Participation by proxy Clauses Exemplaires

Participation by proxy. A shareholder may act at any general meeting by appointing another person, who need not be a shareholder, as its proxy in writing. Copies of written proxies that are transmitted by telefax or e-mail may be accepted as evidence of such written proxies at a general meeting. In order to be taken into account, a copy of the proxy must be received by the Company before the relevant general meeting at such time as specified in the convening notice. The shareholders may vote in writing (by way of a voting bulletin provided that the written voting bulletins include: (i) the name, first name, address and signature of the relevant shareholder, (ii) an indication of the shares for which the shareholder will exercise such right, (iii) the agenda as set forth in the convening notice with the proposals for resolutions relating to each agenda item , and (iv) the vote (approval, refusal, abstention) on the proposals for resolutions relating to each agenda item. In order to be taken into account, a copy of the voting bulletins must be received by the Company before the relevant general meeting at such time as specified in the convening notice.