Swydd ddisgrifiad: Rheolwr y Maes Rhaglen Peirianneg Maes Rhaglen / Adran Peirianneg yng Ngholeg Llandrillo Prif safle Y Rhyl Cyflog £57,050.54 - £60,168.53 y flwyddyn RheolwrGradd 7 - 9 Y math o gontract Parhaol Telerau'r contract Llawn Amser Yn...
Swydd ddisgrifiad: Rheolwr y Xxxx Rhaglen Peirianneg | |
Xxxx Rhaglen / Adran | Peirianneg yng Ngholeg Llandrillo |
Prif safle | Y Rhyl |
Cyflog | £57,050.54 - £60,168.53 y flwyddyn Rheolwr Gradd 7 - 9 |
Y math o gontract | Parhaol |
Telerau'r contract | Xxxxx Xxxxx |
Yn atebol i | Pennaeth Cynorthwyol |
Pwrpas y swydd | |
Fel rheolwr yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai, byddwch yn ymrwymo i weledigaeth xxxx y Grŵp sef: • Bod yn ddarparwr dysgu ac addysgu rhagorol • Darparu patrwm o addysg ddwyieithog a gydnabyddir ledled Ewrop • Ysgogi’r economi leol drwy rwydwaith o Ganolfannau Rhagoriaeth galwedigaethol • Bod yn ganolbwynt ar gyfer gweithio mewn partneriaeth ag Addysg Uwch, ysgolion a chymunedau. | |
Prif ddyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau |
Arweinyddiaeth Academaidd
1. Cynllunio rhaglen flynyddol xxxx a chydlynol, sy’n rhoi gwerth am arian, ar gyfer Peirianneg.
2. Sicrhau bod y ddarpariaeth yn diwallu anghenion dysgwyr sy'n symud ymlaen i astudiaeth xxxxxxx xxx gyflogaeth.
3. Creu diwylliant o wella ansawdd yn barhaus drwy ddefnyddio gweithdrefnau Sicrhau Ansawdd y Grŵp, drwy fonitro'n rheolaidd berfformiad o ran cyflawni, cadw myfyrwyr, a chyrraedd targedau, ac ymateb yn effeithiol i faterion a nodwyd yn ystod proses hunanasesu'r Xxxx Rhaglen.
4. Ysgogi a gweithredu newid a gwelliant mewn gwasanaethau o fewn Peirianneg.
5. Sicrhau cyfle a gwasanaeth cyfartal i'r xxxx staff a dysgwyr.
6. Hyrwyddo dwyieithrwydd yn y ddarpariaeth a'r gwasanaethau yn unol â Chynllun Iaith Gymraeg y Grŵp
7. Annog y defnydd o strategaethau dysgu, addysgu ac asesu arloesol gan gynnwys defnyddio technoleg dysgu i ysbrydoli ac annog dysgwyr.
8. Annog a hyrwyddo dysgu ac addysgu effeithiol ac adfyfyriol drwy esiampl, cefnogaeth a chyngor, gan gynnwys lledaenu arferion da.
9. Sicrhau bod trefniadau cynefino ar gyfer dysgwyr, cyfarfodydd gyda thiwtoriaid personol, gosod targedau, adroddiadau cynnydd, a strategaethau eraill sy’n gysylltiedig â’r cwricwlwm, yn cael eu gweithredu yn unol â pholisïau cyfredol y Grŵp.
Rheoli Staff
1. Bydd deiliad y swydd yn rheolwr llinell ar dîm mawr yn y xxxx rhaglen Peirianneg.
2. Cymryd rhan yn y broses o recriwtio, dewis a chynefino staff gyda'r nod o sicrhau bod y Grŵp yn cyflogi ac yn cadw staff cymwys a phrofiadol.
3. Cynllunio a monitro datblygiad staff yn unol â'u cytundebau, sicrhau gwerth am arian a'r gwasanaeth gorau posibl i ddysgwyr a chyflogwyr.
4. Rheoli perfformiad staff gan gynnwys cynnal adolygiadau cyfnod prawf, arsylwi, arfarnu a chynnig cefnogaeth pan fo xxxxx xx mwyn sicrhau bod staff yn perfformio hyd eithaf eu gallu.
5. Hyrwyddo hyfforddiant a datblygiad staff i gefnogi'r gwaith o gyflawni amcanion corfforaethol.
6. Creu a meithrin timau academaidd a chefnogi busnes effeithiol a sicrhau bod cyfarfodydd xxx yn cael eu cynnal yn rheolaidd er mwyn lledaenu gwybodaeth a gweithredu fel fforymau trafod.
