Payment mintaszakaszok

Payment. Add the following paragraphs to 1.6b:
Payment. The following paragraph is added after 1.6c as 1.6d:
Payment. The following replaces 1.6b Add the following to the end of this section:
Payment. The following replaces 1.6b:
Payment. The following replaces 1.6b: 1. As long as the country operates in a free currency exchange market, Customer and IBM agree that IBM will accept payment in the applicable country national currency calculated at the country official exchange rate published by the bank specified in a Transaction Document on the date payment is made.
Payment. The following replaces 1.6b: 1. two percent of the delinquent amount due per the first thirty day period during which any delinquent balance remains unpaid, plus 2. ten percent for each successive thirty day period during which any delinquent balance remains unpaid.
Payment. By the provision of the e-mail address of the Renter, Xxxxxx agrees to receive the payment confirming invoice electronically and guarantees that the provided e-mail address is suitable for receiving e-mails. Xxxxxx may however request at any time to receive a hard copy of his/her electronic invoice, however only with the payment of the related administrative charges.
Payment. 5.1. The Supplier is entitled and obliged to issue an invoice based on the completed order no later than on the day of fulfillment and to send the original copy to the Buyer. 5.2. The Buyer is obliged to accept the invoice issued by the Supplier and to make the payment within the 5.3. Felek eltérő megállapodása hiányában a fizetési határidő a számla keltétől számított 30 (harminc nap).
Payment. 5.1. The Supplier is entitled and obliged to issue an invoice based on the completed order no later than on the day of fulfillment and to send the original copy to the Buyer. 5.2. The Buyer is obliged to accept the invoice issued by the Supplier and to make the payment within the határidőben és módon teljesíteni. Amennyiben a Vevő számlával kapcsolatban kifogással él, köteles azt a Szállítóval haladéktalanul írásban közölni a számla egyidejű visszaküldésével. A számlával kapcsolatban kifogást kizárólag abban az esetben jogosult a Vevő tenni, ha a számla nem megfelelően vagy nem a megrendelésnek megfelelő tartalommal lett kiállítva. Amennyiben a Vevő a számlát visszaküldi, a Szállító a kijavított számlát haladéktalanul kiállítja és megküldi a Vevő részére. 5.3. Felek eltérő megállapodása hiányában a fizetési határidő a számla keltétől számított 30 (harminc nap).