Entre los suscritos a saber, (i) XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX, mayor de edad, vecina de Bogotá, identificado con la Cédula de Ciudadanía No. 66.924.253 de Cali, de ahora en adelante LA COFINANCIADORA y (ii), XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX, mayor de edad, vecino de Bogotá, identificado con la cédula de ciudadanía No. 1.130.601.153 de Cali, quien obra en su calidad de Apoderado Especial de LA CORPORACIÓN DE DERECHO PRIVADO RIMISP - CENTRO LANTINOAMERICANO PARA EL DESARROLLO RURAL,
de ahora en adelante RIMISP, entidad domiciliada en Bogotá, constituida mediante acta del 29 xx xxxxx del 2016 otorgada en asamblea de fundadores, debidamente registrada en la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, identificada con número de NIT 900.667.353-2, ACUERDAN suscribir el presente documento, el cual es producto de la buena voluntad de las partes que aquí intervienen y refleja su acuerdo para unir esfuerzos.
• Las partes han acordado aunar esfuerzos para proporcionar información relevante y oportuna de los posibles efectos del COVID-19 en las zonas rurales, el desempeño del empleo agrícola y no agrícola y en consecuencia en las condiciones de vida de los habitantes del campo, que permita orientar decisiones de política en el sector agropecuario y en otras actividades económicas de los territorios rurales.
• RIMISP es uno de los más importantes centros de pensamiento e investigación de las problemáticas asociadas al ordenamiento y desarrollo territorial de las zonas rurales en Latinoamérica. En la actualidad RIMISP está comprometido con el desarrollo de proyectos de incidencia en el marco del posconflicto colombiano, en lo relacionado con zonas rurales afectadas históricamente por el conflicto armado.
• Que Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx celebró con el International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) el contrato No. 67479 – 0002, para la consolidación de información relacionada con los efectos del Covid 19 en las zonas rurales de Colombia. Contrato desde el cual se vincula a Rimisp en calidad de centro de investigación que contribuirá en la consolidación y análisis de la información requerida.
Con base en las anteriores CONSIDERACIONES, las partes
I. OBJETO: El presente Convenio tiene por objeto formalizar el Acuerdo de Cooperación entre las partes, cuyo propósito es Proporcionar información relevante y oportuna de los posibles efectos del COVID-19 en las zonas rurales, el desempeño del empleo agrícola y no agrícola y en consecuencia en las condiciones de vida de los habitantes del campo, que permita orientar decisiones de política en el sector agropecuario y en otras actividades económicas de los territorios rurales.
Producto: Un documento técnico que contenga el informe de los posibles efectos del COVID 19 y su afectación en el desempeño del empleo agrícola, en línea con el objeto del convenio.
II. VALOR DEL CONVENIO: El valor del presente convenio es la suma de TREINTA MILLONES DE PESOS ($30.000.000)
Entidad aportante al Convenio | Descripción | Aportes en especie (COP$) | Aportes en efectivo (COP$) |
CONFINANCIADORA | Efectivo para pago Honorarios y gastos conexos a estos (impuestos – transferencias) | 20.000.000 | |
RIMISP | Experticia en temática desarrollo rural integral; know-how y modelo metodológico | 10.000.000 | |
COSTO TOTAL | $30.000.000 |
III. LUGAR DE EJECUCIÓN: El objeto del presente Convenio se desarrollará en Bogotá.
IV. APORTES Y ADMINISTRACIÓN DE LOS RECURSOS DE LOS CO-FINANCIADORES: Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx en su calidad de co-financiador del Proyecto, aportará en efectivo la suma de VEINTE MILLONES DE PESOS ($20.000.000) los cuales se transferirán a RIMISP.
XXXXXX, quien adicionalmente será ejecutor del estudio, aportará en especie la suma xx xxxx millones de pesos ($10.000.000), representados en el equipo de trabajo que pondrá a disposición del desarrollo del proyecto.
