Javacol S.A.S. – Contrato de Uso para el Comprador Final de Planes de Hosting y dominios. Cobija los Planes de Hosting Micro, Pyme, Reseller, dominios TLD.
Javacol S.A.S. – Contrato de Uso para el Comprador Final de Planes de Hosting y dominios. Cobija los Planes de Hosting Micro, Pyme, Reseller, dominios TLD.
Duración del Contrato: 1 año hasta 5 años a partir de la fecha de activación
Este contrato gobierna su compra y uso de cualquiera de los servicios de hosting que provee Javacol S.A.S. (llamados de aquí en adelante “Los Servicios”), ordenados por usted (“usted” o “el cliente”) en la factura de venta y provisto por Javacol S.A.S. (“Javacol”). La configuración de la cuenta con Javacol, a través de la cual se administra(n) el(los) servicio(s) se le refiere de ahora en adelante como su(s) “Plan(es)”. Este contrato explica los términos y condiciones que aplican a su compra y el uso de el (los) Plan(es) y el Sitio Web de Javacol. Antes que usted pueda usar los servicios de Xxxxxxx y obtener su plan, usted debe registrarse y aceptar este contrato haciendo clic en la casilla de Aceptación al final de éste Contrato. El contrato existe para definir la relación entre usted y Javacol SAS, y para asegurar que los usuarios de Javacol S.A.S. usen los servicios de Javacol en conformidad con los derechos de los demás usuarios de Internet y en conformidad con los requisitos del Entorno de Red de Javacol S.A.S.
Uso Aceptable
Usted está obligado a usar los servicios de Javacol responsablemente. Esto incluye el respeto con otros clientes de Javacol. Sujeto a las condiciones de este contrato, Javacol le proporciona una licencia exclusiva, intransferible y limitada para acceder, mostrar y usar nuestros servicios, sitios Web y sus contenidos. Usted debe acogerse con todas las leyes sobre derechos de autor en el mundo mientras usa los servicios de Javacol y sus sitios Web, y prevenir el uso de sus contenidos sin autorización. Excepto por las condiciones de éste contrato, Javacol no le provee ningún derecho expreso o implícito dentro o bajo alguna patente, marca registrada, copyright, derecho de autor, o información comercial confidencial.
Uso Prohibido
Los servidores de Javacol S.A.S. pueden ser usados únicamente para propósitos legales. La transmisión, almacenamiento o distribución de cualquier información, datos, o materiales que violen cualquier ley o regulación aplicable, o que pueda facilitar directamente la violación de cualquier ley o reglamentación está prohibida.
Ejemplos de uso prohibido incluyen, pero no están limitados a:
Materiales sujetos a marcas registradas, copyright u otras leyes que protegen cualquier material o datos de otros en ausencia de una licencia válida o cualquier otro derecho para hacerlo;
Material obsceno, difamatorio, que constituya una amenaza legal, que viole las leyes de control de exportación.
Xxx o entrega no autorizada de información privada, información personal identificable, o información de propiedad de terceros.
Sitios orientados para adultos, pornografía y mercadeo de contenido de carácter sexual, incluyendo sitios que infieran contenido sexual de cualquier tipo, o provea enlaces a otros sitios de contenido sexual en cualquier otro lugar. Javacol también prohíbe sitios que provean el almacenamiento, venta, distribución, enlaces de hipertexto, publicidad, promoción o alojamiento de material que sea ilegal, difamatorio, obsceno, dañino, amenazante, acosador, o cualquier intrusión a la privacidad o a los derechos publicitarios, o que de otra forma puedan ser objetados. Y
El almacenamiento, publicación, muestra, transmisión, publicidad o cualquier otro medio que haga posible o contenga la pornografía infantil.
Al comprar los servicios de Javacol, todos los clientes certifican que ellos o la organización que representan al procurar los servicios de Javacol, no son, ni han sido designados, como sospechosos terroristas, como fue definido en el Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 00000 xx xxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx; no son propiedad o controlados por un ‘sospechoso terrorista’ como está definido en el Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 00000 xx xxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx; y no están, son miembros, relacionados, asociados o controlados por una organización de la lista en el anexo del Oficio Ejecutivo 13224, o cualquiera de sus actualizaciones de ahora en adelante.
Uso de los Recursos Suministrados
El cliente acepta que el ancho xx xxxxx y el uso del espacio de almacenamiento en disco no deben exceder el número de megabytes mensuales convenido en las medidas estipuladas en éste contrato en el momento de su aceptación (u otras medidas de servicios en la forma de gigabytes, terabytes, etc.). Javacol monitoreará el ancho xx xxxxx y espacio en disco del cliente. El Cliente acepta que el ancho xx xxxxx suministrado representa la suma del ancho xx xxxxx utilizado de entrada más el de salida. Una vez el plan alcanza el ancho xx xxxxx suministrado, el plan será suspendido automáticamente hasta el siguiente mes/calendario, o hasta que solicite más ancho xx xxxxx. Los cálculos de ancho xx xxxxx se actualizan diariamente, y por lo tanto no se muestran en tiempo real. Por esa razón el cliente acepta que le serán cobrados $20.000 Pesos colombianos por cada gigabyte de ancho xx xxxxx en exceso del uso convenido en éste contrato. Javacol tiene
el derecho de tomar acciones correctivas si el cliente excede el espacio de almacenamiento convenido en éste contrato, incluyendo pero no limitándolo al borrado de todos los archivos, la terminación de éste contrato o la suspensión de los servicios. Dichas acciones pueden ser tomadas por la sola y absoluta discreción de Xxxxxxx.
Uso de los Recursos de Servidor
Para preservar la integridad de los servicios de Javacol, y proveer a nuestros clientes con la garantía de disponibilidad del servidor el 99.9% del tiempo, Javacol debe regular el uso de los recursos de servidor de sus usuarios. Por lo tanto, el cliente acepta que no debe usar los recursos del servidor en exceso (como por ejemplo, pero no limitado a, CPU y Uso de Memoria) en cualquiera de los servidores proporcionados por Javacol. Javacol debe definir “el uso excesivo de recursos del servidor” como el uso de un recurso de servidor en una manera que notablemente disminuya la calidad del servicio. El cliente acepta la responsabilidad de hacer uso razonable de los recursos del servidor. Cualquier violación de ésta política resultara en la cancelación inmediata de la cuenta y la imposición de una multa administrativa de $100.000 pesos colombianos. Javacol no le condonará al cliente ninguna deuda o cargo adquirido antes que se realice dicha cancelación; adicionalmente, el cliente está obligado a pagar el 100% de los cargos por todos los servicios por cada mes que falte para terminar el tiempo del contrato. Javacol se reserva el derecho de determinar, en su sola y absoluta discreción, que hechos constituyen una violación de ésta cláusula.
Política de Envío de Mail Masivo
Cada plan de hosting está limitado al envío de 200 mail por período de 60 minutos. Esta política es necesaria para proteger la calidad del servicio de Hosting de Javacol, ya que el envío de mail masivo puede consumir recursos del servidor de manera excesiva. La primera violación de ésta política causará una multa de $50.000 pesos y la suspensión inmediata de la cuenta. Para reactivarla, el cliente debe proveer una carta firmada diciendo que “He leído y entendido, y acepto la política de Envío de Mail Masivo”. Cualquier violación subsiguiente de ésta política resultará en la cancelación inmediata de la cuenta y la imposición de una multa administrativa de $200.000 pesos colombianos. Javacol no le condonará al cliente ninguna deuda o cargo adquirido antes que se realice dicha cancelación; adicionalmente, el cliente está obligado a pagar el 100% de los cargos por todos los servicios por cada mes que falte para terminar el tiempo del contrato. Javacol se reserva el derecho de determinar, en su sola y absoluta discreción, que hechos constituyen una violación de ésta cláusula.
Envío de “Spam” mail prohibido
“Spam” incluye el envío de correo no solicitado, masivo y/o comercial a través de Internet usando los servicios de Javacol, o a través de otra ISP o IPP con alguna referencia a Javacol, o algún sitio hospedado por Javacol, mantenimiento de una política STMP, y la venta o distribución de algún software (dentro de un sitio Web que resida en algún servidor de Javacol) que facilite el mismo propósito. El envío de “Spam” está prohibido. Cualquier violación se multará por $400.000, y puede ocasionar la terminación o suspensión de su Plan. Javacol se reserva el derecho de determinar, en su sola y absoluta discreción, que hechos constituyen una violación de ésta cláusula.
IP en Lista Negra
En el caso que cualquier acción realizada desde una cuenta de hosting afecte la reputación de una o más de la IPs de Javacol, el cliente deberá cancelar el valor mínimo de $50.000 por una o dos listas negras y $25.000 adicionales por cada lista negra adicional. Javacol, tomará las acciones necesarias para que en el menor tiempo posible la o las IPs tengan la reputación adecuada, el no pago generado por la anterior acción dará como resultado la suspensión de la cuenta de hosting. Javacol no le condonará al cliente ninguna deuda o cargo adquirido antes que se realice dicha cancelación; adicionalmente, el cliente está obligado a pagar el 100% de los cargos por todos los servicios por cada mes que falte para terminar el tiempo del contrato. Javacol se reserva el derecho de determinar, en su sola y absoluta discreción, que hechos constituyen una violación de ésta cláusula.
Abuso del Sistema y de la Red
Cualquier violación del sistema o de la seguridad de red está prohibida, y puede resultar en una responsabilidad criminal y civil. Ejemplos de una violación del sistema o seguridad de red incluye, pero no están limitados a:
Acceso no autorizado, o uso de los datos, sistemas o redes, incluyendo cualquier intento de prueba o escaneo de la vulnerabilidad del sistema o la red, o la ruptura de seguridad o mecanismo de autenticación sin el expreso consentimiento del propietario del sistema o red.
La interferencia del servicio a cualquier usuario, equipo o red, incluyendo, sin limitación, el bombardeo de mail, la inundación, los intentos deliberados para sobrecargar el sistema, y los ataques de “Broadcast”.
La manipulación del encabezado de cualquier paquete TCP-IP, o cualquier parte del encabezado de un mail o de mensaje en un grupo de noticias.
La distribución o alojamiento de contenido destructivo o dañino incluyendo, sin limitación, virus, caballos xx Xxxxx, lombrices, bombas de tiempo, o cualquier rutina programada que pueda dañan o interferir con cualquier sistema, programa, datos o información personal.
Cualquier forma de “Hacking” o acceso no autorizado, que incluye, pero no está limitado a pruebas de uso o escaneo de sistemas de seguridad o medidas de autenticación, datos o tráfico.
Interferir el servicio de cualquier usuario, equipo o red incluyendo cualquier forma o intento de sobrecarga de un sistema, o cualquier forma de ataque a un sistema, o manipulación que pueda venir de cualquier tipo de programa, script, comando o mensaje de cualquier clase diseñado para interferir la sesión final de un usuario, por cualquier medio, local o en Internet.
Cualquier forma de intercepción que incluye, sin limitación, el monitoreo no autorizado de datos o tráfico en cualquier red, servidor o sistema sin la autorización explícita de su dueño.
Cualquier forma de desacato de una restricción del sistema y
Cualquier forma de fallo para salvaguardar cuentas, que incluye, sin limitación, el fallo de prevenir acceso no autorizado por proveer sus propias contraseñas.
Contenido Fraudulento
Está prohibido ofrecer o distribuir cualquier bien, servicio, esquema o promoción fraudulenta (como esquemas para hacer dinero fácil, cartas en cadena y esquemas de pirámide), o el envío de datos falsos en cualquier formulario de inscripción, contrato o aplicación “online” a través de su registro, o cualquier uso fraudulento de la información obtenida a través del uso de el(los) Plan(es), incluyendo, sin limitación, el uso de números de tarjetas de crédito, números de teléfono, direcciones de mail, o direcciones residenciales.
Violación de este Contrato
Si Javacol se entera de alguna violación o amenaza de violación a éste contrato, Javacol buscará soluciones y tomará acción en contra suya o de sus clientes para detener o corregir tal violación, incluyendo, sin limitación, negar el acceso a los servicios de Javacol y los equipos, o a Internet, removiendo la información guardada en el servidor de Javacol parcial o totalmente, la suspensión de cualquiera y todos los servicios, o la terminación de éste contrato. En el evento en que Javacol se vea en la necesidad de suspender el servicio o terminar el contrato, Xxxxxxx no retornará ningún pago hecho en avance antes de la acción correctiva. Adicionalmente, Javacol puede cobrarle por costos o gastos que Javacol incurra como resultado de la amenaza o violación del contrato. Usted acepta que Xxxxxxx no es responsable con usted o sus clientes como resultado de cualquier acción correctiva que Javacol ejecute, incluyendo sin limitación, la terminación de servicios. Se espera
que usted coopere con Javacol en cualquier acción correctiva o preventiva que Javacol juzgue necesaria.
