Standard Contracts
Sample Contracts by Contract Type
Tender Agreement8Request for Proposal7Annual Maintenance Contract6Tender Notice6Employment Agreement4Model Concession Agreement4Tender Document4Work Order4Contract3E-Tender Document3Maintenance Contract3Memorandum of Understanding (Mou)3Purchase Orders3Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (Rcep)3Request for Proposal (Rfp)3Caution Notice, Non-Disclosure Agreement and Unfair Means2Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract2Cyber Security Cooperation Agreement2Financing Loan Agreement2Free Trade Agreement (Fta)2Loan Agreement2Master License Agreement2Monthly Vigilance Report2Purchase Order2राजभाषा अधिनियम 1963 की धारा (3)3 के अंतर्गत अनिवार्य रुप से द्विभाषी जारी किए जाने वाले कागज़ात2Advance Pricing Agreement (Apa)1Aeo Program1Agreement for Advance for the Purchase of Personal Computer1Amc for Pest Control Treatment1Annual Rate Contract for Supply of Printer Cartridges1Annual Service Contract1Annual Service Contract for Security Guards1Appointment of Managing Director1Approval Committee Meeting1Architectural Consultancy Services1Armistice Agreement1Basic Guide to Launching a Business1Bid Document1Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 20181Code of Commitment1Comprehensive Annual Contract for Pest Control Services1Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (Ceca)1Consumer Complaint Handling Manual1Contract Farming1Contract for Housekeeping Services1Contractual Appointment1Covid-19 Risk Management Guidelines1Customs Data Exchange Agreement1Detailed Advertisement for Appointment of Contractual Teachers for Session 2023-241Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (Dtaa)1