7. Sicrhau bod cysylltiad effeithiol rhwng tiwtoriaid personol,tiwtoriaid pwnc a'r timau cefnogi Sgiliau Hanfodol.
Rheoli Adnoddau
1. Rheoli'n effeithiol elfennau masnachol y xxxx rhaglen Peirianneg.
2. Cymryd xxxx xx mhroses gynllunio'r Xxxx Rhaglen, gan gynnwys cynllunio'r gyllideb sydd wedi'i neilltuo ar gyfer Peirianneg a datblygiad cynllun gweithredu'r coleg.
3. Sicrhau bod y xxxx rhaglen Peirianneg yn cynnig gwerth am arian a bod gwariant yn cadw o fewn cyfyngiadau cyllidebol yn unol â threfniadau a systemau cyllidol y Grŵp.
4. Trafod gyda’r Adran Ystadau a’r Gwasanaethau TGCh er mwyn sicrhau bod yr adeiladau/ystafelloedd a’r offer yn effeithiol, eu bod yn cael eu cynnal a’u cadw, a'u bod yn addas at y diben. 5. Bod yn gyfrifol am sicrhau bod y staff yn cadw at y safonau a’r rheoliadau iechyd a diogelwch yn y meysydd sydd o xxx xxxx rheolaeth. 6. Sicrhau bod maint y grwpiau dysgu’n cael eu trefnu yn y modd gorau posibl er mwyn gwneud defnydd effeithiol o ystafelloedd, staff ac offer, gan gysylltu â rheolwyr rhaglenni eraill ar draws y Grŵp fel y bo'n briodol. 7. Mewn cydweithrediad â'r gofrestrfa, sicrhau bod yr xxxx fyfyrwyr wedi'u cofnodi'n gywir ar y System Gwybodaeth Reoli (MIS) a bod y cofnodion cyrhaeddiad yn gyfredol. 8. Sicrhau bod pob cofrestr yn gyfredol yn unol â pholisi'r Grŵp. 9. Ymgymryd â chyfrifoldebau rheoli campws - lle y bo'n briodol Cyfrifoldebau corfforaethol a phersonol 1. Cynnal safon uchel o ymddygiad proffesiynol a bod yn batrwm i staff a dysgwyr. 2. Ymateb i faterion sy’n ymwneud â disgyblaeth myfyrwyr, yn unol â pholisïau a threfnau’r Grŵp. 3. Cyfrannu at y broses gynllunio strategol a gweithredol. 4. Datblygu partneriaethau a chysylltiadau eraill rhwng y Xxxx Rhaglen, busnesau a rhanddeiliaid eraill xx xxxx dysgwyr, i hyrwyddo'r cwricwlwm ac i wella cysylltiadau cyhoeddus a gweithgareddau masnachol. 5. Cysylltu â'r xxx Cyngor ac Arweiniad a'r xxx Marchnata yng nghyd-destun ymholiadau, cyfweliadau a hybu'r cwricwlwm. 6. Datblygu, cynnal a chydlynu'r gwaith o ddatblygu deunydd cyhoeddusrwydd a marchnata a chynrychioli'r Xxxx Rhaglen mewn digwyddiadau marchnata. 7. Cynnal cyswllt personol â dosbarthiadau am hyd at 200 awr xxx blwyddyn. 8. Cymryd xxxx xx mhroses Adolygu Perfformiad y Grŵp, gyda’r nod o wella xxxx perfformiad xxxx hun yn barhaus a diweddaru xxxx sgiliau a’ch gwybodaeth. 9. Cyflawni unrhyw ddyletswyddau priodol eraill sy’n ymwneud â’ch rôl a'ch swydd ar gais y rheolwr llinell, y Pennaeth neu’r Prif Weithredwr. | |||
Manyleb deiliad y swydd | Hanfodol | Dymunol | Dull asesu |
Cymwysterau | |||
Cymwysterau academaidd hyd at o leiaf radd anrhydedd dda neu gymhwyster cyfwerth yn ogystal â chymhwyster addysgu cydnabyddedig. | X | Ffurflen gais | |
Cymhwyster ôl-radd mewn pwnc academaidd cysylltiedig. | X | Ffurflen gais | |
Cymhwyster xx xxxx rheoli. | X | Ffurflen gais | |
Gwybodaeth a phrofiad |
Profiad addysgu sylweddol mewn xxxx perthnasol. | X | Ffurflen gais | |
Profiad o'r cwricwlwm peirianneg. | X | Ffurflen gais | |
Profiad o reoli cyrsiau neu arwain xxx. | X | Ffurflen gais | |
Profiad neu wybodaeth o gyflwyno a rheoli Addysg Uwch mewn sefydliad Addysg Xxxxxxx. | X | Ffurflen gais | |
Profiad o Beirianneg ymarferol yn y gweithle. | X | Ffurflen gais / Cyfweliad | |
Sgiliau a phriodoleddau | |||
Sgiliau rhyngbersonol a sgiliau cyfathrebu rhagorol. | X | Ffurflen gais / Cyfweliad | |
Y gallu i ymdrin yn effeithiol â staff ar xxx xxxxx, yn ogystal â dysgwyr a chleientiaid allanol. | X | Ffurflen gais / Cyfweliad | |
Y gallu i gyrraedd targedau a rheoli cyllidebau dirprwyedig. | X | Ffurflen gais / Cyfweliad | |
Defnyddiwr cymwys o becynnau TG | X | Ffurflen gais / Cyfweliad | |
Gofynion ychwanegol | |||
Dealltwriaeth o rôl ESTYN yn y sector addysg. | X | Ffurflen gais / Cyfweliad | |
Gwybodaeth am faterion yn ymwneud â'r Adolygiad Cymwysterau presennol a'u goblygiadau o ran y sectorau yn eu cyfanrwydd. | X | Ffurflen gais / Cyfweliad | |
Ymrwymiad i ddatblygiad personol a phroffesiynol pellach a pharhaus. | X | Ffurflen gais / Cyfweliad | |
Yn cyflwyno a threfnu'r cwricwlwm mewn modd arloesol. | X | Ffurflen gais / Cyfweliad | |
Aelod brwdfrydig o dîm a fydd yn mabwysiadu dulliau arloesol a hyblyg, er mwyn creu'r amgylchedd gorau posibl ar gyfer dysgu ac addysgu rhagorol | X | Ffurflen gais / Cyfweliad | |