Copias de Seguridad
JAVACOL SAS no se hace responsable por perdida de información parcial o total alojada en nuestros servidores causada por daños de terceros, del propio cliente, actualizaciones del servidor, migraciones o por fallos en nuestro sistema, es responsabilidad del cliente hacer sus propias copias de seguridad o backup de toda la información tal como bases de datos, emails, páginas web, aplicaciones, etc. Las copias de seguridad hechas por Javacol SAS no eximen al cliente de dicha responsabilidad
Facturación y Pagos
En consideración a los servicios provistos por Javacol para usted, usted debe pagar el valor de los servicios de su(s) Plan(es). Javacol en el momento sólo ofrece planes a término anual. Todos los planes son prepagados y NO se renuevan automáticamente, sino hasta que el cliente contrate y pague el siguiente termino de servicio. Javacol hará lo posible por comunicarse con el cliente indicando el próximo término del contrato, pero el cliente es totalmente responsable por realizar su pago a tiempo. Javacol no se responsabiliza por la pérdida de nombres de dominio que no hayan sido renovados a tiempo, o la no disponibilidad del sitio por suspensión y las consecuencias que esto pueda originar por no renovar el servicio de hosting y/o nombre de dominio a tiempo.
Garantía del Nivel de Servicio
Javacol garantiza la disponibilidad del servicio el 99.9% del tiempo. Si usted no obtiene la disponibilidad del 99.9% del tiempo, Javacol le otorgará un crédito a su favor del 50% del costo de renovación para el siguiente término. Dicho crédito no aplica para la renovación del servicio de registro de nombre de dominio, ya que éste servicio se provee a través de un tercero. El crédito solo se otorgará si usted demuestra que el sitio no estuvo disponible tras la comprobación del servicio de monitoreo hecho por un tercero reconocido y de reputación por la industria como lo es Esta garantía no aplica en un caso o evento de fuerza mayor como se explica a continuación, periodos de mantenimiento programados, inhabilidad de acceder aplicaciones o scripts que corran en el servidor, o si la cuenta del cliente está suspendida o terminada en el momento de no disponibilidad.
Conocimiento y Experiencia
El uso de el(los) Plan(es) requiere una buena cantidad de conocimientos en lenguajes de programación, protocolos y software, así como diversa información técnica. Al comprar su(s) Plan(es), Javacol asume que usted o su representante “webmaster” tiene el conocimiento necesario para mantener / administrar su sitio Web. Javacol no asesorará, enseñará, suplirá o proveerá dicho conocimiento más allá del soporte técnico dentro del pertinente a su(s) plan(es).
Propiedad del Sitio Web
Usted debe desarrollar, planear y crear la fuente y el objeto del código con el propósito de crear un sitio Web operacional (llamado colectivamente el “Sitio Web”). El Sitio Web es propiedad exclusiva de usted o sus agentes. En el evento en que se origine una disputa sobre la propiedad del Sitio Web, y/o el Plan establecido con Javacol, usted acepta someterse a todas y cada una de las medidas de seguridad establecidas por Javacol.
Propiedad de la Dirección del Protocolo de Internet (IP)
Durante el término de éste contrato, Javacol puede proveerle el uso restringido para usar una dirección física del Protocolo de Internet (Internet Protocol o IP). Usted puede usar la dirección IP solo de la manera provista por Javacol. Javacol mantendrá el control de propiedad de todos los números y direcciones que Javacol le pueda haber asignado al Cliente, y Javacol se reserva el derecho de cambiar o quitar cualquiera o todas esos números o direcciones IP, a nuestra única y absoluta discreción.
Dominios provistos por Javacol (Opcional)
Javacol provee a sus clientes del uso de uno o varios nombres de dominio para operar en la red pública Internet por el término de un año y de manera simultánea con el servicio de hosting sólo si el cliente contrata ése servicio. Dado que Javacol contrata el registro de nombres de dominios a través de un tercero pues no está acreditado para registrar dominios directamente ante la corporación ICANN, nos reservamos la propiedad y administración del nombre de dominio para ser usado sólo con el plan de hosting contratado por el cliente por el término del contrato. Si usted decide que quiere transferir el nombre de dominio a otro proveedor, Javacol lo reconocerá a usted como el nuevo propietario y administrador del nombre de dominio y realizará la gestión necesaria para facilitar dicha transferencia. Usted acepta que las transferencias de nombre de dominio se deben iniciar con un mes de anticipación antes que el registro del nombre expire, y usted las debe solicitar explícitamente ante Javacol S.A.S. a través de una carta firmada o correo electrónico a su nombre desde la dirección de correo electrónico con la que se registró ante Javacol S.A.S. También deberá avisar a su nuevo proveedor con la misma anticipación, ya que éste trámite puede requerir
de ése tiempo para completarse. Usted acepta que una vez pasado el tiempo de antelación o vencido el nombre del dominio, el registro no podrá ser transferido a otro proveedor sin antes ser renovado con Javacol a través de su proveedor de nombres de dominio. Usted reconoce que Javacol no tiene ninguna responsabilidad sobre el nombre del dominio si éste no es renovado antes de su expiración, ni de los daños financieros o de cualquier índole que la no renovación pueda causar. Usted además entiende que el proveedor de nombres de dominio decidirá que hacer con los nombres de dominio expirados en su absoluta discreción y que Javacol no podrá interceder por usted si el dominio no es renovado o transferido a tiempo. La ICANN establece que no se puede realizar una transferencia de dominio antes de 60 días desde que se efectuó el registro del mismo.
Conforme a lo estipulado por la ICANN (Internet Corporation For Assigned Name and Numbers), Javacol S.A.S. como proveedor de nombres de dominios está en la obligación de notificar vía e- mail sobre la expiración de los nombres de dominio generando máximo tres (3) comunicados, treinta (30) días y siete (7) previos a la expiración del dominio, y un tercer correo en una fecha posterior a la expiración del dominio. Javacol S.A.S., en su labor comercial, refuerza los recordatorios de renovación enviando e-mails adicionales al correo electrónico de contacto informado por el cliente al momento de realizar su registro voluntario en el sitio web, éstos son generados en diferentes fechas antes y después de la expiración del dominio (día 60, 30, 15, 7 y 1 antes de la expiración y los días 1, 3 y 5 una vez expirado).
Los precios de registro, renovación y transferencia de dominios se encuentran sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso por parte de Javacol S.A.S., cambios que se publicaran en el sitio web y en cada una de las notificaciones enviadas al cliente informando su expiración
Todo cliente revendedor de dominios de Javacol S.A.S., se debe asegurar que su cliente final conoce y acepta los términos de contrato contemplados entre Javacol S.A.S. y el cliente revendedor de dominios, acogiéndose a las políticas y acuerdos impuestos en el documento llamado “Registrar Registrant Agreement for Domain Names” al momento de registrar un nombre de dominio. Dicho acuerdo, sólo afecta a los nombres de dominio de primer nivel genéricos (gTLD:
.COM, .NET, .ORG, .BIZ, .INFO, etc
Servicio de Información Pública “WHOIS” (Opcional)
El servicio de información de nombres de dominio “whois” mantiene una base de consulta pública con los datos de contacto de la organización, el administrador, el soporte técnico y la persona o compañía que paga por el registro de dominio. Al registrar el dominio a través de nuestros proveedores, todos los datos de contacto públicos quedan automáticamente registrados según la orden de servicio realizada por el cliente a través en nuestro sitio web al momento de adquirir el servicio con Javacol SAS. Javacol SAS sugiere activar el servicio llamado ID Protection para que sus datos queden protegidos y terceros no tengan acceso a éstos.
El cliente puede solicitar por escrito que los datos del dominio sean los de Javacol SAS, para tal fin Javacol reconoce en buena fe que usted es el beneficiario de dicho dominio, y lo respeta en cumplimiento con las normas establecidas por ICANN para disputas de nombres de dominio (ver xxxx:// Como reconocimiento del uso del dominio para su beneficio, Javacol cambiará la información de la organización que lo usa por el suyo o el de su compañía, sólo si usted lo solicita por escrito a nuestro departamento de soporte técnico y sólo desde la dirección de correo electrónico con la que se registró en el momento de contratar nuestro servicio.
Publicidad y Mercadeo
Usted acepta que durante el término de éste contrato, Javacol puede referirse a usted públicamente, de manera oral, o por escrito, como un cliente de Javacol. Cualquier otra referencia pública requerirá su consentimiento público.
Obligaciones y Representación
Usted representa y le garantiza a Javacol que (1) es mayor de 18 años; (2) usted posee el derecho legal y la habilidad para participar en éste contrato; (3) usted usará el(los) Plan(es) sólo para propósitos legales y en concordancia con ése contrato y todas sus políticas y guías que puedan aplicarse; (4) usted será responsable financieramente por su Plan y/o Nombre de Dominio; (5) usted obtuvo y obtendrá todos los acuerdos necesarios para enlaces de hipertexto a Sitios Web de terceros, o cualquier contenido que pertenezca a terceros; (6) usted ha verificado, o verificará la exactitud de los materiales distribuidos o que haga disponibles a través del uso de su(s) Plan(es), incluyendo, pero no limitado a, su contenido, disputas, garantías, obligaciones, naturaleza de su negocio y dirección donde se conduzca su negocio, y (7) su contenido no infrinja o viole cualquier derecho que algún tercero (incluyendo propiedad intelectual) le haya otorgado, o viole alguna ley aplicable, regulación u orden legal.
Fuerza Mayor
Javacol no es responsable por demoras en el desempeño pactado en éste contrato de prestación de Servicios cuando las circunstancias se salen del control razonable de Javacol, incluyendo actos de Dios, guerras, conmociones civiles, revoluciones, desastres naturales, terremotos, paros laborales, fuegos, inundaciones, daños causados por agua, explosiones, cortes de mano de obra o materiales, disputas laborales, problemas de transporte, accidentes, embargos, o restricciones gubernamentales (llamadas colectivamente de “Fuerza Mayor”). Javacol hará los esfuerzos razonables para reducir y mitigar los efectos al mínimo a causa de cualquier Fuerza Mayor. La crisis
financiera no se considerará evento de Fuerza Mayor, y los eventos de Fuerza Mayor no suspenderán las obligaciones financieras del Cliente con Javacol.
Javacol puede cambiar o modificar los términos y las condiciones contenidas en éste contrato, incluyendo cualquier política o guía incorporada por referencia, en cualquier momento, y usted, el cliente, acepta someterse a los nuevos términos que se revisen o cambien en éste contrato. Cualquier modificación de éste contrato será efectiva desde el momento en que sea publicada en nuestro sitio Web, o cuando le sea enviada por correo electrónico a la dirección más reciente que tengamos de usted. Es su responsabilidad revisar los últimos términos y condiciones que se publiquen. La continuación del uso de su(s) Plan(es) ante un cambio en el contrato reflejará su cooperación y aceptación de estos cambios y/o modificaciones.
Adición Contrato de Dominios DOMAIN REGISTRANT AGREEMENT
This Domain Registrant Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") between you ("you", "your" or "Registrant") and the Registrar of the Domain Name, or .NAME Defensive Registration, or .NAME Mail Forward (the "Order") that you have registered/reserved through or transferred to Registrar, sets forth the terms and conditions of Registrar's domain name registration service and other associated services as described herein.
If you are entering into this agreement on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity to these terms and conditions, in which case the terms "you", "your" and "Registrant" shall refer to such entity.
This Agreement explains our obligations to you, and your obligations to us in relation to each Domain Name, or .NAME Defensive Registration, or .NAME Mail Forward that you have registered/reserved through or transferred to Registrar ("Order"), directly or indirectly, whether or not you have been notified about Registrar.
This Agreement will become effective when the term of your Order begins with Registrar and will remain in force until the Order remains as an active Order with Registrar. Registrar may elect to accept or reject the Order application for any reason at its sole discretion, such rejection including, but not limited to, rejection due to a request for a prohibited Order.
WHEREAS, Registrar is authorized to provide Internet registration and management services for domain names, for the list of TLDs mentioned within APPENDIX 'U';
AND WHEREAS, the Registrant is the Owner of a registration of a domain name ("the SLD") in any of the TLDs mentioned within APPENDIX 'U', directly or indirectly;
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises, benefits and covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Registrar and the Registrant, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:
(1) "Business Day" refers to a working day between Mondays to Friday excluding all Public Holidays.
(2) "Communications" refers to date, time, content, including content in any link, of all oral / transmitted / written communications / correspondence between Registrar, and the Registrant, and any Artificial Juridical Person, Company, Concern, Corporation, Enterprise, Firm, Individual, Institute, Institution, Organization, Person, Society, Trust or any other Legal Entity acting on their behalf.
(3) "Customer" refers to the customer of the Order as recorded in the OrderBox Database.
(4) "OrderBox" refers to the set of Servers, Software, Interfaces, Registrar Products and API that is provided for use directly or indirectly under this Agreement by Registrar and/or its Service Providers.
(5) "OrderBox Database" is the collection of data elements stored on the OrderBox Servers.
(6) "OrderBox Servers" refer to Machines / Servers that Registrar or its Service Providers maintain to fulfill services and operations of the OrderBox.
(7) "OrderBox User" refers to the Customer and any Agent, Employee, Contractee of the Customer or any other Legal Entity, that has been provided access to the "OrderBox" by the Customer, directly or indirectly.