Parágrafo primero: Los desembolsos de los aportes en efectivo a favor de RIMISP para la ejecución del Convenio, serán en la siguiente forma:
Desembolso | Descripción | Porcentaje | Suma |
1 | Un pago único por la totalidad del valor, a la entrega del producto 1 | 100% | $ 20.000.000 |
TOTAL | 100% | $20.000.000 |
Parágrafo primero: RIMISP se compromete a utilizar estos fondos exclusivamente para las actividades del Proyecto.
V. DURACIÓN: La ejecución de las actividades del convenio iniciarán a partir del 1 de octubre de 2020 y su finalización será el 30 de octubre de 2020. Estas fechas podrán ser modificadas por mutuo acuerdo. El cronograma del Proyecto será el siguiente, de acuerdo con las actividades que se mencionan a continuación:
VI. OBLIGACIONES DE RIMISP. RIMISP, en su calidad de gestor, se compromete a realizar el Estudio en las condiciones y características estipuladas en este Convenio y adicionalmente se compromete a: a) Presentar informes de ejecución técnica del proyecto b) Coordinar con la Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx el desarrollo de las actividades determinadas en el Convenio. c) Entregar los informes acordados en este Convenio y el Informe Final con el pleno cumplimiento de los requisitos definidos por las partes.
VII. OBLIGACIONES DE LA COFINANCIADORA: En desarrollo del presente Convenio debe cumplir con las siguientes obligaciones: 1) acompañar el proceso que adelante a RIMISP 2) Hacer seguimiento al cumplimiento de las obligaciones de RIMISP.
VIII. CONFIDENCIALIDAD. – Las partes se comprometen cada uno a garantizar que mantendrán reserva y confidencialidad de la información asociada como confidencial que les sea puesta en conocimiento en razón del presente Convenio, que con excepción de IFAD, no se podrá revelar a terceros, ni utilizar en contra de la compañía que la haya revelado.
IX. INDEPENDENCIA DE LAS PARTES y REGIMEN CONTRACTUAL: Ninguna de las obligaciones pactadas dentro del presente convenio, generará en ningún caso vínculos adicionales a los expresamente establecidos en este convenio entre partes que suscriben el presente Convenio o sus empleados, de carácter laboral o civil o comercial, ni habilitará a una de las partes para representar o comprometer respectivamente a la otra, a ningún título. El valor que se comprometen a cancelar las partes por razón de este Convenio constituye la única obligación económica que adquieren las mismas, en consecuencia, no tiene cabida el derecho al pago de prestaciones sociales.
X. PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL: Los derechos de propiedad intelectual del documento final del Proyecto serán de las Partes.
Parágrafo Primero: Las disposiciones de la presente cláusula permanecerán en vigor aún después de la terminación del presente convenio.
XI. MANIFESTACIONES: 1) En desarrollo del presente convenio, las Partes se comprometen a dar cumplimiento a toda la normatividad vigente sobre los Derechos de la Infancia, en consecuencia no contratarán personal menor de edad, con el fin de proteger a los niños de la explotación económica y/o de
realizar ningún trabajo que pueda interferir en su educación o que sea nocivo para la salud física, mental o espiritual, o para su desarrollo social. 2) Igualmente las Partes manifiestan que han tomado las medidas requeridas para acoger y aplicar los principios rectores de los derechos humanos y de las libertades públicas a que se refiere la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos. 3) Así mismo las Partes manifiestan individualmente que: (i) cumplen con la normatividad vigente sobre prevención y control xx xxxxxx de activos y financiación del terrorismo; (ii) Han adoptado los mecanismos de control necesarios para el cumplimiento con dichas normas; y, (iii) cuentan con políticas e instrumentos de control interno que permiten el conocimiento xxx xxxxxxx, de sus clientes, proveedores y usuarios y realizan labores de análisis tendientes a la prevención xx xxxxxx de activos y financiación del terrorismo, esto último al tratarse de personas jurídicas.