Ymrwymiad i ddefnyddio a datblygu Technoleg Dysgu | X | Ffurflen gais / Cyfweliad |
Dealltwriaeth o'r sector peirianneg ac ymwybyddiaeth o ddatblygiadau lleol, rhanbarthol a chenedlaethol | X | Ffurflen gais / Cyfweliad | |
Sgiliau Cymraeg | |||
Ceir manylion llawn am lefelau sgiliau Cymraeg yn: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx.xx/xx/xxxx | |||
Dealltwriaeth o'r Gymraeg | Cwrteisi ieithyddol | Cyfweliad | |
Gallu i siarad Cymraeg | Cwrteisi ieithyddol | Cyfweliad | |
Llythrennedd Cymraeg | Cwrteisi ieithyddol | Cyfweliad | |
Noder: bydd ymgeiswyr sy'n dangos eu bod o fewn 1 lefel i fodloni gofynion Sgiliau Cymraeg Hanfodol y swydd hefyd yn cael eu hystyried ar yr xxxx bod unrhyw swydd a gynigir iddynt yn cynnwys cytundeb xxx gontract i ddatblygu eu Sgiliau Cymraeg. | |||
Gofynion gorfodol | |||
Yn unol â Rheoliadau Cyngor y Gweithlu Addysg 2015 mae'n ofyniad statudol bod unigolion yn cofrestru â'r Cyngor cyn dechrau gweithio yn y Grŵp. Mae'r Grŵp wedi ymrwymo i ddiogelu ac amddiffyn Iechyd a Lles plant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion sy'n agored i niwed. Yn unol â Deddf Adsefydlu Troseddwyr 1974, bydd gofyn i unigolion gael gwiriad manwl gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd i gadarnhau eu bod yn addas i weithio mewn amgylchedd addysgol. Bydd tystysgrifau DBS trwy wasanaeth diweddaru'r DBS yn cael eu derbyn yn unol â'r canllawiau a geir yn - xxxxx://xxx.xxx.xx/xxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx. O xxx xxxxx 8 Deddf Mewnfudo a Lloches 1986, mae'n ofyniad cyfreithiol ar unigolion i ddarparu tystiolaeth ddogfennol sy'n cadarnhau bod ganddynt hawl i weithio yn y Deyrnas Unedig. | |||
Crynodeb o'r telerau a'r amodau | |||
Oriau gwaith | 37 awr yr wythnos | ||
Wythnosau gwaith | 52 wythnos y flwyddyn | ||
Gwyliau blynyddol | ● 37 diwrnod y flwyddyn (01 Medi i 31 Awst). ● Yr xxxx wyliau cyhoeddus arferol, i'w pennu'n flynyddol. ● Hyd at 5 diwrnod effeithlonrwydd / diwrnod y trefnwyd i'r safle fod wedi cau xxx blwyddyn, i'w pennu'n flynyddol. ● Bydd gan y rhai ar gontractau Rhan-amser hawl pro rata i'r hyn a nodir uchod. ● Bydd gan y rhai ar gontractau Amser Tymor hawl pro rata i'r hyn a nodir uchod a delir fel rhan o'r cyflog blynyddol. | ||
Pensiwn | Cynllun Pensiwn Athrawon (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx /) yn dibynnu ar ofynion addysgu'r swydd |
Teithio | Caiff y trefniadau ar gyfer ad-dalu treuliau i aelodau staff sy'n mynd i gostau ychwanegol wrth wneud gwaith swyddogol i Grŵp Llandrillo Menai eu hegluro yn y Polisi Teithio, Cynhaliaeth ac Adleoli. Yn dilyn eu penodiad, bydd gofyn i ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus gwblhau Ffurflen Asesu Gyrwyr ar gyfer Sgrinio Iechyd (os yw'n berthnasol). I gadarnhau bod ganddynt yswiriant at "Ddibenion Busnes", mae'n rhaid i xxx gweithiwr sy'n hawlio treuliau am ddefnyddio eu ceir personol gyflwyno copïau o'u tystysgrifau yswiriant i Adran Gyllid y Grŵp xxx blwyddyn. |
Sgrinio Iechyd | Bydd gofyn i ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus gwblhau holiadur iechyd ac efallai y bydd gofyn iddynt gael archwiliad meddygol. |
Job description: Programme Area Manager for Engineering | |
Programme area / Department | Coleg Llandrillo Engineering |
Main site | Rhyl |
Salary | £57,050.54 - £60,168.53 per annum Manager Grade 7 - 9 |
Contract type | Permanent |
Contract terms | Full Time |
Reporting to | Assistant Principal |
Job purpose | |
As a manager within Grŵp Llandrillo Menai you will be committed to the overarching vision for the Grŵp which is to be: ● A provider of excellent teaching and learning. ● An exemplar deliverer of bilingual education – recognised across Europe. ● An economic driver of the local economy with a network of vocational Centres of Excellence. ● A hub for partnership working with HE, schools and communities. | |
Main duties and responsibilities | |