(8) "Registrar" refers to the Registrar of record as shown in a Whois Lookup for the corresponding Order at the corresponding Registry Operator.
(9) "Registrar Products" refer to all Products and Services of Registrar which it has provided/rendered/sold, or is providing/rendering/selling.
(10) "Registrar Servers" refer to web servers, Mailing List Servers, Database Servers, OrderBox Servers, Whois Servers and any other Machines / Servers that Registrar or its Service Providers
Operate, for the OrderBox, the Registrar Website, the Registrar Mailing Lists, Registrar Products and any other operations required to fulfill services and operations of Registrar.
(11) "Registrar Website" refers to the website of the Registrar.
(12) "Registry Operator" refers individually and collectively to any Artificial Juridical Persons, Company, Concern, Corporation, Enterprise, Firm, Individual, Institute, Institution, Organization, Person, Society, Trust or any other Legal Entity that is involved in the management of any portion of the registry of the TLD, including but not limited to policy formation, technical management, business relationships, directly or indirectly as an appointed contractor.
(13) "Resellers" - The Registrant may purchase the Order through a reseller, who in turn may purchase the same through a reseller and so on (collectively known as the "Resellers").
(14) "Service Providers" refers individually and collectively to any Artificial Juridical Persons, Company, Concern, Corporation, Enterprise, Firm, Individual, Institute, Institution, Organization, Person, Society, Trust or any other Legal Entity that the Customer and/or Registrar and/or Service Providers (recursively) may, directly or indirectly, Engage / Employ / Outsource / Contract for the fulfillment / provision / purchase of Registrar Products, OrderBox, and any other services and operations of Registrar.
(15) "Whois" refers to the public service provided by Registrar and Registry Operator whereby anyone may obtain certain information associated with the Order through a "Whois Lookup".
(16) "Whois Record" refers to the collection of all data elements of the Order, specifically its Registrant Contact Information, Administrative Contact Information, Technical Contact Information, Billing Contact Information, Nameservers if any, its Creation and Expiry dates, its Registrar and its current Status in the Registry.
(1) The Registrant agrees to provide, maintain and update, current, complete and accurate information of the Whois Record and all the data elements about the Order in the OrderBox Database during the term of the Order. Registrant agrees that provision of inaccurate or unreliable information, and/or Registrant's failure to promptly update information, or non-receipt of a response for over five (5) calendar days to inquiries sent to the email address of the Registrant or any other contact listed for the Order in the OrderBox database concerning the accuracy of contact information associated with the Order shall be constituted as a breach of this Agreement and a basis for freezing, suspending, or deleting that Order.
(2) The Registrant acknowledges that in the event of any dispute and/or discrepancy concerning the data elements of the Order in the OrderBox Database, the data element in the OrderBox Database records shall prevail.
(3) The Registrant acknowledges that the authentication information for complete control and management of the Order will be accessible to the Registry Operator, Service Providers, Resellers and the Customer. Any modification to the Order by the Resellers, Customer or Service Providers will be treated as if it is authorized by the Registrant directly. Registrar is not responsible for any modification to the Order by the Customer, Resellers, Registry Operator, or Service Providers.
(4) The Registrant acknowledges that all communication about the Order will be only done with the Customer or the Resellers of the Order. Registrar is not required to, and may not directly communicate with the Registrant during the entire term of the Order.
(5) The Registrant shall comply with all terms or conditions established by Registrar, Registry Operator and/or Service Providers from time to time.
(6) The Registrant must comply with all applicable terms and conditions, standards, policies, procedures, and practices laid down by ICANN (xxxx:// rights-responsibilities-en.htm) and the Registry Operator.
(7) During the term of this Agreement and for three years thereafter, the Registrant shall maintain the following records relating to its dealings with Registrar, Resellers and their Agents or Authorized Representatives:
(1) in electronic, paper or microfilm form, all written communications with respect to the Order;
(2) in electronic form, records of the accounts of the Order, including dates and amounts of all payments, discount, credits and refunds.
The Registrant shall make these records available for inspection by Registrar upon reasonable notice not exceeding 14 days.
Registrar and Registrant represent and warrant that:
(1) They have all requisite power and authority to execute, deliver and perform their obligations under this Agreement.
(2) This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation, enforceable against Registrant and Registrar in accordance with its terms.
(3) The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the consummation by Registrar and the Registrant of the transactions contemplated hereby will not, with or without the giving of notice, the lapse of time, or both, conflict with or violate:
(1) any provision of law, rule, or regulation;
(2) any order, judgment, or decree;
(3) any provision of corporate by-laws or other documents;
(4) any agreement or other instrument.
(4) The execution, performance and delivery of this Agreement has been duly authorized by the Registrant and Registrar.
(5) No consent, approval, or authorization of, or exemption by, or filing with, any governmental authority or any third party is required to be obtained or made in connection with the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement or the taking of any other action contemplated hereby.
The Registrant represents and warrants that:
(1) the Registrant has read and understood every clause of this Agreement;
(2) the Registrant has independently evaluated the desirability of the service and is not relying on any representation agreement, guarantee or statement other than as set forth in this agreement; and
(3) the Registrant is eligible, to enter into this Contract according to the laws of his country.
(1) Registrar, Service Providers and Registry Operator may change any information, of the Order, or transfer the Order to another Registrant, or transfer the Order to another Customer, upon receiving any authorization from the Registrant, or the Customer, or Resellers as maybe prescribed by Registrar from time to time.
(2) Registrar, Service Providers and Registry Operator may provide/send any information, about the Registrant, and the Order including Authentication information:
(1) to the Registrant;
(2) to any authorised representative, agent, contractee, employee of the Registrant upon receiving authorization in any form as maybe prescribed by Registrar from time to time;
(3) to the Customer, Resellers, Service Providers and Registry Operator;
(4) to anyone performing a Whois Lookup for the Order.
(3) Registrar in its own discretion can at any point of time with reasonable notification temporarily or permanently cease to sell any Registrar Products.
(4) Registrar and the Registry Operator, in their sole discretion, expressly reserve the right to deny any Order or cancel an Order within 30 days of processing the same. In such case Registrar may refund the fees charged for the Order, after deducting any processing charges for the same.
(5) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Registrar, Registry Operator and Service Providers, in their sole discretion, expressly reserve the right to without notice or refund, delete, suspend, deny, cancel, modify, take ownership of or transfer the Order, or to modify, upgrade, suspend, freeze OrderBox, or to publish, transmit, share data in the OrderBox Database with any person or entity, or to contact any entity in the OrderBox Database, in order to recover any Payment from the Registrant, Customer or Resellers, for
any service rendered by Registrar including services rendered outside the scope of this agreement for which the Registrant, Customer or Reseller has been notified and requested to remit payment, or to correct mistakes made by Registrar, Registry Operator or Service Providers in processing or executing the Order, or incase of any breach of this Agreement, or incase Registrar learns of a possibility of breach or violation of this Agreement which Registrar in its sole discretion determines to be appropriate, or incase of Termination of this agreement, or if Registrar learns of any such event which Registrar reasonably determines would lead to Termination of this Agreement or would constitute as Breach thereof, or to protect the integrity and stability of the Registrar Products, OrderBox, and the Registry or to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, or in compliance with any dispute resolution process, or in accordance/compliance with any agreements executed by Registrar including but not limited to agreements with Service Providers, and/or Registry Operator, and/or Customers and/or Resellers, or to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of Registrar and/or Service Providers, and/or the Registry Operator, as well as their affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors and employees, or if the Registrant and/or Agents or any other authorized representatives of the Registrant violate any applicable laws/government rules/usage policies, including but not limited to, intellectual property, copyright, patent, anti-spam, Phishing (identity theft), Pharming (DNS hijacking), distribution of virus or malware, child pornography, using Fast Flux techniques, running Botnet command and control, Hacking (illegal access to another computer or network), network attacks, money laundering schemes (Xxxxx, Pyramid, Money Mule, etc.), illegal pharmaceutical distribution, or Registrar learns of the possibility of any such violation or upon appropriate authorization (what constitutes appropriate authorization is at the sole discretion of Registrar) from the Registrant or Customer or Reseller or their authorized representatives, or if Registrar, Registry Operator or Service Providers in their sole discretion determine that the information associated with the Order is inaccurate, or has been tampered with, or has been modified without authorization, or if Registrar or Service Providers in their sole discretion determine that the ownership of the Order should belong to another entity, or if Reseller/Customer/Registrant does not comply with any applicable terms and conditions, standards, policies, procedures, and practices laid down by Registrar, Service Providers, ICANN, the Registrar, the Registry Operator or for any appropriate reason. Registrar or Registry Operator, also reserve the right to freeze the Order during resolution of a dispute. The Registrant agrees that Registrar, Registry Operator and
Service Providers, and the contractors, employees, directors, officers, representatives, agents and affiliates, of Registrar, Registry Operator and Service Providers, are not liable for loss or damages that may result from any of the above.
(6) Registrar and Service Providers can choose to redirect an Order to any IP Address including, without limitation, to an IP address which hosts a parking page or a commercial search engine for the purpose of monetization, if an Order has expired, or is suspended, or does not contain valid Name Servers to direct it to any destination. Registrant acknowledges that Registrar and Service Providers cannot and do not check to see whether such a redirection, infringes any legal rights including but not limited to intellectual property rights, privacy rights, trademark rights, of Registrant or any third party, or that the
content displayed due to such redirection is inappropriate, or in violation of any federal, state or local rule, regulation or law, or injurious to Registrant or any third party, or their reputation and as such is not responsible for any damages caused directly or indirectly as a result of such redirection.
(7) Registrar and Registry Operator has the right to rectify any mistakes in the data in the OrderBox Database with retrospective effect.
(8) Registrar has the right to change the registrar on record of the order to another registrar owned by the same management upon renewal of the order.
The Registrant agrees that, if the use of the Order is challenged by a third party, the Registrant will be subject to the provisions of the appropriate Dispute policy for that Order as mentioned in the appropriate Appendix in effect at the time of the dispute. The Registrant agrees that in the event a dispute arises with any third party, the Registrant will indemnify and hold Registrar, Registry Operator and Service Providers harmless in all circumstances, and that Registrar, Registry Operator and Service Providers will have no liability of any kind for any loss or liability resulting from any such dispute, including the decision and final outcome of such dispute. If a complaint has been filed with a judicial or administrative body regarding the Registrant's use of the Order, the Registrant agrees not to make any changes to the Order without Registrar's prior approval. Registrar may not allow the Registrant to make changes to such Order until:
(1) Registrar is directed to do so by the judicial or administrative body; or
(2) Registrar receives notification, in a manner prescribed by Registrar from time to time, by the Registrant and the other party contesting the Registrant registration or use of the Order, that the dispute has been settled.
(1) The term of this Agreement shall continue until the registrant of the Order in the OrderBox database continues to be the Registrant and the Order continues to exist and the Order Registration term continues to exist.
(2) Registrant acknowledges that it is the Registrant's responsibility to keep records and maintain reminders regarding the expiry of any Order. However, the Registrar will send domain renewal notifications to the Registrant on record, either directly or through P.D.R Solutions FZC, as per the schedule given on xxxx:// As a convenience to the Registrant, and not as a binding commitment, we may notify the Customer, via an email message sent to the contact information associated with the Customer in the OrderBox database, about the expiry of the Order. Should renewal fees go unpaid for an Order, the Order will expire.
(3) Registrant acknowledges that after expiration of the term of an Order, Registrant has no rights on such Order, or any information associated with such Order, and that ownership of such Order now passes on to the Registrar. Registrar and Service Providers may make any modifications to said Order or any information associated with said Order. Registrar and Service Providers may intercept any network/communication requests to such Order and process them in any manner in their sole discretion. Registrar and Service Providers may choose to monetize such requests in any fashion at their sole discretion. Registrar and Service Providers may choose to display any appropriate message, and/or send any response to any user making a network/communication request, for or concerning said Order. Registrar and Service Providers may choose to delete said Order at anytime after expiry upon their sole discretion. Registrar and Service Providers may choose to transfer the ownership of the Order to any third party in their sole discretion. Registrant acknowledges that Registrar and Service Providers shall not be liable to Registrant or any third party for any action performed under this clause.
(4) Registrar at its sole discretion may allow the renewal of the Order after Order expiry, and such renewal term will start as on the date of expiry of the Order, unless otherwise specified. Such process may be charged separately at the price then prevailing for such a process as determined by the Registrar in its sole discretion. Such renewal after the expiry of the Order may not result in exact reinstatement of the Order in the same form as it was prior to expiry.
(5) Registrar makes no guarantees about the number of days, after deletion of an Order, after which the same Order will once again become available for purchase.
(6) This Agreement shall terminate immediately in the event:
(1) Registrar's contract with the Service Providers for the fulfillment of such Order is terminated or expires without renewal;
(2) Registrar's contract with the Registry Operator is terminated or expires without renewal;
(3) Registry Operator ceases to be the Registry Operator for the particular TLD;
(4) of Registrant-Registrant Transfer as per Section 8;
(5) of Registrar-Registrar Transfer as per Section 9.
