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PREAMBULA Sample Clauses

PREAMBULA. Pfizer is interested in improving healthcare and research in the territory of Slovak republic and for that purpose Pfizer intends to financially and materially support various healthcare institutions.
PREAMBULA. 2.1. Pfizer má záujem na zlepšovaní zdravotnej starostlivosti a výskumu na území Slovenskej republiky a za tým účelom zamýšľa finančne a vecne podporovať rôzne zdravotnícke zariadenia. 2.2. Obdarovaný má z dôvodu zlepšenia starostlivosti o svojich pacientov záujem o takúto podporu.
PREAMBULA. Túto zmluvu o farmakovigilancii („Zmluva o FV“) uzatvárajú ku dňu jej podpísania poslednej zo zmluvných strán, ktorými sú spoločnosť Bayer, spol. s r.o. („spoločnosť Bayer“) a Inštitútom nukleárnej a molekulárnej medicíny („INMM“). Spoločnosť Bayer a INMM sa môžu ďalej označovať jednotlivo ako „Zmluvná strana“ alebo spoločne ako „Zmluvné strany“, ako vyplýva z kontextu. Táto zmluva o farmakovigilancii je súčasťou Rámcovej kúpnej zmluvy (ďalej len „Hlavná zmluva“). Podľa Prílohy 2 k Zmluve o poskytovaní služieb prijmú spoločnosť Bayer a INMM pravidlá a postupy týkajúce sa farmakovigilancie. Tieto pravidlá a postupy určí táto Zmluva o farmakovigilancii (Zmluva o FV).Zmluvné strany sa preto dohodli nasledovne:
PREAMBULA. 1.1 Slovenský metrologický ústav (SMÚ) v zastúpení Ing. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, MBA, generálneho riaditeľa konajúceho xx xxxxxx jednej a Kupujúci xx xxxxxx druhej uzavreli túto Zmluvu v súlade so svojou slobodnou, skutočnou a vážnou vôľou, bez akýchkoľvek faktických alebo právnych chýb, pri plnej spôsobilosti na právne úkony.
PREAMBULAThe Parties hereto have reached an agreement on all issues regarding conducting of their joint operations within the Fences area that were subject of discussions between the Parties and have concluded by signing the Settlement Agreement regarding the Fences area on this day.

Related to PREAMBULA

  • Ambulance The deductible and coinsurance for services not subject to copays applies.

  • Increasing Seat Belt Use in the United States E.O. 13043, amended by E.O. 13652, requires Recipients to encourage employees and contractors to enforce on-the-job seat belt policies and programs when operating company- owned, rented or personally-owned vehicle.

  • Ambulance Services Ground Ambulance Air and Water Ambulance

  • Ambulance Escort Where a nurse is assigned to provide patient care for a patient in transit, the following provisions shall apply: i) Where a full-time nurse performs such duties during her or his regular shift, the full-time nurse shall be paid her or his regular rate of pay. Where a full-time nurse performs such duties outside her or his regular shift or on a day off, she or he shall be paid the appropriate overtime rate. ii) Where a part-time nurse performs such duties during an assigned shift, she or he shall be paid her or his regular rate of pay. Where a part-time nurse continues to perform such duties in excess of her or his assigned shift, she or he shall be paid the appropriate overtime rate. (b) Where such duties extend beyond the nurse's regular shift, the Hospital will not require the nurse to return to regular duties at the hospital without at least eight (8) hours of time off. Where such time off extends into the nurse's next regularly scheduled shift she or he will maintain her or his regular earnings for that full shift. (c) Hours spent between the time the nurse is relieved of patient care responsibilities and the time the nurse returns to the hospital or to such other location agreed upon between the Hospital and the nurse will be paid at straight time or at appropriate overtime rates, if applicable under Article 14. 01. It is understood that the nurse shall return to the hospital or to such other location agreed upon between the Hospital and the nurse at the earliest opportunity. Prior to the nurse's departure on escort duty, or at such other time as may be mutually agreed upon between the Hospital and the nurse, the Hospital will establish with the nurse arrangements for return travel. (d) The nurse shall be reimbursed for reasonable out of pocket expenses including room, board and return transportation and consideration will be given to any special circumstances not dealt with under the foregoing provisions. NOTE 1: (Note 1 applies to full-time nurses only) The Hospital agrees to continue to pay any greater monetary benefit for ambulance escort duty if such greater benefit has been paid by the Hospital immediately prior to this Agreement. This note applies at Hospitals where this superior condition exists as of December 14, 1987. NOTE 2: (Note 2 applies to part-time nurses only) The Hospital agrees to continue to pay any greater monetary benefit for ambulance escort duty if such greater benefit was paid by the Hospital under a Collective Agreement immediately prior to this Agreement. This note applies at Hospitals where this superior condition exists as of December 14, 1987.

  • Surgery Services This plan covers surgery services to treat a disease or injury when: • the operation is not experimental or investigational, or cosmetic in nature; • the operation is being performed at the appropriate place of service; and • the physician is licensed to perform the surgery. This plan covers reconstructive surgery and procedures when the services are performed to relieve pain, or to correct or improve bodily function that is impaired as a result of: • a birth defect; • an accidental injury; • a disease; or • a previous covered surgical procedure. Functional indications for surgical correction do not include psychological, psychiatric or emotional reasons. This plan covers the procedures listed below to treat functional impairments. • abdominal wall surgery including panniculectomy (other than an abdominoplasty); • blepharoplasty and ptosis repair; • gastric bypass or gastric banding; • nasal reconstruction and septorhinoplasty; • orthognathic surgery including mandibular and maxillary osteotomy; • reduction mammoplasty; • removal of breast implants; • removal or treatment of proliferative vascular lesions and hemangiomas; • treatment of varicose veins; or • gynecomastia.

  • Hospice Services Services are available for a Member whose Attending Physician has determined the Member's illness will result in a remaining life span of six months or less.

  • Dialysis Services This plan covers dialysis services and supplies provided when you are inpatient, outpatient or in your home and under the supervision of a dialysis program. Dialysis supplies provided in your home are covered as durable medical equipment.

  • Orthodontics We Cover orthodontics used to help restore oral structures to health and function and to treat serious medical conditions such as: cleft palate and cleft lip; maxillary/mandibular micrognathia (underdeveloped upper or lower jaw); extreme mandibular prognathism; severe asymmetry (craniofacial anomalies); ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint; and other significant skeletal dysplasias.

  • Chiropractic Services This plan covers chiropractic visits up to the benefit limit shown in the Summary of Medical Benefits. The benefit limit applies to any visit for the purposes of chiropractic treatment or diagnosis.

  • Orlando, FL; Ft Lauderdale, FL; Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC; Greensboro-Winston Salem-High Point, NC; Nashville, TN; and New Orleans, LA, and BellSouth has provided non- discriminatory cost based access to the Enhanced Extended Link (EEL) throughout Density Zone 1 as determined by NECA Tariff No. 4 as in effect on January 1, 1999.