TVRTKA / COMPANY The Hunting Lodge d.o.o. za usluge i tur.agencija OIB:14200274331 Vrelo 129E 47 314 Jasenak / Ogulin OPĆI UVJETI POSLOVANJA
The Hunting Lodge d.o.o. |
za usluge i tur.agencija |
OIB:14200274331 |
Vrelo 129E |
47 314 Jasenak / Ogulin |
1. Opće odredbe |
Ovi Opći uvjeti o putovanju sastavni su dio Ugovora odnosno računa koji ima snagu Ugovora (i vouchera kao krajnjeg dokumenta priloženog xx xxxxxx agencije prema putniku) za paket aranžman koji je sklopljen između: |
The Hunting lodge d.o.o. za usluge I tur. agencija |
OIB: 14200274331 |
Vrelo 129E |
47314 Jasenak / Vrelo |
(u daljnjem tekstu: agencija) |
i krajnjeg klijenta xxxx podaci su navedeni u uzglavlju ugovora. |
Svi podaci i uvjeti u programu i u ovim Općim uvjetima obvezuju agenciju i klijenta. |
2. Sadržaj ponude |
Agencija osigurava uslugu prema objavljenim informacijama, te prema opisu i terminu sukladno potvrđenoj rezervaciji, osim u slučaju više sile. |
3. Rezervacije i uplate |
Upiti i rezervacije aranžmana primaju se elektroničkim putem, pismeno ili osobno u poslovnici agencije, kao i u poslovnicama agencija ugovornih partnera agencije. |
Prilikom izvršene rezervacije putnik potvrđuje da je upoznat s ovim Općim uvjetima THL aranžmana i pružanja usluge koje je prethodno pažljivo proučio, te da ih u cijelosti prihvaća. Na xxx xxxxx sve što je navedeno u ovim Općim uvjetima postaje pravna obveza kako za putnika, tako i za agenciju. |
Prilikom rezervacije putnik xx xxxxx dati sve podatke koje zahtijeva postupak rezervacije. |
Za rezervaciju aranžmana, putnik xx xxxxx poštivati slijedeću dinamiku plaćanja zadanu xx xxxxxx agencije: |
1.rata u visini od 50% ukupne cijene aranžmana se uplaćuje u roku od 7 xxxx xxxxx primitka računa |
2.rata u visini od 50% ukupne cijene aranžmana se uplaćuje najkasnije do 45 xxxx prije datuma početka aranžmana |
Ukoliko putnik dogovorenu akontaciju i/ili ostatak iznosa ne uplati u dogovorenom roku, agencija ima pravo nakon opomene i isteka postavljenog roka za uplatu, otkazati i putniku naplatiti troškove otkaza xxxxx xxxxx 8. |
Rezervacijski postupak za putnika |
➢ pismena potvrda rezervacije aranžmana (e-mail,fax,pošta) |
➢ UGOVOR - pismena potvrda o rezervaciji |
➢ uplata prve rate po dostavljenom THL računu za predujam koji uključuje putnikove podatke |
4. Boravišna pristojba |
Prema važećim odredbama RH, u svaku cijenu aranžmana je uključena boravišna pristojba. |
5. Cijena aranžmana |
Cijena uključuje osnovnu uslugu xxxx xx opisano uz pojedini aranžman i termin na koji se odnosi rezervacija. Posebne usluge su one usluge koje nisu uključene u cijenu (u opisu aranžmana naznačene pod „Cijena aranžmana ne uključuje“ ili dodatne usluge |
( napomene - koje su ostvarive uz prethodnu najavu) pa xx xxxxx xxxxxx posebno plaća na licu mjesta pružatelju usluge ukoliko ih i koristi. Posebne usluge se trebaju zatražiti prilikom rezervacije s xxx da ne predstavljaju obvezu za agenciju već će se samo uzeti u obzir. |
Cijene su objavljene u EUR. |
6. Opis usluge |
Agencija je odgovorna za opis I podatke o ponuđenim smještajnim kapacitetima na temelju uvidu u njihovo stvarno stanje prilikom objave. |
7. Pravo agencije na promjene i otkaz |
Agencija zadržava pravo promjene rezervacije ako nastupe izvanredne okolnosti koje se ne mogu predvidjeti, izbjeći ili otkloniti (vidi točku 2.). Rezervirani aranžman može se zamijeniti samo uz prethodnu obavijest putniku. |
8. Pravo putnika na promjene i otkazivanje rezervacije |
U slučaju da putnik želi promijeniti ili otkazati rezervaciju učinjenu prema njegovom zahtjevu, xxxx to učiniti pismeno sukladno uvjetima otkaza agencije. |
Ukoliko putnik na rezerviran aranžman ne stigne u dogovoreno vrijeme polaska, a nije se javio agenciji ili pružatelju usluge , rezervacija se smatra otkazanom, xx xxxxxx nema pravo na bilo kakvo korištenje otkaza tj. nema pravo na bilo kakav povrat uplaćenih sredstava. Ukoliko xxxxxx xxxx otkazuje rezervaciju osigura zamjenskog korisnika za istu rezervaciju, novi korisnik rezervacije preuzima sve obveze iz ovih Općih uvjeta. |
Ako putnik za vrijeme aranžmana nije koristio pojedine usluge koje su mu ponuđene, iz razloga jer je prijevremeno prekinuo putovanje ili iz nekih drugih nepredvidivih razloga, nema pravo na nikakav povrat uplaćenih sredstava. |
