a certified Item or Oriental official check if the certified Item or Oriental official check has been stolen or destroyed and upon your submission of an affidavit of that fact and surely bond or other form of security acceptable to Oriental.
Oriental shall not be liable for failure to effectuate a stop payment order if: i) you do not provide ORIENTAL with all the information enumerated above and with a reasonable
opportunity to effectuate the stop payment order; ii) ORIENTAL determines, as permitted by law, not to stop payment on a certified Item or ORIENTAL official check; or iii) the Item in question is a postdated Item.
You agree that the Stop Payment Order will be valid for six (6) months (180 days), from the date of the request, unless prior to the expiration of the original six months' term you cancel the same or request that it be renewed
an months days).
You agree that the Stop Payment Order will be ineffectual if prior to its effective date, payment of the check has been made at any of the Bank's branches, or if the amount of the check has been credited, even provisionally, to another depositor's account. Acceptance by the Stop Payment Order does not constitute a representation the item has not been paid.
ORIENTAL and You shall agree to the fee schedule for all services provided. ORIENTAL may, at your option, xxxx you or charge your account for services related to your account in accordance with our fee arrangements then in effect. You agree to pay or to have your accounts charged all fees and service charges incurred by you ncluding, but not limited to, balance deficiency fees, fees not satisfied by compensating balance arrangements and all usual and customary fees that ORIENTAL may, from time to time, charge for any of the accounts and services provided. ORIENTAL reserves the right to change the fee schedule, from time to time, upon written notice to You (30) days prior to the effective date of the
Statements of Account and correspondence relating to your account will be mailed at ORIENTAL'S expense. At ORIENTAL'S option, ORIENTAL may charge your Account(s) for handling, telecommunication messages dispatched at your request, and other out-of-pocket costs incurred by ORIENTAL for your Account(s).
Your Account(s) will be charged, if applicable, for certain expenses incurred in remitting funds to the applicable state pursuant to the Abandoned Property Laws of such state. These charges are not refundable.
III. Account Information
Upon receipt of your monthly or periodic statements ("Statements'') (which may include a record of transactions
and canceled Items), or advices, you shall exercise reasonable care and promptness in examining the Statement or advice. Statement and advices may be mailed or otherwise made available to you in paper format, by computer disk, by electronic transmission or by such other means as you and ORIENTAL agree upon from time to time. ORIENTAL requests that you reconcile your Statement within thirty (30) calendar days following mailing or transmission of Statement in order to expedite identification of any items in question. You shall notify ORIENTAL in writing within thirty (30) calendar days of the mailing or transmission of the Statement or advice, or from the time the Statement or advice is made available to you, except as provided in the following sentence, of any errors, discrepancies or irregularities, including, but not limited to, unauthorized or missing drawer's signature or alteration, unauthorized transfers or withdrawals of funds by wire or otherwise, or of the non-receipt of an expected Statement, advice or credit. You shall notify ORIENTAL, in writing, within six (6) months of the mailing of the Statement or advice, or from the time the Statement or advice is made available to you, that any endorsement was unauthorized, improper, or missing. You shall provide ORIENTAL with all information necessary for ORIENTAL to investigate the alleged error, discrepancy or irregularity. You shall bring no action and ORIENTAL will not be liable for any losses, damages or expenses sustained by you unless you so notify ORIENTAL in writing of any error, discrepancy or irregularity found in the Statement or advice within the time periods set forth herein. You shall not institute any legal proceeding or action against ORIENTAL for any claim which you may have regarding any such error, discrepancy or irregularity, including, but not limited to, unauthorized or missing drawer's signature or alteration, non-receipt of an expected Statement or advice or that any endorsement was unauthorized, improper, or missing unless: i) you have given the written notice as provided herein; and ii) such legal proceeding or action has been commenced: a) within one (1) year after the date when such Statement or advice was mailed, transmitted or made available to you in the case of an unauthorized or missing drawer's signature or any alteration on the face or back of an Item; or b) within eighteen (18) months in the case of an unauthorized, improper or missing endorsement.
