SANTIAGO, 08 2023
Lo dispuesto en D.F.L. Nº 3 de 2007 del Ministerio de Educación, que fija texto refundido, coordinado y sistematizado del Decreto con Fuerza xx Xxx N° 153 de 1981, que establece los Estatutos de la Universidad de Chile, Ley N° 19.886 de Bases sobre Contratos Administrativos de Suministro y Prestación de Servicios; en el Xxxxxxx Xx 000, xx 0000, xxx Xxxxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxx que aprueba el Reglamento de la Ley N° 19.886, Teniendo presente lo establecido en la Resolución N° 7 de 2019 y la Resolución Nº 14, de 2022, ambas de la Contraloría General de la República, D.S. Nº 180 de 1987 del Ministerio de Hacienda, Decreto 309/103/2022, Decreto 309/114/2022 y Decreto 309/68/2020.
1. Que, el Departamento de Geofísica de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile tiene asignado el Proyecto FONDAP, código Nº15110009, que crea el Centro de Ciencia del Clima y la Resiliencia (CR)² cuyo objetivo es consolidarse como un actor clave para la ciencia del clima, su variabilidad y la resiliencia en Chile, y así contribuir al xxxxxxxx xxx xxxx hacia un desarrollo bajo en carbono, en el contexto de un clima cambiante y, junto a actores clave, busca apoyar la definición de medidas de adaptación y mitigación, para construir una sociedad más resiliente al cambio climático.
2. Que, por su parte, la Xxxxxxxxxxx Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (RPA) es una organización sin fines de lucro que actualmente asesora y administra más de $400 millones en donaciones anuales de individuos, familias, corporaciones y fundaciones. Continuando con el legado de filantropía reflexiva y efectiva de la familia Xxxxxxxxxxx, RPA permanece a la vanguardia del crecimiento filantrópico y la innovación, con un equipo diverso de donantes experimentados con un conocimiento profundo significativo en todo el espectro de áreas temáticas. Fundada en 2002, RPA se ha convertido en una de las organizaciones de servicios filantrópicos más grandes del mundo y ha facilitado más de $3 mil millones en subvenciones a más de 70 países. Actualmente, RPA actúa como patrocinador fiscal de más de 90 proyectos, proporcionando infraestructura de gobierno, gestión y operativa para respaldar sus fines benéficos.
3. Que, la RPA ha contratado al Centro de Ciencia del Clima y la Resiliencia (CR)² de la Universidad de Chile, como consultor con el propósito de brindar servicios de consultoría “Climate Champions”, un proyecto patrocinado por RPA.
4. Que, como resultado de este, es que con fecha 0 xx xxxxx 0000 se suscribió un contrato para el financiamiento consultoría para con el propósito de brindar servicios de consultoría “Climate Champions”, un proyecto patrocinado por RPA entre la Xxxxxxxxxxx Philanthropy Advisors, Inc, representada por su Vicepresidente Senior de Proyectos y Fondos Patrocinados Xx. XXXXXX XXXXX, y, por la otra parte, la UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE – FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS FÍSICAS Y MATEMÁTICAS, RUT 00.000.000-0, representada por su Decano xxx XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX, RUT. 0.000.000-0, cuyo texto pasa a formar parte integrante de la presente resolución.
5. Que, con fecha 1 de diciembre 2022 se suscribió adenda a contrato para el financiamiento consultoría para con el propósito de brindar servicios de consultoría “Climate Champions”, cuyo objetivo es modificar el periodo original de la asesoría y el monto de la contratación.
6. Que, encontrándose ya suscrito ambos instrumentos, corresponde, por un lado, proceder a la regularización del acto ya celebrado, y, en forma paralela a la aprobación de la adenda antes mencionada. Lo anterior es ejecutado en este mismo acto, procediendo a la sanción positiva de esta autoridad dictando el acto administrativo que en derecho corresponde.
