Technological Requirements of the Assignment mintaszakaszok

Technological Requirements of the Assignment. The agreement between the Language Service Provider and the Translator/Reviser shall cover the IT tools needed for the translation. If the Translator/Reviser does not have the required or appropriate CAT tool, the Language Service Provider may provide them with the tool or access thereto. If the Translator/Reviser does not have the appropriate tools, they shall inform the Language Service Provider thereof without delay. If the Language Service Provider requires the Translator/Reviser to use a tool that is unknown to them, the Language Service Provider should provide appropriate training material or organise training about the use of the specific tool. The Translator/Reviser undertakes to make a backup copy of the translation in a suitable form at least once a day, which can be used to recover lost parts if needed. The translated texts are usually protected by confidentiality obligation, which is included in the agreement between the Language Service Provider and the Translator/Reviser. The Translator/Reviser shall guarantee the protection of confidential data stored in his computer by using the appropriate protection tools and software. The Language Service Provider and the Translator/Reviser shall guarantee a reasonable level of protection of his computer and communication tools against viruses and other malware. If the Language Service Provider provides a mobile CAT licence to the Translator/Reviser for use on its own server, on its part, it must ensure the communication and hardware requirements, as well as the updates necessary for undisturbed operation. If the Translator/Reviser detects an error in the functioning of or access to the tools used by them, they shall inform the Language Service Provider immediately. The Language Service Provider shall solve the problem without delay and shall promptly inform the Translator/Reviser thereof in order to ensure the smooth continuation of his work. The Translator shall not be liable for any delay deriving from such problems.