KEY ROLES Academic Leadership 1. Plan a broad, coherent and cost-effective annual programme for Engineering. 2. Ensure that provision meets the needs of learners progressing to further study or employment. 3. Create a culture of continuous quality improvement through the application of Grŵp Quality Assurance procedures, regular monitoring of performance in attainment, retention and successful completion against target and an active response to issues identified through the Programme Area self-assessment process. 4. Initiate and implement change and an improvement of services within Engineering. 5. Ensure equality of opportunity and service for all staff and learners. 6. Promote bilingualism within provision and services in line with the Grŵp’s Welsh Language Plan. 7. Encourage the use of innovative teaching, learning and assessment strategies including the use of learning technology to inspire and motivate learners. 8. Encourage and promote effective and reflective teaching and learning through example, support and advice, including the dissemination of good practice. 9. Ensure that learner induction, personal tutorials, target setting, progress reports and other curriculum related strategies are carried out in accordance with Grŵp policy. Management of Staff 1. The post-holder will line manage a large team within the Engineering team. |
2. Take part in the recruitment, selection and induction of staff with the aim of ensuring the Grŵp engages and retains appropriately qualified and experienced staff. 3. Plan and monitor the deployment of staff in line with their contractual agreements, ensuring value for money and the best possible service to learners and employers. 4. Manage the performance of staff including carrying out probationary reviews, observations, and appraisals, providing support as required, to ensure all staff are able to maximise their performance. 5. Promote the training and development of staff to support the achievement of corporate objectives. 6. Build and develop effective academic and business support teams and ensure regular team meetings take place to enable the effective dissemination of information and to act as a forum for discussion. 7. Ensure there is effective liaison between personal and subject tutors and the learning support and Essential Skills support teams. Management of Resources 1. Effectively manage any commercial elements of the Engineering area. 2. Take part in the planning process for the Programme Area including planning of any budget devolved to the Engineering Programme Area and the development of the college operational plan. 3. Ensure that the Engineering Programme Area provides value for money and spend remains within allocated budgets in line with the Grŵp’s financial regulations and systems. 4. Liaise with Estates and ICT services to ensure accommodation and equipment is effective, maintained and fit for purpose. 5. Take responsibility for ensuring that health and safety standards and regulations are adhered to within your span of control. 6. Ensure learner group sizes are optimised to ensure effective utilisation of staff, rooms and equipment, liaising with other programme managers across the Grŵp as appropriate. 7. In liaison with registry ensure that all students are correctly recorded on the MIS system and that attainment recording is up to date. 8. Ensure all registers are kept up to date in line with Grŵp policy. 9. Undertake campus management responsibility – where relevant. Corporate and personal responsibilities 1. Maintain high standards of professional conduct and act as a role model to staff and learners. 2. Respond to learner disciplinary matters in line with Grŵp policies and procedures. 3. Contribute to the strategic and operational planning process. 4. Develop partnerships and other links between the Programme Area, business and other stakeholders for the benefit of learners, to promote the curriculum and to enhance public relations and commercial activity. 5. Liaise with the Advice and Guidance and Marketing teams in the context of enquiries, interviews and promotion of the curriculum. 6. Xxxxxxxx and coordinate the development of publicity and marketing materials and represent the Programme Area at marketing events. 7. Maintain a personal class contact commitment of up to 200 hrs per year. 8. Participate in the Grŵp’s Performance Review process with the aim of continuously improving own performance and updating skills and knowledge. 9. Undertake any other relevant duties appropriate to your role and position which may be required by the line manager, Principal or the Chief Executive. | |||
Person specification | Essential | Desirable | Assessment method |
Qualifications | |||
Academic qualifications to a minimum of a good honours degree | X | Application form |