1. REGULARÍCESE, el contrato celebrado con fecha 08 xx xxxxx de 2022, para el financiamiento consultoría para con el propósito de brindar servicios de consultoría “Climate Champions”, un proyecto patrocinado por RPA entre la Xxxxxxxxxxx Philanthropy Advisors, Inc, representada por su Vicepresidente Senior de Proyectos y Fondos Patrocinados Xx. XXXXXX XXXXX, y, por la otra parte, la UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE – FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS FÍSICAS Y MATEMÁTICAS, RUT 00.000.000-0, representada por su Decano xxx XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX, RUT. 0.000.000-0, cuyo texto es el siguiente:
April 8 2022 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Xxxx xxxxx Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR2) Universidad de Chile Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0000
0xx xxxx (Xxxxxxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxxx) Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx
Re: Consulting Agreement (this "Agreement")
I am pleased to confirm the engagement of Center for Climate and Resilience Research at the Universidad de Chile (CR2) as a consultant (the "Consultant") to Xxxxxxxxxxx Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. ("RP A") for the purpose of providing consulting services to Climate Champions a sponsored project of RP A.
.L Scope of Services
RP A engages the Consultant to provide the services described in the "Scope of Services" attached hereto as Attachment A (the "Services"). The Consultant shall not subcontract any other parties to perform the Services without prior written approval from RP A. The Consultant agrees to perform ali Services according to RPA 's guidelines and specifications and with the standard of care prevailing in the industry.
2. Term and Termination
This engagement shall commence on January 27 2022 and shall continue through 31 December 2022 (the "Term"), unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Section 2.
It is understood that either the Consultant or RP A may termínate this Agreement at an earlier date by providing the other party thirty
(30) days prior written notice. In addition, RPA may termínate this Agreement immed:iately if the Consultant fails to perform the Services to the reasonable satisfaction ofRPA; provided, however, that RPA shall provide the Consultant with written notice of any performance issues and afford the Consultant an opportunity to rectify the perfonnance issues within ten (1 O) days prior to termination.
3.Fees, Expenses, and Invoices
In consideration of the Services rendered to RP A, the Consultant shall receive fees not to exceed USD 144,687 "the Fee". If during the performance of the Services the Consultant believes that it will no longer be able to complete the Services without exceeding the Fee, the Consultant
shall propase, in writing, an amended Scope of Services that details the remaining Services to be accomplished, the estimated time required to deliver the Services, and the fee sought by the
Consultant befare exceeding the Fee. Such amended Scope of Services shall not take effect
unless and until signed by both parties. In the event that either party terminates this Agreement prior to the end of the Term, RPA's sale obligation to the Consultant shall be to paya pro-rated installment covering the period during which the Services were actually performed prior to
termination. RP A shall reimburse the Consultant, upan receipt of satisfactory documentation, for reasonable and necessary expenses that the Consultant may incur that have been identified in Attachment A or previously approved in writing by RP A.
The Consultant shall submit invoices summarizing the Services provided by the Consultant to the Climate Champions Team, Operations Department, xxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx.
Invoices will be paid in USD according to the following schedule:
Invoice Date Amount in USD for Incoicing 31 May 2022 USD 48.229,04
31 July 2022 USD 48.229,04
30 Nov 2022 USD 48.229,04
4. Nature of Relationship
he Consultant is being retained by RP A as an independent contractor, and nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted or construed to create any employer/employee relationship between RP A and the Consultant or between RP A and any of the Consultant' s representatives, employees, subcontractors, or volunteers. In addition, nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted or construed to create any relationship of agency, partnership, association, or joint venture between RP A and the Consultant. The Consultant is not authorized to make any binding commitments, either express or implied, to any party on behalf of RP A, except as explicitly authorized in writing by RP A.
Both parties agree that the Consultant has the right to sole and exclusive control over the manner and means employed in performing the Services under this Agreement. The Consultant will assume all responsibility for compensation and benefits of its employees, agents, and approved subcontractors, as applicable, as well as all obligations to pay or withhold federal, state, and local taxes in connection with any Services provided by the Consultant, pursuant to this Agreement.
5. Intellectual Property
"Work Product" is any creation, writing, material, design, discovery, or invention in any medium and all proprietary rights thereto, which the Consultant produces, discovers, or conceives in connection with, and during performance of, the Services. The W ork Product shall be deemed jointly owned by RPA and the Consultant, with each party owning an egua! and undivided interest in such Work Product. Each party shall be entitled to freely use the Work Product outside of the scope of this Agreement without accounting between them. Any improvements, updates, or modifications made to the Work Product [after 31 Dec 2022] shall be owned by the xxxxx making such improvements, updates, or modifications, subject to any provisions within this Agreement.