All Statements and advices will be sent to you by regular mail, by courier, by electronic transmission or by such other means as you and ORIENTAL agree from time to time at the address (street address, post office box or electronic address) last recorded by ORIENTAL. must notify ORIENTAL, promptly and in writing, of any changes of your address. Unless otherwise arranged, all notices to
ORIENTAL must be sent to the ORIENTAL address specified in the agreement for such service. ORIENTAL shall have a reasonable time to act on any notices received. ORIENTAL shall not be responsible for the failure to receive, or delay in receipt of notices that are not sent in the manner provided herein.
In the event ORIENTAL provides your Statement with images of checks, ORIENTAL is hereby authorized by you to retain the physical checks for sixty (60) calendar days. After the sixty (60) calendar days of retention, ORIENTAL is hereby authorized by you to dispose of the original checks. ORIENTAL will maintain records of the checks accordingto ORIENTAL'S current retention policy.
ORIENTAL may, from time to time, provide you with various kinds of balance and transaction information. ORIENTAL will endeavor to update and correct such information periodically.
If you have an inquiry regarding your account, please provide ORIENTAL with a written statement including your account number, the nature of the problem and appropriate information about the transaction in question. PRIENTAL will attempt to respond as promptly as possible to your inquiries. It expedite our response if you enclose a copy of your original instructions.
ORIENTAL assumes no responsibility for delays in responding to your inquiries or for your reliance on balance or transaction information, which is sub• sequently updated or corrected, orforth e accuracy or timeliness of information supplied bythird parties.
Balances change on a frequent basis. You hereby waive any claim against ORIENTAL based on representations made by ORIENTAL, orally, or in writing regarding balance, transaction and related information provided by ORIENTAL. ORIENTAL assumes no respon• sibility for your reliance on balance, transaction and related information communicated to you by any means including, but not limited to, electronically, which is subsequently updated or corrected, or for the accuracy or timeliness ofinformation supplied by third parties.
IV, General Terms
ORIENTAL may retain agents, including, but not limited to, ORIENTAL subsidiaries and affiliates, to perform services for you. ORIENTAL shall not, however, be responsible for the actions or omissions, or the solvency or notice to you of the insolvency, of any agent, which you or others select or of any agent ORIENTAL selects in good faith.
Any information obtained by you in connection with your account or the services provided by ORIENTAL to you, which is designated by ORIENTAL as confidential or is or should be known by you to be confidential, including the intellectual property embodied therein, is the property of ORIENTAL (" ORIENTAL Information"). You agree to use the in the manner prescribed by ORIENTAL and agree not to misappropriate the ORIENTAL Information or disclose the ORIENTAL Information to anyone other than a person authorized by ORIENTAL, except to the extent that: you are required to do otherwise by law; or ii) any such ORIENTAL Information is or becomes part of the public domain.
You authorize ORIENTAL, or any affiliate or subsidiary of ORIENTAL or any third party selected by any of them, to the extent not prohibited by applicable law: i) to
about you and any or all of your accounts with each other and with others, including information that may be used to offer insurance and investment products to you; ii) to disclose docu• mentation and/or information about you and your accounts or services in connection with banking transactions and in other circumstances ORIENTAL, its affiliates or subsidiaries might deem necessary or appropriate, or pursuant to law or regulation; and iii) to transmit accounting information to, and process such information at, such foreign or domestic locations as ORIENTAL may elect for such purpose.
the event ORIENTAL permits an overdraft, ORIENTAL is authorized to charge you interest on the amount of such overdraft during the continuance thereof at the maximum rate permitted by law at the time of the overdraft or at the specific rate negotiated between
you and ORIENTAL, which rate, as reflected on the Statement or customer notice, shall be deemed conclusive. Unless agreed in writing, ORIENTAL is under no obligation to permit any overdraft or to continue to permit overdrafts after having permitted an overdraft. No prior action or course of dealing on the part of with respect to permitting overdrafts or to continue permitting overdrafts after having permitted an overdraft in your account shall cause reliance on your part that such action would continue to any claim or action you against ORIENTAL if refuses to an Item, an ACH debit, payment order or any other debit or withdrawal unless you have sufficient funds available in your account to cover such a debit or withdrawal without incurring on an overdraft.