U slučaju otkaza rezervacije programa aranžmana, agencija THL pridržava pravo zadržati slijedeće iznose ukupne vrijednosti aranžmana: |
A) za razdoblje od datuma izdavanja računa do 46.xxxx prije datuma putovanja, zadržavaju se svi do tada uplaćeni iznosi |
B) za razdoblje od 45. xxxx do datuma putovanja, zadržava se 100% ukupnog iznosa |
9. Obveze agencije |
Dužnost agencije xx xxxxx o provedbi usluga kao i o izboru pružatelja usluge, te briga o pravima i interesima putnika, sukladno dobrim običajima u turizmu. Agencija će sve navedene obveze izvršiti u potpunosti i na opisani način, osim u izvanrednim okolnostima (točka 2.), kad se postupa xxxx xx opisano u točki 7. |
10. Obveze putnika |
Putnik xx xxxxx: |
A) posjedovati valjane putne isprave, |
B) posjedovati ispravne xxxxx dokumente: dozvolu za lov iz zemlje prebivališta I važeću propusnicu za oružje |
C) poštivati carinske i devizne propise RH, |
D) putnik xx xxxxx provjeriti da li mu za ulazak u državu u kojoj je odredište ili susjedne zemlje potrebna viza. |
Važne napomene za putnika/lovca: |
A) detaljne podatke o vrsti i tipu oružja, valjanu lovačku iskaznicu, putovnicu ili osobnu iskaznicu te oružani list dostaviti agenciji prije datuma aranžmana |
B) Ukoliko putnik / lovac kod lova rani divljač a divljač se ne pronađe uz upotrebu psa krvosljednika, obvezan je platiti divljač u stoppostotnom iznosu trofeja divljači po procjeni stručnog vodića |
C) Po dolasku u lovište, a prije početka lova obavezno je testiranje oružja na metu sa vodićem lovišta |
D) Tri promašaja se naplačuju kao 1 odstreljeno grlo |
U slučajevima nepoštivanja ovih obaveza, putnik snosi troškove i odgovara za učinjenu štetu. Potvrdom rezervacije putnik se obvezuje da će, ukoliko počini bilo kakvo oštećenje, pružatelju usluge na licu mjesta platiti svu počinjenu štetu. |
11. Prtljaga |
Putnik xx xxxxx voditi brigu o svojoj imovini. Pružatelj usluge i agencija nisu odgovorne za gubitak i/ili oštećenje kao ni za krađu imovine putnika ili tuđe imovine odložene i čuvane u smještaju, operativnom vozilu ili u uredu agencije ili pružatelja usluge. Uplatom odgovarajućeg dijela iznosa rezervacije putnik potvrđuje rezervaciju i prihvaća ove Opće uvjete, te time odbacuje sve zahtjeve za nadoknadu takvih gubitaka i/ili oštećenja xx xxxxxx agencije ili pružatelja usluge. Gubitak ili krađa imovine prijavljuju se pružatelju usluge i nadležnoj policijskoj postaji. |
12. Rješavanje prigovora |
Ako su usluge iz ponude nekvalitetno izvršene, putnik može zahtijevati razmjernu odštetu poštujući postupak rješavanja prigovora. Svaki putnik ima pravo prigovora zbog neizvršene uplaćene usluge. Svaki putnik – nositelj potvrđene rezervacije, prigovor podnosi zasebno. |
Postupak u svezi s prigovorom: |
Putnik xx xxxxx uložiti pismeni prigovor agenciji i to u roku 8 xxxx od xxxx završetka putovanja. Prigovori uloženi nakon isteka roka neće se uzeti u razmatranje. Naglašavamo da je u interesu putnika da nastupa u dobroj namjeri i iskaže volju za rješavanjem prigovora u tijeku putovanja na način da prigovor uputi davatelju usluge na licu mjesta ,te da se isti očituje i nastoji u dobroj namjeri riješiti prigovor putnika. Ukoliko putnik i davatelj usluge ne mogu zajednički riješiti prigovor xx xxxxxx putnika, isti xx xxxxx odmah obavijestiti svog agencijskog predstavnika koji je naveden na njegovom računu / ugovoru. Xxxxxxxxxx predstavnik xx xxxxx razgovora obavljenog s putnikom i davateljem usluge nastojati riješiti problem prigovora u dobroj namjeri kako se isti više ne bi ponavljao. |
Agencija je dužna donijeti pismeno rješenje na prigovor u roku od 21 xxxx po primitku prigovora xx xxxxxx putnika. Agencija će rješavati samo one prigovore Xxxxxx se uzrok nije mogao otkloniti za vrijeme aranžmana, tj.koji se u dobroj namjeri nisu mogli riješiti načinom navedenim u prethodnom stavku ovog članka. Dok agencija ne xxxxxx rješenje putnik se odriče posredovanja bilo koje druge osobe, arbitraže Udruge putničkih agencija, sudske ustanove kao i davanja informacija u sredstva javnog informiranja. |
Najviša nadoknada po prigovoru može doseći iznos reklamiranog dijela usluga, a ne može obuhvatiti već iskorištene usluge kao ni cjelokupni iznos usluge. |
