Modelo simple de contrato de alquiler de vehiculo peru word
Modelo simple de contrato de alquiler de vehiculo peru word
Como as estado xxxxxxxx. Modelo simple de contrato de alquiler de vehiculo peru en word. Como juntar dos documentos de word. Como temperar o peru de thanksgiving. Que de que o que meme. Como hacer un contrato de landscaping.
El presente contrato establece los términos y condiciones para el arrendamiento de un bien mueble (vehículo) con fianza. Por una parte, don actúa como el propietario del vehículo, identificado con D.N.I. Nº , con domicilio en , y por la otra, don es el arrendatario del mencionado vehículo. Además, don se encuentra como fiador del acuerdo. Se deja constancia que el vehículo tiene una marca de , modelo de , año de fabricación de , color de , Nº de motor y Nº de serie . El vehículo cuenta con placa de rodaje Nº . Además, se estipula que el vehículo se encuentra en buen estado de funcionamiento mecánico y conservación de carrocería, pintura y accesorios. Asimismo, queda convenido que el arrendatario no podrá conducir ni trasladar el vehículo fuera de los límites geográficos de la provincia de El arrendatario está obligado a efectuar por cuenta y costo propio las reparaciones y mantenimientos que sean necesarios para conservar el
vehículo en el mismo estado en que fue recibido, optando siempre por repuestos originales y servicio de primera categoría. Así también, el arrendatario queda prohibido de introducir mejoras, cambios o alteraciones internas y externas en el bien arrendado y sus accesorios, sin el consentimiento expreso y por escrito del arrendador. Mientras el vehículo se encuentre en posesión del arrendatario, éste responderá exclusivamente y excluyentemente por los daños causados a terceras personas viajantes o no; por los daños causados a la propiedad privada o pública; así como por las transgresiones al reglamento de tránsito vigente en el país. El arrendatario no podrá ceder a terceros el bien material del presente contrato bajo ningún título, ni subarrendarlo, ni ceder su posición contractual, salvo que cuente con el asentimiento expreso y por escrito del arrendador. El arrendatario se obliga a devolver el bien arrendado en la fecha de vencimiento del plazo estipulado en la cláusula sexta de este contrato. Una vez efectuada la devolución, el arrendador no responderá por el deterioro, destrucción, pérdida o sustracción de los bienes y valores de cualquier especie, de propiedad del arrendatario o de terceros, dejados al interior del vehículo. El incumplimiento de la obligación establecida en la cláusula décimo cuarta constituirá causal de resolución del presente contrato, al amparo del artículo 1430º del Código Civil. EL presente contrato es de calidad ILIMITADA, IRREVOCABLE, INDIVISIBLE y con EJECUCIÓN INMEDIATA. Adicionalmente, según el inciso 1ro. del artículo 1883º del Código Civil, se deja constancia que EL FIADOR hace EXPRESA RENUNCIACIÓN AL DERECHO DE EXCUSIÓN, por lo que para la ejecución de la garantía NO SERÁ NECESARIO EL REQUERIMIENTO PREVIO DE LOS BIENES DEL ARRENDATARIO. LAS PARTES ACUERDAN que todos los GASTOS Y TRIBUTOS que origine la celebración y ejecución de este contrato, serán ASUMIDOS POR AMBAS EN FORMA EQUIVALENTE. PARA LA VALIDEZ DE TODAS LAS COMUNICACIONES Y
NOTIFICACIONES a las partes, con motivo de la ejecución de este contrato, ambas señalan como sus respectivos DOMICILIOS los indicados en la introducción de este documento. EL CAMBIO DE DOMICILIO de cualquiera de las partes surtirá efecto desde la fecha de comunicación de dicho cambio a la otra parte, por cualquier medio escrito. EN LO NO PREVISTO POR LAS PARTES en el presente contrato, ambas se someten a lo establecido por las NORMAS DEL CÓDIGO CIVIL y demás del sistema jurídico que resulten aplicables. Parties: Firstly, Mr./Ms. [Landlord's Name], identified by ID number [ID Number], with address at [Address], hereinafter referred to as "THE LANDLORD"; and secondly, Mr./Ms. [Tenant's Name], identified by ID number [ID Number], with address at [Address], hereinafter referred to as "THE TENANT". The parties agree to enter into this vehicle rental agreement subject to the following clauses: FIRST: OBJECT OF THE CONTRACTThe LANDLORD shall deliver the vehicle, identified by the following characteristics: Make: [Make of Vehicle], Model: [Model of Vehicle], Year of manufacture: [Year], Plate number: [Plate Number], Serial number: [Serial Number], Color: [Color of Vehicle] to THE TENANT. THE TENANT receives the vehicle in perfect working condition and shall return it in the same state, except for normal wear and tear. SECOND: DURATION OF THE CONTRACTThe present contract shall have a duration of [number of days/months], commencing on [start date] and terminating on [end date]. If THE TENANT wishes to extend the contract, they must notify THE LANDLORD with [number of days] prior notice and the parties may agree on a new term in writing. THIRD: RENTAL FEEThe TENANT shall pay THE LANDLORD the sum of S/. [Amount] for the rental of the vehicle during the term of the contract. The payment shall be made in the following manner: [Specify payment method and schedule]. FOURTH: OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIESObligations of THE LANDLORD: * Deliver the vehicle in good working condition and with all documentation in order. * Assume maintenance of the vehicle related to mechanical failures not caused by misuse. Obligations of THE TENANT: * Use the vehicle in a suitable manner and in accordance with current traffic regulations. * Assume costs derived from fines, infractions or damages caused during use of the vehicle. * Return the vehicle in the same condition it was received, except for normal wear and tear. FIFTH: INSURANCE AND RESPONSIBILITYThe vehicle is insured to cover [insurance details]. In the event of an accident or damage to the vehicle, THE TENANT shall be responsible for the deductible amount. If the insurance does not cover certain damages, these will be the responsibility of THE TENANT. SIXTH: EARLY TERMINATIONThe present contract may be terminated early if either party fails to fulfill any of their obligations. In such case, the affected party may demand compensation for damages and losses. SEVENTH: JURISDICTION AND COMPETENCEAny disputes arising from the execution or interpretation of this contract shall be resolved in accordance with Peruvian laws, subjecting the parties to the jurisdiction of the courts of [City]. Renting out a vehicle to another person (lessee) in exchange for a rental or payment is a fundamental agreement that prevents misunderstandings and ensures both parties fulfill their obligations, such as the care of the vehicle and timely payments. Additionally, it guarantees that the lessor maintains ownership of the car while establishing the lessee's right to use it for a determined period. How does a vehicle rental contract structure work? The structure of a vehicle rental contract typically includes several key sections that ensure the agreement is clearly established. First, personal information from both parties is detailed, including names, addresses, and identification documents. Then, a complete description of the vehicle is included, with data such as make, model, license plate number, and any relevant features. It's also common to specify the payment amount and method, contract duration, lessee responsibilities (such as vehicle maintenance), and lessor obligations. Finally, the conditions for terminating the contract and consequences for non-compliance are stipulated. How to draft it correctly? To prepare this document properly, it is essential to be clear and precise in the terms used. The document should start with an introduction that identifies the parties involved and the purpose of the contract. Subsequently, each clause of the contract should be drafted, starting with the vehicle's identification and usage conditions. It is crucial to include the contract duration, payment amount, and any penalties for delays or damages to the vehicle. The drafting should conclude with the signatures from both parties and, in some cases, notarization for greater legal validity. Particularities in Peru In Peru, the model of a vehicle rental contract has some important particularities that it is advisable to consider to ensure the document complies with current laws and the specific needs of the parties. Obligatory written contract Although verbal contracts are often accepted, in the case of vehicle rentals, it is highly recommended (and in some cases required) that the agreement be in writing. This is especially important in Peru, as the document not only protects both parties but also can serve as a requirement in case of legal disputes or when one party fails to comply with the agreement. Vehicle details In our country, it is essential that the rental contract includes a detailed description of the rented vehicle. This should include not only basic characteristics (make, model, license plate number) but also other aspects, such as the vehicle's current state. Additionally, common clauses are added regarding the conditions under which the car must be returned. For example, the lessee may be obligated to return the car in the same condition, with the same fuel level, and free of traffic fines or penalties. Insurance and liabilities It is advisable for both parties to consider insurance options to mitigate potential risks and liabilities. This can include third-party liability coverage, comprehensive insurance, and other forms of protection that ensure both parties are adequately covered against unforeseen events. In Peru, the topic of vehicle insurance is closely tied to car rentals. Many contracts specify that the lessee is responsible for any damage or accidents that occur during the rental period. However, it's common for the lessor to provide a basic insurance policy that covers minor damages or civil liability. It's essential that the contract clearly indicates what type of insurance is in effect and who is liable for additional costs like deductible fees or non-covered damages. Tax obligations are also crucial for Peruvian lessees, particularly those operating as corporate entities. They may need to issue invoices and pay taxes on rental income received. For individual natural persons, it's essential to determine whether the rental income should be declared in their income tax return.