XII. IMPUESTOS: En el evento en que se llegaren a causar impuestos, tasas o contribuciones con ocasión a la suscripción del presente documento, estos serán sufragados con cargo a los recursos del Proyecto que aporta LA COFINANCIADORA a RIMISP, los cuales serán conexos a los honorarios.
XIII. TERMINACIÓN ANTICIPADA: Cualquiera de las Partes podrá manifestar por escrito a la otra, con una antelación no menor a un (15) días, su intención de dar por terminado el presente Convenio y en tal evento se procederá a su liquidación, para lo cual, las partes suscribirán un acta de liquidación. Igualmente, las partes establecerán en dicha acta la manera cómo cumplirán las obligaciones que estén pendientes para terminar el proyecto objeto de este convenio.
XIV. SOLUCIÓN DE CONTROVERSIAS-CLÁUSULA COMPROMISORIA. Las partes se comprometerán a hacer todos los esfuerzos a su alcance para tratar de resolver conflictos, controversias o reclamos que se puedan presentar en la ejecución, interpretación o terminación del presente convenio. Antes de acudir a la justicia ordinaria bajo las leyes de la República de Colombia, la parte que se considere afectada tendrá la opción de solicitar por escrito a la otra parte la participación directa en forma progresiva de la alta gerencia de las dos partes en el proceso, para resolver la disputa. Sin embargo, la comunicación en este sentido no elimina el derecho que tiene la parte afectada de utilizar cualquier otro mecanismo con el fin de resolver el conflicto.
XV. CESIÓN. El presente Xxxxxxxx no podrá ser cedido total o parcialmente por ninguna de las partes, salvo autorización expresa otorgada Por las partes de forma escrita
XVI. MODIFICACIONES. Cuando se presenten circunstancias debidamente comprobadas que justifiquen la modificación de cualquiera de las cláusulas del presente documento, las Partes suscribirán el documento pertinente que contendrá con claridad y precisión la reforma requerida. Dicho documento deberá estar debidamente firmado por las partes. Los instrumentos en los que consten las
modificaciones se agregarán como anexos a este Convenio y pasarán a formar parte de este.
XVII. SUSPENSIÓN DEL CONVENIO: Este Convenio podrá ser suspendido temporalmente, de común acuerdo entre las Partes, mediante la suscripción de un acta en donde consten las razones en que se soporte y en general por circunstancias de fuerza mayor o caso fortuito.
XVIII. DISPOSICIONES MISCELANEAS: Las Partes se comprometen a observar los más altos estándares éticos y de transparencia administrativa en todas las acciones y actividades vinculadas a este Convenio. Así mismo, se comprometen a cumplir lo dispuesto en la Convención Interamericana contra la Corrupción y en las normas aplicables de la República de Colombia. El incumplimiento de esta disposición constituirá causal suficiente para la terminación anticipada de este Convenio, siendo de aplicación lo dispuesto en la Cláusula Décima quinta.
Este Convenio no forma una sociedad u otra empresa o entidad con personería jurídica entre las Partes. Las Partes asumen plena responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios que sean consecuencia de las acciones u omisiones de sus respectivos representantes, funcionarios, empleados y contratistas vinculados a las actividades objeto de este Convenio. Si por cualquier circunstancia, un tercero efectuare alguna reclamación a una de las Partes vinculada a alguna acción u omisión de la otra o de sus representantes, funcionarios, empleados o contratistas, vinculada con la ejecución a actividades objeto de este convenio, la parte responsable se constituirá frente al reclamante en principal y único obligado a responder, obligándose además a indemnizar a la otra parte por los daños y perjuicios que ésta sufriera debido a esos reclamos, incluyendo las costas procesales y los honorarios de abogados.
XIX. TOTAL ENTENDIMIENTO Y PERFECCIONAMIENTO. Se entiende que Las Partes conocen, comprenden y aceptan todas y cada una de las cláusulas y partes del presente convenio, el cual se entiende perfeccionado con la firma de las partes.
En constancia de lo anterior, suscriben el presente documento, el día noveno (9) de octubre de 2020.