(7) Upon Termination of this Agreement, Registrar may delete/suspend/transfer/modify the Order and suspend OrderBox Users' access to the OrderBox with immediate effect, upon the sole discretion of Registrar.
(8) Neither Party shall be liable to the other for damages of any sort resulting solely from terminating this Agreement in accordance with its terms, unless specified otherwise. The Registrant however shall be liable for any damage arising from any breach by it of this Agreement.
Payment of fees shall be governed as per the Payment Terms and Conditions set out in Appendix 'B.'
(1) Registrar may transfer the Order of the Registrant to another registrant under the following circumstances:
(1) authorization from the Registrant and/or their Agent or Authorized Representative in a manner prescribed by Registrar from time to time;
(2) authorization from the Customer and/or the Reseller in a manner prescribed by Registrar;
(3) on receiving orders from a competent Court or Law Enforcement Agency;
(4) for fulfillment of a decision in a domain dispute resolution;
(5) breach of Contract;
(6) termination of this Agreement;
(7) Registrar learns of any such event, which Registrar reasonably determines would lead to Termination of this Agreement, or would constitute as Breach thereof.
(2) Registrant acknowledges that Registrar cannot verify the authenticity of any information, authorization or instructions received in Section (8)(1). Upon receiving such authorization that Registrar in its absolute unfettered and sole discretion deems to be genuine, Registrar may transfer the Order. Registrar cannot be held liable for any such transfer under any circumstance including but not limited to fraudulent or forged authorization received by Registrar.
(3) In the above circumstances the Registrant shall extend full cooperation to Registrar in transferring the Order of the Registrant to another registrant including without limitation, handing over all data required to be stored by the Registrant as per Section 3(5), and complying with all requirements to facilitate a smooth transfer.
(4) The Registrant's Order may not be transferred until Registrar receives such written assurances or other reasonable assurance that the new registrant has been bound by the contractual terms of this Agreement (such reasonable assurance as determined by Registrar in its sole discretion). If the Transferee fails to be bound in a reasonable fashion (as determined by Registrar in its sole discretion) to the terms and conditions in this Agreement, any such transfer maybe considered by Registrar as null and void in its sole discretion.
(1) The Registrant acknowledge and agree that during the first 60 days after initial registration of the Order, or after expiration of the Order the Registrant may not be able to transfer the Order to another registrar.
(2) Registrar may request the Registrant or any other contact associated with the Order for authorization upon receiving a request to transfer the Order to another registrar. The Registrant agrees to provide such authorization to Registrar. Registrar, in its sole discretion will determine, if such authorization is adequate to allow the transfer.
(3) Registrar in its sole discretion may allow the transfer of a domain name away to another registrar, without contacting the Registrant or any other contact, if Registrar in its sole discretion determines that the transfer request it has received is a valid transfer request.
(4) Registrar in its sole discretion may allow the transfer of a domain name away to another registrar, without contacting the Registrant or any other contact pursuant to the then applicable process and rules of transfer of domain names as laid out by the Registry Operator. Registrant acknowledges that it is their responsibility to research and acquaint themselves with these rules and any applicable changes from time to time.
(5) Registrar may deny or prevent a transfer of an Order to another registrar in situations described in this Agreement including, but not limited to:
(1) a dispute over the identity of the domain name xxxxxx;
(2) bankruptcy; and default in the payment of any fees;
(3) any pending dues from the Customer or Resellers' or Registrant for any services rendered, whether under this agreement;
(4) any pending Domain Dispute Resolution process with respect to the Order;
(5) if the Order has been locked or suspended by the Customer or Resellers;
(6) any situation where denying the transfer is permitted under the then applicable process and rules of transfer of domain names as laid out by the Registry Operator, Registrant acknowledges that it is their responsibility to research and acquaint themselves with these rules and any applicable changes from time to time;
(7) any other circumstance described in this Agreement;
(8) for any other appropriate reason;
(6) Registrar may at its sole discretion lock or suspend the Order to prevent a Domain Transfer.
(7) Registrar cannot be held liable for any domain name transferred away to another registrar, or for any denial of a transfer, in accordance with this Section 9 (Registrar-Registrar Transfer).
in no event will registrar, registry operator or service providers or contractors or third party beneficiaries be liable to the registrant for any loss of registration and use of the order, or for interruptions of business, or any special, indirect, ancillary, incidental, punitive, exemplary or consequential damages, or any damages resulting from loss of profits, arising out of or in connection with this agreement, regardless of the form of action whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, even if registrar and/or its service providers have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Registrar further disclaims any and all loss or liability resulting from, but not limited to:
(1) loss or liability resulting from the unauthorized use or misuse of authentication information;
(2) loss or liability resulting from force majeure events as stated in section 21 of this agreement;
(3) loss or liability resulting from access delays or access interruptions;
(4) loss or liability resulting from non-delivery of data or data miss-delivery;
(5) loss or liability resulting from errors, omissions, or misstatements in any and all information or registrar product(s) provided under this agreement;
(6) loss or liability resulting from the interruption of service.
if any legal action or other legal proceeding (including arbitration) relating to the performance under this agreement or the enforcement of any provision of this agreement is brought against registrar by the registrant, then in no event will the liability of registrar exceed actual amount received by registrar for the order minus direct expenses incurred with respect to the order.
Registrant acknowledges that the consideration received by registrar is based in part upon these limitations, and that these limitations will apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any remedy. in no event will the liability of registrar relating to this agreement exceed total amount received by registrar in relation to the order.
(1) The Registrant, at its own expense, will indemnify, defend and hold harmless, Registrar, Service Provider, Registry Operator, Resellers and the contactors, employees, directors, officers, representatives, agents and affiliates, of Registrar, Registry Operator, Service Providers, and Resellers against any claim, suit, action, or other proceeding brought against them based on or arising from any claim or alleged claim, of third parties relating to or arising under this Agreement, Registrar Products provided hereunder, or any use of the Registrar Products, including without limitation:
(1) infringement by the Registrant, or someone else using a Registrar Product with the Registrant's computer, of any intellectual property or other proprietary right of any person or entity;
(2) arising out of any breach by the Registrant of this Agreement;
(3) arising out of, or related to, the Order or use of the Order;
(4) relating to any action of Registrar as permitted by this Agreement;
(5) relating to any action of Registrar carried out on behalf of Registrant as described in this Agreement.
However, that in any such case Registrar may serve either of the Registrant with notice of any such claim and upon their written request, Registrar will provide to them all available information and assistance reasonably necessary for them to defend such claim, provided that they reimburse Registrar for its actual costs.
(2) Registrar will not enter into any settlement or compromise of any such indemnifiable claim without Registrant's prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
(3) The Registrant will pay any and all costs, damages, and expenses, including, but not limited to, actual attorneys' fees and costs awarded against or otherwise incurred by Registrar in connection with or arising from any such indemnifiable claim, suit, action or proceeding.
Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, each Party will continue to independently own his/her/its intellectual property, including all patents, trademarks, trade names, domain names, service marks, copyrights, trade secrets, proprietary processes and all other forms of intellectual
property. Any improvements to existing intellectual property will continue to be owned by the Party already holding such intellectual property.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no commercial use rights or any licenses under any patent, patent application, copyright, trademark, know-how, trade secret, or any other intellectual proprietary rights are granted by Registrar to the Registrant, or by any disclosure of any Confidential Information to the Registrant under this Agreement.
Registrant shall further ensure that the Registrant does not infringe any intellectual property rights or other rights of any person or entity, or does not publish any content that is libelous or illegal while using services under this Agreement. Registrant acknowledges that Registrar cannot and does not check to see whether any service or the use of the services by the Registrant under this Agreement, infringes legal rights of others.
(1) You agree and acknowledge that Registrar owns all data, compilation, collective and similar rights, title and interests worldwide in the OrderBox Database, and all information and derivative works generated from the OrderBox Database.
(2) Registrar, Service Providers and the Registry Operator and their designees/agents have the right to backup, copy, publish, disclose, use, sell, modify, process this data in any form and manner as maybe required for compliance of any agreements executed by Registrar, or Registry Operator or Service Providers, or in order to fulfill services under this Agreement, or for any other appropriate reason.
No failure on the part of any Party to exercise any power, right, privilege or remedy under this Agreement, and no delay on the part of any Party in exercising any power, right, privilege or remedy under this Agreement, shall operate as a waiver of such power, right, privilege or remedy; and no single or partial exercise or waiver of any such power, right, privilege or remedy shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof or of any other power, right, privilege or remedy.
No Party shall be deemed to have waived any claim arising out of this Agreement, or any power, right, privilege or remedy under this Agreement, unless the waiver of such claim, power, right, privilege or remedy is expressly set forth in a written instrument on behalf of such Party; and any such waiver shall not be applicable or have any effect except in the specific instance in which it is given.
No waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of any other provision (whether or not similar), nor shall such waiver constitute a waiver or continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided in writing.
(1) During the period of this Agreement, the Registrant agrees that Registrar may:
(1) revise the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and
(2) change the services provided under this Agreement
(2) Registrar, or the Registry Operator or any corresponding/designated policy formulating body may revise ANY of the Dispute policies, and eligbility criterias set forth in the various appendices as well as in any of the external URLs referenced within the appendices.
(3) Any such revision or change will be binding and effective immediately on posting of the revision on the Registrar Website or the corresponding URL referenced in this Agreement.
(4) The Registrant agrees to review the Registrar Website and all other URLs referenced in this Agreement, periodically, to be aware of any such revisions.
(5) The Registrant agrees that, continuing use of the services under this Agreement following any revision, will constitute as an acceptance of any such revisions or changes.
(6) The Registrant acknowledges that if the Registrant does not agree to any such modifications, the Registrant may terminate this Agreement within 30 days of such revision. In such circumstance Registrar will not refund any fees paid by the Registrant.
The Registrant shall not create, publish, distribute, or permit any written / Oral / electronic material that makes reference to us or our Service Providers or uses any of Registrar's registered Trademarks / Service Marks or our Service Providers' registered Trademarks / Service Marks without first submitting such material to us and our Service Providers and receiving prior written consent.
The Registrant gives Registrar the right to use the Registrant names in marketing / promotional material with regards to Registrar Products to Visitors to the Registrar Website, Prospective Clients and existing and new customers.
The Registrant shall be responsible for sales tax, consumption tax, transfer duty, custom duty, octroi duty, excise duty, income tax, and all other taxes and duties, whether international,
national, state or local, however designated, which are levied or imposed or may be levied or imposed, with respect to this Agreement and the Registrar Products.
Neither party shall be liable to the other for any loss or damage resulting from any cause beyond its reasonable control (a "Force Majeure Event") including, but not limited to, insurrection or civil disorder, riot, war or military operations, national or local emergency, acts or directives or omissions of government or other competent authority, compliance with any statutory obligation or executive order, strike, lock-out, work stoppage, industrial disputes of any kind (whether or not involving either party's employees), any Act of God, fire, lightning, explosion, flood, earthquake, eruption of volcano, storm, subsidence, weather of exceptional severity, equipment or facilities breakages / shortages which are being experienced by providers of telecommunications services generally, or other similar force beyond such Party's reasonable control, and acts or omissions of persons for whom neither party is responsible. Upon occurrence of a Force Majeure Event and to the extent such occurrence interferes with either party's performance of this Agreement, such party shall be excused from performance of its obligations (other than payment obligations) during the first six months of such interference, provided that such party uses best efforts to avoid or remove such causes of non performance as soon as possible.
Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the provisions of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon, the successors and assigns of the Parties; provided, however, that any such successor or assign be permitted pursuant to the Articles, Bylaws or policies of Registrar.
The Registrant shall not assign, sublicense or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement to any third person/s except as provided for in Section 8 (REGISTRANT - REGISTRANT TRANSFER) or with the prior written consent of Registrar.
Registrant agrees that if Registrant licenses the use of the Order to a third party, the Registrant nonetheless remains the Registrant of record, and remains responsible for all obligations under this Agreement.
The Registrant acknowledges that registration or reservation of the Order does not confer immunity from objection to the registration, reservation, or use of the Order.
the orderbox, registrar servers, orderbox servers, registrar website and any other software / api / specification / documentation / application services is provided on "as is" and "where is" basis and without any warranty of any kind.
registrar and service providers expressly disclaim all warranties and / or conditions, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement of third party rights and quality/availability of technical support.
registrar and service providers assume no responsibility and shall not be liable for any damages to, or viruses that may affect, your computer equipment or other property in connection with your access to, use of, orderbox or by accessing registrar servers. without limiting the foregoing, registrar and service providers do not represent, warrant or guarantee that (a) any information/data/download available on or through orderbox or registrar servers will be free of infection by viruses, worms, trojan horses or anything else manifesting destructive properties; or
(b) the information available on or through the orderbox/registrar servers will not contain adult- oriented material or material which some individuals may deem objectionable; or (c) the functions or services performed by registrar and service providers will be secure, timely, uninterrupted or error-free or that defects in the orderbox will be corrected; or (d) the service will meet your requirements or expectations or (e) the services provided under this agreement operate in combination with any specific hardware, software, system or data. or (f) you will receive notifications, reminders or alerts for any events from the system including but not limited to any modification to your order, any transaction in your account, any expiry of an order.
registrar and service providers makes no representations or warranties as to the suitability of the information available or with respect to its legitimacy, legality, validity, quality, stability, completeness, accuracy or reliability. registrar and service providers do not endorse, verify or otherwise certify the content of any such information. some jurisdictions do not allow the waiver of implied warranties, so the foregoing exclusions, as to implied warranties, may not apply to you.
furthermore, registrar neither warrants nor makes any representations regarding the use or the results of the orderbox, orderbox servers, registrar website and any other software / api / specification / documentation / application services in terms of their correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise.