ORIENTAL may retain its copy of any document or Items relating to your account and services in a form preserving an image of any such documents or Items, including that of your signature (whether electronic, mechanical, magnetic or otherwise) or a regular business record and discard the original documents or Items. You hereby waive any objection to the use of such records in lieu of their paper equivalents for any purpose and in any forum, venue or jurisdiction, including, without limitation, objections arising from ORIENTAL'S role or acquiescence in the destruction of the originals.
ORIENTAL, its branches, subsidiaries or affiliates, shall have a continuing lien for the amount of any and all of you r, your subsidiaries' or your affiliates' liabilities and obligations to ORIENTAL, its branches, sub• sidiaries or affiliates, and claims of every nature and description of ORIENTAL, its branches, subsidiaries or affiliates, against you, whether now existing or hereafter incurred, originally contracted with ORIENTAL, its branches, subsidiaries or affiliates, and/or with another others and now or hereafter owing to or acquired in any manner by ORIENTAL, its branches, subsidiaries or affiliates whether contracted by you alone or jointly and/or severally with another or others, absolute or contingent, secured or unsecured, matured or unmatured (all of which are hereafter collectively called "Obligations"), upon any and all monies, deposits, securities, and any all other property of yours, your subsidiaries or your affiliates and the proceeds thereof, now or hereafter actually or constructively held or received by, or in transit in any manner to or from ORIENTAL, its branches, subsidiaries oraffiliates,
its correspondents or agents from or for you, your sub• sidiaries or affiliates whether for safekeeping, custody, pledge, transmission, collection or otherwise coming into ORIENTAL'S, its branches', subsidiaries' or affiliates' possession in any way, or placed in any safe deposit box leased by ORIENTAL, its branches, subsidiaries and affiliates to you, your subsidiaries or your affiliates. ORIENTAL, its branches, subsidiaries or affiliates, shall also have a right of set-off for the amount of the Obligations, and ORIENTAL, its branches, sub• sidiaries or affiliates, may at any time or times and without notice or demand for payment, apply your subsidiaries' or your affiliates' deposits (general or special), your subsidiaries' or your affiliates' credits with ORIENTAL, its branches, subsidiaries or affiliates, or your claims against ORIENTAL, its branches, sub• sidiaries or affiliates, or any part thereof, to such Obligations and in such amounts as ORIENTAL, its branches, subsidiaries or affiliates, may elect, although said Obligations may be contingent or unmatured and whether any collateral therefore is deemed adequate ornot.
In the event of ORIENTAL: i) failure to stop payment on an or ii) payment of an Item bearing an unauthorized signature, forged drawer' s signature, forgedendorsement or alteration, ORIENTAL'S liability, if any, shall be limited to the face amount of the Item.
order to induce ORIENTAL to honor requests for services including, but not limited to, those enumerated in these Terms and Conditions, you hereby agree to indemnify and hold ORIENTAL, its subsidiaries and affiliates and its successors, assigns, correspondents, directors, officers and employees harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, lawsuits, judgments, liabilities, losses and expenses (including attorneys' fees) resulting directly or indirectly from: i) any willful misconduct, negligence, action or omission on the part of any individual who has been listed as a person authorized to act on your behalf in any document provided by you to ORIENTAL; ii) ORIENTAL'S acts or omissions under these Terms
and conditions except for ORIENTAL'S gross negligence or willful misconduct; or iii) your failure to observe any provision of these Terms and Conditions, including without limitation, your breach of any representation or warranty hereunder.
You or ORIENTAL may close any of your accounts at any time; provided, however, certain conditions for related accounts may apply. Upon one of your accounts being closed, you shall receive any finally collected and available balance in the account at the time the account is closed. ORIENTAL may return unpaid presented on your account after it is closed. After your account is closed, ORIENTAL or its subsidiaries and affiliates may continue to exchange information about your account with others.
ORIENTAL may terminate any service at any time without notice. If you wish to terminate a service, you shall give ORIENTAL prior written notice of your intention to terminate. Termination by you shall become effective a reasonable time after ORIENTAL'S receipt of the termination notice. ORIENTAL may complete all requests and instructions accepted on the day termination are to become effective.
