Zaposleni može da radi na poslovima iz stava 53Zaposleni može da radi na poslovima iz stava 1. ovog člana samo na osnovu prethodno utvrđene zdravstvene sposobnosti za rad na xxx poslovima xx xxxxxx nadležnog zdravstvenog organa, u skladu sa zakonom. Radni odnos može da se zasnuje i za rad sa nepunim radnim vremenom, na neodređeno ili određeno vreme.
Zaposleni xxxx xxxx sa nepunim radnim vremenom u smislu stava 41Zaposleni xxxx xxxx sa nepunim radnim vremenom u smislu stava 1. ovog člana ima pravo na odgovarajuću zaradu, srazmerno vremenu provedenom na radu, u skladu sa zakonom, opštim aktom i ugovorom o radu. Prava iz člana 96. ovog zakona ima i jedan od usvojilaca, hranitelj, odnosno staratelj deteta, ako je detetu, s obzirom na stepen psihofizičke ometenosti, potrebna posebna nega.
Prepayment Date 35Prepayment Date means the date, which shall be a Payment Date, on which the Borrower proposes to or is requested by the Bank, as applicable, to effect prepayment of a Prepayment Amount.
Prepayment Indemnity 35Prepayment Indemnity means in respect of any principal amount to be prepaid or cancelled, the amount communicated by the Bank to the Borrower as the present value (as of the Prepayment Date) of the excess, if any, of:
Disbursement Date 33Disbursement Date means the date on which disbursement of a Tranche is made by the Bank. "Disbursement Offer" means a letter substantially in the form set out in Schedule C.
Market Disruption Event 33Market Disruption Event means any of the following circumstances:
Payment Date 33Payment Date means: the annual, semi-annual or quarterly dates specified in the Disbursement Offer until and including the Interest Revision/Conversion Date, if any, or the Maturity Date, save that, in case any such date is not a Relevant Business Day, it means: (i) for a Fixed Rate Tranche, the following Relevant Business Day, without adjustment to the interest due under Article 3.1; and (ii) for a Floating Rate Tranche, the next day, if any, of that calendar month that is a Relevant Business Day or, failing that, the nearest preceding day that is a Relevant Business Day, in all cases with corresponding adjustment to the interest due under Article 3.1.
Prepayment Notice 33Prepayment Notice means a written notice from the Bank to the Borrower in accordance with Article 4.2.C.
Osiguranik 32Osiguranik lice koje je osigurano ili xx xxxx soigurano prema pravnim propisima iz člana 2. ovog sporazuma;
Prepayment Event 32Prepayment Event means any of the events described in Article 4.3.A.
Prepayment Request 32Prepayment Request means a written request from the Borrower to the Bank to prepay all or part of the Loan Outstanding, in accordance with Article 4.2.A. “Project Implementation Unit (PIU)” means all project implementation arrangements, which rely on a group of staff members designated officially to work together full-time or almost full-time, with separate accountability, to coordinate and manage project implementation. "Prohibited Conduct" means any Financing of Terrorism, Money Laundering or Prohibited Practice. "Prohibited Practice" means any:
Zaposleni mlađi od 18 xxxxxx xxxxxx ne može da radi na poslovima 31Zaposleni mlađi od 18 xxxxxx xxxxxx ne može da radi na poslovima 1) na kojima se obavlja naročito xxxxx fizički rad, rad pod zemljom, pod vodom ili na velikoj visini;
Dispute 30Dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract (including a dispute regarding the existence, validity or termination of this Contract or the consequences of its nullity) or any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with this Contract.
Prepayment Amount 29Prepayment Amount means the amount of a Tranche to be prepaid by the Borrower in accordance with Article 4.2.A or Article 4.3.A, as applicable.
Environmental or Social 27Environmental or Social Claim" means any claim, proceeding, formal notice or investigation by any person in respect of the Environment or Social Matters affecting the Project including any breach or alleged breach of any Environmental and Social Standard. "Environmental Law" means:
Change 23Change of-Law Event" has the meaning given to it in Article 4.3.A(3). "Contract" has the meaning given to it in Recital (g). "Contract Number" shall mean the Bank generated number identifying this Contract and indicated on the cover page of this Contract after the letters "FI N°". "Credit" has the meaning given to it in Article 1.1.
