Secretaría del
Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica
Ref.: SCBD/STTM/LJ/59826 24 de septiembre de 0000
X X X X X I C A C I Ó N [1]
Treceava Reunión del Órgano Subsidiario de Asesoramiento Científico, Técnico y Tecnológico, del 18 al 00 xx xxxxxxx xx 0000, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xx xx XXX, Xxxx Xxxxxx
El tema de la sesión de carteles de la treceava reunión del Órgano Subsidiario de Asesoramiento Científico, Técnico y Tecnológico (SBSTTA) del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CDB) que se celebrará en Roma, Italia del 18 al 22 de Febrero 2008, Es “Criterios Dominantes sobre Asuntos de Diversidad Biológica dentro de temas Forestales y de Agricultura”.
Se invita a las Partes, otros gobiernos y organizaciones de las Naciones Unidas, intergubernamentales, no gubernamentales, regionales e internacionales, comunidades indígenas locales y el sector privado a contribuir trabajos en forma de carteles y textos que describan resumiendo, cuestiones relacionadas con los criterios dominantes sobre asuntos de diversidad biológica en los sectores forestales y de agricultura (véase la lista de temas sugeridos en el formulario adjunto). Se alienta a aquellos que contribuyan a vincular los temas de sus trabajos con las metas de diversidad biológica para 2010, los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, la reducción de la pobreza u otras metas pertinentes convenidas dentro del proceso intergubernamental.
La Secretaría del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica prevé publicar los textos que describan resumiendo los carteles en sus Series Técnicas. La fecha límite para la presentación de los textos es el 3 de diciembre de 2007. Sírvase indicar si tiene previsto presentar un cartel, completando y remitiendo el formulario adjunto por fax o correo electrónico en cuanto le sea conveniente, la fecha limite es el 23 de noviembre de 2007.
Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente
000 Xxxxx-Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx 000 Xxxxxxxx, XX X0X 0X0, Xxxxxx
Tel.: x0 000 000 0000
Fax : x0 000 000 0000
xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx xxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx
Sírvase también encontrar adjuntas las especificaciones para los carteles y las directrices para los textos, favor de tomar nota que habrá un numero limitado de carteles que se puedan presentar. Presentaciones de carteles y temas no esta restringida a los participantes de la 13ª reunión del SBSTTA.
Le ruego acepte Usted las muestras de mi más alta consideración.
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Secretario Ejecutiv
A todos los Puntos focales Nacionales del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica Puntos Focales del OSACTT y organizaciones pertinentes.
[1] Esta es una traducción no oficial, traducido al español como cortesía de la Secretaría
-Please Print-
Poster Title:
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name
Keywords for
extended abstract
Contact: 🞎Mr 🞎Ms 🞎Dr
First Name Last Name
🞎 Government
🞎 Private Sector
🞎 Academia
🞎 UN Agency
Postal/ZIP code:
Tel: Fax:
Please indicate below under what category(ies) your poster paper could be included:
❑ Assessments
❑ Adaptive management
❑ Capacity building
❑ Mainstreaming biodiversity issues
❑ Climate Change issues
❑ International Initiatives on Pollinators, Food and Nutrition, or Soil Biodiversity
❑ Conservation, sustainable use and benefit- sharing
❑ Institutional and socio-economic enabling environment
❑ Knowledge, assessment and monitoring
❑ Mainstreaming biodiversity issues
❑ Climate Change issues
Please send this completed form before 23 November 2007, by fax or e-mail to:
SBSTTA 13 Poster Session Ms. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, STTM Fax: 0-000-000-0000
E-mail: xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxx
Secretariat of the
Convention on Biological Diversity
Guidelines for Extended Abstracts of Poster Presentations for SBSTTA 13
18–22 February 2008, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy
“Mainstreaming Biodiversity Issues into Forestry and Agriculture”
General guidelines
❑ Length should not exceed 2 pages of text, including references, and 1 page of table(s) and/or figures(s).
❑ The topic should directly reflect the poster session theme: “Mainstreaming Biodiversity Issues into Forestry and Agriculture”.
❑ Text should be divided into sections with headings.
❑ Times New Xxxxx in 11-point type size is the preferred typeface.
❑ Pages must be single-spaced.
❑ Acronyms must be spelled out in their first usage.
❑ Extended abstracts should be spell-checked and sent by e-mail, preferably as an attachment in MS-Word. Please specify in the body of the e-mail message the word processing software used in the attachment.
❑ Abstracts must be received by 3 December 2007.
❑ Sample abstracts from the 2007 publication can be found on the Secretariat website: xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/xxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx/xxx-xx-00.xxx
Title and affiliations
❑ The title should be written on the first line of the first page, left-justified in upper-case bold capital letters, 11-point type size.
❑ Authors’ names should be left-justified two lines below the full title in upper- and lower- case bold letters.
❑ Affiliation and short mailing address, including e-mail address, must follow on the next line, centered in upper- and lower-case letters (not bold). The corresponding author (to whom correspondence should be sent) should be indicated with an asterisk.
❑ Up to five (5) keywords must be given, i.e. words describing the focus and contribution of the paper. These will be used to index your paper and they should appear two lines below the title and affiliation, in italics.
❑ Headings are not numbered.
❑ All major headings are capitalized and left-justified in bold in 11-point font. Leave 2 line spaces above a major heading, and one line space below a heading before the start of the next paragraph or second-level (sub) heading.
❑ Sub-headings (second-level) are left-justified, bold in 11-point font. Leave one line space before and one line space after the sub-heading.