Agencija se ne može smatrati odgovornom za eventualne klimatske uvjete, buku, ulične radove, stanje objekata u neposrednoj blizini i gužve u destinacijama, te sve ostale slične situacije i događaje koji mogu uzrokovati nezadovoljstvo putnika, a ne tiču se direktno kvalitete rezerviranog aranžmana. Naša Agencija I naši partneri ne mogu garantirati nepredvidive situacije u lovištima. |
13. Osiguranje za slučaj platne nemogućnosti ili stečaja agencije |
U skladu sa Zakonom o turističkoj djelatnosti, u slučaju platne nemogućnosti ili stečaja Agencije, putnik zatečen na lovačkom putovanju, kao i ostale osobe koje su uplatile akontacije za putovanje trebaju na najbrži način kontaktirati Agencijskog osiguravatelja |
THL polica osiguranja br.: 298290000107 |
Xxxxxxxx Matić Xxxxxxx |
Viši manager tima |
Sektor za osiguranje građanstva |
Regija Dalmacija |
Trg hrvatske bratske fzajednice 8, 21000 Split |
M x000 00 000 0000 |
14. Zaštita osobnih podataka |
Putnik osobne podatke daje dobrovoljno. Osobni podaci putnika potrebni su u procesu realizacije tražene usluge. Isti će se koristiti i za daljnju međusobnu komunikaciju. Agencija se obvezuje xx xxxx osobne podatke putnika iznijeti iz zemlje ili dati trećoj osobi, osim u svrhu realizacije tražene usluge. Osobni podaci putnika čuvat će se u bazi podataka, sukladno odluci agencije o načinu prikupljanja, obrade i čuvanja osobnih podataka. |
15. Nadležnost xxxx |
Xxxxxx i agencija nastojat će eventualne sporove u primjeni ovog Ugovora rješavati sporazumno, a u protivnom podvrgavaju se odluci nadležnog suda u Ogulinu, a mjerodavno je pravo Republike Hrvatske. |
The Hunting Lodge d.o.o. |
OIB: 14200274331 |
Vrelo 129E, Jasenak |
1. General provisions |
These General Conditions on Travel are an integral part of the Contract, i.e. the invoice that has the power of a Contract (and the voucher as the final document enclosed by the agency to the traveller), for the package arrangement concluded between: |
The Hunting Lodge d.o.o. |
za usluge i tur.agencija |
OIB:14200274331 |
Vrelo 129E |
47 314 Jasenak / Ogulin (hereinafter: the Agency) |
and the final client whose data are mentioned in the header of the contract. |
All data and the conditions in the programme and in these General Conditions are binding both for the Agency and the Traveller. |
2. Offer content |
The Agency ensures the service according to the published information, the description and the time frame pursuant to the confirmed booking, except in cases of force majeure. |
3. Booking and payment |
Inquiries and bookings of the arrangement can be received electronically, in writing or in person at the Agency offices, as well as at agencies that are contractual partners of the Agency. |
When booking, the Traveller confirms that he/she is aware of these General Conditions of the THL arrangement and the services that he/she has carefully read, and he/she fully accepts them. In this manner, all that is stated in these General Conditions becomes a legal obligation both for the Traveller and the Agency. |
When booking, the Traveller is obliged to provide all the data required by the booking process. |
For the booking of the arrangement, the Traveller is obliged to abide by the following payment plan determined by the Agency: |
1st instalment in the amount of 50% of the total price of the arrangement is paid within 7 days after having received the invoice |
2nd instalment in the amount of 50% of the total price of the arrangement is paid 45 days before the beginning date of the arrangement at the latest |
If the Traveller does not pay the agreed advance and/or the rest of the amount in the stipulated time frame, after a reminder and the expiration of the time stipulated for payment, the Agency may terminate the service and charge the Traveller with termination expenses according to Item 8. |
The booking procedure for the Traveller |
•A written confirmation of the arrangement booking (e-mail, fax, regular mail) |
•CONTRACT – a written confirmation of the booking |
•Payment of the first instalment upon the delivered THL pre invoice incl. client's personal data |
4. Tourist tax |
According to the current regulations of the Republic of Croatia, the price of the arrangement also includes tourist tax |
5. Arrangement price |
The price includes the basic service as described for the arrangement and time period to which the booking relates. Special services are those services that are not included in the price (in the arrangement description marked as "the arrangement price does not include" or additional services) |