This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Country, State and City where Registrar is incorporated, applicable therein without reference to rules governing choice of laws. Any action relating to this Agreement must be brought in city, state, country where Registrar is incorporated. Registrar reserves the right to enforce the law in the Country/State/District where the Registered/Corporate/Branch Office, or Place of Management/Residence of the Registrant is situated as per the laws of that Country/State/District.
If any legal action or other legal proceeding relating to the performance under this Agreement or the enforcement of any provision of this Agreement is brought against either Party hereto, the
prevailing Party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and disbursements (in addition to any other relief to which the prevailing Party may be entitled.
For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the Order, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile and (2) the Registrar's country of incorporation.
(1) Any reference in this Agreement to gender shall include all genders, and words importing the singular number only shall include the plural and vice versa.
(2) There are no representations, warranties, conditions or other agreements, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, between the Parties in connection with the subject matter of this Agreement, except as specifically set forth herein.
(3) The Parties shall attempt to resolve any disputes between them prior to resorting to litigation through mutual understanding or a mutually acceptable Arbitrator.
(4) This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon Registrar and the Registrant as well as all respective successors and permitted assigns.
(5) Survival: In the event of termination of this Agreement for any reason, Sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 23(3), 23(5), 23(7), 23(11), 24(2) and all of Appendix A, and all Sections of Appendix B, and Sections 1, 2, 3 of Appendix W shall survive.
(6) This Agreement does not provide and shall not be construed to provide third parties (i.e. non- parties to this Agreement), with any remedy, claim, and cause of action or privilege against Registrar.
(7) The Registrant, Registrar, its Service Providers, Registry Operator, Resellers, and Customer are independent contractors, and nothing in this Agreement will create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, and sales representative or employment relationship between the parties.
(8) Further Assurances: Each Party hereto shall execute and/or cause to be delivered to the other Party hereto such instruments and other documents, and shall take such other actions, as such other Party may reasonably request for the purpose of carrying out or evidencing any of the transactions contemplated / carried out, by / as a result of, this Agreement.
(9) Construction: The Parties agree that any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting Party shall not be applied in the construction or interpretation of this Agreement.
(10) Entire Agreement; Severability: This Agreement, including all Appendices constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior agreements, representations, statements, negotiations, understandings, proposals or undertakings, oral or written, with respect to the subject matter expressly set forth herein. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, each Party agrees that such provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the Parties, and the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. If necessary to effect the intent of the Parties, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith to amend this Agreement to replace the unenforceable language with enforceable language that reflects such intent as closely as possible.
(11) The division of this Agreement into Sections, Subsections, Appendices, Extensions and other Subdivisions and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect or be used in the construction or interpretation of this Agreement.
(12) This agreement may be executed in counterparts.
(13) Language. All notices, designations, and specifications made under this Agreement shall be made in the English Language only.
(14) Dates and Times. All dates and times relevant to this Agreement or its performance shall be computed based on the date and time observed in Mumbai, India (IST) i.e. GMT+5:30
In the event that Registrar suspects breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement:
(1) Registrar can immediately, without any notification and without assigning any reasons, suspend / terminate the Registrants access to the OrderBox Server.
(2) The Registrant will be immediately liable for any damages caused by any breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
(3) Registrar can immediately, without any notification and without assigning any reasons, delete / suspend / terminate / freeze the Order.
(1) Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be delivered to Registrar under this Agreement shall be in writing unless otherwise specified and shall be deemed properly delivered when delivered to contact address specified on the Registrar Website by registered mail or courier. Any communication shall be deemed to have been validly and effectively given, on the date of receiving such communication, if such date is a Business Day and such delivery was made prior to 17:30 (Indian Standard Time) and otherwise on the next Business Day.
(2) Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be delivered to the Registrant under this Agreement shall be in writing unless otherwise specified and shall be deemed properly delivered, given and received when delivered to contact address of the Registrant in the OrderBox Database.
(3) Any notice or other communication to be delivered to any party via email under this agreement shall be deemed to have been properly delivered if sent in case of Registrar to its Legal Contact mentioned on the Registrar Website and in case of the Registrant to their respective email address in the OrderBox Database.
This Appendix A covers the terms of access to the OrderBox. Any violation of these terms will constitute a breach of agreement, and grounds for immediate termination of this Agreement.
1. ACCESS TO OrderBox
(1) Registrar may in its ABSOLUTE and UNFETTERED SOLE DISCRETION, temporarily suspend OrderBox Users' access to the OrderBox in the event of significant degradation of the OrderBox, or at any time Registrar may deem necessary.
(2) Registrar may in its ABSOLUTE and UNFETTERED SOLE DISCRETION make modifications to the OrderBox from time to time.
(3) Access to the OrderBox is controlled by authentication information provided by Registrar. Registrar is not responsible for any action in the OrderBox that takes place using this authentication information whether authorized or not.
(4) Registrar is not responsible for any action in the OrderBox by a OrderBox User.
(5) OrderBox User will not attempt to hack, crack, gain unauthorized access, misuse or engage in any practice that may hamper operations of the OrderBox including, without Limitation temporary
/ permanent slowdown of the OrderBox, damage to data, software, operating system, applications, hardware components, network connectivity or any other hardware / software that constitute the OrderBox and architecture needed to continue operation thereof.
(6) OrderBox User will not send or cause the sending of repeated unreasonable network requests to the OrderBox or establish repeated unreasonable connections to the OrderBox. Registrar will in its ABSOLUTE and UNFETTERED SOLE DISCRETION decide what constitutes as a reasonable number of requests or connections.
(7) OrderBox User will take reasonable measures and precautions to ensure secrecy of authentication information.
(8) OrderBox User will take reasonable precautions to protect OrderBox Data from misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
(9) Registrar shall not be responsible for damage caused due to the compromise of your Authentication information in any manner OR any authorized/unauthorized use of the Authentication Information.
(10) Registrar shall not be liable for any damages due to downtime or interruption of OrderBox for any duration and any cause whatsoever.
(11) Registrar shall have the right to temporarily or permanently suspend access of a OrderBox User to the OrderBox if Registrar in its ABSOLUTE and UNFETTERED SOLE DISCRETION suspects misuse of the access to the OrderBox, or learns of any possible misuse that has occurred, or will occur with respect to a OrderBox User.
(12) Registrar and Service Providers reserve the right to, in their sole discretion, reject any request, network connection, e-mail, or message, to, or passing through, OrderBox
(1) Registrant, or its contractors, employees, directors, officers, representatives, agents and affiliates and OrderBox Users, either directly or indirectly, shall not use or permit use of the OrderBox, directly or indirectly, in violation of any federal, state or local rule, regulation or law, or for any unlawful purpose, or to promote adult-oriented or "offensive" material, or related to any unsolicited bulk e-mail directly or indirectly (such as by referencing an OrderBox provided service within a spam email or as a reply back address), or related to ANY unsolicited marketing efforts offline or online, directly or indirectly, or in a manner injurious to Registrar, Registry Operator, Service Providers or their Resellers, Customers, or their reputation, including but not limited to the following:
(1) Usenet spam (off-topic, bulk posting/cross-posting, advertising in non-commercial newsgroups, etc.);
(2) posting a single article or substantially similar articles to an excessive number of newsgroups (i.e., more than 2-3) or posting of articles which are off-topic (i.e., off-topic according to the newsgroup charter or the article provokes complaints from the readers of the newsgroup for being off-topic);
(3) sending unsolicited mass e-mails (i.e., to more than 10 individuals, generally referred to as spamming) which provokes complaints from any of the recipients; or engaging in spamming from any provider;
(4) offering for sale or otherwise enabling access to software products that facilitate the sending of unsolicited e-mail or facilitate the assembling of multiple e-mail addresses ("spamware");
(5) advertising, transmitting, linking to, or otherwise making available any software, program, product, or service that is designed to violate these terms, including but not limited to the facilitation of the means to spam, initiation of pinging, flooding, mailbombing, denial of service attacks, and piracy of software;
(6) harassment of other individuals utilizing the Internet after being asked to stop by those individuals, a court, a law-enforcement agency and/or Registrar;
(7) impersonating another user or entity or an existing company/user/service or otherwise falsifying one's identity for fraudulent purposes in e-mail, Usenet postings, on IRC, or with any other Internet service, or for the purpose of directing traffic of said user or entity elsewhere;
(8) using OrderBox services to point to or otherwise direct traffic to, directly or indirectly, any material that, in the sole opinion of Registrar, is associated with spamming, bulk e-mail, e-mail harvesting, warez (or links to such material), is in violation of copyright law, or contains material judged, in the sole opinion of Registrar, to be threatening or obscene or inappropriate;
(9) using OrderBox directly or indirectly for any of the below activities activities:
(1) transmitting Unsolicited Commercial e-mail (UCE);
(2) transmitting bulk e-mail;
(3) being listed, or, in our sole opinion is about to be listed, in any Spam Blacklist or DNS Blacklist;
(4) posting bulk Usenet/newsgroup articles;
(5) Denial of Service attacks of any kind;
(6) excessive use of any web service obtained under this agreement beyond reasonable limits as determined by the Registrar in its sole discretion;
(7) copyright or trademark infringement;
(8) unlawful or illegal activities of any kind;
(9) promoting net abuse in any manner (providing software, tools or information which enables, facilitates or otherwise supports net abuse);
(10) causing lossage or creating service degradation for other users whether intentional or inadvertent.
(2) Registrar in its sole discretion will determine what constitutes as violation of appropriate usage including but not limited to all of the above.
(3) Data in the OrderBox Database cannot be used for any purpose other than those listed below, except if explicit written permission has been obtained from Registrar:
(1) to perform services contemplated under this agreement; and
(2) to communicate with Registrar on any matter pertaining to Registrar or its services.
(4) data in the OrderBox Database cannot specifically be used for any purpose listed below:
(1) Mass Mailing or SPAM; and
(2) selling the data.
(1) Registrar will accept payment for the Order from the Customer or Resellers.
(2) Registrant can refer to xxxx:// registration-pricing for fee charged by the P.D.R Solutions FZC for the Order. The Registrant acknowledges that the Registrar or P.D.R Solutions FZC reserves the right to change the pricing without any prior notification.
(3) In the event that a payment made via Credit Card or the payment instrument sent by the Customer or Reseller bounces due to Lack of Funds or any other Reason, then
(1) Registrar may immediately suspend OrderBox Users' access to the OrderBox
(2) Registrar has the right to terminate this agreement with immediate effect and without any notice.
(4) Registrar in its ABSOLUTE and UNFETTERED SOLE DISCRETION may delete, suspend, deny, cancel, modify, take ownership of or transfer any or all of the Orders placed of the Registrant as well as stop / suspend / delete / transfer any Orders currently being processed.
(5) Registrar in its ABSOLUTE and UNFETTERED SOLE DISCRETION may Transfer all Orders placed by the Registrant to another Customer, or under Registrar's account.
(6) Registrar in its ABSOLUTE and UNFETTERED SOLE DISCRETION may xxxx reasonable additional charges for the processing of the Charge-back / Payment Reversal in addition to actual costs of the same.
(7) Registrar shall have the right to initiate any legal proceedings against the Registrant to recover any such liabilities.
If the Order is a .COM/.NET/.ORG domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
As part of the registration process, you are required to provide us with certain information and to update this information to keep it current, complete and accurate. This information includes:
(1) full name of an authorized contact person, company name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the Registrant;
(2) the primary nameserver and secondary nameserver(s), if any for the domain name;
(3) the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the technical contact for the domain name;
(4) the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the administrative contact for the domain name;
(5) the name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the billing contact for the domain name; and
You agree to be bound by the current Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, available at xxxx:// that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
If the Order is a .BIZ domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
(1) Registrations in the .BIZ TLD must be used or intended to be used primarily for bona fide business or commercial purposes. For purposes of the .BIZ Registration Restrictions ("Restrictions"), "bona fide business or commercial use" shall mean the bona fide use or bona fide intent to use the domain name or any content, software, materials, graphics or other information thereon, to permit Internet users to access one or more host computers through the DNS:
(1) to exchange goods, services, or property of any kind;
(2) in the ordinary course of trade or business; or
(3) to facilitate:
(1) the exchange of goods, services, information, or property of any kind; or
(2) the ordinary course of trade or business.