Contract No.: 67479 - 0002 Purchase Order No.: 0000052421 This contract supersedes Contract No.: 0001
Dear Ms Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx,
I am pleased to offer you a consultancy contract with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to serve as a consultant as specified in the attached Terms of Reference (Annex V).
The contract is effective from 20/07/2020 to 30/09/2020, for a total of up to 18 days in which you are expected to render services.
You will be paid a total fee of up to USD 5,940.00 for your services. Payments will be made in the currency of the bank account indicated by you in the banking instructions form submitted to IFAD, unless otherwise informed by IFAD. For payments in any currency other than USD, IFAD will apply the applicable market exchange rate effective on the date of the transaction. Should you be required to travel, a travel authorisation will be raised separately to cover travel and related expenses in connection with this assignment.
Attached to this contract please find the following related documents for information and/or completion, as appropriate:
• General Terms and Conditions of contracts for the services of consultants (AnnexI);
• Declaration (Annex II) comprising:
− Certificate of good health;
− Compliance with IFAD's Code of Conduct and disclosure of any potential conflict ofinterest;
− Declaration of family members;
− Certification confirming release of duties elsewhere.
Please note that the commencement of this contract is subject to receipt by the Fund of a signed copy of this letter and a completed and signed copy of the declaration contained in Annex II.
If travel is required in connection with this contract, you are required to comply with all mandatory travel security requirements as specified in paragraph 5 of the General Terms and Conditions of contracts for the services of consultants obtaining security clearance prior to travel. Moreover, it is your responsibility to obtain any necessary visas, vaccinations and medical examinations before travelling. Non-compliance to these requirements will constitute a breach of contract.
Please also note that you are required to participate in the Medical Insurance and Compensation Plan (MICSC). Accordingly, 1.325% of your total fees will be deducted to cover your participation in the MICSC.
Kindly confirm your acceptance of this consultancy contract, including the terms and conditions specified in Annex I, by signing and returning a signed copy of this letter and the declaration contained in Xxxxx XX. This contract does not carry any benefits additional to those stated in this letter and in the General Terms and Conditions of contracts for the services of consultants.
On behalf of IFAD, I take this opportunity to thank you for your collaboration.
Yours sincerely
HR Specialist Human Resources Division
I declare that I have read this letter and accept the consultancy contract as per the terms and conditions set forth herein.
I declare that I have read, understand, accept and will comply with the General Terms and Conditions outlined in Annex I.
Date .20/07/2020 Signature: ………………………………………………………………………
ANNEX I General Terms and Conditions of Contracts for the Services of Consultants , Enhanced Fellows and individuals engaged under Special Service Agreements (SSA)
1. Legal Status
The individual engaged by IFAD under this contract as is engaged in a personal capacity and not as a representative of a Government or of any other entity external to the United Nations. The individual is neither a "staff member" under the IFAD Staff Rules and IFAD policies and procedures nor an "official" for the purpose of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies (the "Convention"). The individual may, however, be accorded the status of "Expert on Mission" within the meaning of Annex XVI of the Convention in order to fulfil the requirements of this contract. If the individual is required to travel, he/she may be issued a United Nations Certificate in accordance with Section 29 of Article VIII of the Convention.
2. Obligations
The individual shall complete the assignment set out in the Terms of Reference for this contract with due diligence and efficiency, in accordance with generally accepted professional techniques and practices.
The individual must respect the impartiality and independence of IFAD and the United Nations and in connection with this contract must neither seek nor accept instructions from anyone other than IFAD. During the term of this contract the individual must refrain from any conduct that would adversely reflect on IFAD or the United Nations and must not engage in any activity that is incompatible with the administrative instructions and policies and procedures of IFAD. The individual must exercise the utmost discretion in all matters relating to this contract.
In particular, but without limiting the foregoing, the individual (a) will conduct him or herself in a manner consistent with the principles of the IFAD Code of Conduct; and (b) will comply with rules and procedures including those relating to fraud and corruption; information disclosure and communications; use of assets; disciplinary processes, including harassment and whistleblowing; and the IFAD Policy on preventing and responding to Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse.