(notes – that can be achieved upon previous announcement) so that the Traveller has to pay them separately then and there to the service provider if he/she uses them. Any special services need to be requested when booking; they must not represent an obligation for the Agency but will rather only be taken into consideration. |
The prices are published in euros. |
6. Service description |
The Agency is responsible for the description and data on the offered accommodations based on the insight into their actual condition when |
7. The Agency entitled to changes and termination |
The Agency retains the right to change the reservation if unexpected circumstances that could not have been foreseen, avoided or removed occur (see Item 2). The booked arrangement may be replaced only upon the previous notification to the Traveller . |
8. The Traveller entitled to changes and booking cancellation |
In case the Traveller wishes to change or cancel the booking made upon his/her request, the Traveller must do so in writing according to the termination conditions of the Agency. |
If the Traveller does not come to the booked arrangement at the agreed time, and he/she did not inform the Agency or the service provider of it, the booking is considered cancelled and the Traveller is not entitled to use any termination rights, i.e. he/she cannot be returned the paid in amount. If the Traveller who cancels the booking ensures a replacement user for the same booking, the new user of the booking takes upon himself/herself all the obligations from the General Conditions. |
If the client does not use individual services offered to him/her during the arrangement because he/she interrupted the journey or for some other unforeseeable reasons, he/she is not entitled to the return of the paid in amount. |
In case of a cancellation of the arrangement programme booking, the THL Agency retains the right to keep the following amounts of the total ARRANGEMENT value: |
A) for the period from the date of issuing the invoice until the 46th day before the journey date, all the amounts paid stay at the THL Agency |
B) for the period from the 45th day until the journey date, 100% of the total amount are retained |
9. Obligations of the Agency |
It is the obligation of the Agency to take care that the services are provided and to select the service provider , as well as to take care of the rights and interests of the Traveller according to good practices in tourism. The Agency will perform all the stated obligations entirely and in the described manner, except in extraordinary circumstances (Item 2), when it is proceeded as described in Item 7. |
10. Obligations of the Traveller |
The Traveller is obliged to: |
A) Possess valid travel documents, |
B) Possess valid hunting documents: hunting licence from the residental country and valid fire arm pass |
C) Respect the customs and foreign exchange regulations of the Republic of Croatia, |
D) The Traveller is obliged to check whether he/she needs a visa to enter the country of destination or the neighbouring countries. |
Important notes for the traveler/hunter: |
A) submit detailed information on the type of weapon, a valid hunting license, passport or identity card and the weapon pass to the agency before the date of the arrangement |
B) If the traveler / hunter wounds game while hunting and the game is not found with the use of a blood tracking dog, he is obliged to pay for the game in one hundred percent of the game trophy, as assessed by the professional guide |
C) Upon arrival at the hunting ground, and before the start of the xxxx, it is mandatory to test the weapon on a target with the hunting ground |
D) Three misses are charged as 1 head shot |
If the Traveller does not respect the above obligations, he/she needs to cover the costs and is responsible for the damage. By confirming the booking, the Traveller is obliged to, if he/she inflicts any damage, pay for the damage to the service provider then and there |
11. Luggage |