Any claim which you may have against ORIENTAL arising from accounts or services which are subject to these and Conditions, unless a shorter period of time is expressly provided herein in another agreement covering with account or service, or in any applicable law regulation, must be brought against ORIENTAL within
two years of the occurrence of the cause of action.
ORIENTAL shall exercise good faith in following your instructions; However, ORIENTAL shall not be responsible for complying with conditions, restrictions or legends on Items drawn on your Account.
ORIENTAL may consider your claims for interest for of use of funds in accordance with the policies ORIENTAL adheres to in connection with interbank compensation if such loss arises from our failure to execute properly your instructions for funds transfers. However, ORIENTAL shall have no liability for any loss or expense that you may incur unless such loss or expense is attributable to ORIENTAL'S gross negligence or willful misconduct In no event shall ORIENTAL be liable for special, consequential or punitive damages.
ORIENTAL also shall be responsible for liability, loss
or damage which may be caused by ORIENTAL acting in accordance with applicable laws, regulations or rules (including, but not limited to, rules and regulations of the various payment system's), or with the terms of ORIENTAL'S agreements with other xxxxx or financial institutions.
You shall hold ORIENTAL and ORIENTAL'S agents harm• less from any and all claims, lawsuits, expenses (including, but not limited to attorneys; fees and and loss or damage of any nature what so ever arising directly or indirectly out of instructions regarding your account exceptforany liability ORIENTAL may have hereunder.
Any claim which you may have against ORIENTAL as a result of accounts and services offered pursuant to these Terms and conditions may only be brought as a breach of contract claim; and you hereby irrevocably waive all rights in any action, proceeding or counterclaim, of whatever type or nature, to bring any claim against ORIENTAL based on negligence or tort or based upon a statutory violation.
ORIENTAL shall not be liable for any loss or damage to you caused by ORIENTAL'S failure to provide any service or delay in providing such service resulting from an act of God, act of governmental authority, de jure or de facto, legal constraint, war, terrorism, fire, catastrophe, or electrical, computer, mechanical or telecommunications failure, or failure of any agent or correspondent or any other cause beyond ENTAL's control.
ORIENTAL may change at any time any portion of these Terms and Conditions, or impose other restrictions on
the course of its business, by the posting of notice at the branch at which your accounts are maintained or by the sending a notice by regular mail. Changes to these Terms and Conditions which are required by law may be implemented immediately or as required by law, other• wise, they shall become effective 30 days after the date of posting at the branch or after ORIENTAL sends the notice as provided herein.
ORIENTAL may waive any portion of these Terms and Conditions, but such waiver shall apply only on that occasion and must be in writing. Any waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision of these Terms and Conditions.
ORIENTAL'S waiver of any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a of ORIENTAL'S rights under that provision in the future or of any other right.
The Terms and Conditions are in addition to existing or future written agreements including, but not limited to, agreements regarding specific types of accounts maintained with specific divisions of ORIENTAL and agreements regarding specialized transaction initiation services, information reporting custody services and commercial paper agency services. Any term of any such agreement, which is inconsistent with a provision of these Terms and Conditions, shall supersede such provision of the Terms and Conditions for purposes of the particular product or service that is the subject of the agreement. The Terms and Conditions also supersede and replace any proposals or representations previously made by either or both of ORIENTAL and you.
To the extent that you would have or would be able to claim sovereign immunity in any action, claim, suit or proceeding brought by ORIENTAL (or ORIENTAL'S assignee), you irrevocably waive and agree not to claim such immunity.
These Terms and Conditions vary applicable or regulation to the maximum extent permitted under any such law or regulation. Any provision of applicable law or regulation that cannot be varied by agreement or notice shall supersede any conflicting term or these Terms and
If any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be held to be illegal or unenforceable, the validity of the remaining portions of these Terms and Conditions shall not be affected.