(2) Registering a domain name solely for the purposes of
(1) selling, trading or leasing the domain name for compensation, or
(2) the unsolicited offering to sell, trade or lease the domain name for compensation shall not constitute a "bona fide business or commercial use" of that domain name.
(1) As a .BIZ domain name Registrant, you hereby certify to the best of your knowledge that the registered domain name will be used primarily for bona fide business or commercial purposes and not exclusively for personal use or solely for the purposes of selling, trading or leasing the domain name for compensation, or the unsolicited offering to sell, trade or lease the domain name for compensation. For more information on the .BIZ restrictions, which are incorporated herein by reference, please see: xxxx://
(2) The domain name Registrant has the authority to enter into the registration agreement.
(3) The registered domain name is reasonably related to the Registrant's business or intended commercial purpose at the time of registration.
As part of the registration process, you are required to provide us with certain information and to update this information to keep it current, complete and accurate. This information includes:
(1) full name of an authorized contact person, company name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the Registrant;
(2) the primary nameserver and secondary nameserver(s), if any for the domain name;
(3) the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the technical contact for the domain name;
(4) the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the administrative contact for the domain name;
(5) the name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the billing contact for the domain name; and
You agree to be bound by the dispute policies in the following documents that are incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, available at xxxx://
The Start-up Trademark Opposition Policy ("STOP"), available at xxxx://
The Restrictions Dispute Resolution Criteria and Rules, available at xxxx://
The STOP sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between a registrant of a .BIZ domain name with any third party (other than Registry Operator or Registrar) over the registration or use of a .BIZ domain name registered by Registrant that is subject to the Intellectual Property Claim Service. The Intellectual Property Claim Service a service introduced by Registry Operator to notify a trademark or service xxxx xxxxxx ("Claimant") that a second-level domain name has been registered in which that Claimant claims intellectual property rights. In accordance with the STOP and its associated Rules, those Claimants will have the right to challenge registrations through independent ICANN-accredited dispute resolution providers.
The UDRP sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between a Registrant and any party other than the Registry Operator or Registrar over the registration and use of an Internet domain name registered by Registrant.
The RDRP sets forth the terms under which any allegation that a domain name is not used primarily for business or commercial purposes shall be enforced on a case-by-case, fact specific basis by an independent ICANN-accredited dispute provider. None of the violations of the Restrictions will be enforced directly by or through Registry Operator. Registry Operator will not review, monitor, or otherwise verify that any particular domain name is being used primarily for business or commercial purposes or that a domain name is being used in compliance with the SUDRP or UDRP processes.
If the Order is a .INFO domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
(1) Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's Uniform Domain Name Dispute Policy (UDRP) as laid out at xxxx:// and comply with the requirements set forth by Afilias for domain names registered during the Sunrise Period, including
the mandatory Sunrise Dispute Resolution Policy. These policies are available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xxxx. These policies are subject to modification.
(2) Registrant acknowledges that Afilias, the registry operator for .INFO, will have no liability of any kind for any loss or liability resulting from the proceedings and processes relating to the Sunrise Period or the Land Rush Period, including, without limitation:
(1) the ability or inability of a registrant to obtain a Registered Name during these periods, and
(2) the results of any dispute over a Sunrise Registration.
If the Order is a .NAME domain name, or a .NAME Email Forward, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
Domain Name and Email Forward Registrations in the .NAME TLD must constitute an individual's "Personal Name". For purposes of the .NAME restrictions (the "Restrictions"), a "Personal Name" is a person's legal name, or a name by which the person is commonly known. A "name by which a person is commonly known" includes, without limitation, a pseudonym used by an author or painter, or a stage name used by x xxxxxx or actor.
As a .NAME domain name or Email Forward Registrant, you hereby certify to the best of your knowledge that the SLD is your Personal Name.
As part of the registration process, you are required to provide us with certain information and to update this information to keep it current, complete and accurate. This information includes the information contained in the Whois directory, including:
(1) full name of an authorized contact person, company name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the Registrant;
(2) the primary nameserver and secondary nameserver(s), if any for the domain name;
(3) the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the technical contact for the domain name;
(4) the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the administrative contact for the domain name;
(5) the name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the billing contact for the domain name; and
You further understand that the foregoing registration data may be transferred outside of the European Community, such as to the United States, and you expressly consent to such export.
You agree to be bound by the dispute policies in the following documents that are incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference:
(1) the Eligibility Requirements (the "Eligibility Requirements"), available at xxxx://
(2) the Eligibility Requirements Dispute Resolution Policy (the "ERDRP"), available at xxxx://; and
(3) the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the "UDRP"), available at xxxx://
The Eligibility Requirements dictate that Personal Name domain names and Personal Name SLD email addresses will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis, except for registrations granted as a result of a dispute resolution proceeding or during the landrush procedures in connection with the opening of the Registry TLD. The following categories of Personal Name Registrations may be registered:
(1) the Personal Name of an individual;
(2) the Personal Name of a fictional character, if you have trademark or service mark rights in that character's Personal Name;
(3) in addition to a Personal Name registration, you may add numeric characters to the beginning or the end of your Personal Name so as to differentiate it from other Personal Names.
The ERDRP applies to challenges to:
(1) registered domain names and SLD email address registrations within .NAME on the grounds that a Registrant does not meet the Eligibility Requirements, and
(2) to Defensive Registrations within .NAME.
The UDRP sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between a Registrant and party other than Global Name Registry ("Registry Operator") or Registrar over the registration and use of an Internet domain name registered by a Registrant.
If the Order is a .NAME email forward, the Registrant, must also agree to the following additional terms and conditions:
(1) You acknowledge that you are responsible for all use of Email Forwarding, including the content of messages sent through Email Forwarding.
(2) You undertake to familiarize yourself with the content of and to comply with the generally accepted rules for Internet and email usage.
(3) Without prejudice to the foregoing, you undertake not to use Email Forwarding:
(1) to encourage, allow or participate in any form of illegal or unsuitable activity, including but not restricted to the exchange of threatening, obscene or offensive messages, spreading computer viruses, breach of copyright and/or proprietary rights or publishing defamatory material;
(2) to gain illegal access to systems or networks by unauthorized access to or use of the data in systems or networks, including all attempts at guessing passwords, checking or testing the vulnerability of a system or network or breaching the security or access control without the sufficient approval of the owner of the system or network;
(3) to interrupt data traffic to other users, servers or networks, including, but not restricted to, mail bombing, flooding, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, willful attempts to overload another system or other forms of harassment; or
(4) for spamming, which includes, but is not restricted to, the mass mailing of unsolicited email, junk mail, the use of distribution lists (mailing lists) which include persons who have not specifically given their consent to be placed on such a distribution list
(4) Users are not permitted to provide false names or in any other way to pose as somebody else when using Email Forwarding.
(5) Registry Operator reserves the right to implement additional anti-spam measures, to block spam or mail from systems with a history of abuse from entering Registry Operator's Email Forwarding.
(6) On discontinuing Email Forwarding, Registry Operator is not obliged to store any contents or to forward unsent email to you or a third party.
If the Order is a .NAME Defensive Registration, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
Defensive Registrations allow owners of nationally registered marks to exclusively pre-register on the .NAME space and create a protective barrier for their trademarks. A "Defensive Registration" is a registration granted to a third party of a specific string on the second or third level, or of a specific set of strings on the second and third levels, which will not resolve within the domain name system but may prevent the registration of the same string(s) on the same level(s) by other third party applicants.
(1) As a Defensive Registration Registrant ("Defensive Registrant"), you hereby certify to the best of your knowledge that for Phase I Defensive Registrations ("Phase I Defensive Registrants"), you own valid and enforceable trademark or service mark registrations having national effect that issued prior to April 16, 2001 for strings that are identical to the textual or word elements, using ASCII characters only, subject to the same character and formatting restrictions as apply to all registrations in the Registry TLD. You understand that trademark or service mark registrations from the supplemental or equivalent Registry of any country, or from individual states or provinces of a nation, will not be accepted. Subject to the same character and formatting restrictions as apply to all registrations in the Registry TLD, if a trademark or service mark registration incorporates design elements, the ASCII character portion of that mark may qualify to be a Phase I Defensive Registration.
(2) Phase II Defensive Registrants may apply for a Defensive Registration for any string or combination of strings.
(3) Defensive Registrants, whether Phase I or Phase II shall comply with the following Eligibility Requirements, available at xxxx:// 03jul01.htm, the summary of which is as follows:
(1) There are two levels of Defensive Registrations, each of which is subject to payment of a separate fee;
(2) Multiple persons or entities may obtain identical or overlapping Defensive Registrations upon payment by each of a separate registration fee;
(3) The Defensive Registrant must provide the information requested in Section 3(i) below;
(4) A Defensive Registration will not be granted if it conflicts with a then-existing Personal Name Registration or other reserved word or string.
As part of the registration process, you are required to provide us with certain information and to update this information to keep it current, complete and accurate. You must provide contact information, including name, email address, postal address and telephone number, for use in disputes relating to the Defensive Registration. You understand and agree that this contact
information will be provided as part of the Whois record for the Defensive Registration. You further understand that the foregoing registration data may be transferred outside of the European Community, such as to the United States, and you expressly consent to such export.
In addition to the information provided in subsection 1. above, Phase I Defensive Registrants must also provide:
(1) the name, in ASCII characters, of the trademark or service mark being registered;
(2) the date the registration issued;
(3) the country of registration; and
(4) the registration number or other comparable identifier used by the registration authority.
If you registered a Defensive Registration, you agree that:
(1) the Defensive Registration will be subject to challenge pursuant to the Eligibility Requirements Dispute Resolution Policy ("ERDRP");
(2) if the Defensive Registration is successfully challenged pursuant to the ERDRP, the Defensive Registrant will pay the challenge fees; and
(3) if a challenge is successful, then the Defensive Registration will be subject to the procedures described in Xxxxxxx 0(x) of Appendix L to the agreement of Global Name Registry ("Registry Operator") with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN"), available at xxxx://;
(4) if a Phase I Defensive Registration is successfully challenged on the basis that it did not meet the applicable Eligibility Requirements, the Defensive Registrant will thereafter be required to demonstrate, at its expense, that it meets the Eligibility Requirements for Phase I Defensive Registrations for all other Phase I Defensive Registrations that it registered within .NAME through any Registrar. In the event that the Defensive Registrant is unable to demonstrate the foregoing with respect to any such Phase I Defensive Registration(s), those Defensive Registration(s) will be cancelled;
(5) The ERDRP applies to, among other things, challenges to Defensive Registrations within .NAME and is available at xxxx://
Defensive Registrants may be asked to give their consent to allow individuals to share a part of their space. For example, if you have filed a Defensive Registration on PQR (which blocks out XXXXXXXXX.XXX.xxxx and XXX.XXXXXXXXX.xxxx), you may be asked to give consent to Xxxx Xxx to register XXXX.XXX.xxxx if he can prove that PQR is his name. In such a circumstance, you will have five (5) days to respond to a request for consent.
If the Order is a .US domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief:
(1) neither the registration of the domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly used infringes the legal rights of any third party;
(2) you have the requisite power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform the obligations hereunder;
(3) you have and shall continue to have a lawful bona fide US Nexus as defined in the "usTLD Nexus Requirements;"
(4) you are of legal age to enter into this Agreement; and
(5) you agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and policies of the usTLD Administrator.
As part of the registration process, you are required to provide us with certain information and to update this information to keep it current, complete and accurate. This information includes:
(1) full name of an authorized contact person, company name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the Registrant;
(2) the primary nameserver and secondary nameserver(s), if any for the domain name;
(3) the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the technical contact for the domain name;
(4) the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the administrative contact for the domain name;
(5) the name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the billing contact for the domain name; and
(6) any other data NeuStar, as the Registry, requires be submitted to it, including specifically information regarding the primary purpose for which a domain name is registered (e.g., business, education, etc.).
You understand and agree that the U.S. Government shall have the right to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever and to have or permit other to do so, all Data provided by Registrant. "Data" means any recorded information, and includes without limitation, technical data and computer software, regardless of the form or the medium on which it may be recorded.
You agree to submit to proceedings under Domain Dispute policies set forth by Neustar. These policies are available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xx and are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement.
Your registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer:
(1) pursuant to any usTLD Administrator adopted specification or policy, or pursuant to any registrar or usTLD Administrator procedure not inconsistent with a usTLD Administrator adopted specification or policy; or
(2) to correct mistakes by Registrar or the usTLD Administrator in registering the name; or
(3) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name.
If the Order is a .IN domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief:
(1) neither the registration of the domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly used, infringes the legal rights of any third party, breaks any applicable laws or regulations, including discrimination on the basis of race, language, sex or religion, is used in bad faith or for any unlawful purpose;
(2) your registered domain name is not contrary to public policy and the content of the website does not violate any Indian Laws.