6. Confidential lnformation
The Consultant acknowledges that it may, during the term of this Agreement, be exposed to or acquire information that is proprietary or confidential to RP A or to any third parties to whom RP A owes a duty of confidentiality. The Consultant agrees that ali such proprietary, confidential, or non-public information, data, and other material, conceming RPA and RPA's clients, donors, programs, projects, finances, operations, plans, or proposals, that the Consultant obtains, receives, or produces in the course of performing the Services, is confidential
("Confidential Information").
Confidential Information shall not include information that: (i) was publicly known or in the public domain prior to the time of its disclosure under this Agreement; (ii) became publicly known or entered the public domain after the time of its disclosure under this Agreement through means other than an unauthorized disclosure resulting from an act or omission by the receiving party; (iii) was independently developed or discovered by the Consultant without use of the Confidential Information; (iv) is or was disclosed to the Consultant at any time, whether prior to or after the time of its disclosure under this Agreement, by a third party having no fiduciary relationship with RP A and having no obligation of confidentiality with respect to such Confidential Information; or (v) is required to be disclosed to comply with applicable laws or regulations, or with a court or administrative order, provided that to the extent legally permitted, RP A receives reasonable prior written notice of such disclosure.
The Consultant shall protect and safeguard the confidentiality of all Confidential Infonnation with at least the same degree of care as the Consultant would exercise in protecting its own confidential information, but in no event with less than a commercially reasonable degree of care. The Consultant may not disclose, directly or indirectly, or use in any manner, other than to perform the Services, Confidential Information. In addition, the Consultant shall, u pon RP A' s request, return to RP A any Confidential Information provided to the Consultant at the earlier of (i) (i) such time that RP A requests it; or (ii) at the conclusion of the Tenn.
The Consultant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless RP A, its directors, trustees, officers, employees, agents, and other representatives from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or relating to the Consultant' s or its employees', agents', or other representatives' negligence, willful misconduct, or breach of this Agreement, or any deliverable supplied by the Consultant under this Agreement infringing upon a third party's intellectual property rights.
RP A agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold haimless the Consultant, its employees, agents, and other representatives from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or relating to RPA's or RPA's employees', agents', or other representatives' negligence or willful misconduct.
8.Compliance with Applicable Law
The Consultant shall ensure that ali actions performed under this Agreement comply with all applicable U.S. state and federal laws and regulations. The Consultant shall require the same contractual commitments to such laws and regulations and to the applicable provisions within this Agreement from all third parties it contracts to perform the Services under this Agreement.
9. Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
RP A promotes and maintains a work environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, where ali employees, consultants, grantees, and partners are treated with respect and dignity. Accordingly, the Consultant agrees that it promotes and maintains and, during the Term, shall continue to promote and maintain such a work environment. For the purposes of this Agreement, "discrimination" means unjust or prejudicial treatment based on race, color, ancestry, place of origin, political beliefs, religion, marital status, family status, disability, sex, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, or because a person has been directly impacted by the criminal legal system. "Harassment" relates to any conduct, whether verbal, physical, or by innuendo, that is reasonably likely to cause offense or humiliation to any person.
10. Anti-Slavery and Anti-Trafficking Compliance
RP A is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its operations and activities, including within its supply chain. Accordingly, the Consultant agrees that it, its employees, agents, and contractors do and shall not engage in activities that support or promote trafficking in persons and shall comply with the laws of the United States, European Un ion, and other pertinent jurisdictions relating to modern slavery and human trafficking. The Consultant shall immediately notify RP A in writing if the Consultant has knowledge, whether substantiated or not, of an actual or suspected violation of this Section 1 O and shall cooperate during any subsequent investigation ofthe actual or suspected violation by RPA, RPA's representative, or a government agency. RP A or its authorized representative may, upon reasonable written notice, audit all pertinent books, records, work sites, offices, and documentation of the Consultant in arder to verify compliance with this Section 1 O, such audit to occur during the customary hours of the Consultant' s operations.
11. Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
The Consultant agrees not to offer, give, or agree to offer or give ( either alone or in agreement with others) any payment, gift, or other advantage which could be interpreted as an inducement or a reward for any act or failure to act related to the Services or this Agreement. The Consultant shall comply with and ensure that anybody employed or engaged or acting on its behalf complies with any anti-bribery or anti-corruption laws or regulations in any applicable jurisdiction, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, and the UK Bribery Act 201 O, as applicable.
12. Saf eguarding Compliance
RP A is committed to safeguarding the well-being of all individuals who come into contact with it. During the course of performing the Services, the Consultant may come into contact with people who are at potential risk of xxxx, including children and adults whom the law defines as vulnerable. "Safeguarding" means complying with the law in dealings with those individuals but also goes beyond preventing physical abuse to include protecting people from harm generally, including neglect, emotional abuse, exploitation, radicalization, and the consequences of the misuse of personal data. The Consultant shall ensure that ali subcontractors or vendors have their own safeguarding policy prior to making any payments to them pursuant to this Agreement. The Consultant shall notify RP A promptly of becoming aware of any concerns, disclosures, or allegations relating to safeguarding and provide RP A with all information and assistance it may require.
13. General Provisions
a. Assignment: Neither party will assign this Agreement in whole or in part without prior mutual agreement in writing between both parties.
b. Force Majeure: Neither party shall be responsible for delays or failure in performance resulting from acts beyond the control of such party, including, without limitation, acts of God, strikes, lockouts, riots, acts of war, terrorist attacks, pandemics, epidemics, fire, communication line failures, power surges or failures, earthquakes, or other natural disasters.
c. Survival: The obligations related to Nature of Relationship, Intellectual Property, Confidentiality, and Indemnification, shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.
d. Choice of Law: This Agreement shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the State of New York, without regard to choice of law principies.
e. Notices: All legal notices and communication regarding the terms of this Agreement shall be made in writing and delivered to the other party as identified below or at such other addresses as the party may designate by written notice.
If to RPA:
Operations Department Climate Champions Team
e/o: Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Senior Vice President, Sponsored Projects & Funds 0 Xxxx 00xx Xxxxxx, 00xx Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx, XX 00000
ops@climatechampions. team If to Consultant:
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Xxxx of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR2) Universidad de Chile Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0000
0xx xxxx (Xxxxxxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxxx) Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx
Email: Xxxxx Xxxxx: xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx
ce: Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx xxxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx
f. Waiver: Waiver by either party of a breach or violation of any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent or other breach or violation
g. Counterparts; Execution: This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, and all of which together constitute one and the same instrnment. Signatures to this Agreement in facsimile, PDF, or JPG/JPEG format are valid and binding.
h. Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the patiies and supersedes ali prior agreements, whether oral or in writing, concerning its subject matter. Any amendment of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both patiies.
If the te1ms of this Agreement meet with your approval, please sign and date and retum a copy to my attention. Sincerely,
By: Xxxxxx Xxxxx
Senior Vice President, Sponsored Projects adn Funds ACCEPTED TO AND AGREED BY:
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx
University of Chile Date: 28/11/2022 ttachment A
Scope of Services (the "Services")
The Consultant will provide the following services to RP A:
Attachment A Scope of Services
Xxxxx X Xxxxx of reference for Center for Climate Resilience Research (CR2) to serve as the Race to Resilience Technical Secretariat from 1 January to 31 December 2022
These Terms ofReference are for the Race to Resilience (R2R) campaign's Technical Secretariat (TS). This is to be delivered by the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 of the University of Chile. The overall objective of the TS is to ensure the credibility, transparency, and robustness of the R2R campaign to ensure ali commitments under the campaign help achieve the goals of the París Agreement. Further, the TS will support a process of sharing knowledge, co-learning and co-production at the interface of science and policy to help advance the Race to Resilience campaign.
The TS, under the oversight of the TS Lead, will be a technical body, integral part of the R2R Team ofthe UN High Level Champions, and will have four functions:
1. Strategic Advice. Provide technical advice to support strategic decisions on the R2R Campaign including on conceptual and technical discussions on the R2R Metrics and R2R Transformations, and role of the Expert Review Group and the Methodology Advisory Group. This will be the responsibility ofthe Technical Secretariat Lead who will be part of the executive leadership ofthe R2R Team.
2. Secretariatto:
a. The R2R Expert Review Group (ERG), which as an advisory body will provide advice on the inclusion and maintenance ofpartner initiatives in the R2R campaign. Regarding the inclusion of new initiatives to the campaign, the ERG will assess the alignment of the initiative with the R2R campaign and make a recommendation to the Champions who have the final decision to approve new initiatives. As of 2022, the ERG functions may be expanded: the TS will propase new functions. This will be the responsibility of the CR2 Executive Secretary, and the R2R Resilience Research Lead.
b. The R2R Methodology Advisory Group (MAG), which as a technical advisory body will validate adjustments to the R2R Metrics Framework, with a focus, in 2022, on resilience attributes, the collection of data on climate action outcomes, and validation of outcomes. This will be the responsibility of the CR2 Executive Secretary and R2R Metrics Lead.
3. Resilience and Transformation Support. Support the R2R Transformation lead on technical aspects of transformations, and develop links between the Tra11sformatio11s and Metrics workstreams. This will be the responsibility of the R2R Resilience Research Lead.
4. Improvement of the R2R Metrics Framework, as well as coordinating the collection, compilation and aggregation of data from R2R partners, and overseeing the technical choices for the visualization portal or platform for such data. This will be the responsibility ofthe R2R Metrics Lead, in collaboration with one Technical Supports. The R2R Lead will work with the Metrics lead to identify resources for the portal.
The following deliverables are expected. A full and dynamic work plan will be developed and agreed with the R2R Lead during March on how they are to be achieved. Other deliverables will be agreed between the R2R Lead and the TS Lead.
• Simplified and adjusted Metrics Framework, based on lessons and practices from the 2021 campaign, MAG feedbacks, and new concepts from the upcoming AR6 WGII Report.
• Yearly initiative Survey sent to Mettics Partners to collect data on pledges, outcomes, and inputs from partner initiatives and, through them, of their members/projects. The detail leve! of the data gathered through these surveys may vary depending on the analytical capacity of each partner initiative.
• Technical ToRs for a R2R data management/visualization portal or platform.
• Identification of process to inform the Global Stocktake, together with the R2R Lead.
• Annual dashboard and provide input to the report on progress to be shared at COP27, together with the R2R Team.
Eol process and ERG
• Assessment ofnew R2R i11itiatives by the ERG, Bi-Mo11thly updates/email to ERG 011 R2R, and recomrne11dation to the R2R lead of a new and expanded role for the ERG.
• Improved and updated criteria for initiative to become a R2R partner.
• Proposed new functions for the ERG, and their implementation after agreement by Champions.
• Design a pathway and methodology to align the cuITent transformation with the metrics framework of Race to Resilience Metrics and Transformation
• Resilience attributes survey for both Metrics a11d Tra11sformation Partners.
• Visualization of data on pledges, outcomes, inputs a11d resilience attributes 011 the R2R Dashboard, based on data collected through the aforementioned surveys.
As an integral part ofthe HLC's R2R Team the members ofthe TS will co11tribute inputs to the overall workplan of the R2R Team. This may include activities such as coordinating across the Champio11s Team; engagement with R2R partners, and collaboration with externa! stakeholders on R2R, limited to the achievement of the deliverables described above.
Team Composition, Responsibilities and Time Allocations
CR2 will appoint a team offive people for the Technical Secretariat comprising:
o R2R Technical Secretariat Lead - 1 day/week.
o R2R Metrics Lead - 5 days which includes research activities which relate to the campaign).
o R2R Resilience Research Lead - 3 days/week (Xxx-Jun) and 5 days/week (Jul-Dec) includes research activities which relate to the campaign)
o CR2 Executive Secretary- 2.5 days/week.
o R2R Technical Support from post graduate students for specific tasks - 2.5 days/week.
Job descriptions for each ofthese roles will be agreed with the R2R Campaign Lead in the format used for the HLC team by the beginning of March.
The Technical Secretariat Lead will report to the R2R Lead on the overall delivery of this contract. The TS members will report to the Technical Secretariat Lead and will maintain constant communication with the R2R Team as needed by their functions.