The Terms and Conditions and ORIENTAL'S banking relationship with you shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and applicable Federal Law. Any rights that ORIENTAL has under the (without reference to the conflict of laws rules thereof), except that any disputes arising from or related to an account opened and maintained in a state or jurisdiction other than Commonwealth of Puerto Rico shall be governed by the laws of that state or jurisdiction (without reference to the conflict of laws rules thereof). In addition, any
dispute arising from or related to your accounts with ORIENTAL or services provided to you by ORIENTAL shall be governed by federal laws and regulations,
Federal Reserve Bank rules and Operating Circulars, local clearing house rules, Automated Clearing House Rules and general commercial bank practices applicable to accounts of your type and/or to the services provided by ORIENTAL.
Any action against ORIENTAL arising from or relating to your accounts or services provided to you by ORIENTAL must be brought by you in state or (where there is subject matter jurisdiction) federal court located in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, except that any action arising from or relating to an account opened and maintained by ORIENTAL in another state or jurisdiction must be brought by you in a proper court located in that state or jurisdiction. In addition, you consent to the jurisdiction and venue of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and federal courts located within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for the adjudication of all claims made by ORIENTAL against you arising from or relating to your account or the services provided by ORIENTAL.
• • • -.
1 | 1 | 13 | 13 | N | |||
2 | 14 | 14 | 1 | A | CONSTANTE | value | |
3 | 15 | 23 | 9 | N | SEGURO SOCIAL | Si no tiene completar en Ceros | |
4 | 24 | 24 | 1 | A | CONSTANTE | ||
5 | 25 | 60 | 36 | A | NOMBRE CLIENTE | ||
6 | 61 | 61 | 1 | A | CONSTANTE | value | |
7 | 62 | 76 | 15 | N | 2 | AR-BALANCE | |
8 | 77 | 77 | 1 | A | CONSTANTE | ||
9 | 78 | 78 | 1 | A | PAY-ALLOW | Value default spaces | |
Value no pay ACH | |||||||
Value V no pay Credit Card (CC) | |||||||
Value no pay ACH & CC | |||||||
10 | 79 | 79 | 1 | A | CONSTANTE | value | |
11 | 80 | 87 | 8 | A | LAST XXXX DATE | ||
12 | 88 | 88 | 1 | A | CONSTANTE | value | |
13 | 89 | 15 | N | 2 | XXXX AMOUNT | ZZZ.ZZZ,ZZ9.99- | |
1 | A | CONSTANTE | |||||
15 | 112 | 8 | A | LAST PAY DATE | |||
16 | 113 | 113 | 1 | A | CONSTANTE | value 1' | |
17 | 114 | 128 | 15 | N | 2 | PAY AMOUNT | 777,777,77a 99- |
18 | 129 | 1 | A | CONSTANTE | |||
19 | 130 | 139 | 10 | A | CCB ACCT |
Formato IVR
Oficina de Infonnaci6n 1/25/2014
Reglas de Negocios para Aceptacion de Pagos Establecida por la Autoridad de Energfa Electrica
de Pago Aceptadas para transacciones por Telefono e Internet:
• Cuentas de Ahorro y de Cheque Personal de Bancos de Puerto Rico, Estados Unidos y de bancos extranjeros que tengan sucursales en Puerto Rico.
• Tarjetas de Credito (American Express, MasterCard y VISA) de cualquier institucion bancaria.
Tarjetas de Debito de toda institucion bancaria, no se aceptan las expedidas por instituciones
para la aceptacion de Cheques v Pagos por Medios electronicos:
• Los pagos realizados con tarjetas de credito no podran exceder $20,000 mensuales por transaccion.
Se suspendera el priviiegio de pagar con cheque o de realizar pagos por cualquier metodo eiectronico cuando cliente registre dos eventos de pago
o primer cheque devuelto por la entidad bancaria o el primer pago realizado por metodos electronicos que sea cancelado por el banco. sistema creara el Primer Evento de Pago Anulado con una fecha de vencimiento de ocho (8) pero que el cliente realice pagos con cheque aunque creara el cargo de en la cuenta.
o segundo cheque devuelto por la entidad bancaria o el segundo pago realizado por metodos electronicos que sea devuelto durante el
de ocho (8) meses antes el sistema la cuenta con el indicador SOLO EFECTIVO. Este indicador se en la cuenta por el que reste desde que el sistema creo el Primer Evento de Pago Anulado. cliente no podra pagar con cheque o a traves de medios electronicos hasta la fecha de vencimiento del periodo que se genera con el Primer Evento de Pago Anulado.
o perder el priviiegio de pagar con cheque, se aceptara el pago en una Oficina Comercial o Local con cheque certificado o de gerente, giro, efectivo, tarjetas de debito o credito y si es por medios electronicos con tarjeta de credito solamente.