You agree to be bound by the dispute policies as decided by the .IN Registry and published at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx that are incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
If the Order is a .EU domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief:
(1) neither the registration of the domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly used infringes the legal rights of any third party;
(2) you have the requisite power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform the obligations hereunder;
(3) you are registering an .eu domain name as either:
(1) an undertaking having its registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European Union Community; or
(2) an organisation established within the EU Community without prejudice to the application of national law; or
(3) a natural person resident within the EU Community.
(4) you are of legal age to enter into this Agreement; and
(5) you agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and policies of the .EU Registry. The details of the same can be obtained from xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/.
As part of the registration process, you are required to provide us with certain information and to update this information to keep it current, complete and accurate. This information includes:
(1) the full name of the Registrant; where no name of a company or organisation is specified, the individual requesting registration of the Domain Name will be considered the Registrant; if the name of the company or the organisation is specified, then the company or organisation is considered the Registrant;
(2) address and country within the European Union Community:
(1) where the registered office, central administration or principal place of business of the undertaking of the Registrant is located; or
(2) where the organisation of the Registrant is established; or
(3) where the Registrant resides;
(3) e-mail address of the Registrant;
(4) the telephone number where the Registrant can be contacted.
You agree to submit to proceedings under Domain Dispute policies set forth by the EU Registry. These policies are available in the EU Regulation 874/2004 at xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx and are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement.
Your registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer:
(1) pursuant to the rules set forth by the EU Registry within the EU Regulation 874/2004 or any other policy listed at xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/; or
(2) to correct mistakes by Registrar or the EU Registry in registering the name; or
(3) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name.
The Privacy Protection Service hides the contact details of the actual owner from appearing in the Whois Lookup Result of his domain name.
(1) Registrant acknowledges and agrees that the contact information being displayed in the Whois of a privacy protected Domain Order will be those designated by the Registrar, and
(1) any mail received via post at this Address would be rejected;
(2) any telephone call received at this Telephone Number, would be greeted with an electronic answering machine requesting the caller to email the email address listed in the Whois of this privacy protected domain name;
(3) the sender of any email to an email address listed in the Whois of this privacy protected domain name, will get an automated response email asking them to visit the URL xxxx:// to contact the Registrant, Administrative, Billing or Technical Contact of a privacy protected domain name through an online form. This message would be relayed as an email message via xxxx:// to the actual Registrant, Administrative, Billing or Technical Contact email address in the OrderBox Database.
(2) Registrant agrees that we can not guarantee delivery of messages to either the Registrant, Administrative, Billing, Technical Contact, or Customer of a privacy protected Order, and that such message may not be delivered in time or at all, for any reason whatsoever. Registrar and Service Providers disclaim any and all liability associated with non-delivery of any messages relating to the Domain Order and this service.
(3) Registrant understands that the Privacy Protection Service is only available for certain TLDs.
(4) Irrespective of whether Privacy Protection is enabled or not, Registrants are required to fulfill their obligations of providing true and accurate contact information as detailed in the Agreement.
(5) Registrant understands and acknowledges that Registrar in its sole, unfettered discretion, can discontinue providing Privacy Protection Services on the Order for any purpose, including but not limited to:
(1) if Registrar receives any abuse complaint for the privacy protected domain name, or
(2) pursuant to any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement agency, or
(3) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name, or
(4) for any other reason that Registrar in its sole discretion deems appropriate to switch off the Privacy Protection Services.
Registrant agrees to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Registrar, Service Providers,, and their parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, agents, directors, officers and employees, from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, losses,
damages or costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or related in any way to the Privacy Protection services provided hereunder.
If the Order is a .UK domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief:
(1) you are aware that registering a .UK domain name, involves you contracting with the Nominet which is the .UK Registry, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://
(2) you agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and policies of Nominet available on their website at xxxx://
You agree to submit to proceedings under the Dispute Resolution Service Policy set forth by Nominet. These policies are available at xxxx:// and are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement.
If the Order is a .TRAVEL domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
Over and above the obligations already described in this Agreement, you are required to provide us the UIN (Unique Identification Number), as issued by the .TRAVEL Registry to an entity that is eligible to hold a .travel domain name.
You agree to be bound by the current .TRAVEL TLD Charter Eligibility Dispute Resolution Policy as well as the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, available at xxxx:// that are incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
If the Order is a .WS domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You understand and agree that the .WS Registry shall have the right to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever and to have or permit other to do so, all Data provided by You. "Data" means any recorded information, and includes without limitation, technical data and computer software, regardless of the form or the medium on which it may be recorded.
You agree to be bound by the current Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, available at xxxx:// that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
If the Order is x .XXXX domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to:
(1) the terms and conditions of the .COOP Registration Agreement with the .COOP Sponsor DCLLC (DotCoop Limited Liability Company), available at xxxx://
_registration_agreement.pdf; and
(2) the Verification & Eligibility Policy available at xxxx://; and
(3) the Charter Eligibility Dispute Resolution Policy ("CEDRP") and DotCoop Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy ("DCDRP") found at xxxx://; and
(4) the Transfer Policy found at xxxx://
all of the above included herein by reference.
Where there is a conflict, contradiction or inconsistency between the provisions of this Appendix (.COOP DOMAIN NAME SPECIFIC CONDITIONS) and this DOMAIN REGISTRANT AGREEMENT, the
provisions of this Appendix shall prevail in respect of all .COOP domain name registrations only.
In particular we draw the following to your attention:
You agree:
(1) to meet all eligibility requirements mandated by .COOP Sponsor for registration of x .XXXX name, as set forth in the .COOP Charter set out in xxxx://
(2) in the event you are found not to be entitled to register x .XXXX domain name for failure to meet .COOP Sponsor eligibility requirements, that the domain name may not be registered (and, if already registered, it will be deleted). You release the .COOP Sponsor from any and all liability stemming from deletion of any domain name. Deleted .COOP names will be returned to the pool of names available for registration. The privacy statement, located on the .COOP Sponsor's Web site at xxxx:// and incorporated herein by reference sets forth your and the .COOP Sponsor's rights and responsibilities with regard to your personal information.
You agree to adhere to the .COOP policies set forth on xxxx://, including but not limited to the requirement that third-and-higher-level domain names within your second level domain may only be used internally by you (absent a written license from the .COOP Sponsor).
You agree that, if your use of our domain name registration services is challenged by a third party, you will be subject to the provisions specified in the .COOP Sponsor's dispute policy as found at xxxx:// as it may be modified at the time of the dispute. You agree that in the event a domain name dispute arises with any third party, you will indemnify and hold your .COOP Registrar and the .COOP Sponsor harmless pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the .COOP Domain Name Specific Conditions. If the .COOP Registrar or Sponsor are notified that a complaint has been filed with a judicial or administrative body regarding your use of our domain name registration services, you agree not to make any changes to your domain name record without prior approval. Registrar may not allow you to make changes to such domain name record until (i) Registrar is directed to do so by the judicial or administrative body, or (ii) Registrar receives notification by you and the other party contesting your registration and use of our domain name registration services that the dispute has been settled.
XX.XXX, XX.XXX or XX.XXX domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You understand and agree that CentralNic shall have the right to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display
publicly, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever and to have or permit other to do so, all Data provided by Registrant. "Data" means any recorded information, and includes without limitation, technical data and computer software, regardless of the form or the medium on which it may be recorded.
You agree to submit to proceedings under Domain Dispute policies set forth by CentralNic. These policies are available at xxxx:// and are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement.
If the Order is a .MOBI domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief:
(1) you are aware that registering a .MOBI domain name, involves you contracting with mTLD which is the .MOBI Registry, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://xxxx.xxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxx/Xxxxxxxxx- Registrant+Agreement+Text+%5BJan+09+revision%5D.pdf.
(2) you agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and policies of mTLD available on their website at xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxx/.
You agree to be bound by the current Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, available at xxxx:// that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
If the Order is a .ASIA domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
(1) "Charter Eligibility Declaration Contact" ("CED Contact") is a contact that is designated to make the declaration that it meets the Charter Eligibility Requirement for registering a .ASIA domain name.
(2) "Charter Eligibility Requirement" means the eligibility requirement set out in the .ASIA Charter, that the Registered Name Holder is required to comply with. The policy for such requirement, the "Charter Eligibility Requirement Policy" is stated on DotAsia's website at xxxx://xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxx.
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief:
(1) you are aware that registering a .ASIA domain name, involves you contracting with the .ASIA Registry, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxx.
(2) you are aware that every .ASIA domain name must specify a CED Contact, that is a legal entity or natural person in the DotAsia Community. The DotAsia Community is defined based on the geographical boundaries described by the ICANN Asia / Australia / Pacific region (xxxx://
(3) you are aware that in the event you do not have a legal entity or natural person in the DotAsia Community, the Registrar allows you to designate a Registrar-assigned CED Contact, to facilitate your .asia domain name registration.
(4) you have made known to the Charter Eligibility Declaration Contact (CED Contact), and the CED Contact has agreed, that the Registrant Contact and the CED Contact will jointly be defined as the Registered Name Xxxxxx, and that it shall be jointly responsible for the Registered Name in the event of a dispute or a challenge over the Registered Name Xxxxxx'x legal entitlement to or the ownership of the Registered Name. The CED Contact shall be bound by the provisions in the DotAsia Organisation Limited's .ASIA Charter Eligibility Requirement Policy published from time to time. Registered Name Holder acting as Registrant Contact agrees that it has obtained an agreement from the CED Contact that the Registrant Contact shall remain the Operating Contact for all operations of the domain, including but not limited to domain transfer and updates.
(5) in the event of a domain name dispute both the CED Contact and the Registrant Contact can be named as the responding party, the CED Contact however is responsible only for acknowledging
the dispute proceedings and to refer the case to the Registrant Contact. The Registrant Contact shall remain solely responsible for all operations and liabilities regarding the use of the domain.
You agree to be bound by the current ICANN's Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), available at xxxx:// and ICANN's Charter Eligibility Dispute Resolution Policy (CEDRP), available at xxxx://, that are incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
If the Order is a .ME domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief:
(1) you are aware that registering a .ME domain name, involves you contracting with the xxXXx,
x.x.x. Registry which is the .ME Registry, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx/.
(2) you agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and policies of xxXXx, x.x.x. available on their website at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx/.
You agree to submit to proceedings under the Dispute Resolution Service Policy set forth by xxXXx, x.x.x.. These policies are available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx/ and are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement.
If the Order is a .TEL domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief:
(1) you are aware that registering a .TEL domain name, involves you contracting with the telnic which is the .TEL Registry, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://
(2) you are aware that registering a .TEL domain name, requires you to submit atleast one communications contact such as a telephone number, an email address, an instant-messaging handle or a web link associated with you.
You agree to be bound by the current Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, available at xxxx:// that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
.COM, .NET (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.ORG (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.BIZ (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.INFO (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.NAME and .NAME Defensive Registrations and .NAME Mail Forwards (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.US (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.IN (through Registrar Webiq Domains Solutions Pvt Ltd)
.EU (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.UK (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.TRAVEL (through Registrar Directi Internet Solutions Pvt. Ltd. D/B/A
.WS (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.COOP (through Registrar Xxxxxxx.xxxx Ltd.)
CentralNIC (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.MOBI (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.ASIA (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.ME (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.TEL (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.MN, .BZ (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.CC, .TV (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.CN (through Registrar Directi Web Services Pvt. Ltd)
.NZ (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.CO (through Registrar <#=dotco_serviceprovidername#>)
.CA (through Registrar Inc)
.DE (through Registrar Directi Internet Solutions Pvt. Ltd. d/b/a
.ES (through Registrar Directi Internet Solutions Pvt. Ltd. d/b/a
.AU (through Registrar Public Domain Registry Pty Ltd.)
.RU (through Registrar RU-Center)
.XXX (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.PRO (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
.SX (through Registrar PDR Ltd.)
.PW (through Registrar <#=dotpw_serviceprovidername#>)
.XX.XXX (through Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a
If the Order is a .CN domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief you are aware that registering a .CN domain name, involves you contracting with the CNNIC which is the .CN Registry, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx.
If the Order is a .CN domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to be bound by the current CNNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/ that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
Registrar and registrant are bound by the policies, at xxxx://, that are incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
In the case of any conflict between .NZ and this agreement, the .NZ terms apply. If the Order is a
.NZ domain name the following applies:
For all purposes the details shown in the .NZ register shall be treated as correct and the authoritative record.
If we are going to cancel the registration of a domain name registered to you as a result of you not paying our charges relating to its renewal, we will give you fourteen days notice before we initiate action to cancel that domain name.
To the extent legally permitted, you agree that:
(1) all services of the .NZ Registry are provided under New Zealand law.
(2) any claim or dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement must be instituted within 60 days from the date the relevant service was supplied to you.
(3) except as otherwise stated, you may take action against us only in a New Zealand court.
We may cancel or suspend this agreement by giving you one month's notice.
The Registrant acknowledges and agrees that during the first five days after initial registration of the Order the Registrant may not be able to transfer the Order to another Registrar.
If the Order is a .CO domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief you are aware that registering a .CO domain name, involves you contracting with the .CO Internet S.A.S which is the
.CO Administrator, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/.