Kontrola 20Kontrola Revizija) analizu kontrola i operativnih procedura Zajmoprimca koje se odnose na poštovanje zahteva AFD-a po pitanju finansijske podobnosti u smislu Liste finansijskih sankcija;
Screen Rate 20Screen Rate means the rate of interest for deposits in EUR for the relevant period as published at 11:00 a.m., Brussels time, or at a later time acceptable to the Bank on the day (the "Reset Date") which falls 2 (two) Relevant Business Days prior to the first day of the relevant period, on Reuters page EURIBOR 01 or its successor page or, failing which, by any other means of publication chosen for this purpose by the Bank. If such Screen Rate is not so published, the Bank shall request the principal offices of four major banks in the euro-zone, selected by the Bank, to quote the rate at which EUR deposits in a comparable amount are offered by each of them, as at approximately 11:00a.m., Brussels time on the Reset Date to prime banks in the euro-zone interbank market for a period equal to the Representative Period. If at least 2 (two) quotations are provided, the rate for that Reset Date will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations. If no sufficient quotations are provided as requested, the rate for that Reset Date will be the arithmetic mean of the rates quoted by major banks in the euro-zone, selected by the Bank, at approximately 11:00 a.m., Brussels time, on the day which falls 2 (two) Relevant Business Days after the Reset Date, for loans in EUR in a comparable amount to leading European banks for a period equal to the Representative Period. The Bank shall inform the Borrower without delay of the quotations received by the Bank. All percentages resulting from any calculations referred to in this Schedule will be rounded, if necessary, to the nearest one thousandth of a percentage point, with halves being rounded up. If any of the foregoing provisions becomes inconsistent with provisions adopted under the aegis of EMMI (or any successor to that function of EMMI as determined by the Bank) in respect of EURIBOR, the Bank may by notice to the Borrower amend the provision to bring it into line with such other provisions. If the Screen Rate becomes permanently unavailable, the EURIBOR replacement rate will be the rate (inclusive of any spreads or adjustments) formally recommended by (i) the working group on euro risk-free rates established by the European Central Bank (ECB), the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA), the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and the European Commission, or (ii) the European Money Market Institute, as the administrator of EURIBOR, or (iii) the competent authority responsible under Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 for supervising the European Money Market Institute, as the administrator of the EURIBOR, or (iv) the national competent authorities designated under Regulation (EU) 2016/1011, or (v) the European Central Bank. If no Screen Rate and/or the EURIBOR replacement rate is available as provided above, EURIBOR shall be the rate (expressed as a percentage rate per annum) which is determined by the Bank to be the all-inclusive cost to the Bank for the funding of the relevant Tranche based upon the then applicable internally generated Bank reference rate or an alternative rate determination method reasonably determined by the Bank.
Sukob interesa 19Sukob interesa situacija u kojoj su privatni interesi osoba u sustavu upravljanja i kontrole ESI fondova u suprotnosti s javnim interesom ili kad privatni interes utječe ili može utjecati na nepristranost u obavljanju njihovih funkcija, kada takva osoba dolazi u priliku svojom odlukom ili drugim djelovanjem pogodovati sebi ili sebi bliskim osobama, društvenim skupinama i organizacijama. Smatra se da sukob interesa postoji ako nepristrano i objektivno obavljanje funkcija i izvršavanje zadataka osobe uključene u postupak dodjele bespovratnih sredstava može biti ili jest narušeno jer je s Korisnikom ili osobom ovlaštenom za zastupanje Korisnika u odnosu srodstva po krvi u ravnoj liniji, u pobočnoj liniji do četvrtog stupnja zaključno, bračni drug ili srodnik po tazbini do drugog stupnja zaključno, i po prestanku braka, u odnosu skrbnika, posvojitelja ili posvojenika, u bliskom osobnom odnosu, u gospodarskom ili drugom poslovnom odnosu, zbog političkog ili drugog uvjerenja, te drugog utvrđenog zajedničkog interesa s Korisnikom;
20 1820 Xxxx xx obavezan uslov za izdavanje kartice za Korisnika (Visa Debit/ Visa GOLD MASS/ Visa GOLD PREMIUM kartice) kombinovano osiguranje finansijskih gubitaka Korisnika platne kartice – osnovne (gubitak, krađa i krađa podataka sa kartice – skimming), uz obavezu da Korisnik premiju osiguranja plaća za sve vreme važenja ugovora o izdavanju i korišćenju kartice, kao i u slučaju obnavljanja kartice, to Korisnik ima i trošak u vezi sa xxx osiguranjem prema tarifi osiguravača i xxx xxxxxx on snosi. Banka,u skladu sa zaključenim okvirnim ugovorom, po ovlašćenju Korisnika, trošak Korisnika na ime premije osiguranja naplaćuje sa platnog računa Korisnika kod Banke u korist računa osiguravača, u dogovorenom iznosu i dinamici. po tarifi osiguravača odnosno u skladu sa ugovrom o kombinovanom osiguranju koji Korisnik dostavi Banci Visa Debit, Visa Gold Premium, Visa Gold Mass, Mastercard Debit, DinaCard debitna, Visa Platinum i Visa Infinite kartica 48 meseci(Rok važenja je utisnut na kartici i podrazumeva da kartica važi do poslednjeg xxxx u mesecu koji je označen na kartici) Visa Virtuon 48 meseci (Rok važenja je utisnut na kartici i podrazumeva da kartica važi do poslednjeg xxxx u mesecu koji je označen na kartici) * Kartica se izdaje isključivo u okviru paketa proizvoda i usluga Banke o čemu Korisnik i Banka zaključuju sporazum kojim se definišu prava i obaveze Korisnika i Banke u vezi sa korišćenjem paketa. ** Isplata gotovog novca korišćenjem debitne kartice se odnosi i na transakcije izvršene na POS terminalu javnog poštanskog operatora i drugih platnih institucija registrovanih kod Narodne Banke Srbije za pružanje platnih usluga *** Prilikom knjiženja primenjuje se prodajni kurs Raiffeisen banke a.d. Beograd za devize koji važi na xxx knjiženja **** Besplatno na bankomatima Raiffeisen banke 2Ukoliko Korisnik koristi Visa Debit/Mastercard Debit osnovnu karticu na osnovu ugovora zaključenog na daljinu uključujući i ugovorene kartice za koje je započet proces podnošenja zahteva za izdavanje i korišćenje u postupku ugovaranja na daljinu, a završen ličnim prisustvom u filijali, Banka Korisniku neće naplaćivati naknadu na ime periodične članarine za korišćenje osnovne kartice. 3 Naknada se ne odnosi na Visa/Mastercard Debit i DinaCard kartice izdate u digitalnom obliku.