17 19 N 999
29 36 N MMDDYYYY H 37 44 HORA
REF . | LARGO | ||||||
A | 1 | 6 | 6 | N | 0 | CONSTANTE | CEROS |
C | 20 | 28 | 9 | N | 2 | CANTIDAD DEL PAGO | |
D | 29 | 35 | 7 | A | METODO PAGO | ASIGNADO | |
E | 36 | 43 | 8 | N | FECHA | MMDDYYYY | |
F | 44 | 44 | 1 | N | CONCEPTO PAGO | ASIGNADO POR LA AEE | |
G | 45 | 45 | 1 | N | TIPO DE RECHAZO | ASIGNADO POR LA AEE | |
H | 46 | 53 | 8 | N | CONSTANTE | CEROS | |
54 | 68 | 15 | A | NUMERO DE CONFIRMACION | al Numero de Confirmation del Pago |
Oficin a de Informacio n
Gracias por llamar a la Autondad de Electrica Thank you for calling Puerto Electric Power Authonty
To continue
nos puede contactar en nuestra pagina de fnternet
aeepr com
Para informacion sobre el balance de su cuenta y efectuar pagos
y n o u
n d( n
y otros servicios debe comunicarse con servicio al cliente al 787 Para escuchar estas opciones nuevamente Opnma 8
0 Access
-1 -
Para un Opnma 1
su ?
Menu Pago
de informacion
Por favor entre su numero de cuenta o su numero de Seguro Social
por el de #
favor espere
su cuenta
cuentas el mismo
d or u
de cuenta
Multiples cuentas
numero entrado no esta en nuestros archivo usted desea tratar nuevamente Opnma 1 Para regresaral menu pnncipal Opnma 9
Menu de
Su balance actual es
Para realizar pago Opnma 1
Para sobre su ultima factura Opnma 2
Para sobre su ultimo pago Opnma 3 Para escuchar estas opciones nuevamente Opnma B
raqrofrar • Q
Su ultima factura hasta 00/00 es 00 y
Su pago mas es de
$00 el 00/00/0000
Para esta informacion
Para realizar un pago Opnma 2
Para escuchar estas opaones nuevamente Opnma 8 Para regresar al menu Anterior Opnma 9
Menu Pago
Pagos Su transaccibn no puede ser procesada Por favor comuniquese con servicio al cliente al 000-000 0000
-Solo ACH
Para pagos con cuenta de cheques o ahorros Opnma 1
Para pagos con tarjeta de credito Opnma 2 Para escuchar estas opciones nuevamente
Para reqresar al menu anterior 9
Para pagos con tarjeta de credito 1
Para escuchar e tas opciones nuevamente Para menu anterior Opnma 9
Para pagos con cuenta de cheques o
Para escuchar estas opciones nuevamente Para regresar al menu anterior Opnma 9
Pago T C
Menu Pago ACH
Account Access
V06Orignal 4
Menu Pago ACH
Para pagos con cuenta Opnma 1 Para pagos con cuenta de ahorros Opnma 2
Para escuchar estas opciones nuevamente Opnma 8 Para regresar al menu Anterior Opnma 9
1 2
el Banco Para Oriental Bank Opnma 1
Para BPPR Opnma 2 Para Bank Opnma 3
Para Opnma 4 Para First Bank Opnma 5 Para Santander Opnma 6
U banco no aparece en la Opnma 7 Para escuchar estas opciones nuevamente 8
Para regresar al menu Anterior Opnma 9
Xxxxx xxx 0 xx xxxx xxxxxxxx por el
de #
Su numero xx xxxx bancaria es _ Para Opnma 1
Para Opnma 2
Su balance actual es de
Para realizar un pagopor esta cantidad Opnma 1 Para realizar un pago por otra cantidad Opnma 2
Entre los ddlares y centavos punto decimal Ejemplo S65 con 19 e entra
Aparece en Lista
Banco es
Para Confirmar Opnma 1 Para Cambiar Opnma 2
Entre los de su cuenta bancana por el signo de
Su numero de cuenta bancana es Para Confirmar Opnma 1 Para Cambiar Opnma 2
Su Pago se por la cantidad de su
Para Confirmar Opnma 1
Para Cambiar Opnma 2
La cantidad a pagar no puede ser mayor a $
Total a pagar
> 2* Balance
Su pago fue procesado su numero de e" pago ser reflejado en su cuenta dentro de los XX Laborables
Para terminar esta cuelgue Para escuchar nuevamente Opnma 1
Para pagar otra cuenta Opnma 2
Account Access
Su no puede ser procesada Por favor comuniquese con servicio al cliente al 787 521 !