Consultants engaged on behalf of the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) of IFAD will be required to comply with the Conflict of Interest Policy for Consultants in the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD and to certify upon signature of the contract, that they have read, understood and will comply withit.
Unless otherwise authorized by the appropriate responsible officer in the Division concerned, the individual must not communicate at any time to the media or to any institution, person, Government or other entity external to IFAD any information that has not been made public and which has become known to the individual by reason of his or her association with IFAD. The individual may not use such information without the written authorization of IFAD, and shall under no circumstances use such information for his or her private advantage or that of others. These obligations do not lapse upon termination of this contact.
The individual is prohibited from subcontracting any or all of the services to be performed under his or her contractual conditions.
Noncompliance to the above provisions may result in a breach of contract and consequently non-payment of fees due.
3. Title rights
IFAD shall be entitled to all property rights, including but not limited to patents, copyrights and trademarks, with regard to material created by the individual which bears a direct relation to, or is made in order to perform his/her obligations under this contract. At the request of IFAD, the individual shall assist in securing such property rights and transferring them to IFAD in compliance with the requirements of the law governing such rights.
4. Compliance with the Code of Conduct
The individual, whilst engaged by IFAD, shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any Government or from any other source external to IFAD. The individual shall also not engage in any activity that is or may be incompatible with the discharge of his/her services with IFAD. The individual shall exercise theutmost
discretion in all matters of official business. Where applicable, the individual shall provide IFAD with a self- certification in this respect.
The individual shall neither release nor use any report prepared or study carried out or material or information collected and related to his or her assignment on behalf of IFAD for public information or publication either in his or her own name or in any other form, direct or indirect, except with the prior written permission of IFAD. All rights, including title, copyright, and patent rights, in any services provided by the individual as part of such assignment shall be vested in IFAD. These obligations shall not cease upon the expiration/termination of the individual's contract with IFAD.
The individual shall not communicate to any person any unpublished information of a confidential nature known to him or her by reason of performing the assignment under the individual.
The individual shall not, by virtue of his or her engagement with IFAD; accept any honour, decoration, favour, gift or remuneration from any Government or from any source external to IFAD without the prior written approval of IFAD.
5. Travel
If IFAD determines that the individual needs to travel in order to perform his or her services under this contract, that travel shall be specified in the contract and the individual's travel costs shall be set out in the contract. Travel- related costs, including the cost of travel tickets, Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) and any other appropriate reimbursable expenses, shall be paid in accordance with IFAD's Travel Guidelines. DSA is provided to cover accommodation, meals, and incidental expenses.
It is the individual's obligation to follow all mandatory travel security requirements as specified in section 3.11 of the Handbook for consultants and other persons hired by IFAD under a non-staff contract. Non-compliance to these requirements may constitute a breach of contract and result in non-payment of fees due.
6. Statement of good health
Before commencing services, the individual must deliver to IFAD a self-statement of good health and take full responsibility for the accuracy of that statement. In addition, the individual must include in this statement of good health a confirmation that he or she has been informed regarding vaccinations required for him or her to receive, for travel to the country or countries to which travel is authorized. The individual will be responsible for assuming all costs that may be incurred in relation to the issuance of the statement of good health.
7. Service related injury, illness or death
If the individual is travelling with IFAD's prior approval and at IFAD's expense in order to perform his or her services under this contract, the individual (or his or her dependents as appropriate), shall be entitled to compensation from IFAD in the event of death, bodily injury or illness attributable to the fact that the individual was travelling with IFAD's prior approval and at IFAD's expense in order to perform his or her services under this contract. Such compensation will be paid through a third-party insurance provider retained by IFAD and in accordance with the amounts stipulated in the agreement between IFAD and the insurance provider.
8. Dispute Settlement
Any dispute or difference arising out of this Contract or in connection with it, which cannot be amicably settled between the Parties, shall be finally settled under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed and in accordance with the said Rules. The arbitration shall take place in Rome or any other place acceptable to IFAD. The resulting award shall be final and binding on the parties and shall be in lieu of any other remedy.