To the extent legally permitted, you agree that:
(1) all services of the .CO Registry are provided under laws of Colombia.
(2) any disputes, claims or controversies arising out of the registration, ownership, use, transfer, assignment, loss, cancellation, or suspension of any Registered Name or otherwise relating to the
.CO TLD between Registrant and the .CO Registry shall be governed exclusively by the laws of Colombia and that any such disputes, claims or controversies shall be brought and heard exclusively in the courts located in Bogota, Colombia.
If the Order is a .CO domain name, the Registrant acknowledges having read and understood and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy adopted by ICANN, available at xxxx:// (the "UDRP"), as the same may be amended from time to time and which is hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement.
If the Order is a .CA domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the terms within the .CA Registrant Agreement displayed at the time of registering a .CA domain name and while assigning a new Registrant Contact for the domain name.
Where there is a conflict, contradiction or inconsistency between the provisions of this Appendix (.CA DOMAIN NAME SPECIFIC CONDITIONS) and this DOMAIN REGISTRANT AGREEMENT, the
provisions of this Appendix shall prevail in respect of all .CA domain name registrations only.
If the Order is a .DE domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief you are aware that registering a .DE domain name, involves you contracting with the DENIC eG (DENIC) which is the
.DE Registry, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/xx/xxxxxxx.xxxx.
To the extent legally permitted, you agree that:
(1) all services of the .DE Registry are provided under laws of Germany.
(2) either the Registrant or the Administrative Contact of your .DE domain name is domiciled in Germany and would be legally able to receive German Court documents and/or summons.
(3) any disputes, claims or controversies arising out of the registration, ownership, use, transfer, assignment, loss, cancellation, or suspension of any Registered Name or otherwise relating to the
.DE TLD between Registrant and the .DE Registry shall be governed exclusively by the laws of Germany and that any such disputes, claims or controversies shall be brought and heard exclusively in the courts located in Germany.
If the Order is a .DE domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to be bound by the current DENIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/xx/xxxxxxx.xxxx that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
If the Order is a .ES domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief you are aware that registering a .ES domain name, involves you contracting with the Xxx.xx (ESNIC) which is the .ES Registry, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx/.
To the extent legally permitted, you agree that:
(1) all services of the .ES Registry are provided under laws of Spain.
(2) any disputes, claims or controversies arising out of the registration, ownership, use, transfer, assignment, loss, cancellation, or suspension of any Registered Name or otherwise relating to the
.ES TLD between Registrant and the .ES Registry shall be governed exclusively by the laws of Spain and that any such disputes, claims or controversies shall be brought and heard exclusively in the courts located in Spain.
If the Order is a .ES domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to be bound by the current ESNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx/ that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
If the Order is a .AU domain name, then the following terms apply:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief:
(1) you are aware that auDA (.au Domain Administration Limited, ACN 079 009 340) is the .AU Domain Names Administrator.
(2) you are aware that you must comply with all auDA Published Policies (listed at xxxx://, as if they were incorporated into, and form part of, this agreement. In the event of any inconsistency between any auDA Published Policy and this agreement, then the auDA Published Policy will prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.
(3) you are aware that the Registrar acts as agent for auDA for the sole purpose, but only to the extent necessary, to enable auDA to receive the benefit of rights and covenants conferred to it under this agreement. auDA is an intended third party beneficiary of this agreement.
(4) all information provided to register or renew the registration of the domain name (including all supporting documents, if any) are true, complete and correct, and are not misleading in any way, and the application is made in good faith.
(5) you acknowledge that under the auDA Published Policies there are mandatory terms and conditions that apply to all domain names licences, and such terms and conditions are incorporated into, and form part of, this agreement.
(6) you meet and will continue to meet, the eligibility criteria prescribed in auDA Published Policies (xxxx:// for the domain name for the duration of the domain name.
(7) you have not previously submitted an application for the domain name with another Registrar using the same eligibility criteria, and the other Registrar has rejected the application.
(8) you are aware that even if the domain name is accepted for registration, the Registrant's entitlement to register the domain name may be challenged by others who claim to have an entitlement to the domain name.
(9) you are aware that auDA or the Registrar may cancel the registration of the domain name if any of the warranties set out above is found to be untrue, incomplete, incorrect or misleading.
(10) you are aware of xxXX'x WHOIS policy at xxxx://, which sets out auDA's guidelines on the collection, disclosure and use of WHOIS data.
(1) To the fullest extent permitted by law, auDA will not be liable to Registrant for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary losses or damages of any kind (including, without limitation, loss of use, loss or profit, loss or corruption of data, business interruption or indirect costs) suffered by Registrant arising from, as a result of, or otherwise in connection with, any act or omission whatsoever of auDA, its employees, agents or contractors.
(2) Registrant agrees to indemnify, keep indemnified and hold auDA, its employees, agents and contractors harmless from all and any claims or liabilities, arising from, as a result of, or otherwise in connection with, Registrant's registration or use of its .au domain name.
(3) Nothing in this document is intended to exclude the operation of Trade Practices Xxx 0000.
You agree to be bound by the current auDRP Dispute Resolution Policy, available at xxxx:// that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
First level of support is available through the Registration Partner, from whom you have registered your .AU domain name. Contact details of this organization may be obtained from xxxx://
If this organization is not able to provide timely assistance to the domain name owner, you may contact Registrar Public Domain Registry Pty Ltd.'s 24x7 online Support Team at xxxx://
To know more about your .AU domain name or to get in touch with the .AU Registry, refer xxxx://
Public Domain Registry Pty Ltd. ACN: 141 141 988
ABN: 25 141 141 988
00, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx 0000 Xxxxxxxxx
If the domain name must be cancelled for any reason after the Registrar allotted Add Grace period, the domain name registrant can do so by submitting a written application for cancellation of the domain to the Registrar.
To cancel the domain licence:
(1) Organisations or companies listed as the domain registrant must submit their written request along with the legal letterhead of that organisation.
(2) Individuals or sole traders must submit their written request along with a copy of photo identification.
All requests must be dated, signed and may be submitted by the Registrant via email or any other medium provisioned by the Registrar.
If the Order is a .CC or .TV domain name, then the following terms apply:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief you are aware that registering a .CC, .TV domain name, requires you to agree to:
(1) grant Verisign (the .CC, .TV Registry) all necessary licenses and consents to permit Verisign or its agent(s) to:
(1) perform in Verisign's unlimited and sole discretion Malware Scans on your .CC, .TV website.
(2) collect, store, and process data gathered as a result of such Malware Scans.
(3) disclose the results of such Malware Scan (including all data therefrom) to the Registrar. Such information can not be considered as confidential or proprietary.
(4) use the results of such Malware Scan (including all data therefrom) in connection with protecting the integrity, security or stability of the Registry.
(2) disclaim any and all warranties, representations or covenants that such Malware Scan will detect any and all Malware or that Verisign is responsible for notifying the Registrar or the Registrant of any Malware or cleaning any Malware from any Registrant's systems.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Verisign and its affiliates, suppliers, vendors and subcontractors, and, if applicable, any ccTLD registry operators providing services and their respective employees, directors, officers, representatives, agents and assigns ("Verisign Affected Parties") from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and expenses, arising out of or relating to, for any reason whatsoever, any Malware Scan, the failure to conduct a Malware Scan, the failure to detect any Malware, or the use of any data from Malware Scans.
If the Order is a .XXX domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief you are aware that registering a .XXX domain name, involves you contracting with the ICM Registry LLC which is the
.XXX Registry, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://
You agree to be bound by the current ICANN's Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy available at xxxx://, and ICM's Charter Eligibility Dispute Resolution Policy (CEDRP) and ICM's Rapid Evaluation Service (RES) available at the Registry's website, that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
If the Order is a .RU domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief you are aware that registering a .RU domain name, involves you contracting with Registrar RU-Center, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxxx://
To the extent legally permitted, you agree that all services of Registrar RU-Center are provided under laws of the Russian Federation.
If the Order is a .PRO domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You are aware that registering a .PRO domain name, involves you contracting with RegistryPro, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://
You agree to hold harmless and indemnify RegistryPro and Registrar, and each of their subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and employees from and against any third party claim arising from or in any way related to your use of the Service, including any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgements, litigation costs and attorneys' fees, of every kind and nature. In such a case, Registrar will provide you with written notice of such claim, suit or action.
You acknowledge having read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement.
(A) The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, available at xxxx:// policy.htm
(B) The Qualification Challenge Policy and Rules, available at xxxx:// and xxxx:// rules.htm;
(C) The .pro TLD restriction requirements, available at xxxx://
You represent and warrant that, at all times during the term of domain name registration, you will meet the .pro registration requirements set forth by RegistryPro. You are required to provide prompt notice to the Registrar if you fail to meet such registration requirements. Registrar and/or Registry Operator shall have the right to immediately and without notice to you, suspend, cancel or modify a yourregistration if, at any time you fail to meet the registration requirements.
1.1 You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief you are aware that registering a .SX domain name, involves you contracting with the SX Registry SA which is the .SX Registry, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxx
1.2 Domain Name Holders expressly acknowledge and accept that the Registry shall be entitled (but not obliged) to reject an Application or to delete or transfer a Domain Name Registration:
??? that does not contain complete and accurate information as described in these Policies, or is not in compliance with any other provision of these Policies; or
??? to protect the integrity and stability of the Shared Registry System, and/or the operation and/or management of the .SX TLD; or
??? in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and/or any decision by a competent court or administrative authority and/or any dispute resolution service provider the Registry may hereafter retain to oversee the arbitration and mediation of disputes; and/or any other applicable laws, regulations, policies or decrees; or
- to avoid any liability on behalf of the Registry, including their respective affiliates, directors, officers, employees, subcontractors and/or agents; or
- following the outcome of a Sunrise Reconsideration Proceeding.
2.1. To the extent allowed under governing law, the Registry shall only be liable in cases where willful misconduct or gross negligence is proven. In no event shall the Registry be held liable for any indirect, consequential or incidental damages or loss of profits, whether contractual, based on tort (including negligence) or otherwise arising, resulting from or related to the submission of an Application, the registration or use of a Domain Name or to the use of the Shared Registry System or Registry Web Site, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such loss or damages, including but not limited to decisions taken by the Registry to register or not to register a Domain
Name on the basis of the findings of or information provided by the IP Clearinghouse Operator, as well as the consequences of those decisions.
2.2. To the extent allowed under applicable law, the Registry???s aggregate liability for damages shall in any case be limited to the amounts paid by the Accredited Registrar to the Registry in relation to the Application concerned (excluding additional fees paid by the Applicant to the Accredited Registrar or reseller, auction fees and/or reconsideration fees). The Applicant agrees that no greater or other damages may be claimed from the Registry (such as, but not limited to, any fees payable or paid by the Applicant in the context of any proceedings initiated against a decision by the Registry to register or not to register a Domain Name). The Applicant further agrees to submit to a binding arbitration for
disputes arising from these Policies and related to the allocation of Domain Names.
2.3. Applicants and Domain Name Holders shall hold the Registry harmless from claims filed or disputes initiated by third parties, and shall compensate the Registry for any costs or expenses incurred or damages for which they may be held liable as a result of third parties taking action against it on the grounds that the Applications for or the registration or use of the Domain Name by the Applicant infringes the rights of a third party. Applicant agrees to indemnify, keep indemnified and hold the Registry harmless from all and any claims or liabilities, arising from, as a result of, or otherwise in connection with, Applicant's registration or use of its .sx domain name.
2.4. For the purposes of this Article, the term ???Registry??? shall also refer to its shareholders, directors, employees, members, subcontractors, the IP Clearinghouse Operator and their respective directors, agents, employees and subcontractors.
2.5. The Registry, its directors, employees, contractors and agents (including the IP Clearinghouse Operator and the Auction Provider) are not a party to the agreement between an Accredited Registrar and its Applicants, its Domain Name Holders or any party acting in the name and/or on behalf of such Applicants or Domain Name Holders.
You agree to be bound by the Uniform Domain Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxx.xxxx that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
appendix 'ah'
.pw domain name specific conditions
If the Order is a .PW domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief you are aware that registering a .PW domain name, involves you contracting with the .PW Registry, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx/.
Furthermore, you represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief you are aware of the Domain Abuse Policy for .PW Registrants available on the website xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx/
You agree to be bound by the dispute policies as decided by the .PW Registry and published at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx that are incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
appendix 'ai' domain name specific conditions
If the Order is a .XX.XXX domain name, the Registrant, must also agree to the following terms:
You represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief you are aware that registering a .XX.XXX domain name, involves you contracting with the .XX.XXX Registry, and agreeing to their Terms and Conditions of Domain Name Registration available on their website at xxxx://
Furthermore, you represent and certify that, to the best of your knowledge and belief you are aware of the Domain Abuse Policy for .XX.XXX Registrants available on the website xxxx://
You agree to be bound by the dispute policies as decided by the .XX.XXX Registry and published at xxxx:// that are incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference.