Swydd Ddisgrifiad: Darlithydd Iechyd a Gofal, a Gofal Plant | |
Xxxx Rhaglen / Adran | Iechyd a Gofal, a’r Celfyddydau |
Prif Safle | Dolgellau a Pwllheli |
Cyflog | £29, 161 - £45, 077 y flwyddyn Pwynt MG 1 – UG3 |
Y Math o Gontract | Parhaol |
Telerau'r Contract | Llawn Amser |
Yn atebol i | Rheolwr Xxxx Rhaglen Iechyd a Gofal, a’r Celfyddydau. |
Pwrpas y Swydd | |
Byddwch yn ymuno xxxx xxxx o ddarlithwyr sydd yn darparu’r addysg ar y cyrsiau Iechyd a Gofal a Gofal Plant. Mae 160 o fyfyrwyr yn astudio’n ddwyieithog ar draws y ddau gampws yn Nolgellau a Phwllheli. Rydym yn cynnig cyrsiau Lefel 2 a Lefel 3 mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, a Gofal Plant. Yn ogystal mae cwrs Mynediad i Addysg Uwch yn cael ei gynnig ym Mhwllheli a chwrs Gradd gydag Anrhydedd yn cael ei gynnig yn Nolgellau. Mae niferoedd cadarn wedi gwneud cais i ymuno ym mis Medi 2023. Mae llwyddiant yr adran wedi xx xxxxx ar addysgu a rhoi cyfleodd o’r safon uchaf i’n dysgwyr. | |
Prif Ddyletswyddau a Chyfrifoldebau | |
A: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Y Dysgwyr A1. Darparu cyngor ac arweiniad priodol i ddarpar fyfyrwyr A2. Asesu profiadau dysgu a chyflawniadau blaenorol dysgwyr mewn perthynas â rhaglen ddysgu ddynodedig A3. Cynnal cyfweliadau â darpar fyfyrwyr a gweinyddu unrhyw brofion dethol sydd eu xxxxxx A4. Ymgymryd ag asesiadau cychwynnol a nodi unrhyw anghenion dysgu neu’r angen am gefnogaeth arbennig. A5. Sicrhau bod dysgwyr yn cofrestru gyda'r coleg a chyrff dyfarnu B: Cynllunio a Pharatoi Rhaglenni Dysgu ac Addysgu B1. Nodi canlyniadau dysgu a pharatoi Cynlluniau Gwaith a Chynlluniau Gwersi ar gyfer rhaglenni perthnasol yn unol â gofynion cyrff dyfarnu a chanllawiau'r Grŵp. B2. Sicrhau bod sgiliau sylfaenol (hanfodol) yn cael eu hintegreiddio i'r rhaglen ddysgu fel y bo'r angen B3. Cynllunio ar gyfer anghenion ieithyddol y grŵp myfyrwyr er mwyn caniatáu i fyfyrwyr ddefnyddio'r iaith a ddewisant (Cymraeg neu Saesneg) lle bynnag y xx xxxx B4. Dethol amrywiaeth o ddulliau dysgu i ddiwallu anghenion myfyrwyr C: Rheoli'r Broses Ddysgu C1. Sefydlu a chynnal amgylchedd dysgu ddiogel ac effeithiol C2. Datblygu a defnyddio amrywiaeth o dechnegau dysgu ac addysgu er mwyn annog dysgu annibynnol a hwyluso dysgu trwy brofiadau C3. Cynhyrchu a defnyddio deunyddiau dysgu priodol gan ddefnyddio technoleg gwybodaeth dysgu lle y xx xxxx C4. Nodi a mynd i'r afael â diffyg cymhelliant a herio ymddygiad amhriodol C5. Gosod tasgau heriol a chytuno ar dargedau a nodau unigol gyda dysgwyr lle bo hynny'n briodol |
C6. Strwythuro sesiynau'n briodol i gadw at yr amserlen a chynnal diddordeb
C7. Cynnal a hybu cyfathrebu effeithiol gyda, a rhwng, yr xxxx ddysgwyr, gan ddefnyddio technoleg briodol lle bo hynny'n berthnasol
C8. Cynnal perthynas waith effeithiol o fewn timau'r rhaglen
C9. Sefydlu cysylltiadau priodol a chysylltu â chyrff allanol yn ôl y galw
C10. Trefnu ac arsylwi lleoliadau profiad gwaith i ddysgwyr gan ddilyn y trefniadau a gytunwyd arnynt, yn cynnwys ymweliadau a gweithgareddau preswyl lle bo hynny'n briodol
C11. Cydymffurfio â systemau gwybodaeth coleg a sicrhau bod cydweithwyr yn cael yr xxxx wybodaeth angenrheidiol ar yr amser cywir ac ar y ffurf sefydliadol y cytunwyd arno
C12. Cyfrannu at xxxx systemau sicrhau ansawdd perthnasol y coleg; gweithdrefnau rheoli mewnol ac allanol
C13. Cymryd rhan mewn prosesau hunanasesu yn cynnwys gwerthuso modiwlau a chyrsiau
D: Darparu cefnogaeth i ddysgwyr
D1. Cyfrannu at lunio gweithdrefnau cynefino a chyflwyno dysgwyr yn effeithiol i'r sefydliad
D2. Sicrhau bod dysgwyr yn ymwybodol o wasanaethau cefnogi a chynghori priodol ac yn gwybod sut i'w defnyddio
D3. Cynnal systemau tiwtora yn unol â chanllawiau'r coleg
D4. Darparu cyngor, arweiniad, trefniadau cynefino a chefnogaeth academaidd
E: Asesu’r deilliannau dysgu a chyflawniadau'r dysgwyr
E1. Cynllunio strategaethau asesu priodol ar gyfer rhaglenni dysgu yn unol â gofynion cyrff dyfarnu a rhoi gwybod i fyfyrwyr amdanynt
E2. Defnyddio amrywiaeth o ddulliau asesu priodol i gynnal asesiadau teg a dibynadwy
E3. Sicrhau bod dysgwyr yn cael adborth ysgrifenedig a llafar, sy'n glir ac yn adeiladol, o fewn cyfnod priodol
E4. Cadw cofnodion asesu a darparu gwybodaeth i randdeiliaid perthnasol e.e. cydweithwyr, rhieni, cyflogwyr, cyrff dyfarnu
F: Ystyried a chloriannu xxxx perfformiad xxxx hun a chynllunio at y dyfodol
F1. Cloriannu xxxx ymarfer xxxx hun mewn perthynas ag anghenion y dysgwyr a'r rhaglen F2. Defnyddio adborth o systemau sicrhau ansawdd i wella xxxx ymarfer xxxx hun
F3. Sicrhau xxxx bod yn ymwybodol o ddatblygiadau cyfredol yn xxxx xxxx arbenigol
F4. Cymryd rhan yn system Adolygu Perfformiad y coleg er mwyn cloriannu xxxx perfformiad ac adnabod anghenion datblygu
F5. Cymryd rhan mewn datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus perthnasol
G: Dyletswyddau Penodol:
G1. Ymgymryd â rôl Tiwtor Personol, Rheolwr Rhaglen, Dilysydd Mewnol ac os bydd y rheolwr rhaglen yn cytuno, gweithredu fel Prif Ddilysydd a Chydlynydd Cwricwlwm.
G2. Goruchwylio arholiadau ac asesiadau fel bo'r angen
H: Cyfrifoldebau Cyffredinol
H1. Cydymffurfio â pholisi Diogelwch, Iechyd a'r Amgylchedd Diwygiedig y Grŵp er mwyn cynnal amgylchedd gwaith ac amgylchedd addysgu diogel H2. Cyflawni unrhyw ddyletswyddau priodol eraill sy’n ymwneud â’ch rôl a’ch swydd ar gais xxxx rheolwr atebol, Uwch Gyfarwyddwr neu'r Prif Weithredwr | ||||
Manyleb Deiliad y Swydd | Hanfodol | Dymunol | Dull Asesu | |
Cymwysterau | ||||
Xxxxx xxx gymhwyster cyfatebol mewn xxxx perthnasol. | X | Ffurflen Gais | ||
Cymhwyster addysgu neu barodrwydd i ennill y cymhwyster o fewn pedair mlynedd i’r penodiad. | X | Ffurflen Gais | ||
Gwybodaeth a Phrofiad | ||||
Y gallu i uniaethu â gwahanol ddysgwyr, ac ymrwymiad i gyfle cyfartal | X | Ffurflen Gais / Cyfweliad | ||
Profiad o weithio mewn amgylchedd Addysg Xxxxxxx/Uwch. | X | Ffurflen Gais | ||
Gwybodaeth a phrofiad o ddefnyddio technoleg ddysgu. | X | Ffurflen Gais / Cyfweliad | ||
Sgiliau a Phriodweddau | ||||
Y gallu i ddefnyddio systemau a rhaglenni TG. | X | Ffurflen Gais / Cyfweliad | ||
Sgiliau trefnu, sgiliau rhyngbersonol a sgiliau cyfathrebu da. | X | Ffurflen Gais / Cyfweliad | ||
Hyblygrwydd a sgiliau gweithio mewn xxx. | X | Ffurflen Gais / Cyfweliad | ||
Gofynion Ychwanegol | ||||
Gallu teithio yn ôl yr angen i gyflawni gofynion y rôl | X | Ffurflen Gais / Cyfweliad | ||
Ymrwymiad i werthoedd y Grŵp. | X | Ffurflen Gais / Cyfweliad | ||
Sgiliau Cymraeg | ||||
Ceir manylion llawn am lefelau sgiliau Cymraeg yn: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx.xx/xx/xxxx | ||||
Dealltwriaeth o'r Gymraeg | Uwch | Cyfweliad | ||
Yn siarad Cymraeg | Uwch | Cyfweliad | ||
Llythrennedd Cymraeg | Uwch | Cyfweliad | ||
Noder os gwelwch yn dda - fe roddir ystyriaeth i ymgeiswyr sy’n nodi eu bod o fewn 1 lefel i fodloni’r gofyniad sgiliau Cymraeg gofynnol ar gyfer y swydd ar yr xxxx y byddai unrhyw gynnig o gyflogaeth yn cynnwys cytundeb cytundebol i ddatblygu eu Sgiliau Cymraeg. |
Gofynion Gorfodol | |
Yn unol â Rheoliadau Cyngor y Gweithlu Addysg 2015 mae'n ofyniad statudol bod unigolion yn cofrestru â'r Cyngor cyn dechrau gweithio yn y Grŵp. O xxx xxxxx 8 Deddf Mewnfudo a Lloches 1986, mae'n ofyniad cyfreithiol ar unigolion i ddarparu tystiolaeth ddogfennol sy'n cadarnhau bod ganddynt hawl i weithio yn y Deyrnas Unedig. | |
Crynodeb o'r Telerau a'r Amodau | |
Oriau gwaith | 37 awr yr wythnos 835 awr o amser addysgu blynyddol – 24 i 26 awr yr wythnos. Hyd at 5 awr yr wythnos o weithio oddi ar safle drwy gytundeb a’r rheolwr. |
Wythnosau Gweithio | 52 wythnos y flwyddyn |
Gwyliau Blynyddol | ● 46 diwrnod o wyliau yn flynyddol ● Pob gwyliau cyhoeddus a arsylwir fel arfer, yn cael eu pennu'n flynyddol. ● Hyd at 5 diwrnod o ddiwrnodau cau effeithlonrwydd y flwyddyn, a bennir yn flynyddol. ● Bydd contractau rhan amser yn derbyn hawl pro rata i'r uchod. ● Bydd contractau Amser Tymor yn derbyn hawl pro rata i'r uchod a delir fel rhan o'r cyflog blynyddol. |
Pensiwn | Cynllun Pensiwn Llywodraeth Leol (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx) |
Teithio | Caiff y trefniadau ar gyfer ad-dalu treuliau i aelodau staff sy'n mynd i gostau ychwanegol wrth wneud gwaith swyddogol i Grŵp Llandrillo Menai eu hegluro yn y Polisi Teithio, Cynhaliaeth ac Adleoli. Yn dilyn eu penodiad, bydd gofyn i ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus gwblhau Ffurflen Asesu Gyrwyr ar gyfer Sgrinio Iechyd (os yw'n berthnasol). I gadarnhau bod ganddynt yswiriant at "Ddibenion Busnes", mae'n rhaid i xxx gweithiwr sy'n hawlio treuliau am ddefnyddio eu ceir personol gyflwyno copïau o'u tystysgrifau yswiriant i Adran Gyllid y Grŵp xxx blwyddyn. |
Sgrinio Iechyd | Bydd gofyn i ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus gwblhau holiadur iechyd ac efallai y bydd gofyn iddynt gael archwiliad meddygol. |
Job description: Health and Social Care, and Childcare | |
Programme area / Department | Health and Care, and Arts |
Main site | Dolgellau and Pwllheli |
Salary | £29, 161 - £45, 077 per annum Point MG1 – UG3 |
Contract type | Permanent |
Contract terms | Full Time |
Reporting to | Programme Area Manager: Health and Care, and Arts. |
Job purpose | |
You will be joining a team of lecturers who deliver the teaching on the Health and Social Care, and Childcare courses. 160 students study bilingually across our two campuses in Dolgellau and Pwllheli. We offer Level 2 and Level 3 courses in Health and Social Care, and Level 3 in Childcare. In addition, the Access to Higher Education diploma is offered in Pwllheli and a Degree with honours course is offered in Dolgellau. Student enrolment for September 2023 is promising. The success of the department is based on teaching and providing opportunities of the highest quality. | |
Main duties and responsibilities | |
A: Assessing Learners’ Needs A1. Provide prospective students with appropriate advice and guidance A2. Assess learners’ previous learning experiences and achievements in relation to the identified learning programme A3. Conduct interviews with prospective students and administer any necessary selection tests A4. Undertake initial assessments and identify any special learning or support Needs A5. Ensure learners are registered with the college and with awarding bodies B: Planning and Preparing Teaching and Learning Programmes B1. Identify learning outcomes and prepare Schemes of Work and Lesson Plans for relevant programmes in line with awarding body requirements and Grŵp guidelines B2. Ensure that literacy and numeracy / essential skills are integrated into the learning programme as required B3. Plan for the linguistic needs of the student group in order to allow students to use their language of choice (Welsh or English) wherever possible B4. Select a range of learning methods to meet student needs C: Managing the Learning Process C1. Establish and maintain a safe and effective learning environment C2. Develop and use a range of teaching and learning techniques to encourage individual learning and facilitate learning though experience C3. Produce and use appropriate learning materials using information learning technology where possible C4. Identify and address poor motivation and challenge inappropriate behaviour C5. Set challenging tasks and agree individual goals and targets with learners as appropriate C6. Structure sessions appropriately to provide pace and maintain interest |
C7. Maintain and encourage effective communication with and between all learners, using appropriate technology where relevant
C8. Maintain effective working relationships within programme teams C9. Establish appropriate links and liaise with external bodies as required
C10. Arrange and supervise work experience placements for learners following agreed procedures including visits and residential activity where appropriate
C11. Comply with college management information systems and ensure that colleagues are given all necessary information at the correct time in the agreed organisational format
C12. Contribute to all relevant college quality assurance systems; internal and external control procedures;
C13. Participate in self-assessment processes including the evaluation of modules and courses
D: Providing learners with support
D1. Contribute to the design of induction procedures and induct learners effectively into the organisation
D2. Ensure that learners are aware of and have access to appropriate support and guidance services D3. Maintain tutorial systems in line with college guidelines
D4. Provide advice, guidance, induction, pastoral and academic support and signpost to other suitable support avenues where appropriate
E: Assessing the outcomes of learning and learners’ achievements
E1. Plan appropriate assessment strategies for learning programmes in line with awarding body requirements and communicate these to students
E2. Use a range of appropriate assessment methods to conduct fair and reliable assessments
E3. Ensure that learners are provided with clear and constructive written and oral feedback within an appropriate timescale
E4. Maintain assessment records and provide information to relevant stakeholders e.g. colleagues, parents, employers, awarding bodies
F: Reflecting upon and evaluating one’s own performance and planning future practice
F1. Evaluate your own practice in relation to learners’ and programme needs F2. Use feedback from quality assurance systems to improve your own practice F3. Keep up to date with current development within your own specialist field
F4. Participate in the college Performance Review system in order to evaluate own performance and identify development needs
F5. Engage in relevant continuous professional development
G: Other Specific duties
G1. Undertake the role of Personal Tutor, Programme Leader, Internal Verifier and, if agreed with the programme manager, Lead Verifier or Curriculum Co-ordinator
G2. Invigilate examinations or assessments as appropriate
H: General Responsibilities
H1. Comply with the Grŵp’s Safety, Health & Environment Policy in order to maintain a safe working and learning environment H2. Undertake any other relevant duties appropriate to your role and position which may be required by the line manager, Executive Director or the Chief Executive. | |||
Person specification | Essential | Desirable | Assessment method |
Qualifications | |||
Level 3 or above in relevant subject | X | Application form | |
Degree or equivalent qualification in a related area. | X | Application form | |
Teaching qualification or willingness to gain within four years of appointment. | X | Application form | |
Knowledge and experience | |||
Empathy with diverse learners and commitment to equal opportunities. | X | Application form / Interview | |
Experience of working within an FE/HE environment. | X | Application form | |
Knowledge and experience of the use of learning technology. | X | Application form / Interview | |
Skills and attributes | |||
Ability to use IT systems and applications. | X | Application form / Interview | |
Good organisation, interpersonal and communication skills. | X | Application form / Interview | |
Flexibility and team working skills. | X | Application form / Interview | |
Additional requirements | |||
Able to travel as required to fulfil the requirements of the role | X | Application form / Interview | |
Commitments to the Grŵp values. | X | Application form / Interview | |
Welsh language skills | |||
Full details of the Welsh skill levels can be found at: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx.xx/xxxx | |||
Welsh Understanding | Advanced | Interview | |
Welsh Speaking | Advanced | Interview | |
Welsh Literacy | Advanced | Interview | |
Please note: consideration will be given to applicants who indicate that they are within 1 level of meeting the required Welsh skills requirement for the post on the proviso that any offer of employment would include a contractual agreement to develop their Welsh Skills. | |||
Mandatory requirements | |||
In accordance with the Education Workforce Council (EWC) Regulations 2015 it is a statutory requirement that individuals register with the EWC prior to commencing employment with the Grŵp. |
Under section 8 of the Asylum and Immigration Act 1986 individuals are required by law to provide documentary evidence confirming their eligibility to work in the United Kingdom. | |
Summary of the terms and conditions | |
Working hours | 37 hours per week. 835 hours annual teaching time – 24 to 26 hours teaching per week. Up to 5 hours per week working off site in agreement with manager. |
Working weeks | 52 weeks per year |
Annual leave | ● 46 days leave per annum. ● All normally observed public holidays, determined annually. ● Up to 5 days efficiency closure days per annum, determined annually. ● Part Time contracts will receive a pro rata entitlement to the above. ● Term Time contracts will receive a pro rata entitlement to the above paid as part of annual salary. |
Pension | Teachers Pensions Agency (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx) |
Travel | Arrangements to reimburse employees who incur additional expense whilst carrying out their official duties on behalf of the Grŵp is outlined in the Travel, Subsistence and Relocation policy. Successful applicants will be required to complete a Drivers Assessment Form for Health screening upon appointment (if applicable). Copies of insurance certificates must be provided to the Grŵp Finance department on an annual basis by all employees claiming mileage expenses for using their own car to confirm that “Business Use” insurance is in place. |
Health screening | Successful applicants will be required to complete a health questionnaire and may be asked to attend a medical. |