----------- FIN TRANSCRIPCIÓN -----------
2. APRUEBESE la adenda suscrita entre las partes con fecha 1 de diciembre de 2022 cuyo texto se transcribe a continuación: 1 December 2022
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Xxxx of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR2) Universidad de Chile
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0000
0xx xxxx (Xxxxxxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxxx) Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx
This letter will serve as an Amendment to the agreement dated 8 April 2022 between Center for Climate and Resilience Research at the Universidad de Chile
(CR2) ("Consultant") and the Climate Champions Team ("CCT"), a sponsored project of Xxxxxxxxxxx Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. ("RP A").
Original Term: Xxx 2022 - Dec 2022 Amended Term: Xxx 2022 - March 2023 Original Fee (Xxx - Dec 2022): USD 144,687
Amendment amount for Ql (2023): USD 36,171.75
Total New Fee (including amendment) : USD 180,858.75 Payment planned for Xxx 5th 2023
ToRs April to Dec 2023 to be signed by December 15th. Updated Scope of services:
1. Partner reporting briefing and Data roadmap: through severa! meetings held with
partners, information was gathered on the status of each partner and the main challenges they are facing to report to th RTR reporting too!. The Technical secretariat will deliver a briefing of overall status of partners, with the specific assessment gathered from each patiner during the meetings. Along with that they will provide recommendations on how to improve the reporting system given the struggles being faced by partners. The Technical Secretariat will provide a roadmap of how the data flows from the surveys to the reports and the data explorer, disclosing the processes behind it. This should be in collaboration with the metrics lead from the Climate Champions Team.
2. Compilation and analysis of submissions to the public consultation on the
Framework and integration of adjustments into the metrics framework: the public consultation has been launched during COP27 and will remain open until mid January. A compilation and analysis of the recommendations will be made by the Technical Secretariat, along with the invitation for key actors to submit them. For
this purpose, the Technical Secretariat shall have real time access to the interim consultation results.
3. Proposal of the inclusion ofthe Sharm el Sheikh Adaptation Agenda to the Metrics Framework. Analysis of the conceptual similarities and differences between the Adaptation Agenda and the R2R Framework. This will include a proposal of adjustments to both documents to match them conceptually. Identification of indicators included in the Adaptation Agenda, assessing which are covered by the current R2R metrics, and which should require changes to the R2R framework to be included.
4. Proposal for platform and second iteration of the Data Explorer: the Technical Secretariat will build conceptual guidelines for a platform for the partners to report so we evolve from Survey Monkey and make reporting easier. The data explorer will be strengthened through the ability to perform queries, depending on data availability, and any adjust needed to make it more user friendly.
5. Analysis of CDP tracking and surveys in contrast to the Race to Resilience: the Technical Secretariat should provide an analysis of where the RTR reporting too!matches the CDP tracking and where it <loes not. They should provide insight on the main differences and similarities, and give recommendations on alignment.
6. Continuing to deliver baseline activities of the Technical Secretariat, namely, performing the EoI process corresponding to the November 2022 -February 2023 period, providing Secretariat functions for the Methodological Advisory Group and Expert Review Group, and providing strategy advice to the HLC in xxxxxx related to resilience.
All other terms and conditions will remain the same. Agreed:
Xxxxxx Xxxxx
Senior Vice President, Sponsored Projects & Funds Date: December 5, 2022
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx
Date: December 13, 2022.
----------- FIN TRANSCRIPCIÓN -----------
3. DÉJESE CONSTANCIA, en virtud de lo dispuesto en la cláusula tercera del contrato, la Xxxxxxxxxxx Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (RPA) pagará al Centro de Ciencia del Clima y la Resiliencia (CR)² de la Universidad de Chile - Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, la suma total de USD$180.858,75.- (ciento ochenta mil ochocientos cincuenta y ocho dólares americanos con setenta y cinco centavos).
4. RATÍFIQUESE, cualquier actuación material o jurídica efectuada en el período intermedio entre la suscripción del instrumento y la dictación de su resolución aprobatoria.
5. IMPÚTESE, el ingreso producto de este Convenio al Título Ingreso, Subtitulo 1, Ítem 1.1 del presupuesto vigente de esta Universidad.
6. TÉNGASE PRESENTE, que para todo efecto legal el contrato suscrito, y sus anexos, si lo hubiese, pasarán a formar parte íntegra de esta resolución.
Firmado por:
Decanato FCFM
Dirección Económica y Administrativa FCFM Contraloría Universitaria
Archivo CR2 GGP/ggp