Menu Pago T C
su tarjeta de credito Para pagos con Visa Opnma 1
Para pagos con Master Card Opnma 2 Para pagos con American Express Opnma 3
Para escuchar e tas opciones nuevamente Opnma 8 Para regresar al menu Anterior Opnma 9
La tarjeta es
Para Confirmar Opnma 1 Para Cambiar Opnma 2
Entre los 4 digitos del Seguro Social de
la cuenta a pagar por el
signo de #
Entre numero de tarjeta de credito seguido por el signo de #
Los numeros de TC son Para Confirmar Opnma 1 Para Cambiar Opnma 2
Entre el de d de su tarjeta de credito seguido por el signo de #
de es
Para Confirmar 1
Para 2
Los de SSN son Para Confirmar Opnma 1 Para Cambiar Opnma 2
Entre la fecha de expiracion como aparece en su tarjeta de credito Dos digitos para el mes y cuatro digitos para el seguido por el sigbo de #
Su balance actual es de
Para realizar un pagopor esta Opnma 1 Para realizar un pago por otra cantidad Opnma 2
Entre la cantidad a pagar seguido por el signo de # Entre los d6lare y centavos punto decimal
Ejemplo $65 con 19 se entra 6519
La fecha de vencimiento e s _ Para Confirmar Opnma 1 Para Cambiar Opnma 2
Entre los 5 dfgrtos del codigo postal donde se la
de la tarjeta de credito seguido por el signo de #
Su Pago se por la cantidad de <lngreso> Para Confirmar Opnma 1
Para Cambiar Opnma 2
Mantengase en linea
su pago
e~_ Para Confirmar Opnma 1
La cantidad a pagar no puede ser mayor a S
a pagar 2* Balance
Su pago fue procesado su numero de es pago sera reflejado en su cuenta dentro de los XX
Para terminar esta cuelgue Para • • ar nuevamente Opnma 1
Para pagar otra cuenta Opnma 2
Account Access
Su transaccion no puede ser procesada en este momento Por favor comuniquese con servicio al cliente al 000-000 0000
Concepto | Precio |
Pago unico por servicio de Up (Para todos los Canales de Pagoj | Sin costo |
Cargo Mensual por (Para todos los canales de Pago) | Sin costo |
Cargo Transaccibn ACH (Para todos los canales de Pago) | $0.08 |
Cargo Transacciones ACH (Gateway) | Sin costo |
Cargo Procesamiento Tarjetas de Credito (Gateway) | Sin costo |
Tasa de Descuento Tarjetas de Credito | 1.44% |
Chargebacks Tarjetas de Creditos | Sin costo |
Cargo ACH Devueltos (por el Banco) | $0.40 |
Cargo por Creditos en transacciones ACH originados por AEE | $0.08 |
ACH por correo (Cuando cliente paga por telefono) | Sin costo |
Re-dep6sito de pagos rechazados por insuficiencia de fondos | Sin costo |
Precio | |
Cargo por Transacciones Procesadas a traves del | Sin costo |
Cargo de Telecomunicaciones (precio por minuto de llamadas al | $0.07 |
Cargo por Transferencia de Llamadas del al Representante AEE | Sin costo |
Cargo por Transferencia de Llamadas del Representante AEE al | $0.25 |