The Traveller is obliged to take care of all his/her possessions. The service provider and the Agency are not responsible for the loss and/or damage or theft of the Traveller possessions or of the possession of third parties kept on the accommodation, the operating vehicle or in the office of the Agency or the service provider. By paying the appropriate share of the booking amount, the Traveller confirms the booking and accepts these General Conditions and thus rejects all claims to a compensation for such losses and/or damage by the Agency or the service provider . Loss of property or theft are reported to the service provider and the competent police station. |
12. Resolving complaints |
If the services from the offer have been provided in poor quality, the Traveller may request proportional damages, respecting the procedure of resolving complaints. Each Traveller is entitled to object due to non-provided yet paid services. Each Traveller – holder of a confirmed booking - makes a claim separately. |
Procedure regarding the objection: |
The Traveller is obliged to file in a written objection to the Agency within 8 days from the day of ending the journey. Objections filed in after this deadline will not be taken into consideration. We emphasise that it is in the interest of the Traveller to act in good intention and show willingness to resolve the complaint during the journey in a manner that the complaint be addressed to the service provider then and there; the service provider will make its statement and try to resolve the Traveller complaint in good intention. If the Traveller and the service provider cannot resolve the Traveller complaint, he/she is obliged to immediately inform his/her agency representative stated on his/her invoice/contract. The Agency representative will, after consulting the Traveller and the service provider, try to resolve the complaint problem in good intention so that it would not be repeated. |
The Agency is obliged to make a written decision of the complaint within 21 days upon having received the complaint by the Traveller. The Agency will resolve only those complaints whose cause could not be removed during the arrangement, i.e. that could not be resolved in good intention in a manner stated in the previous paragraph of this item. Until the Agency makes a decision, the Traveller relinquishes mediation by any other person, arbitration by the Association of Travel Agencies and the courts as well as giving information to newspapers. |
The highest compensation upon the complaint can reach the amount of the claimed part of the service and cannot encompass the already used services or the entire price of the service. |
The Agency may not be held accountable for any possible climatic conditions, noise, street works, condition of the facilities in the immediate vicinity and the crowds at the destinations as well as any other similar situations and events that may cause the Traveller dissatisfaction and are not directly influencing the quality of the booked arrangement. Our Angency, and our partners, can not offer any guarantee in the hunting areas. |
13. Insurance in case of payment impossibility or bankruptcy of the Agency |
Pursuant to the Law on Tourism, in case it is impossible for the Agency to pay or that it goes bankrupt, the Traveller who finds himself on a hunting trip, as well as other persons who paid an advance for the journey, need to contact most urgently the Agency insurer, |
THL Insurance policy nr. 298290000107 |
Xxxxxxxx Matić Xxxxxxx |
Viši manager tima |
Sektor za osiguranje građanstva |
Regija Dalmacija |
Trg hrvatske bratske zajednice 8, 21000 Split |
M x000 00 000 0000 |
14. Personal data protection |
The Traveller provides data freely. Traveller personal data are necessary in the process of obtaining the requested service. They will be used also for further mutual communication. The Agency is obliged not to take the personal data of the Traveller outside of the country or to give them to a third person, except for the purpose of realising the requested service. Personal data of the passenger will be kept in the database, pursuant to the decision of the Agency on the manner of gathering, processing and keeping personal data. |
15. Court jurisdiction |
The Traveller and the Agency will try to resolve any possible disputes arising from the application of this Contract amicably; otherwise, they will subject to the decision of the competent court in Ogulin; applicable law is the law of the Republic of Croatia. |
The Hunting Lodge d.o.o. |
OIB:14200274331 |
Vrelo 129E, Jasenak |