Other protected elements Clauses Exemplaires

Other protected elements. Exhibitors must obtain all necessary authorisations directly from associations for the management of copyright and/or creators and/or their beneficiaries for any use, representation or reproduction of any element protected by intellectual and/or industrial property rights (including but not limited to photographs, drawings, music, texts, software, databases, films) that they use in connection with their participation in the Show, and pay all appropriate fees. They must provide proof of this to the Organiser at its first request. Exhibitors must hold the Organiser harmless against any action, claim or complaint by any associations for the management of copyright and/or creators and/or their beneficiaries in respect of any element protected by intellectual and/or industrial property rights that they use during their participation in the Show. They undertake to indemnify the Organiser (i) for any expenses incurred by the latter or (ii) for any sums the Organiser is required to pay to any third party (including damages, legal representation fees, legal costs, expert fees, postage and service charges) in application of any court ruling that becomes final, or any settlement, conciliation, mediation or arbitration.