9. Penalties for unsatisfactory or incomplete deliverables.
Payment of fees to the individual under this contract, including each instalment or periodic payment (if any), is subject to the individual's full and complete delivery of his or her services under this contract with regard to such payment to IFAD's satisfaction, and IFAD's certification to that effect.
10. Termination of Contract
This contract may be terminated by either party before its specified termination date by giving notice in writing to the other party. The period of notice shall be five (5) calendar days in the case of contracts for a total period of less than two (2) months and fourteen (14) calendar days in the case of contracts for a longer period; provided however that in the event of termination on the grounds of unsatisfactory conduct or engagement in irregular practices by the individual (including but not limited to breach by the individual of relevant IFAD policies and procedures and non-compliance of IFAD's Code of Conduct), IFAD shall be entitled to terminate the contract without notice.
If this contract is terminated in accordance with this paragraph 10, the individual shall be paid on a pro rata basis determined by IFAD for the actual amount of services provided to IFAD's satisfaction at the time of termination. IFAD will also pay any outstanding reimbursement claims related to travel by the individual. Any additional costs incurred by IFAD resulting from the termination of the contract by either party may be withheld from any amount otherwise due to the individual under this paragraph 10.
11. Taxation
As per section 3.5 (Taxes) of the handbook on consultants and other persons hired by IFAD under a non-staff contract, IFAD accepts no liability for any taxes, duty or other contributions payable by the individual on payments made under this contract.
12. Eligibility
Individuals must be nationals of an IFAD Member State. Limitations on the eligibility for hiring former IFAD or UN staff or former representatives of a Member State on IFAD's Executive Board, as well as family members, spouses/recognized domestic partners working in IFAD apply as per the Handbook on consultants and other persons hired by IFAD under a non-staff contract.
Annex II Declaration/Self-Certifications
Contract no.: 0002
Contract dates: 20/07/2020 - 30/09/2020
I certify that to the best of my knowledge I am in good health and able to perform the services proposed in the above- mentioned contract. I have been informed about vaccinations required for travel to the country or countries to which travel is authorized. I have declared any pre-existing conditions and understand that IFAD assumes no liabilities for illness or bodily injuries incurred whilst engaged by IFAD which result from pre-existing conditions not disclosed in advance. I certify that I take full responsibility for the accuracy of this statement.
Signature…………………………………………… Place and date: Bogota/20/07/2020
I declare that I have received and read IFAD's Code of Conduct, including the IFAD Policy on preventing and responding to Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, and will comply with the requirements set therein including the disclosure of any possible conflict of interest.
Signature Place and date Bogota/20/07/2020
I declare that (please tick):
X I have no family members1 who are engaged/employed in any capacity by IFAD during the period of my assignment.
□ My spouse/recognized domestic partner (full name) is currently
engaged/employed by IFAD in the following capacity ……………………………… and division ……………………
Signature Place and date Bogota/20/07/2020
I declare that (please tick):
□ I am currently not employed or otherwise contracted elsewhere and declare that should this situation change subsequent to the signature of this agreement, I will inform IFAD immediately and provide a self-certification confirming the release of my duties elsewhere, to be able to take up my assignment.
X I am currently employed or otherwise contracted elsewhere and confirm that I have been released of my duties elsewhere to be able to take up my assignment with IFAD. I confirm that the days contracted where I am expected to render services do not overlap with any other assignments elsewhere.
Signature…………………………………………… Place and date Bogota/20/07/2020
I certify that the above declarations made by me are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false statements or any information withheld from this declaration may provide grounds for the termination of the consultancy agreement.
Signature Place and date Bogota/20/07/2020
1 Mother, father, son, daughter, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, grandson, aunt, uncle, xxxxx, nephew, first cousin, mother-in-law, father-in-law, step-mother, step-father, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, step-son, step-daughter, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, step- brother, and step-sister.