❑ Sub-subheadings (third-level) are left-justified, in italics, and in 11-point font. Leave one line space before a sub-subheading, but no line space between this heading and the following paragraph.
United Nations Environment Programme
000 Xxxxx-Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx 000 Xxxxxxxx, XX X0X 0X0, Xxxxxx
Tel.: x0 000 000 0000
Fax : x0 000 000 0000
xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx xxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx
❑ Bibliographic references can be given at the end of the text under the major heading “REFERENCES”. References should be identified in the text by the corresponding name and year in parentheses. Do not number references; they must be alphabetized by the first letter of the first author’s last name and un-numbered.
❑ There should be no extra lines between references.
❑ Book titles and names of journals should be printed in italics, not underlined. The format for the reference section should be as follows:
Author, A. (1991). Title of Book. XYZ Press, Place of Publication. Author, B. and Author A. (1995). “Title of Paper,” Journal 3(1):1-20.
Author, C., Author, A. and Author, B. (1996). “Title of Paper,” in Title of Book, edited by X. Xxxxxx, XYZ Press, Place of Publication.
For multiple publications in the same year by the same author:
Author, B. and Author A. (1995a). “Title of Paper A,” Journal 3(1):1-20. Author, B. and Author A. (1995b). “Title of Paper B,” Journal 16(4):25-50.
❑ Graphics or tables must be placed at the end of the file.
❑ Where possible, illustrations should be provided electronically in file types such as eps, ai, or pds with a resolution of at least 200dpi (dots per inch) otherwise the Secretariat cannot guarantee their clarity in the published document.
❑ Figures should be labeled as “Figure 1. Description of diagram.” and referenced in the text as “Figure 1”. Figure captions should be typed directly below the figure, in bold 11-point font, and left-justified.
❑ Table captions should be typed below the table. Tables should be referred in the text as “Table 2. Description of Table.” Table titles should be in bold 11-point font, and left- justified.
Abstracts in other languages
❑ Authors may wish to submit with their extended abstracts, short abstracts in any other UN language. Note that they will be published in the language they are received.
If you have any further questions please contact: Ms. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx
Programme Assistant, STTM, SCBD E-Mail: Xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxx Tel: x0 (000) 000-0000
Secretariat of the
Convention on Biological Diversity
Guidelines for Poster Papers
❑ Posters should measure 90 centimetres (35.4 inches) (height) by 80 centimetres (31.5 inches) (length). Posters will be hung by tacks or Velcro tape provided.
❑ Posters should be easily readable from a distance of 1.8m (6ft) and should be visually attractive and of professional appearance.
❑ The poster topic should directly reflect the poster session theme: “Mainstreaming Biodiversity Issues into Forestry and Agriculture”.
❑ The poster session opens the evening of 18 February 2007. Authors may choose to be present to answer questions but this is not required. Should authors wish to attend at their own expense they must register as participants to SBSTTA 13 by sending to the Secretariat an official letter on letterhead from their organization nominating themselves as either representatives of the organization (to speak on behalf of the organization) or to attend as an observer.
If you are shipping your poster, please consult the Information Note for Participants on the SBSTTA 13 meeting website for the address and contact person at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy.
❑ Shipping must be arranged on a door-to-door basis, as FAO cannot deal with Customs clearance nor pay any shipment costs;
❑ Shipments must be identified with the title of the meeting (i.e. SBSTTA 13, 18-22 February 2008);
❑ Shipments must be previously communicated to the FAO contact (see the Information Note for Participants on the SBSTTA 13 meeting website) with a copy to Mr. Aballache Yesli (xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx@xxx.xxx), and Ms. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx (xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx) indicating the airway bill number and the number of tubes sent.
The text of the poster should start in the upper left corner. It should flow from left to right and top to bottom. The title/author/sponsoring institution heading must be at the top of the board. Letters, number, or arrows can be used as needed to indicate the proper flow to the audience.
TIP 1: Simplicity
Concentrate on two or three main points. Highlight trends and comparisons with simplified charts, graphs, and diagrams. Make key points in the legend of the figure or table. Use text cautiously, and make sure it is easily understandable. Avoid using too
United Nations Environment Programme
000 Xxxxx-Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx 000 Xxxxxxxx, XX X0X 0X0, Xxxxxx
Tel.: x0 000 000 0000
Fax : x0 000 000 0000
xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx xxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx
many numbers, words or complicated graphs. Make sure the message is clear and simple. Choose one background color for your poster board. Use contrasting colors where appropriate in charts, graphs, and diagrams.
TIP 2: Headings
It is best to highlight your title, headings and subheadings with colors or colored lines, and to make them at least 25% larger than the text copy. All type must be easily read from a distance of 1.8m (6ft). Use a bold or semi-bold typeface for headings and labels. For the title, plan on using finished type that is at least 2.5cm high (1 inch). The lettering for authors’ names, sponsoring institution, and address should be at least 1.9cm high (¾ inch).
TIP 3: Text type
It is recommended that you use 24- to 30-point font size for the title, 20-point font size for author’s name, affiliation and subheadings, and 16- to 18-point font size for text.
Keep text to short, concise, legible statements. Minimize complete sentences and paragraphs. Outlines of important points often work better than text. Use abbreviations and acronyms sparingly. Use a word processor to prepare your text copy, and set it at 1½ lines of space between each line of type. Text in upper and lower case letters is more readable than all capitals. Lettering for subheadings and figure captions should be larger than text type, but smaller than type used for the main heading. This type should also be bold or semi-bold in weight.