or equivalent together with a recognised teaching qualification. | |||
A post-graduate qualification in a related academic subject. | X | Application form | |
A management qualification. | X | Application form | |
Knowledge and experience | |||
Significant teaching experience in a related area. | X | Application form | |
Experience of engineering curriculum. | X | Application form | |
Course management or team leadership experience. | X | Application form | |
Experience or knowledge of delivering and managing HE in an FE environment. | X | Application form | |
Experience of practical Engineering in the workplace. | X | Application form / Interview | |
Skills and attributes | |||
Excellent interpersonal skills and communication skills. | X | Application form / Interview | |
The ability to deal effectively with staff at all levels, learners and external clients. | X | Application form / Interview | |
Ability to meet targets and manage delegated budgets. | X | Application form / Interview | |
Competent user of IT packages | X | Application form / Interview | |
Additional requirements | |||
An understanding of the role of ESTYN within the education sector | X | Application form / Interview | |
Knowledge of the issues around the current Qualifications Review and their implications for the sectors as a whole | X | Application form / Interview | |
Commitment to further and continuous personal and professional development. | X | Application form / Interview |
An innovative approach to curriculum delivery and organisation | X | Application form / Interview | |
An enthusiastic team member who will adopt innovative and flexible approaches, to provide the optimum environment for excellent teaching and learning | X | Application form / Interview | |
A commitment to the use and development of Learning Technology | X | Application form / Interview | |
An understanding of the engineering sector and aware of local, regional and national development | X | Application form / Interview | |
Welsh language skills | |||
Full details of the Welsh skill levels can be found at: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx.xx/xxxx | |||
Welsh Understanding | Linguistic courtesy | Interview | |
Welsh Speaking | Linguistic courtesy | Interview | |
Welsh Literacy | Linguistic courtesy | Interview | |
Please note: consideration will be given to applicants who indicate that they are within 1 level of meeting the required Welsh skills requirement for the post on the proviso that any offer of employment would include a contractual agreement to develop their Welsh Skills. | |||
Mandatory requirements | |||
In accordance with the Education Workforce Council (EWC) Regulations 2015 it is a statutory requirement that individuals register with the EWC prior to commencing employment with the Grŵp. Under section 8 of the Asylum and Immigration Act 1986 individuals are required by law to provide documentary evidence confirming their eligibility to work in the United Kingdom. | |||
Summary of the terms and conditions | |||
Working hours | 37 hours per week | ||
Working weeks | 52 weeks per year | ||
Annual leave | ● 37 days leave per annum (01 September to 31 August). ● All normally observed public holidays, determined annually. ● Up to 5 days efficiency closure days per annum, determined annually. ● Part Time contracts will receive a pro rata entitlement to the above. |
● Term Time contracts will receive a pro rata entitlement to the above paid as part of annual salary. | |
Pension | Teachers’ Pension Scheme (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/) dependent upon teaching requirements of the role |
Travel | Arrangements to reimburse employees who incur additional expense whilst carrying out their official duties on behalf of the Grŵp is outlined in the Travel, Subsistence and Relocation policy. Successful applicants will be required to complete a Drivers Assessment Form for Health screening upon appointment (if applicable). Copies of insurance certificates must be provided to the Grŵp Finance department on an annual basis by all employees claiming mileage expenses for using their own car to confirm that “Business Use” insurance is in place. |
Health screening | Successful applicants will be required to complete a health questionnaire and may be asked to attend a medical. |